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TIBCO Spotfire®


By Daniel Smith,
Director of Data Science and Innovation

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 1
Table of Contents

Note From The Author…………………………………………………………………………….3

Ch. 1 – Introduction to TIBCO Spotfire® TERR………………………….5

Ch. 2 – How to use R-Scripts in TIBCO Spotfire® TERR……..17

Ch. 3 – An Example of R in TERR (package “RINR”) Using

The Census Rest API…………………………………………………………...23

Ch. 4 – Passing Data From TERR into R in Spotfire®……………32

Ch. 5 – Using TERR in Rstudio………………………………………………………..37

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 2
Note from the author
By Daniel Smith

I’ll admit, when I first started doing analytics, I didn’t know how to
code a thing… I leaned heavily on tools like SPSS and JMP – tools
which allowed me to see all my data like a spreadsheet, then point
and click to compare columns or add columns and factors to a
My idea of an “advanced” model was something put together in a
spreadsheet or that I pieced together with a calculator.
I knew there were more powerful analytical tools out there, but in the
early 2000’s the concept of a data scientist was immature at best,
unknown at worst. The only community of programming statisticians
with a low knowledge barrier to entry was SAS and I had neither the
financial means nor the inclination to become a SAS developer.
Therefore, I turned to the only option for a broke analyst to become a
not-so-broke statistician (as they were called at the time) – the R
After lots of books and wading through obtuse forum posts, I
managed to obtain a working knowledge of the language. My
analytics ability, and job opportunities, skyrocketed.
Now, lucky for us all, R is much more accessible: point and click tools
like Rattle and RCommander easily extend the platform; quick start
guides are available online for free; and RStudio has become a
mature IDE (No more command line!).

But there is still reluctance for many organizations to adopt R. It is

open source, meaning it is community developed as opposed to
organizationally developed – there is no centralized documentation
and no Enterprise Quality Assurance – causing businesses to either:
A) Invest in high cost platforms like SAS or B) resist increasing their
analytics maturity at the cost of competitive advantage.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 3
Enter TERR, TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R.

TERR provides a well-documented R scripting environment designed

by TIBCO®'s data science team. It also comes pre-installed in
TIBCO’s Spotfire® Business Intelligence Platform, allowing raw R
code to integrate into Spotfire and create procedurally generated
scripts through a point and click interface - if that’s your cup of tea.
I am no longer a big fan of point and click. I rarely find myself doing
anything linear enough for a GUI to save time… However, if it hadn’t
been for the point and click tools, I never would have made the leap
from junior analyst hack to R programming hack.
Although brief, the purpose of this eBook is to progress through a
similar journey. We will begin pointing out the built in TERR features
of Spotfire, discuss how to use custom TERR scripts within Spotfire,
then provide some use cases that demonstrate TERR and R are not
only for calculating statistics, but also for Extracting and Transforming

If you have any questions about this content, feel free to reach out at

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 4
Chapter 1


As mentioned previously, TIBCO

Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR) is an
enterprise level statistical engine built
upon the extremely powerful open
source R language. It provides a best of
both worlds compromise between the
Enterprise needs process validation and
documentation versus the flexibility and
affordability of open source.

Out of the box, Spotfire Analyst contains TERR. The only requirement
is to be connected to some data to analyze and have the appropriate
Let’s start exploring TERR with the basics, a point and click linear
regression. With every Spotfire installation, there should be a set
demo data in your library. I’ll be using the Baseball data set in this
example. If you don’t have it, don’t worry, you can follow along, it’s
really simple!

I’m curious to find what other performance is related to home runs, so

I want to regress a few metrics such as walks and hits against home
runs per player per season. But any good analyst knows to first
explore the data before we start messing around with a model.
Since we are pulling this data into Spotfire to start, exploring our data
set is super simple. In a matter of seconds I can check out my data
relationships. Just for this example I’m going to use hits and errors as
predictors of homeruns, so I want to see how they relate to the
dependent variable and if they share a relationship.
Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 5
As one would expect, hits are somewhat correlated with homeruns,
whereas errors are not really correlated with hits or HRs. This is
expected as errors occur while on defense and hits and homeruns
occur while on offense.


There is a slight correlation between hits and errors, but not enough to
not do this example. This is likely an artifact of number of games
played, we could probably control for this by dividing all our values by
number of games played; however, this example is about using TERR,
not modeling best practices.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 6
I want to do a linear model, so I also need to check distribution. A
quick and dirty histogram shows a likely exponential distribution for
home runs and errors, but a fairly normal distribution for hits.
Nevertheless, I’m just going to add the values into my model “as is”
for explanatory purposes.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 7
For a linear regression we go to Tools >
Regression Modeling…

Here you also see all the other out of the box statistical capabilities
Spotfire offers. All of these use TERR to provide insights.
In our regression model dialog box, we see a few options:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 8
Feel free to explore other model options, etc. but we are concerned
about making a linear model. Spotfire uses the terms Response (i.e.
dependent or outcome) and Predictor (i.e. independent) variables for
model creation.
Notice at the bottom of the window an equation is constructed. This
equation is the generated TERR code! It is fully editable in the dialog
box, which is great for transformation and custom models.
Let’s run our simple model. Select HOME_RUNS as the Response,
highlight “HITS” and click “Add”, and highlight “ERRORS” and click
Then click OK and we have our first linear regression!


Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 9
Now Spotfire and TERR have done a lot of our model validation for us.
There are even a bunch of diagnostic visualizations already created,
but by and large I use the Residuals vs. Fitted Plot exclusively at this
In this case, we see a classic residual pattern of exponential error
distribution, which indicates a Natural Log transformation is required
on our dependent variable. We also noticed ERRORS follow a similar
distribution, so we’ll go ahead and transform those too.

Edit your model by clicking the little

calculator (or is it a table?) by “Model

If you don’t know the

syntax, Spotfire
makes it easy to do
the most common
You’ll only need to
select “Log: log(x)”
from the drop-down
below your Predictor
column before you
add it to the model:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 10
Just keep in mind “Log” in R
and TERR means “Natural
Log” and “Log 10” is the log
base 10 you would see as
“Log” on a calculator. This
gives us the following

And the associated model output:


Finally, if we want to explore

the interaction between our
two predictors, we only need
to change the “plus” to an
asterisk in our model

In TERR this evaluates to HITS + log(ERRORS) + (HITS:log(ERRORS))

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 11
Although the point and click functionality is nice, to really use the
power of TERR in Spotfire, you’ll need to start making your own data
functions. In this example I’m going to make a very simple
normalization equation in which I take an individual value in a column,
subtract it from the column mean, and then divide it by the column
standard deviation.
To make a custom function we go to “Tools” > “Register Data

We will name our script “Normalization”, select the Type as “R script –

TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R” and enter the following for our
output <- (column1 - mean(column1)) / sd(column1)

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 12
Now go to the “Input
Parameter” tab to
tell spotfire what we
want to pass into the
script. Select “Add…”
to add an input

The two most important items here are the “Input parameter name”
field and “Type” drop down. Our input parameter tells Spotfire what
value in our script we want to accept our data. In this example it is
column1. As you can see below, the blue text matches the blue
highlighted value in the above image.

output <- (column1 - mean(column1)) / sd(column1)

“Type” tells Spotfire if this parameter needs to be a single value, a

column from a table, or an entire table. For those familiar with R these
correspond to values, vectors, and dataframes or matrices

The output parameter tells

Spotfire what value to expect
to be returned from the
function into Spotfire.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 13
Just like our input parameter, the important parts are the “Result
parameter name” and “Type”. Result parameter name corresponds to
the data we want to extract from the function. As before, we have
highlighted the value above in and the associated variable below in

output <- (column1 - mean(column1)) / sd(column1)

Now that the script is defined and we have our input and output
parameters linked to the script, it is time to run the function!
Save the function if you like (you’ll have to be connected to a spotfire
server as data functions are saved in the library) and click “Run”.
Before the function completely executes you will need to complete
the handshake between the script parameters and the Spotfire
application. First we’ll need to tell the function what Spotfire data to
pass into the input parameter and where to put the data from the
output parameter.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 14
On the input tab I specify that I want to use a column via the input
handler, that column is coming from the data table “Baseball
Information Link” and the column name is HOME_RUNS.
Next, I do the same for the output tab and say I want to add a column
via Output handler to the Data table “Baseball Information Link”

Click OK and you should see a new column in your data table!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 15
Next Steps

This is just scratching the surface of TERR capabilities. TIBCO® has

copious documentation on what you can do. Here are some
resources to get you started:

Parallel Processing:


Library of Statistical Functions:

Run SQL directly in TERR with installed JDBC Driver:

The next chapters will focus on functionality that may not be obvious
in TERR, such as pulling from an API, using R inside TERR, and how
to develop your TERR scripts inside the RStudio IDE. However, all will
build upon the concepts of getting data into and out of Spotfire. If
you are not completely confident in the Spotfire TERR dataflow,
there will be a brief review in next chapter.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 16
Chapter 2



In this chapter we will walk through an example of acquiring data from

the US Census RESTful web service API (Application Program
Interface) via URL parameters. In simple terms, a RESTful URL allows
you to pass URL parameters into an online datasource and returns the
data specified by the parameters. Using a RESTful source enables
access to data without having to store this information locally in a
database or flat file.

Please note, I will be referring to the Census web service as the “Census
API” for much of this chapter; however, at times I may say “Census URL”
particularly when speaking of the parameter’s required in the URL. For
clarity, the Census URL is the “Interface” portion of the Census
Application Program Interface.

Click here to learn more about REST

The full Census API to Spotfire process consists of four parts:

1) Installing R alongside TERR in your local machine

2) Adding new packages to your R instance
3) Manipulating the Census Data API via R
4) Learning how to access R within TERR using the TERR package

This chapter will go over parts one and two.

But first, a warning: This solution is only for a local device running TERR
and R. It does not address using Statistics Service or configuring
analysis for online consumers.

With that out of the way, let’s install R!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 17
Installing R starts with downloading the
installer from CRAN. R is made available
through the Comprehensive R Archive
Network (CRAN). This is arguably the most
confusing step in installing R – finding
INSTALLING what you need to download!

R To make things easy here’s the download

location for Windows users. Other users
can navigate to the download here.
While CRAN does provide installation
LOCAL instructions, you’ll find these few short
steps most helpful:
MACHINE 1. Download and run the R installer
2. Select the installation directory, the
default is C:\Program
Files\R\<version number>
3. Select if you want both or just the 32-
or 64-bit install (R will figure out which
one your need in most cases)
4. Select start up options (this just
customizes how the R default GUI will
display and it will not impact
5. Select your preference of start menu
and desktop options
6. Install

You now have R installed!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 18
1. Original Console /command line / terminal
interface (R.exe)

There Are Several R was initially entered line by line and that option
Ways to Access R remains today. Assuming you installed R in your
default directory you can access R Console
here: C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin. Simply
double click R.exe to open the Console. It looks
just like a command line interface in Windows or
a Terminal in UNIX.

2. R GUI (Rgui.exe)

R also comes packaged with a basic GUI application. There are 32-
and 64-bit versions, both found in the x32and x64 folders contained in
the “bin” folder you found R.exe and both named Rgui.exe. The R GUI
is also the application opened when selecting the R application from
your start menu or desktop, if you elected to have those shortcuts
created when installing R.

3. Third Party Application

There are many different applications which use R (like Spotfire!);

however, creating complex scripts in Spotfire’s interface can be
difficult, almost as difficult as using R’s command line interface.
Therefore, several third party applications exist to make your R
coding experience much easier. We will not go into these here, but in
an upcoming post we’ll go in-depth on setting up Rstudio to program
in both R and TERR.

Now you’ve installed R and you can open it, so let’s use it!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 19
Let’s open up our R GUI application. You should be able to find it in
your start menu. If it’s not there, check in your R “bin”
folder C:\Program Files\R\R-3.0.2\bin\<64 or 32> for the file
called Rgui.exe.

See the image below for some help if this is your first time using R:

All you get initially is a fancy version of the R Console. The red cursor
at the bottom is where you enter commands, so let’s enter a

First, to verify R is working, let’s try something simple. Type 2+2 and
hit Enter:

It should return 4.

Click here for an excellent tutorial and explanation on R functionality

and commands.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 20
Now that we have confirmed R is working, it is time to extend its
functionality. As we mentioned before, in order to get the most out of
R, we need to install packages. In this example, we are installing
the jsonlite package (R is case sensitive) in order to extract and
transform JSON data from the Census API.

Installing packages is a relatively painless process. It is as simple as

executing install.packages(<packagename>) if you know the exact
name and case of your package. You can also select Packages >
Install Packages… from your R GUI for a list of available packages.

In this example we will install jsonlite by

typing install.packages(“jsonlite”) in the console and hit Enter.

What. Is.

A feature of R GUI is an easy way to select your CRAN mirror. A CRAN

mirror is an online repository of R packages. Typically highlighting the
location closest to you geographically, then clicking “OK” will work

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 21
Also notice the line on the Console output à Installing package
into C:/Users/<user>/Documents/R/win-library/3.0(as ‘lib’ is

This is your default library location. It is where packages are installed.

In TERR this will be different; therefore, if you run into issues
combining TERR and R, the first step is to define the library location of
scripts when loading libraries. There will be additional info on library
locations in the next chapter.

Once you select a CRAN mirror, jsonlite will begin to install. R may
also install other dependent packages required for jsonlite to function
properly if they are not already present. So don’t panic if it starts
“Installing Dependencies.”

Finally, confirm jsonlite has been successfully installed by loading it

from the package library via library(jsonlite) or
requrie(jsonlite). library(<package name>) is how you tell R to use a
particular package in your script. Remember, a library is the location a
package is stored in, but in most cases you can use the terms “library”
and “package” interchangeably when talking about these things.

If there are no error messages when calling the library, you have
successfully installed jsonlite.

With R and jsonlite successfully installed our next step is to access

data, then manipulate it with Spotfire. Our next chapter will show you
how to use the jsonlite package to access data via the Census REST
URL, then use the R jsonlite code within a TERR script to run
everything within Spotfire.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 22
Chapter 3

In our previous chapter we installed R and downloaded the jsonlite

package. Now we are going to use R and jsonlite to access US
Census data directly within R, then use the TERR package RinR to
bring the Census data into TIBCO Spotfire®.

Our first step is figuring out how to use the Census API within R.

The Census API is extremely easy to use:

1) Click here to learn about the API

2) Request a key

3) Determine the dataset and parameters you wish to use

4) Paste your parameterized link including the key acquired in

step two into your browsers address bar to see if it works

The following link returns the total population by state

from the SF1 2010 Census:

(Insert your own key at [KEY], but do not include


Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 23
The result will look
like this

I changed the key after entering the URL, but it gives an example of
what the final product will look like.

With the connection confirmed, we can use R to read the data

provided by the URL and turn it into a data table for analysis. This is
why we downloaded the package jsonlite.

jsonlite uses another R Package RCurl to display content returned by

a URL. Originally this package was for searching online text data like
emails and forum posts as well as automatically completing online
forms for manipulating sites through scripting; however, with the rise
of RESTful data, RCurl has become a great way to access data.

jsonlite makes the complicated functions of RCurl much easier to use.

In order to create a dataframe (R’s version of a flat file) from the
Census API, all that’s needed is the fromJSON() function and a
Census API URL.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 24
To use the Census API URL we have just created in R, we need to
create a script.

Open up the R GUI if it isn’t already, then go to File > New Script.

A new window will open. This window will allow you to type multiple
lines of R code which can be ran in a batch. Copy and paste the
following, and make sure to use with your API key instead of [KEY]:


data <- data.frame(


,stringsAsFactors = FALSE


Highlight everything, then hit F5 or Ctrl + R to run the script., the output
should look like this:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 25
A few quick notes on what that script is doing:

data.frame(): This tells R the data should be read as a dataframe

which we can think of as a flat file or spread sheet.

stringsAsFactors = FALSE: An argument of data.frame() strings as

factors tells R we do not want additional metadata attached to any
strings in the dataframe. Using strings as factors is helpful in statistical
analysis but it becomes a nuisance in Spotfire.

data <- : “<-” is the assignment operator in R. Here we are telling R to

put the dataframe created by the operation into a variable called
“data.” At the end of the script we call data so it is displayed in the
console / terminal.

We are pulling in data with the Census API, fantastic! Now we just
copy and paste this into the register data function window and call it a
day, right? Nope… turns out jsonlite is one of those packages that
doesn’t work in TERR.

But all is not lost, TERR includes a package “RinR” pre-installed and
“RinR” includes a function “REvaluate” that allows the use of a local R
instance within TERR.

This deserves repeating – REvaluate allows the use of a local R

instance within TERR. Why is this so important? It allows every CRAN
package to be used locally in Spotfire! Every clustering, forecasting,
and graphing function that doesn’t require external devices (like R
Commander) can now be used locally in Spotfire.

But first things first, let’s use jsonlite in TERR.


this will not work in R GUI, so keep reading for the chapterdescribing
how to create a TERR and R development environment in Rstudio.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 26
Here’s the final script which we will run in Spotfire:

data_pre <- REvaluate(


data_R <-data.frame(


,stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


colnames(data_pre) <- as.character((data_pre[1,, drop = TRUE]))

data <- data_pre[-1,]

Well that looks a little different than what we had before.

Read on for a breakdown of the changes.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 27
The changes:

Revaluate({}): The function contains the entire previous script we

executed in R, the dataframe it returns is being assigned to the
variable data_pre. The original “data” variable has been renamed
“data_R” to reduce conflicts.

data_pre: We are using an intermediate variable to clean our

dataframe before our final assignment. This is to eliminate any
conflicts when assigning an output variable in Spotfire.

colnames(data_pre)… : Unfortunately fromJSON doesn’t read the first

lines of the Census data as column names. The operations in this line
convert the first row of data_pre (data_pre[1,]) into characters
(as.character) then assign those characters to the column names
of data_pre (colnames(data_pre)).

data <- data_pre[-1,]: Finally, we do not need the first row anymore,
so we delete the first row of data_pre (data_pre[-1,])and assign it to
our ultimate data variable “data.”

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 28
Now for the easy part! As long as you are using your local TERR
engine in Spotfire, this is a piece of cake.

1) Open Spotfire and go to Tools > Register Data Functions

2) Select script type “R script – TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R”

3) Indicate “RinR” as the only package you need to use

4) Insert the TERR script above into the “script” window

5) Assign the “data” variable to an output parameter with data type

as Table

a. The script is pulling in data from the Census API only;

therefore, no input parameter is required in this example

6) Tell Spotfire to create or refresh a table with the output

parameter via an “Output Handler”

Final Script:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 29
Output parameter

Now select “Run” at the top to try it out. If everything goes according
to plan you will get a prompt telling you where your data needs to go
in Spotfire and which Spotfire tables you are retrieving data from, if
you had inputs.

As we only have data going to Spotfire, we only need to set an

output. Let Spotfire know the data parameter is going to produce a
table with the Output Handler, then select that you want a new table.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 30
Click “OK” and you have now connected Spotfire to the Census API!

Now that we have the connection there is a lot more we can do with
the Census API. In subsequent chapters we will explore how to pass
different values into the API URL via input parameters – creating a
way to dynamically change the data pulled from the Census API
without ever having to store files locally.

We will also explore as how to properly set up a development

environment for TERR and R. RStudio allows us to create R Scripts
referencing different R engines. This is very helpful for debugging the
complex operations of which R and TERR are capable.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 31
Chapter 4

In one of our blog posts, our interns demonstrated how to perform a

simple sentiment analysis on Tweets during the World Cup Match.
Recently, we had an interesting request from a client to analyze Tweets in
a similar manner. The difference here will be to analyze Tweets which are
specifically determined by Spotfire end users.

The request was to query Twitter from Spotfire then score the returned
Tweets. We decided to welcome this challenge by treating it as another
formidable task that could not be ignored. In other words, we couldn’t turn
down a chance to just go for it.

An additional challenge for this particular request was that it needed to be

contained within the standard Spotfire tools as opposed to the Spotfire
Statistics Service. To accomplish this, we had to perform the API call either
in TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR), IronPython, or C#.

We decided to go with TERR.

The basis for making the solution work in TERR was twofold:

• R has a robust community development of Twitter analytics tools.

• Our existing code base for Twitter sentiment analysis was already in R.

As you may recall

from my previous chapter, TERR does not play nice with Curl. This
meant we had to use REvaluate() to access Twitter. However, using
REvaluate() presented another challenge in and of itself. That is, we
knew how to get data out of REvaluate() and into Spotfire, but we did
not know how to get data into REvaluate().

Due to a non-disclosure agreement, I cannot provide code specifics.

But what I can do is share a brief tutorial of how to get data from
Spotfire into TERR, then into R, and finally, how to get the data right
back out.
Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 32
Step 1:

1. Create a document property in Spotfire for your search criteria.

2. Go to a text area or make a new one, then click on the“Insert

Property Control” button.

3. Choose "Input Field."

4. Make a new document property with data type "String" then click


5. Now enter the first value you would like to search in Twitter. (e.g.


Don’t ever forget to include a

value in your document property! Tip

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 33
Step 2:

1. To insert your script, go to Tools > Register Data Functions.

2. Select your Data Function Type to be "R Script –TIBCO® Enterprise

Runtime for R".

3. In the Packages field, only use RinR (without quotes).

4. Your script will need some value for Spotfire to input your

document property as well as an output value from REvaluate().

See the image below for details.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 34

For our input parameter, we are using "prop_tweetSearch".

For our output parameter, we are using "data".

For more information on parameters, see "How to use TERR in
Spotfire part 1 and part 2."

For our Syntax, we are using REvaluate()

REvaluate( {R Script}, REvaluator , data = stuff)

Do not forget to include REvaluator and data. By doing so, you will get
that input value that was just set into your regular R instance.

For more information on RinR, see TIBCO documentation:

Step 3:

1. To assign the document property to your input parameter, you will

use REvaluate()

2. Tell your script what you want to pass into your R script – through

REvaluate() of course.

3. Select a document property to use as the Input Handler.

4. Set the property to document property as was created and

demonstrated in Step 1.

5. Assign your output parameter to your desired output and you are

good to go!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 35
The image below captures some of these directions, namely,
numbers 3 and 4:


If you want the data to refresh every time someone types a new value
into the property control, select refresh function automatically.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 36
Chapter 5

In a previous chapter I mentioned using RStudio as a development

environment for Spotfire TERR (TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R).

For those of you using Spotfire and not using TERR, it's an incredibly
powerful feature you really need to add to your toolbox. It effectively
gives you the ability to use every type of analytical function and data
manipulation process ever developed. From Latent Factor Clustering
to scripted ETL - it pretty much does it all. However, trying to
develop code inside the Spotfire TERR console can be a bit of a pain.

Why? Because you have to click through three menus to execute the
code, then if there is an error, you have to parse through Spotfire and
TERR's errors to find the cause.

Therefore, it makes sense to develop in an IDE (such as RStudio) then

copy paste your code into Spotfire.

"But RStudio uses R not TERR, so you can't do that!" Actually, you
can! But it requires a few not so obvious steps. Let me show you

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 37
If you don't have it already, RStudio is the best development
environment for R, so you should get it even if you're not using TERR.
(Why are you reading this article by the way?)

Plus the Open Source version is completely free so you have no


Get it here:

There's a whole bunch of little configuration tricks we can discuss, but

that's for another article.

Spotfire by default hides the folder containing the TERR engine, so to

find it, you have to make it stop hiding. To accomplish that you have
to "Show Hidden Folders."

Here's how you do it on Windows 7:

Here's how to for Windows 8:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 38
Now assuming you have successfully installed RStudio and you have
Spotfire installed on your local machine (Again, why are you reading
this if you don't have Spotfire?) you can locate the application Spotfire
uses to process R code - The TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R

It is typically located in C:\Program Files

Enterprise Runtime for R_[TERR VERSION]\engine\bin

With [SPOTFIRE VERSION] as the version of Spotfire installed on your

computer and [TERR VERSION] the TERR version you are currently

If you can find the directory …\TIBCO\Spotfire\[SPOTFIRE

VERSION]\ but you can't find "Modules" That directory is still
hidden, stop skipping steps, go back to step number two and try

RStudio defaults to a local instance of R. You probably installed it

when you installed RStudio. But we need to point RStudio to TERR
not R.

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 39
We verified the location of TERR in step three, so now we need to tell
RStudio where to find TERR.

1. In RStudio go to Tools > Global Options…

2. In the General menu, click Change… to change your R version:

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 40
3. TERR Typically does not show up by default, so we'll need to click

4. Navigate to the "TIBCO Enterprise Runtime for R_[TERR

VERSION]\engine" folder on the path to the TERR engine

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 41
5. Take your pick of either 32 or 64 bit TERR (There isn't much

6. Make sure TERR is selected in the "Choose R Installation"

Window, click "OK", and you are ready to go! (After you restart
RStudio for the changes to take effect…)

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 42
When RStudio restarts, take a look at the console. It will tell you what
version of R, or in this case TERR, is running. If you see "TIBCO®
Enterprise Runtime for R.." then you are successfully running TERR in
RStudio! Yay!

Syntelli Solutions Inc: TERR® Tutorial eBook 43
About Syntelli Solutions Inc.

Syntelli Solutions is focused on leveraging the ‘Power of Data.’

Everything we do is analytics – shaping and transforming data,
forming the right hypothesis, building the right models, and visualizing
the data so that analytics and predictive capabilities come to bear
pervasively within your organization. Our legacy is in building financial
analytics solutions using Essbase and Hyperion and applying
‘probabilistic decision’ techniques. Our expertise is in bringing
business context to data and providing enhanced decision making
capabilities, not just the technical aspect of implementing a data-
warehouse or the analytical product. The passion for answering the
‘what-if,’ ‘what else,’ and ‘so what’ questions is shared by all
Syntellians, and we are sure to transfer that passion to your team as

Over the last few years, we have gained significant expertise in TIBCO
®Spotfire, which is our solution of choice for deeper analytics and
integration with R. We have done over 100 TIBCO® Spotfire projects
and employ some of the most experienced consultants in the
industry. The verticals in which we have worked include
sports/entertainment, life sciences/pharmaceuticals, oil & gas, retail,
manufacturing, professional services, hospitality, telecom, financials,
and healthcare. The clients we’ve worked with have revenues from
$100M to $100BN. The horizontals in which we have expertise include
sales analytics, marketing analytics, campaign analytics, and supply
chain and distribution analytics.

Interested in learning how Syntelli can help your organization

in tackling data science and analytics problems?

Contact us at: 1-877-SYNTELLI


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