Tale Spin: Nadal Vs Federer

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08 A BYTE OF LIFE Thursday, August 7, 2008

Who will win the

Olympic gold?

Review of The Mummy: Tomb
of the Dragon Emperor

Vol. 2 No. 154

SPIN She started storytelling
sessions at some of the city
schools years ago. Today,
Jeeva Raghunathan is
known as THE storyteller.
» PAGE 04
02 NAMMA CHENNAI ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

Meet Iliya Troyanov

The Collector of Worlds by Iliya Troyanov will be released today at
Goethe-Institut/ Max Mueller Bhavan. The book is a meditation on the
extraordinary life of the infamous explorer Sir Richard Burton. The
Bulgaria born author lived in Mumbai from 1999 to 2003 where he
researched the book. Drop in at No. 4, 5th Street, Rutland Gate at 6 p.m.
For details, call 2833 1314.

Give me a home
2 LTTE suspects held,
dragnet spread for
one more
Two LTTE suspects, Umaramanan (23) and
Amalan (27), were arrested and explosives
and bomb accessories seized from them at
Thiruvalluvar Nagar in Thirumangalam late Read on to see if any of these animals sound
on Tuesday.
Based on a tip-off, a team raided a house like your future pets
on Elango Street in Thiruvalluvar Nagar,
where three LTTE suspects were said to be
residing. However, only the two suspects
were present and the third was said to have
left the house prior to the cops’ visit.
The police raided the house and found 1.5
kgs of potassium nitrate, solar gadgets,
wires and spark plugs. Suspected to be in
the ammunition procuring division of the
LTTE, the two were held. A search is on to
nab the other culprit who is absconding. On
Wednesday, the arrested were produced in
court which remanded them to judicial

Kumaran Nagar murder

Four persons have been arrested for their
alleged involment in the recent Kumaran
Nagar murder case.
The muder case, in which a man was found
charred to death, was considered to be part
of the serial murders which rocked the city.
On Monday night, during their usual patrol
Pushkin the magnificent is looking for a home
duty at Saidapet, the police intercepted the
four. Two of them were nabbed while the
other two managed to escape.
Based on the information given by them,
ERGO CORRESPONDENT cat with grey stripes has been through
the police, on Wednesday, arrested the two
others who escaped.
pets@goergo.in very tough times and wants a good

The cops suspect them to be robbers hese stories have come to Ergo from home.
targeting people on the roadside during shelters and individuals who rescue
● Pushkin, a four-year-old male cat,
the nights. The cops also suspect the gang kittens and puppies from cruelty and
abandonment, in the hope that they rescued from a pet shop as a kitten, has
to be involved in the murder. a soft voice, loves to climb trees, likes
Further inquiry is on. will find homes some day.
Ergo readers have consistently pitched in being petted and is litter trained. Would
and made a positive difference to their lives. love a home with access to outdoors
The NGOs who gave us this information and lots of attention.
hope you will rise to the occasion yet again.
● Two kittens that are being fed and
Couple’s new members treated for malnutrition are perking up
The aged couple who run the Animal Wel-
fare and Protection Trust (AWPT) were agh- and will soon be ready for good homes.
ast to find eight tiny kittens in a garbage bin ● A litter of cute and chubby black and
in Sembakkam.
white puppies are also desperately
They took them in despite severe financial
and space constraints and found them to be
looking for loving families to be a part
playful, healthy and affectionate. They’re of.
grey and black in colour and are between Contact Devika Khazvini, Cattitude’s Ma-
one and two months old. naging Trustee at 98840 97862.
Contact awptrust@yahoo.com/awptshel- Nitin and friends
ter@gmail.com if you want to adopt a mis- A male Boxer dog aged three years has
chievous kitten. been neutered and is very friendly.
From the Cattitude Trust Call Nitin at 98407 01110 if you want to be
his new owner. Nitin also rescued a one-
● Sher Khan, a male cat, was rescued
month-old multi-coloured kitten that is
from the IIT campus with a leg infec- energetic and friendly and is waiting impa-
tion. After having it amputated, he has tiently at a veterinary doctor’s clinic to be
recovered completely. This tame tom adopted.■

Ergo Pets’ Pick of the Week

Anjali Sharma (featured in these columns on July 31st) thanks Chitra of
iNautix who is going to adopt an Indian pup and Prabha (also from
iNautix) who volunteered to help her with her animal welfare efforts.
Kudos to you good Samaritans!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
MITHRA SURESH the main course, and this was partic-
mithra@goergo.in ularly true with the vegetable chim-
ichangas that were served with olive

t is believed that Mexican food was salsa.
passed down from Mayan Indians, From the live station, the enthusiastic
with whom corn and beans were a gourmand will be able to taste vegetable
staple diet. It is through the Aztec quesadillas, but most palatably the taco
empire that honey, salt, cinnamon and shells with chilli con carne, which is a
chilli peppers made their way into the mix made with minced beef.
cooking. The Spanish invasion in 1521 is More on the plate for non-vegetarians
what brought the pork and beef in. The – honey and cheese are substantial in-
Chinese influence on Spanish cuisine is gredients in this cuisine, so either try
Ola Mexico!

most obvious in rice. And so on and so the crispy Buffalo wings with honey and
forth. chilli or the honey glazed chicken breast
This is why Mexican food is a multi- with avocado and lemon. Even the bar-
cultural cuisine, and agreeable to eve- bequed pork ribs had a coating of honey
ryone. What was on display at Caramel on them.
at Asiana Hotel for their Mexican food And now for the afters – Mexican
festival was a sumptuous spread that is caramel custard, which has a spicier
a tribute to the historical influences on tinge than its European cousin, because
Crispy Buffalo wings Mexican cuisine. of the added cinnamon and nutmeg.
with honey and chilli To start with the appetizers, the sea- Since stewed fruit is common in this
and (right) lamb food ceviche, which had fish and prawns part of the world, the stewed fig with
empanadas with marinated in citrus juice, is a must-try, cinnamon and walnut or the almond
tomato salsa as are the blackened prawns, which are and prune mousse fill fit just right into
served with avocado salad. The accom- that little space in your stomach, after
panying dips or salsas lift the taste of the fare is over.

The live
tacos with
chilli con

When, where,
Event: Mexican food
Timings: 12.30 p.m. –
3 p.m. till August 9
Venue: Caramel,
Asiana Hotel
Contact: 67411000

04 KALEIDOSCOPE STOCKTRACK ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008
15073.54 4517.55

112.47 14.70


Once upon a time …

Jeeva Raghunath and the art of storytelling

torytelling, an ancient art of
conveying events through
words and actions, might be
a dying art. Or is it?
Jeeva Raghunath would beg to
differ. Even tell you a story or two
to explain why. This teacher-for-
a-lifetime has taken storytelling
as a profession and aims to use it
ways that granny’s tales were
meant to work: in improving the
pronunciation and communica-
tion skills of children.
In an interview to Ergo, Jeeva
said she started telling stories at
the age of 5. “I must thank my
genes,” she says. “My mother and it was soon a big success.” words sweeps the children off
grandmother were great storytell- I began storytelling sessions at their feet and carries them to an-
ers and I developed a passion for some of the city schools in what other world. Her voice comes
쒀 it. They were basically artists and was called the ‘Reading Corner’. alive, her body following suit,
A model is pictured on the catwalk at the participated in dramas. We were And that brought me more name with the characters of the story,
2008 Trend Show where creations from many grand children and she and fame” she adds. be it majestic elephants or cun-
different Danish designers are presented used to make us sit in a circle dur- ning wolves, the honest Muthu or
during Copenhagen Fashion Week, on ing dinner and tell stories while Instant hit the miser Servant of her story
Wednesday in Copenhagen. The giving us food in our hands.” Her first session was a grand ‘The Magic Vessel’.
Copenhagen Fashion Week runs from An alumnus of Vidyodaya, Jee- success and prompted her to be- “I don’t speak like normal peo-
August 6 to 10, 2008. AFP PHOTO va later graduated as a Home Sci- gin such sessions in ‘Good Books’ ple. I just can’t simply state a
ence student from the WCC. She itself and now her weekend story thing. I begin at the beginning
was a teacher for more than 20 telling programmes have a long and describe things in great detail
years. As a teacher, she spent waiting list of eager children. with actions and voices. I love to
most of her time with toddlers. It She has represented the coun- narrate.”
was very recently and accidental- try twice at the Asian Children’s She hates using props as she
ly that she considered story-tell- Festival organised by the Nation- feels it adds artificiality and is al-
ing as a profession. She considers al Library board of Singapore. She so uncomfortable handling in it.
it a turning point in life. “Meeting has also authored a children’s Her major props are her hands.
Radhika Menon, a friend from Vi- book and 17 translated books, Her stories are just not for teach-
dyodaya days, now the Managing which include wide range of Indi- ing good morals but also to im-
Editor of Tulika Publications and an, Asian folk-tales and other prove on their language and
director of ‘Good Books - Chil- tales across the world. other skills.
dren’s Book Store and Resource Every sentence she utters is so The speciality of her story tell-
Center’, changed my life. She of- animated that makes the whole ing session is that she also allows
fered me the marketing manag- story telling session lively. The- the children and the audience to
er’s position at Tulika. Since it rein lays her power to relate. One equally participate. This builds as
dealt with marketing children’s can hardly recognize her voice as a bridge between her and the
books, I immediately agreed and she starts on her story. A swirl of kids. ■

A woman puts paper lantern floats on the

Motoyasu River beside the Atomic Bomb

Dome in Hiroshima on Wednesday. The
Japanese western city marked the 63rd
anniversary of the the world’s first atomic
attack on the day. AFP PHOTO
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Management is nothing more than US $ 42.00

motivating other people Pound 82.14
Lee Iacocca Euro 65.09
100 Yen 38.74

Krishnan, Finance
Controller, India,
UST Global

allocate my financial assets into four equal
slots – 25 per cent each in fixed deposits,
chit funds, dept-based mutual fund, and
probably even 30 per cent in the equity
market. Once I see an uptrend in the market, I
change my portfolio accordingly.
Making an investment in
real estate is a wise deci-
sion today. Salem, Erode
or any of the Tier Two ci-
ties where SEZ status
has been given are my
favourite picks – these
are also the upcoming IT
destinations. The IT sec-
tor is going through a
rough patch and companies
are concentrating on these cities.
I prefer buying a piece of land than investing in
a property. A minimum of five acres is my ideal
choice, provided the scope of development is
high in the area.

Growing wise
I have gone through both risks and benefits
making my financial plans. In the first two
years of my career, I started to invest purely for
tax benefits. The next two to three years is
where you have more disposable income – an
apartment is the most opted investment. To-
day, I am more matured and know the market
conditions better. I am slowly diversifying into
commodity and gold.
(As told to Liffy Thomas)
06 VILLAGE ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bow at five degrees

Japanese bowing carries different meanings at
different angles. A bow at an angle of five degrees
means ’Good day’ (simple greeting). A bow at an
angle of fifteen degrees means ’Good morning’ and a
bow at an angle of thirty degrees is a respectful bow
to indicate appreciation for a kind gesture.

Great Wall popular attraction Pub serves

in China customers a
The latest Visa survey conducted between March
and April with 4,556 people from nine Asia-Pacific prayer with
countries and territories, on Tuesday found that 69
per cent polled put the Great Wall at the top of their pints!
their list of places to see, followed by the A pub in St Austell,
Forbidden City (43 per cent). More than one-third Cornwall has started
(35 per cent) wanted to visit the Silk Road. It offering an informal
seemed that these top attractions are a strong pull worship to its
for Malaysians, Australians and New Zealanders. customers along with
ANI their drink. The
drinkers at the
nineteenth century
Seven Star Inn can now
Hong Kong International Airport have their drink and
take part in an
named world’s best informal worship on
The Hong Kong International Airport was named the Sunday nights. Reverend Patrick Bamber, who is the
world’s best for the seventh year in an annual survey of associate vicar of the town’s Holy Trinity Church, is holding
passengers, with Asian airports dominating the top the services. “It is a way of reaching out into the
positions in the list. The annual survey conducted by community with an informal service in a relaxed
Skytrax, a U.K.-based consultancy, judges airports on more atmosphere,” Daily Star quoted Bamber as saying.
than 40 categories, ranking them after collecting 8.2 Somehow this kind of worship seems to work as it
million questionnaires attracted 40 customers, who enjoyed their drinks while
completed by listening to some Bible readings and live music, in last
passengers over a 10- week’s session.
month period. The ANI
passengers judged 190
airports on factors like
shopping, dining, staff
courtesy, baggage Policewomen get ‘bullet-proof
delivery and wait-times
at security, reports the bras’
Age.com.au. Hong Thousands of German policewomen will receive what
Kong, with its media have labeled ‘bullet-proof bras.’ Made of white
reputation for cotton and featuring the word “Polizei” (Police) along
efficiency and comfort, the seam, the bras are meant to better protect police
bested airports in women who wear bullet-proof vests. “There was a
Singapore and Seoul, safety risk for women wearing normal bras with metal
South Korea, which parts underneath a bullet-proof vest,” spokesman said.
ranked second and Some 3,000 police women working for Germany’s
third. federal police will be equipped with the new bras.
ANI Reuters

Paris’ campaign against wrinkly white-haired guy

aris Hilton threw her hat days and I’m not promising brid and electric cars. ... Energy
into the US presidential change like that other guy. I’m crisis solved, I’ll see you at the
race on Tuesday, declaring just hot! debates, bitches!”
her desire to campaign “But then that wrinkly white- Hilton then signs off by declar-
against ‘that wrinkly white- haired guy used me in his cam- ing that she is now mulling her
haired guy’ and vowing to paint paign ad, which I guess means choices for vice president.
the White House pink if elected. I’m running for president. So “I’m thinking Rihanna,” she
The blond socialite responded thanks for the endorsement said, referring to the singer-song-
to Republican candidate John white-haired dude, and I want writer.
McCain’s controversial use of her America to know I’m, like, totally “I’ll see you at the White
image in a campaign television ready to lead.” House,” Hilton adds. “Oh, and I
spot last week with a spoof ad “We can do limited offshore might paint it pink. Bye!”
posted on the website Funnyor- drilling with strict environmental The McCain’s ad, entitled ‘Ce-
die.com. oversight while creating tax in- leb,’ flashes pictures of Paris Hil-
In the ad, the 27-year-old ap- centives to get Detroit making hy- ton and Britney Spears, along
pears beside a swimming pool, with images of the 2,00,000 peo-
dressed only in a skimpy leopard- Paris Hilton hits back ple who flocked to Berlin to see
print bathing costume. Obama the previous week.
“Hey America, I’m Paris Hilton at McCain who “He’s the biggest celebrity in
and I’m a celebrity too,” Hilton mocked her in the world. But is he ready to
declares breezily. lead?” the narrator asks. ■
“Only I’m not from the olden
a recent ad AFP Presidential ad by US socialite Paris Hilton. AFP PHOTO
Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chopstick taboo This day, that year

Japanese rules for the proper use of chopsticks are It was in August 7, 1992 that the public got its
many. Improper use includes wandering the first glimpse inside Buckingham Palace as people
chopsticks over several foods without decision, and were given the opportunity to tour the London
is called mayoibashi. The unforgivable act of home of Queen Elizabeth the II. Proceeds from
licking the ends of chopsticks is called neburibashi. ticket sales were earmarked to help repair fire
Lack of chopstick etiquette is strictly taboo. damage at Windsor Castle.


lmost half the world’s mon- forests for farmland, and the were adding pressures.
keys and apes are facing a hunting of monkeys and apes for Among species most at risk, or
worsening threat of extinc- their meat were the main threats. ‘critically endangered’, were the
tion because of deforesta- Some species were ‘literally being Bouvier’s red colobus, an African
tion and hunting for meat, an eaten into extinction,’ a state- monkey which has not been seen
international report showed on ment said. in 25 years, and the greater bam-
Tuesday. “Gorilla meat, chimpanzee boo lemur of Madagascar totall-
“We have solid data to show meat and meat of other apes ing only about 140 in the wild.
that the situation is far more se- fetches a higher price than beef, “If you took all the individuals
vere than we imagined,” said chicken or fish” in some African of the top 25 most endangered
Russell Mittermeier, president of countries, Mittermeier told Reu- species and assigned each of
Conservation International and ters. them a seat ... they probably
head of the International Union He said that deforestation was wouldn’t fill a football stadium,”
for Conservation of Nature’s aggravating hunting. Roads cut to Mittermeier said.
(IUCN) primate specialist group. help loggers and burning of for-
An assessment for an IUCN ests to create farmland were Three-stage scale
‘Red List’ of endangered species opening previously inaccessible Chimpanzees, the species most
found that 48 per cent of the 634 regions to poachers. like humans, stayed “endan-
known species and sub-species gered,” the middle of a three-
of primates, humankind’s closest Asia worst stage scale of risk between crit-
relatives such as chimpanzees, Primates were suffering most ically endangered and
orang-utans, gibbons and le- in Asia, with 71 percent of all spe- “vulnerable”.
murs, were at risk of extinction. cies at risk, against 37 percent in The mountain gorilla, found in
In a previous report five years Africa. The report was to be re- jungles in Rwanda, Uganda and
ago, using different yardsticks, leased at a conference in Edin- Democratic Republic of Congo,
just 39 per cent of primates were burgh, Scotland. stayed critically endangered de-
judged at risk. The IUCN includes In southeast Asia, human pop- spite a rise in numbers.
governments, scientists and con- ulations were higher than in Afri- In Brazil, the black lion tamarin 48 per cent of the 634 known species and
servation groups. ca and habitats for orang-utans, and the golden lion tamarin were sub-species of primates, humankind’s closest
gibbons or leaf monkeys were downlisted to endangered from
Reasons getting ever more fragmented. critically endangered after con- relatives such as chimpanzees, orang-utans,
Habitat destruction, led by Demand for pets and Chinese servation efforts. ■ gibbons and lemurs, were at risk of extinction
burning and clearing of tropical hunger for traditional medicines Reuters

Sweet Antares
Manpower Inc
loves women
S taffing services firm Manpower
Inc has been ranked as one of
the top companies for women to
differences that make work atmo-
sphere stronger and richer,”
Manpower India MD Naresh
work with by a US-based publi- Malhan said.
cation. Manpower Inc is the only Manpower India since incep-
employment services firm in the tion has encouraged women at
list of top companies for women workplace and currently we have
compiled by Pink magazine. The a healthy ratio of 53 per cent
annual ranking recognises the which is far greater than most of
prominent role of women in top the Indian corporates, Malhan
leadership roles. said.
“To be recognised by Interna- The full list of the top compa-
tional top magazine like the Pink nies for women would be fea-
in their global survey on Top tured in the magazine’s
Companies for Women is an September/October issue which
achievement for us. At Manpower hits newsstands on August 26.
we believe that having women Elaborating about the survey
workforce is beyond a doubt nec- pink’s founding editor, Cynthia
essary, as they bring together the Good said, “These companies are
true leaders in the advancement
Manpower India has a of women.” Pink solicited nomi-
nations from US-based compa-
healthy ratio of 53 per nies before narrowing the field to 쒀 A baby tiger named "Antares" looks out of his basket at the Tierpark (animal park)
cent of women 13 winners. ■ in Berlin on Tuesday. The six-week-old cub already weighs five kilogram. AFP PHOTO
08 SPORT ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Gulf woman flag-bearer

Sheikha Maitha bin Mohammad bin Rashid Al-Maktoum, part of the
United Arab Emirates’ ruling royal family, will make history on Friday
when she becomes the first Gulf woman to carry a flag at an Olympics
opening ceremony. The 28-year-old is the daughter of the UAE prime
minister and will take part in the taekwondo competition.

Quotable Quotes

Is Fed ex-cha
oger Federer will celebrate 2004 Games, did not help his “He’s going to be ready. It’s on
his 27th birthday by carry- mood. of his favourite tournaments fo
ing Switzerland’s flag at the Whatever the reason, the the year so he’s going to do th
Olympic opening ceremo- smooth-talking Swiss has main- best he can.” Federer also pre
ny. He has little else to cheer tained a deafening silence on Na- ferred to look ahead after a yea
about right now. dal’s coronation as the new that has gone from rough patch
Win or lose in Beijing, Feder- number one. to slump, to full-blown crisis.
er’s record 235 weeks as number “I don’t care,” he pouted last “For me it is really importan
one will end the day after the ten- week, when asked if he would fol- over the next couple of week
nis final, with arch-rival Rafael low the Spaniard’s all-important starting here at the Olympics, go
Nadal set to top the rankings on progress at the Cincinnati Mas- ing on to the US Open,” he sai
Monday, August 18. ters. The contrast between the separately.
And there are signs that after two camps could not be more “I still have plenty of tourna
Nadal ended Federer’s five-year striking as Nadal joked with Ana ments to do well in, and I hope
Wimbledon reign, and humiliat- Ivanovic and Tommy Robredo at can start here at the Olympic
ed him in the French Open final, Olympic Green while Federer and fulfil my dream to win gold
it is all getting a bit much for a stalked off to the showers. However, doubts are beginnin
man often billed as the greatest World number 10 Stanislas to crowd around Federer, whos
“I’ve done Playboy. I’m comfortable with my player in the history of tennis. Wawrinka said he did not discuss aura of invincibility has bee
body. I go to the office in a swim suit. I’m The usually suave ace glowered Federer’s demotion during their blown away by 11 defeats th
comfortable with shedding a few more items of at reporters and refused ques- hit-out here, but revealed his year.
clothing. I don’t think it’s too crazy or risque.” tions after a strenuous two-hour compatriot was determined to With Nadal, 22, and 21-yea
US swimmer Amanda Beard speaking to reporters at the practice session Tuesday at a get back on top. old Novak Djokovic among seve
Athletes’ Village after unveiling a nude photo of herself sweltering Olympic Green Tennis “He wants to improve and to top-10 players younger than th
as part of a campaign against animal cruelty. Centre. Perhaps the Centre Court get back to number one,” Waw- Swiss, the stage could be set for
“The reward is very open and tax-free. For a gold scoreboard carrying his name rinka said. “He’s going to do what new generation.
medallist, the reward is 5,000 euros. That is a alongside Tomas Berdych, his he needs to come back to number And while Federer remains ju
spiritual encouragement.” second-round nemesis at the one. two away from Pete Sampras
Pierre Guichard, France’s deputy chef de mission, clearly
believes that what’s good for your soul can also be good
for your bank balance too.
“This was our worst effort. I wouldn’t say effort,
this is our worst performance.”
US basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski slams his star-
studded side after a lacklustre 87-76 win over Australia
in their final pre-Olympic warm-up match in Shanghai.
“The thing that makes me really mad is that
we’ve got to give up our blood and our urine.
That’s our blood and our urine ... when they do
catch the drugs cheats they should boot them
Australian diver Robert Newbery reveals his frustration
with dope tests.
“The course is too hard for the body, but it is
good for me. I’m sure in the final there will be a
few riders left.”
Colombian cyclist Santiago Botero is confident
someone will take a medal in the men’s road
“We firmly oppose any attempt to politicise the
Olympic Games. We have related laws in China.
We expect foreigners to respect those laws.”
Beijing Olympic organising committee spokesman Sun
Weide after British and American activists from Students
for a Free Tibet were arrested for unfurling banners near
the ‘Bird’s Nest’ Olympic stadium
“We are actually relieved it happened before she
reached here because it would have shamed the
country if she had failed a test at the Olympics.”
India’s deputy chef-de-mission Baljeet Singh Sethi on
why he’s glad that weightlifter Monika Devi was caught
doping before the Games got underway. WITH NADAL ALL SET TO TOP THE RANKINGS,
Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am ready to go to Beijing where my dope test is sched-
uled for tomorrow. If I fail there leave apart banning me
for life, shoot me in public
Disgraced weightlifter Monika Devi

ne record of 14 Grand Slam titles,
or only three players older than him
he -- Sampras, Andre Agassi and Go-
e- ran Ivanisevic -- have won majors
ar this century.
h, It could be that Federer just
needs a successful Olympics and
nt US Open. Some say he could use
ks, a new coach after 16 months with
o- Spain’s Jose Higueras.
id Bjorn Borg, who never reco-
vered from seeing his own five-
a- year Wimbledon streak ended by
eI John McEnroe, and retired at 26,
cs did though back Federer to
d.” bounce back.
ng “Right now he’s going to have a
se tough time but I think he’s going
en to come back,” Borg, the last man
his before Nadal to win the French
Open and Wimbledon in the
r- same year, said.
en “For me he’s going to win
he many, many more Grand Slam ti-
a tles. It’s just a matter of keeping
playing. He’s not injured, he’s
st healthy and he’s motivated.” ■
s’s AFP

1 DAY TO GO....
10 FLICK ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

Another record
The Dark Knight has broken another
box office record after taking just 18
days to make more than $400 million
(£204m) in North America.

SHALINI SHAH victims one by one in a bid to

shalinishah@goergo.in bring to life himself and his be-
loved Anck Su Namun.

n The Mummy: Tomb of the Neither does Maria Bello have
Dragon Emperor, Rick O’Con- Rachel Weisz’s feistiness that
nell (Brendan Fraser) and wife characterised Evelyn so far. The
Evelyn (Maria Bello replacing saving grace, if you can call it,
Rachel Weisz) are busy lead- comes in the form of Michelle Ye-
ing ‘respectable’ lives of oh, who as the farsighted witch
the British upper class lends subtlety and class to a sit-
in 1946 England. Rick uation where everyone is harking
shoots fish when on melodrama.
he’s bored and Eve- The special effects here are a
lyn reads out extracts very paled down version of The
from her mummy chron- Mummy, which is sad consider-
icles to the lunching ladies. ing The Mummy came about nine
Add to this some exaggerat- years ago. Cinematography made
ed expressions of boredom The Mummy, along with the
with their new way of life. pharaohs, princesses and tombs,
And like his father (and look almost exotic. No such thing
without his knowledge), here except a firecracker-studded
son Alex is busy dig- sky over Chinese New Year.
ging up an empe- Even if you stop comparing
ror’s tomb in both films, The Mummy: Tomb of
China – an emperor the Dragon Emperor is dead fish.
turned to terracotta The biggest problem with the
along with his army by a film is it is caught between the
witch (Michelle Yeoh). As O’Connell family bonding drama
luck and the O’Connell in- and the matter of urgency at
tervention would have it, a hand. So in the end, both sides
very angry 2,000-year-old remain half-baked. The entire
emperor awakens. comedy-cum-action thing, like
Jet Li might be good at headless skeletons falling over
playing the good cop in each other trying to look for the
martial arts film but in heads, or Brendan Fraser making
his role of the Han em- funny faces at skinless men, is be-
peror lacks that intimi- ginning to wear off.
dating presence of Director Rob Cohen told MTV
Arnold Vosloo of The News that a fourth instalment of
Mummy. Not for once The Mummy is all but guaran-
do you see the savagery teed, depending on the response
with which Imhotep chose to Mummy 3. God forbid. ■

The Mummy: Tomb of

the Dragon Emperor is
worse than The Mummy
Returns, which, in turn,
was a poor cousin of
The Mummy

Film: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor Director: Rob Cohen Cast: Brendan Fraser, Maria Bello, Michelle Yeoh, Jet Li, John Hannah, Luke Ford
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Jacksons to be honoured Ash and Robot
Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Aishwarya Rai has said that she has
Michael Jackson will receive a lifetime earmarked the entire month of
achievement award during the September to shoot for Rajinikanth’s
performing rights group BMI’s eighth Robot.
annual Urban Awards on September 4.

newly discovered tape of The

Cine City
Beatles laughing and chatting
in the studio has sold at auction
for about 23,000 dollars. Cameo
Auctioneers said the reel-to-reel tape
was recorded in 1964 and had recent-
ly been discovered by a man in north-
ern England while he was clearing out
his father’s attic.
The tape was earlier expected to
fetch 16,000 dollars when it went un-
der the hammer at Cameo Auctio-
neers in Berkshire, England on August
5,2008, reports Contactmusic.
An Internet bidder bought the tape,
which features John Lennon and Paul
McCartney struggling to record ’I’ll
Follow The Sun’ amid a fit of the gig-
gles. ■

The tape Karthik, Manirathnam

features John team up again
Yesteryear hero Karthik is all set to make a
Lennon and comeback. Buzz is that the actor has been
roped in by director Manirathnam for his next
Paul McCartney
Beatles’ struggling to
flick. If sources are to be believed, Karthik will
be donning a powerful negative role. The
movie features Vikram and Aishwarya Rai in
record ‘I’ll prominent roles. Karthik, who floated his own

1964 tape Follow The

political party recently, had acted in films like
Agni Natchathiram and Mouna Ragam, directed
by Manirathnam before.
Sun’ amid a fit
sells for $23k of the giggles

Depp Dhanush, Selvaraghavan

join hands
Director Selvaraghavan and his brother

plans to set up actor Dhanush will come together again.

The movie, to be produced by
Kasthooriraja’s RK Films, will start after
Selvaraghavan completes Ayirathil

house in U.K. Oruvan. Dhanush is now doing a film

with Suraj. Sources say it would be a
costly film, to be made on a
budget of over Rs. 35
crore. It would have an
A merican actor Johnny Depp looks all set
to move off to the U.K., as he has report-
edly been house hunting in the English
innovative storyline and
set a new trend in the
countryside. Depp, who currently resides industry. Selva and
in France with his long-term girlfriend Va- Dhanush have teamed up
nessa Paradis and their two children, was to render hits like
rumoured to be looking into buying a Thulluvatho Ilamai, Kadhal
country estate in Norfolk, England. Kondein and Pudhupettai
The rumours were fuelled when he went before.
to view an 11 million dollars mansion just
outside the East Anglian city of Norwich.
But the reports have not been confirmed,
and the real estate agent handling the
property has refused to comment on the
rumours that Depp has put in an offer.
12 SCAN ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

Its Ashley, no, Mary-kate!?

According to tv.com, Mary-Kate Olsen dyed her
hair a darker colour so that people could tell her
and Ashley apart, although some people were
still unsure who actually dyed their hair in the
first place.


Star Movies Sony Pix Discovery travel and living Zee TV

A good year – 11-05 pm American Psycho – 6 pm Floyd’s India – 10 pm Kasamh Se – 9 pm
After years of no contact with his Based on Bret Easton Ellis’ Chennai. This week, Keith travels to Bani is the eldest of three sisters
Uncle Henry, London banker and controversial 1991 novel, comes this Tamil Nadu, the earliest British who assumes complete responsibilty
bond trader Max Skinner learns that dark story of a young Harvard settlement where many examples of of the family after the death of
Henry has died intestate, so Max graduate, Patrick Bateman, who has British architecture still survive. their father and migrate to Mumbai
inherits a chateau and vineyard in all the accoutrements of a young as per his wishes.
Provence. Max spent part of his man,but with a twisted mind.
childhood there, learning maxims
and how to win and lose.

Dear Diary
In this week’s ‘Dear Diary’, racer Alisha Abdullah
talks about her training session at Thailand

am just back from Thailand. citing experience. of them and that too riding a 200
The training sessions went on But you know what diary; there kilo bike (I repeat!). I was thrilled
really well. I had amazing fun were these two American guys and so happy. It lifted my spirits
and also learnt a lot. I really there. They were around 45 years and I felt so good after that. That
enjoyed the gruelling hours of of age and they kept putting me was one unforgettable thing
training mixed with unforgettable down. After a point I couldn’t which happened in Thailand. Ac-
memories. take it and was getting really tually I realize that I have over-
Having learnt to handle 200 bugged with them. But I never ac- come the phase of taking such
kilos bikes, I now feel on top of tually told them anything be- people to heart. Pushing it aside
the world. It was a little difficult cause I knew that I would have to and racing forward it the key and
in the beginning but I picked up beat them at the race to have the I am happy am doing it. ■
after a while. The tracks, the last laugh. Compiled by Nandhini
trainers, the competition, the Ultimately when the training Ramkumar and Anusha
place … everything was so good. was over I did get to have the last Parthasarathy
It was a very different and an ex- laugh. I managed to beat the both
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Extended bed
For Brazilian triple jumper Jadel Gregorio, who towers over the
average human being, Chinese hosts have arranged a bed after
figuring out his height. He is 2.03 meter (6 ft 8 in). They had
also raised his shower head - to as high as they could without
lifting the ceiling.


Dear Uma,
Wishing you all the good things the world has to offer,
An exhibition of designer
hoping that the love you share today and the kind
ceramic ware organised
blessings being sent your way follow you throughout
by Ishika will be held at
your years together to ease the struggles and deepen the
joys of a lifetime!!! Happy Birthday Mom .. :-)
Loving Son Karthik,
Padmavathi Road,
Polaris Software labs
Jeypore Colony,
Hi Kavitha Rammohan,
Wish You A Very Happy Birthday!!! A Very Best Of Luck
For All Your Future Endeavours!!!
August 8 – 10
Hearty Wishes,
Saravanan P, TCS
Vijaya - 9382713370
Hi Narmatha,
Wish you many more Happy Returns of the day. May all
you wish come true. Have a great year ahead.
Alcatel 5620 Team,
Wipro Technologies
Hi Koushik,
On your birthday,we wish for you the fulfillment of all
your fondest dreams. Many more happy returns of the Autumn LADY’Z PASSION
Best wishes from,
St.Peter’s and Infy Gang. Infosys Technologies Ltd
Dear Ashok,
Congratulations!!! Keep Rocking with Wipro Infotech. All Festival ‘08
the very best.
with love,
Priya, IBM.
Hi Chanduudaykiran,
May your Birthday bring U as much happiness, As U give
to Everyone Who knows U Happy Birthday. Have a Blast.
Vetri, HCL Technologies.
Hai Karthik,
Wish u a happy birthday to u. Hope this birthday will
bring u happiness and prosperous in your life. Advance
thanks for publishing this greeting.
Loving friend,
Thilagavathi B, Tata Consultancy Services
"Lady’z passion" is a festival of workshops for women who wish to
Hi sathe, An autumn fashion festival will be learn something new apart from their daily routines. The work-
Wish you many more happy returns of the day. May all held at Hotel Chola Sheraton. The shop includes self grooming, mehandi and cookery.
your dreams come true.God bless you dear. two-day fashion extravaganza will Where:
Hearty wishes,
feature labels from Delhi, Kolkata, Abhiram Krishna Tulsi Apartments,
Poppu & Puppy, Wipro
Bangalore, Mumbai and Goa. Kasturibai nagar, Adyar
Dear Gayathri, Where: When:
Wish you a very joyful Birthday.May all your endeavors Chola Sheraton The Self grooming workshop: August 13 - 14
result in success. Have a wonderful year ahead. Cathedral Road, The Mehandi Designing workshop: August 18
Hearty wishes from,
Gopalapuram The Cookery Workshop: August 27- 28
Revathy, Gayathry devi, Senthil
When: Contact:
HCL Technologies Limited
August 8 & 9, 10.00 a.m. - Arva – 9884049371
Dear Barathi, 8.00 p.m.
Happy Birthday wishes to our Buddy Boy Barathi.
May all your Dreams come true with your efforts.

Dear Raj,
We would like to decorate your heart with colorful SAVING LIFE COSMETICS LINE NEW PRISONERS
flowers which has cultivated from our hearts for your A college physics professor A woman bought a new line of Two new prisoners
birthday was explaining a particularly expensive cosmetics guaranteed to were shown to their
Regards, complicated concept to his make her look years younger. cell. "How long are you
Butterflies,Wipro Technologies class when a student After a lengthy sitting before the in for?" asked the first.
Dear Srini, interrupted him. "Why do mirror applying the miracle "Eighteen years,"
Wish u many more happy returns of the day. May god we have to learn this stuff?" products she asked her husband, replied the second.
bless all your needs and have a great year...... the young man blurted out. "Darling, honestly what age "How about you?"
With Love, "To save lives," the professor would you say I am?" Looking "Twenty-five years. So
TK SAMY, Changepond Technologies. responded before continuing over her carefully, he replied, since your getting out
Hello Gang, the lecture. A few minutes "Judging from your skin, twenty; first, you’d better have
Send your greetings to sticky@goergo.in, with the word later the student spoke up your hair, eighteen; and your the bed by the door."
‘greeting’ and the preferred date of publication in the again. "So how does physics figure, twenty-five.""Oh, you
subject line. Example: “Greeting: August 10”. This will save lives?" The professor flatterer!" she gushed. "Hey, wait
help us organise the column. said, "because it keeps the a minute!" he interrupted. "I
Cheers,Team Ergo idiots out of medical school." haven’t added them up yet."
14 TRAFFIC JAM ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

36 beers a day
A Brit woman has a job that might be the dream work
for most blokes - sampling up to 36 different beers a
day. Annabel Smith, who works for beer quality
assessor Cask Marque, has tried almost 26,000 samples
of 3,000 different brews in three years in the job.


Tapan Kumar
Biswal of CDot
Alcatel Research
Centre Pvt. Ltd.
shot this picture
atop Yelagiri Hill.
This tree seems to
be a natural
honey factory –
count the number
of nests!

So you think you would make a terrific photographer but never really had the platform?
Mail us your best work and we’ll publish it in this space, with credit.
E-mail: clickpick@goergo.in

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Dy Chief Designer: R. Ravi Kannan
Illustrator: R. Venugopal

Technical Support:
V.R. Vasudevan, K.G. Gurumurthy
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Head of Advertising:
Sriya Narayanan

Head of Circulation:
RA. Babu Vijay

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Chennai - 600 002
mail your feedback to
FAX 2857 6691

Call our
Advertisement Manager
at 2857 6695.
email: ads@goergo.in
Website: www.goergo.in

Printed and Published by S. Karthik on behalf of

KASTURI & SONS LTD., at Plot B-6 & B-7,
CMDA Industrial Complex, Maraimalai Nagar,
Chengleput Taluk, Kancheepuram Dist., Pin:
603209 & at Kasturi Buildings, 859 & 860,
Anna Salai, Chennai-600002. Editor: S. Karthik
(Editor responsible for selection of news under
the PRB Act). RNI No. TNENG/2007/24553
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dear brother Word’s worth
Ahead of the upcoming siblings’ festival ’Rakhi’, "Naevose" (nee-vose) a rare adjective meaning
scores of people are tying Rakhis around trees as ’spotted, freckled.’ A naevus is a raised red or
part of their attempt to preserve trees from being purple birthmark caused by hypertrophied blood
felled down in the forest-rich Jharkhand state. vessels in the skin. The US spelling is nevus.



You may be very assertive today. Because of your
boosted self-esteem you may behave differently with
others. Be polite and easygoing with your superiors
to avoid frictions over petty issues. Your romantic
life may play at a very higher octave today.


Others can be jealous of your progress on the
professional front. It’s not your day so better to
refrain from arguments with others. Technical issues
will be solved. Your life partner may take the lead
and you have to just follow, for the sake of it.


It may be a demanding day at work front. You may
BORN LOSER be dealing with some complex issues but since your
technical mind is active, you will be able to find
resolution to persistent problems. Lovers may
experience some upheavals on the relationship front.
You may be very resourceful today, hence everyone
around you may seek your help. Knowledge of the
subject is your power today. The day may offer you
credit on the professional front. You will enjoy
harmonious love life, by the Grace of Ganesha.
LEO JULY 21 - AUG 20
You would be in a mood to discuss ’bottom lines’.
In personal life, you may remain guided by female
close to your heart, irrespective of your own gender.
On the love front, you are not in a mood to argue,
instead you will be in a mood to let things happen.
You may enter office with a mood to finish off a
FREE RANGE WORKING IT OUT major part of your job. Ganesha finds you inclined
towards research based activities. You may be in a
mood to do something radically different. You may
exchange some emails or SMS with beloved.
Money matters will be ruling your mind so while
putting in lot of effort at workplace, you may
constantly compare efforts and gains. You are
advised to avoid harsh speech. Ganesha finds you
becoming very possessive about your life partner.
Ganesha foresees you dealing with everything very
confidently. Your concern for technical issues may
be high but you will be able to solve all the
problems. You may be feeling romantic so you and
your beloved may have a great time together.
‘There is no point in running after a mirage’, this is
what you may feel today. Ganesha finds you
becoming extra sensitive. It’s a stressful day but at
the end of the day, you may experience intense love
and may also receive the same from your partner.
You may be in a mood to knit every aspect related
to your work. You will expect the same from your
colleagues too. In personal life, you might show
some tolerance as expectation for perfection may
lead to differences between you and your partner.
PREVIOUS People holding similar designation as yours may be
jealous of you. Alternatively, you may have
ISSUE’S differences with them. Control your temperament at
office. On the personal front, you must avoid being
SOLUTIONS over-demanding to avoid some heart-burns.
It is a favourable day for you. Desire to do
something creative will be high. You may not be
willing to take risks in personal and professional
front. You may share your heart with your beloved.
In short, love life is likely to be good.
Predictions by Bhavesh N. Pattni
16 ! ERGO Thursday, August 7, 2008

Not now, honey!

A Brit man has been arrested for having sex with his wife -
while she was asleep. The 28-year-old was taken into custody
after his wife claimed that she had woken 30 times in the
past year to find him making love, reports the Sun.


Think summer, think fruits.
The summer collection at
Brass Tacks is inspired by
fruits that are common to
this climate. The colours used
are also related to fruits and
the material is airy and cool.
All the clothes are made out
of hand-made cloth sourced
from Jaipur, and the styling is
done to suit the
contemporary Indian woman
who likes to dress smart.
Anaka Narayanan, designer
and owner of Brass Tacks
make clothes that are simple,
stylish and perfect for casual,
work and evening occasions.

A cotton tie and dye kurta (Rs.1080)

paired with linen trousers (Rs.1830) just
seems perfect for a lazy afternoon. The
patches of shibori (tie and dye) give it
character and with the trouser it provides The Angarka top (Rs.1190) is tradi-
both style and comfort. tionally a man’s wrap shirt, it has
been modified to fit a woman’s con-
tour. This is paired with the Gore
flare skirt (Rs. 1640) that flares out
from knee to ankle it is designed to
make one look taller and slimmer.

The gore flare skirt

(Rs.1270) has fun
cuts making the
outfit just perfect
for a casual meet-
ing or that lunch
with friends. The
skirt is paired with
a silk angarka top
(Rs.1190) that has
buttons running
down with a little
work near the neck
giving you a confi-
dent look.

Brass Tacks 77/13 Corporation Shopping Complex, C.P. Ramaswamy Road, Alwarpet, Chennai- 600 018 Phone: 044- 42081767 www.brasstacksmadras.com

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