Definiciones de Suelos

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usually round shapes an average dimensions of 12 in. or more that result when rocks are
fragmented by weathering or abrasion.


An aggregate of microscopic and sub microscopic particles derived from the chemical
decomposition and disintegration of rock constituents. It is plastic within a moderate to wide
range of water content.


A rock fragment, usually rounded or semi-rounded, with an average dimension between 80

and 300 mm (3 and 12 inches),


Normally applies to cohesive soils and is defined as shear resistance at zero normal stress.


The densification of a soil by means of mechanical manipulation


The degree of resistance offered by a fine grained soil to deformation


the process of gradual reduction in volume of a soil mass resulting from an increase in
compressive stress.

The ratio of the total mass to the total volume of a unit of soil. Usually expressed as a unit
weight where weight is interchanged with mass.

Units: lbm/ft³, kg/m³.


change of position of a body or a material point in a given body.


portion of a structure that transmits loads directly to the soil

An enlargement at the base of a foundation that is designed to transmit forces to the soil.


produced at one point within the mass of the soil due to the weight of the soil and

the water pressures


The application of scientific methods and engineering principles to civil engineering problems
through acquiring, interpreting, and using knowledge of materials of the crust of the earth.


Angular, rounded or semi rounded particles of rock or soil of particle size between 4.75 mm
and 80 mm


instrument used to measure the density of liquids and suspensions.


Relatively slender structural element which is driven, otherwise introduced, into the soil, usually
for the purpose of providing vertical or lateral support

The property of soil which allows it to be deformed beyond the point of recovery without
cracking or appreciable volume change


Cohesionless aggregates of angular, sub rounded, rounded, flaky or flat fragments of more or
less unaltered rocks or minerals of size between 4.75 mm and 75 microns


a device, similar in concept to a strainer, that has openings in the wire mesh of a designated size


Fine grained soil which exhibits a little or no plasticity and has a little or no strength when air

Soil (Earth)

Sediments or other unconsolidated accumulations of solid particles produced by physical and

chemical disintegration of rocks, and which may or may not contain organic matter


the changes in length per unit length in a given direction.


A measure of the change in size or shape of a mass of soil relative to its original size or shape.


The intensity of force per unit area; normal stress is applied perpendicularly to a surface or plane,
shear stress is applied tangentially to a surface or plane. See stress information in the settlement
analysis and stress analysis section for information, publications, equations and calculations.


the ratio of force to area upon which it acts.

the arrangement in space of soil particles and of the boundaries between these particles within a
soil mass.


Space occupied by a body.

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