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fantasize! battle
natural events
marriage realistic
1 Label the picture “F” if you think it is fantasy or “R” if
you think it is realistic.

2 Get into teams of four. Think of all the fantastic elements contained in “The
Beginning of the World.” Select three mythical powers and complete the
graphic organizer with a list of things you would do if you had those
special powers.

Power: Power: Power:

Witty Reading

3 Answer the following questions in complete sentences. 4 Work in small teams. Look at the picture and write a
story about it. Share your story with the rest of
1. What real elements of the natural world were the
the class. areYourIdea
Greeks trying to understand and explain?







2. What fantastical characters did they invent to

explain them?





3. In the story of the Olympians, what about Rhea and

Cronos’s marriage seems realistic? What about the
way they solve their problem is fantasy?







4. Does the battle for the universe seem realistic?

What is fantasy?




5. In the last part of the story, what realistic, natural

events are happening? What is the fantasy
explanation for these natural events in the story?



Week 4 Can identify elements of fantasy in a story

1 Read the passage.
armor Northern Lights
Shining Warrior in the Sky battlefields shields
diseases warriors
If you ever visit the Far North in December, you may be lucky enough
to see lights dancing in the night sky. These colorful lights are called
the Northern Lights or the Aurora Borealis.

For thousands of years, nobody knew what caused the lights to

appear. People from different cultures made up stories about the
lights. In one story, the lights were ghosts trying to contact their
friends and family. In another, the lights brought bad news that war
or diseases were coming. In a Norse myth, the Valkyries caused the
Northern Lights.

Valkyries were beautiful young women warriors who served the

chief god, Odin. Odin lived in a huge hall called Valhalla. Odin sent
the Valkyries to battlefields. He wanted them to find only the very
bravest and strongest of all the warriors who had died in combat. The
Valkyries brought these warriors back to Valhalla to fight for Odin. The
god needed them to help him fight evil in the battle of Ragnarok.
The Valkyries dressed like soldiers. They wore armor and helmets.
They rode horses and carried shields. Norse myth explains that the
Valkyries’ shining armor created the Northern Lights. The light of
the sun reflected off the armor, creating bright colors in the sky.

2 Choose four sentences from paragraphs two or three and circle the words
that state actions in the past. Write the sentences on the lines below.

1. -;-,.;-_--;.,,;.,,;.,,;.,,;


2. -;-,.;-_--;.,,;.,,;.,,;.,,;


3. -;-,.;-_--;.,,;.,,;.,,;.,,;


4. -;-,.;-_--;.,,;.,,;.,,;.,,;


Quick Language

Language Key
The present perfect tense is used to express an action that

5 Talk with a classmate about the

was completed at some indefinite time in the past, or an action places you have visited. Ask them the
that started in the past and continues in the present. following questions.


• Have you been to the ocean?
Odin has lived in Valhalla for many years. • Have you been to the

The Valkyries have dressed like soldiers since they started mountains?
to serve Odin. • Have you visited another country?
I haven’t seen the Northern Lights. • Have you traveled by plane, boat, or train?
• Have you seen a wild animal in its habitat?
• Have your parents traveled this year?
3 Transform the following sentences from simple past to • Has your teacher lived in another country?
present perfect and vice versa. • Has your friend ridden a horse in
the mountains?
People from different cultures People from different cultures
made up stories about the lights. have made up stories about
the lights.
The Valkyries caused the Northern
They have served the chief Is avocado a
Odin sent the Valkyries
god, Odin. vegetable or
to battlefields. a fruit?
The Valkyries have dressed
like soldiers.
They wore armor and helmets.

They rode horses and

carried shields.

4 Complete each sentence using the present perfect form of the verb.

1. The Aurora Borealis is one of the most beautiful things I ., ! (see)

2. The battle of Ragnarok ., (be) compared to the biblical Apocalypse.

3. A lot of artists like Wagner ., (base) their work on mythology.

4. Many people around the world ., (travel) to Finland and Norway to

see the Northern Lights.

Week 4 Can use verbs in past simple and present perfect

1 Reread the myth you wrote. Use the graphic organizer to write five lines of
dialogue to enrich your narrative.

Name of the character Introductory word Quote

Gaia exclaimed “I want my kids back!”





pointed out

2 Answer the following questions in your notebook to

revise your dialogue.

1. Did I use an appropriate introductory word?

2. Did I use punctuation properly?
3. Did I check for proper capitalization?
4. Did I use present perfect tense correctly?
5. Does my dialogue add vivid details to my narrative?

appropriate exclaimed pointed out
asked mentioned warned

Clever Writing

3 Rewrite your myth and include the dialogue you created before.

4 Work in pairs. Read both versions of your myths to each other and discuss
if the second version is better. If not, give suggestions to improve it.

o u r b o d y
d o e s y
H o w when you’re
react ated from
separ you love?
someoneout your
Act nse.

Week 4 Can understand the importance of using dialogue when writing a narrative

1 Look at the picture and choose a name from the box
to indicate who said each statement.

Aphrodite  Athena  Zeus  Hermes  Apollo

1. “I’m a naughty god,” said -.;;;,; _ .

2. “I have beautiful doves,” said -.;;;;,;_ .

3. “My snake isn’t dangerous,” said -..;;;,; .

4. “I don’t have my wooden lyre,” said -  

..;; .

arrows naughty
bow powerful
hunting wooden

2 Write what each of the gods said. Follow the example.

Hermes said he was a naughty god.

1. -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_


2. -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_

With your full


3. -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_

attention think: -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_

How are you


Sharp Speaking


3 Read and number the cartoons.

Abilities of the Gods

1. Zeus said he was the strongest god. Athena said it

was true, but she was the most intelligent.
2. Apollo said his horses were the fastest living things
in Olympus. Hermes said it wasn’t true because his
sandals helped him run faster.
3. Athena said Apollo’s chariot wasn’t good for
hunting. Apollo said it was true, but he had a
powerful bow to shoot arrows.

4 Write what each person said in the cartoons.

Use quotation marks and follow the example.

“I’m the strongest god,” said Zeus.

“It’s true, but I’m the most intelligent,”
said Athena.

1. -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_




2. -.;;;,;;;;_-...;;;,;_






5 Get into pairs and talk about what you did last
weekend. Then tell another classmate what the first
classmate said. Now go to a third classmate and retell
what the second classmate told you about what their
first partner said about the weekend. Finally, report
the last information you received to the class and
check if it was accurate.

Week 4 Can retell what others have said

Test Yourself
Reading and Writing - Part 2
Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.

Once upon a time, there -.;;;,; a king named Minos, was were is
-.;;;,; sailed across the sea to Athens.
which then who

1 Minos attacked -.;;;,; little village. no that those

2 The king of Athens was afraid because Minos could go back and attack again, so
he tried to get some time to build a big ship to fight Mino's navy.

3 The king of Athens -.;;;,; a deal with Minos: he would send seven made make makes
boys and seven girls to the island of Crete to be eaten by the minotaur, a huge
monster that Minos had.

4 A young boy named Theseus went to the island of Crete and got inside the
maze -.;;;,; the minotaur lived. He used a rope to not lose his way which where were

5 Theseus found the minotaur and destroyed him. He went back to Athens with
the children safe, and Minos -.;;;,; attack Athens again. haven't not didn't

Strategy: Write responses that make sense.

How can I Now have a group discussion to decide on the heroic
action you want to use to create a legend. Use the
following space to brainstorm ideas to connect the heroic
ork i out!

actions and elements of fantasy you have chosen.


a legend? St e p 4

BE Aware of Your Progress

Write “yes” or “not yet” for each category.

According According to According to

Can I...? to me my Classmates my teacher
identify elements of fantasy in a story
use verbs in past simple and present perfect
understand the importance of using dialogue
when writing a narrative
retell what others have said

Consolidation Week 4

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