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1 Philosophy of Education
2.3.14 – Develop a personal philosophy of education

There are many different methods and philosophies surrounding teaching and how a

teacher should handle the classroom. After taking a look at all of these different theories I

believe that when I become a teacher, the most important aspect for me is to make sure the

students feel safe, and confident in themselves. (Evidence 3.1.1) It is important that students feel

as though they can ask questions and figure out the best way for them to comprehend and retain

information. Students should not be overly stressed just to receive a grade but instead feel

confident in their abilities to showcase what they can do and accept failure as a learning

opportunity. There are many different experts on the subject matter that have helped me

formulate my own teaching philosophy. Their theories have helped me look at teaching from

completely different perspectives.

Ben Johnson in his philosophy points out that a teacher’s responsibility is to meet the

needs of each student. In his paper I personally liked his reference to the idea that as a teacher

you cannot just expect a student to know how to learn when all you give them is the material.

The teacher must give the students resources to further their knowledge along with the essential

skills of learning how to study, how to take notes and how to memorize. (Evidence 3.1.2)

Another aspect of teaching that many people overlook is the confidence of the teacher

themselves and in their ability to give their best to the students. In other words, a teacher's

efficacy or personal efficacy described as “a teacher's own feeling of confidence in regard to

teaching abilities” written by Nancy Protheroe. (Evidence 3.1.3) It is important that the teacher

feels confident in their own skills so that they can be motivated to search for new ideas and

methods to help grow their abilities.

Growing up with two younger sisters I always put myself in a teaching position, helping

them with school work or even just learning basic skills for life. I knew that I wanted to become

a teacher when I grew up, and took many different tests and I always recieved “education” as my

best fit occupation. (Evidence 3.1.4) After this Teacher Academy class, it has only reasured me

that this path I am on is the one for me. I feel confident that after I finish my studies at Cedarville

University I can go into a classroom and give my future students the best education they can get,

because my overall philosophy when it comes to teaching is that all children deserve a great


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