Assignment On Commodity Trading: (Mustard Seed)

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(GROUP NO- 09)
Mustard seeds (Brassica Napus) also known as Rape, Oilseed rape, Rapeseeds and Canola are
very widely cultivated throughout the world. Mustard is the third most important edible
oilseed crop of the world after soybean and oil palm. It is world’s second leading sources of
protein meal after soybean meal. It belongs to the Family: Brassicaceae (Cruciferae). Two
species of Rapeseed and mustard are Brassica juncea and B. campestris.

Mustard seeds oil content varies from 33% to 46% and average oil recovery is around 32% to
38%. After oil extraction, the remaining part of the seed is used to produce rapeseed/mustard
meal, an important source of cattle and poultry feed.

It is basically a winter crop and it requires a temperate climate to prosper In India they are
grown in Rabi season from September-October to February-March. It should be sown
from the mid to the last week of September. Sowing must be completed in the first fortnight
of October. Mustard is an annual herb with seedlings that emerge rapidly, but then usually
grow slowly. Plants cover the ground in 4 to 5 weeks with favourable moisture and
temperature conditions. Plant height at maturity varies from 30 to 45 in. depending on type,
variety, and environmental conditions. The crop starts flowering in the months of November,
December, January and February. The harvesting period is from February to March. It needs
a right proportion of rainfall during the sowing seasons of the crop

An average yield of mustard is 5 – 6 quintals per acre. But, improved verities and better
agronomic practices may enhance the yields up to 6 – 8 quintals per acre.


Yellow mustard is usually used for prepared or table mustard, a condiment, and as dry
mustard. Dry mustard is frequently used as a seasoning in mayonnaise, salad dressings, and
sauces. Flour made from yellow mustard is an excellent emulsifying agent and stabilizer, and
consequently, it is used in sausage preparation. Brown and oriental mustards are also used as
oilseed crops. 

Extremely rich in Nitrogen and micronutrients, Mustard Oil cake is an important and quick
acting organic nitrogenous manure. An excellent and high-quality manure input suitable to
be used for a wide variety of plants. It is also used in animal feed. 



STATES 2010- 2012- 2013- 2013- 2014- 2015- 2016- 2017- 2018-
11 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19*

Rajasthan    43.70 29.76 38.15 37.97 28.96 32.58 36.45 39.85 41.09

Haryana 9.42 7.47 9.62 8.80 7.06 8.05 9.45 9.54 10.21

Madhya 8.55 8.70 9.19 8.44 7.17 6.66 9.20 9.07 9.41

Uttar Pradesh 7.17 7.26 8.36 7.37 5.82 6.03 8.58 7.82 8.46

West Bengal 4.20 3.81 4.75 4.78 4.80 4.99 4.95 5.47 5.82

All India 81.79 66.04 80.29 78.77 62.82 67.97 79.17 83.22 86.93

State Wise Production of RM Seed in India (million MT)

Source: Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture and
*NBHC Estimates (2018-19)
Production(000 Tonnes)
4,000.00 3,400.00
1,110.00 980.00 950.00
1,000.00 720.00
400.00 220.00 190.00 110.00 50.00
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Global Production (million MT) and Imports

Years Production Imports

2015-16 68.74 14.15

2016-17 69.43 15.53

2017-18 74.00 15.41

2018-19* 70.37 16.74

Source: Foreign Agricultural Service, official USDA Estimates

The production for 2018-19, which was at 70.37 million MT has increased by 20.98 per cent
from 2008-09. Likewise, the import grew by 37.83 per cent; consumption grew by 28.82 per
cent and export 39.80 per cent.
The positive fact about the RM seed trade is the growth in the consumption over the years
and the consistent increase in the production.

15% Canada
36% India

India imported Mustard-Seed worth USD 241,451.12. Ukraine is one of the largest suppliers
of Mustard-Seed accounting for imports worth USD 158,069.63.
EU-27 accounts to about 34% of worlds RM seed production, others major producers are
China (23%), Canada (19%), India (14%), Australia (3%), Ukraine (2%). India produces 5.5
million MT to7 million MT annually. About 0.15 million MT is retained for sowing and
direct consumption as seed. leaving about 4.8-5.1 million MT for crushing and extracting oil.
Domestically, Rajasthan produces 50% of RM seed, followed by Uttar Pradesh, Punjab &
Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal, Gujarat. The consumption of Mustard seed as a
condiment is higher in India compared to that of the world. In India, mustard oil is consumed
largely in Northern States as cooking oil and in Southern India it is used for preservation of
food products.


For the year 2013 – 14
S. No State Production (000 Share (%)
1 Rajasthan 3830.00 47.99
2 Madhya Pradesh 920.00 11.53
3 Haryana 880.00 11.03
4 Uttar Pradesh 770.00 9.65
5 West Bengal 490.00 6.14

2014 – 15
S. No State Production (000 Share (%)
1 Rajasthan 2900.00 46.10
2 Madhya Pradesh 720.00 11.45
3 Haryana 710.00 11.29
4 Uttar Pradesh 580.00 9.22
5 West Bengal 480.00 7.63

2015 – 16
S. No State Production (000 Share (%)
1 Rajasthan 3270.00 47.95
2 Madhya Pradesh 810.00 11.88
3 Haryana 700.00 10.26
4 Uttar Pradesh 600.00 8.80
5 West Bengal 500.00 7.33

2016 – 17
S. No State Production (000 Share (%)
1 Rajasthan 3650.00 47.22
2 Madhya Pradesh 950.00 12.29
3 Haryana 920.00 11.90
4 Uttar Pradesh 860.00 11.13
5 West Bengal 490.00 6.34

2017 – 18
S. No State Production (000 Share (%)
1 Rajasthan 3400.00 40.82
2 Madhya Pradesh 1110.00 13.33
3 Haryana 980.00 11.76
4 Uttar Pradesh 950.00 11.40
5 West Bengal 720.00 8.64


Reasons for Rajasthan being highest producer of Mustard in India

More than 47% of the Mustard production in India is coming from Rajasthan alone. The
production of the mustard crop in Bharatpur region of Rajasthan has been witnessing an
increasing trend since the 2001-2013 decade due to increasing usage of mustard seed oil in
food. Moreover, high domestic demand for it was also one of the reasons for the rise in
Bajra-mustard sequence was more remunerative under flood prone eastern plain zone of
Rajasthan. Moreover, mustard can be intercropped successfully with wheat, barley, gram and
lentil under rain fed conditions and with potato as irrigated conditions. Intercropping systems
as Potato + Mustard (3:1), Field pea + Mustard (3:1) and Gram + Mustard (3:1) are widely
practiced in mustard growing areas.



Mustard seed hub is opened in Rajasthan recently in 2018 to increase the production in the
state which is already the leading producer of Mustard seed in the country. The step has been
taken under the scheme of Central Government to improve production of edible oil in the
country. Around 8 such mustard seed hubs are established in the country. In Rajasthan it was
established in Ganganagar on Sept 2018. The monitoring of the seed hubs around the country
will be done by National Research Centre on Rapeseed – Mustard (NRCRM), Bharatpur.


During the 12th Five Year Plan, a new National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP)
was launched under which Mini Mission - II (MM - II) was dedicated to oil palm area
expansion and productivity increases.

Haryana State Government came up with a portal “MERI FASAL MERA BYORA” for
smooth and hassle- free procurement of mustard seeds from their state farmers. As on March
2, 2020, total 3,86,103 farmers have registered on 'Meri Fasal Mera Byora' portal for mustard
seed crop Rabi 2020-21 covering an area of 17.20 lakh acres

25 percent quantity of total production of mustard seed are procured under the price
support scheme of Government of India on behalf of the NAFED and the remaining quantity
of mustard seed will be procured on behalf of the State Government


To facilitate the Mustard Seed growers, The Haryana State Cooperative Supply and
Marketing Federation Limited (HAFED) has so far opened 43 purchase centers in 13 districts
of the State for procurement of Mustard Seed at Minimum Support Price (MSP) as against 13
purchase centers during the procurement of Mustard Seed last year.
HAFED has purchased 54,564 quintal Mustard Seed till date directly from the farmers
through the shops of its member Cooperative Marketing Societies against which payment of
Rs. 10.35 crores have already been released against the lifting of 26,400 quintals mustard

 To give guaranteed price and assured market to the farmers and protect them from the price
fluctuations and market imperfections Government announces Minimum Support Prices for
few crops in order to promote the production rate of the crops.
Government has approved increase in MSPs for Rabi crops of 2019 – 20 to be marketed in
Rabi marketing season 2020 – 21. The decision of the Government to increase Rabi MSP
fulfils the commitment to the farmers to provide at least 50% return over cost of production.
The MSP for Mustard is announced to be Rs. 4425/-



Canada is also the world’s most important exporter of mustard seed, with major market share.
The top exporters of Mustard seeds are Canada ($96.7M), Germany ($23.9M), Russia
($22.5M), Ukraine ($18.1M) and India ($16.4M). Indian mustard seed is exported to Asian
countries fallowed by Europe.


Mustard oil is consumed wholly in the domestic market. The demand for the consumption of
mustard/rape seed comes mainly from eastern and northern areas of the country. The arrival
of this crop in the markets is in its peak period during March to May.

The major centres of consumption of its oil are Kolkata, Bihar, Jharkhand and the north-
eastern areas like Assam, Tripura, Sikkim etc. Two forms of mustard oil are traded in the
Indian market namely Kacchi Ghani and Pakki Ghani (expeller oil). This industry constitutes
the small-scale sector that markets the oil in loose form to about 80% and the rest
contribution is made by the organized sector.

Consumption of mustard has been steady, and any growth in the market for mustard has a
direct relationship to population growth. Japan was the primary export market, followed by
Canada and Thailand. All three countries experienced a double-digit decline in mustard
purchases. On the other hand, imports have been increasing steadily. Canada was the main
supplier, followed by India.

The major market for yellow mustard is the North American industry which uses the product
as a condiment, sauces & pastes. Europe is the major market for brown mustard & they use it
as a condiment, often in the form of specialty mustards such as Dijon. Asia is the major
market for mustard seeds for use as spicy cooking oil and condiments in almost every recipe.

As per the IOPEPC market report, we had a 4% decline in the production of Indian Mustard
Seeds for the year 2017-18. This was however also followed with the decline in the demand
for the product across the globe. The Indian mustard production, however, is huge &
sufficient to cater to the need of the Asian market. The estimated produce of Mustard crop for
the year 2018-19 is expected to be 25,000 MT of which 90% crop is utilized in the country
itself for oil making purpose. The rest 10% crop will be available for export across all

The major importing countries for the Indian Mustard seeds are the Asian countries followed
by Europe. The Indian Mustard is mainly used for oil extraction. It is not used to make sauce
or mustard pastes owing to its slightly bitter taste. Considering this trend, we expect the
Indian crop will be able to fulfil the global demands. The Indian government lately has
analysed the global mustard demand & accordingly is taking measures to improve the quality
of seeds so that they are compatible to the taste as required in different cuisines.

The Government policy of procurement of Food grains has broad objectives of ensuring MSP
to the farmers and availability of food grains to the weaker sections at affordable prices. It
also ensures effective market intervention thereby keeping the prices under check and also
adding to the overall food security of the country. 
HAFED is one of the State procuring agencies for Procurement of Food grains for Central
Pool with the largest share among all the Procuring Agencies. Haryana produces more than
10 million tons of Food Grains with surplus both in Wheat & Paddy. HAFED is involved in
Procurement of Wheat, Paddy, Mustard Seeds, Barley & Bajra on Minimum Support Price.
At present there is a network of 367 mandis/ purchase centres in the State. However, as per
need new mandi/ purchase centres can be opened in case basic amenities are provided by the
Haryana State Agricultural Marketing Board and fulfilling the norms prescribed by the Food
& Supplies Department.
Haryana Co-operation Minister, Banwari Lal said that the State Government is making all
necessary arrangements for smooth and hassle-free procurement of mustard seed of the State
farmers. He said that as on March 2, 2020, total 3,86,103 farmers have registered on 'Meri
Fasal Mera Byora' portal for mustard seed crop Rabi 2020-21 covering an area of 17.20 lakh
Analysis of Future Contract (NCDEX)
RMSEED have considerable price volatility in the physical market as well as futures.
Exchange traded RMSEED futures are ideal for price risk management needs of the
processors, traders, physical participants and end users. Those with no physical exposure to
RMSEED trade can also benefited by undertaking 'cash-and-carry' arbitrage and 'calendar
Speculators can take directional view on future prices and accordingly take positions in
RMSEED seed futures.
Jaipur is the basis centre for RMSEED. Alwar, Kota, Sriganga Nagar, Bikaner, Agra &
Hapur as a additional delivery centres
Rapeseed/Mustard Seed/Canola futures gets traded on NCDEX India in the name of
Rapeseed-Mustard Seed futures; it also gets traded internationally on two exchanges:

1. NYSE Liffe Paris in the name of Rapeseed Futures

2. ICE Futures Canada in the name of Canola Futures

Product ExpDT Op Hig Lo Cl LTP C (%) AV Spot Sp Bes Best OI
Name en h w o h Ch TP P ot tB S
s g g DT
20 Mar
20 Apr 20
Mustardseed 4098 4140 4058 4077 4107  30 0.74 4097.66 4050 4108 4123 14660
2020 03:09

Spot Price= 4050

Expected Futures in April = 4098

Centre of Delivery and Additional Centers

Delivery Center Jaipur
Additional delivery Centers Sriganganagar, Kota, Alwar, Hapur, Hisar,

ICEX India
Symbol RAPES
Delivery Center Patan
Additional delivery Centers Palanpur, Disa, Dhanera, Sidhpur, Unjha,
Mehsana, Kadi, Bhabhar, Hariz, Talod,
Himatnagar, Bhuj, Rajkot, Halwad, Dhoraji

Symbol RAPES
Delivery Center Jaipur
Additional delivery Centers Agra, Alwar, Bikaner, Jodhpur, Kota,
Sriganganagar, Tonk

Reasons for Rajasthan being DELIVERY POINT of Mustard in India

More than 47% of the Mustard production in India is coming from Rajasthan alone. The
production of the mustard crop in Bharatpur region of Rajasthan has been witnessing an
increasing trend since the 2001-2013 decade due to increasing usage of mustard seed oil in
food. Moreover, high domestic demand for it was also one of the reasons for the rise in
Bajra-mustard sequence was more remunerative under flood prone eastern plain zone of
Rajasthan. Moreover, mustard can be intercropped successfully with wheat, barley, gram and
lentil under rain fed conditions and with potato as irrigated conditions. Intercropping systems
as Potato + Mustard (3:1), Field pea + Mustard (3:1) and Gram + Mustard (3:1) are widely
practiced in mustard growing areas


Trading in Rapeseed-Mustard Seed (RMSEED) Futures contracts may be conducted under

such terms and conditions as specified in the Rules, Byelaws and Regulations of the
Exchange and as per the circulars and notifications issued by the Exchange thereunder or the
Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) from time to time. The approval for futures
trading in Rapeseed-Mustard Seed (RMSEED) Futures contract is attached as Exhibit 1.

Unit of Trading

The unit of trading shall be 10 MT. Bids and offers may be accepted in lots of 10 MT or in
multiples thereof.

Months Traded In

Trading in Rapeseed-Mustard seed futures is applicable to all contracts and may be

conducted in the months as specified by the Exchange from time to time.
Tick Size

The tick size of the price of Rapeseed-Mustard seed shall be Rs.1/-

Basis Price

The basis price of Rapeseed-Mustard seed shall be Ex-warehouse Jaipur, exclusive of Sales

Unit for Price Quotation

The unit of price quotation for Rapeseed-Mustard seed shall be in Rupees per Quintal. The
basis for Rapeseed-Mustard seed traded as Rapeseed-Mustard seed is Ex-warehouse Jaipur,
exclusive of sales taxes/VAT.

Hours of Trading

The hours of trading for futures in Rapeseed-Mustard seed shall be as follows: As notified by
the Exchange from time to time, currently

 Mondays through Fridays – 10.00 a.m. to 05.00 p.m. Or as determined by the

Exchange from time to time. All timings are as per Indian Standard Timings (IST)

Last Day of Trading

Last day of trading shall be 20th day of the delivery month, if 20th day of the delivery month
happens to be a holiday, a Saturday, or a Sunday then the due date shall be the immediately
preceding trading day of the Exchange.

Mark to Market

The outstanding positions in futures contract in Rapeseed-Mustard seed would be marked to

market daily based on the Daily Settlement Price (DSP) as determined by the Exchange.

India Position in Harvested Area of Rapeseed among the Asian Countries

(In Hectare)
Rank Top 10 Countries Harvested Area
1 China 6653000
2 India 6000000
3 Bangladesh 336393
4 Kazakhstan 251092
5 Pakistan 227760
6 Iran 70444
7 Turkey 16495
8 Mongolia 3844
9 Japan 1980
10 Uzbekistan 1608
  Other Asian Countries 1302
  All Asian Countries 13563918
  World 34740403

Harvested Area
Harvested Area

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Area, Production and Productivity of Rapeseed and Mustard in India

(1950-1951 to 2019-2020 and 2022)

Area Production Productivity %age

(In ' 000 Hectare) (In ' 000 Tonne) (In Kg./Hectare) Coverage under Irrigation

1950-1951 2071 762 368 -

1951-1952 2401 943 393 -

1952-1953 2105 858 408 -

1953-1954 2244 872 389 -

1954-1955 2439 1037 425 -

1955-1956 2556 860 336 10.4 

1956-1957 2539 1043 411 13.5 

1957-1958 2412 933 387 13.0 

1958-1959 2447 1042 426 13.0 

1959-1960 2910 1063 365 12.3 

1960-1961 2883 1347 467 12.1 

1961-1962 3168 1346 425 13.2 

1962-1963 3127 1303 417 13.3 

1963-1964 3046 915 300 16.1 

1964-1965 2910 1474 507 15.2 

1965-1966 2913 1298 446 15.8 

1966-1967 3006 1228 409 20.3 

1967-1968 3244 1568 483 14.8 

1968-1969 2870 1347 469 18.4 

1969-1970 3172 1564 493 23.5 

1970-1971 3323 1976 594 25.2 

1971-1972 3614 1433 396 28.6 

1972-1973 3319 1808 545 26.7 

1973-1974 3457 1704 493 30.4 

1974-1975 3680 2252 612 35.4 

1975-1976 3339 1936 580 31.2 

1976-1977 3128 1550 496 34.4 

1977-1978 3584 1650 460 39.7 

1978-1979 3544 1860 525 39.7 

1979-1980 3470 1428 411 41.9 

1980-1981 4113 2304 560 43.7 

1981-1982 4399 2382 541 44.9 

1982-1983 3827 2207 577 44.0 

1983-1984 3874 2608 673 46.6 

1984-1985 3987 3073 771 53.3 

1985-1986 3982 2680 674 51.3 

1986-1987 3719 2605 700 51.8 

1987-1988 4508 3370 748 54.7 

1988-1989 4832 4877 906 60.0 

1989-1990 4967 4125 830 61.6 

1990-1991 5782 5229 904 59.8 

1991-1992 6553 5863 895 63.9 

1992-1993 6193 4803 776 60.0 

1993-1994 6289 5328 847 59.4 

1994-1995 6058 5758 950 62.4 

1995-1996 6547 6000 916 65.8 

1996-1997 6545 6658 1017 69.1 

1997-1998 7041 4703 668 60.0 

1998-1999 6513 5664 870 58.3 

1999-2000 6027 5790 961 63.2 

2000-2001 4477 4190 936 66.1 

2001-2002 5073 5083 1002 68.3 

2002-2003 4544 3880 854 69.2 

2003-2004 5428 6291 1159 67.0 

2004-2005 7316 7593 1038 69.3 

2005-2006 7276 8131 1117 72.1 

2006-2007 6790 7438 1095 74.3 

2007-2008 5826 5834 1001 75.5 

2008-2009 6298 7201 1143 73.9 

2009-2010 5588 6608 1183 71.1 

2010-2011 6901 8179 1185 69.9 

2011-2012 5894 6604 1121 73.2 

2012-2013 6363 8029 1262 -

2013-2014 6646 7877 1185 -

2014-2015 5799 6282 1083 -

2015-2016 5746 6797 1183 -

2016-2017 6074 7917 1304 -

2017-2018 5977 8430 1410 -

2018-2019 - 9256 - -

2019-2020# - 9113 - -
2022* 7.47** 11.95*** 1.6^ -

Note : # : 2nd Advance Estimates.

         ^ :

         * : Anticipated Figures.

        ** : Million

        *** : Million

Source : Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (ON2043), (ON2271) & Past Issues.

Selected State-wise Area, Production and Productivity of Rapeseed and Mustard in India
(2016-2017 and 2017-2018)

Area Production Productivity

States/UTs (In ' 000 Hectare) (In ' 000 Tonne) (In Kg./Hectare)
2016-2017 2017-2018 2016-2017 2017-2018 2016-2017 2017-2018
Andaman and Nicobar
0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 258 3000
Andhra Pradesh 5.00 3.00 2.00 1.37 400 457
Arunachal Pradesh 27.99 28.19 28.51 28.72 1019 1019
Assam 294.02 290.29 189.23 185.49 644 639
Bihar 82.77 79.13 97.68 98.51 1180 1245
Chhattisgarh 51.00 43.63 19.80 18.11 388 415
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.00 500 500
Delhi 3.63 3.59 4.53 4.53 1248 1260
Gujarat 201.00 221.00 344.00 399.57 1711 1808
Haryana 510.00 549.00 945.00 1107.88 1853 2018
Himachal Pradesh 8.77 8.33 4.44 4.54 506 546
Jammu and Kashmir 47.61 47.40 25.02 37.59 526 793
Jharkhand 273.35 305.05 198.96 218.11 728 715
Karnataka 4.00 2.00 0.80 0.34 200 168
Kerala - - - 0.00 - -
Madhya Pradesh 708.00 748.00 920.00 976.00 1299 1305
Maharashtra 9.50 7.70 3.40 2.20 358 286
Manipur 29.13 29.26 24.90 25.05 855 856
Meghalaya 9.85 9.87 9.20 9.23 934 935
Mizoram 0.33 0.42 0.33 0.42 1003 1002
Nagaland 27.40 27.45 27.76 27.78 1013 1012
Odisha 9.70 8.65 3.35 2.82 345 326
Punjab 31.70 30.50 44.80 45.69 1413 1498
Rajasthan 2563.60 2210.43 3645.44 3541.31 1422 1602
Sikkim 3.67 3.21 3.18 2.81 866 875
Tamil Nadu 0.20 0.29 0.04 0.07 200 232
Telangana 3.00 3.00 5.00 4.78 1667 1594
Tripura 7.50 7.80 6.19 6.47 825 830
Uttar Pradesh 689.00 679.00 858.00 945.17 1245 1392
Uttarakhand 13.00 16.00 11.00 12.70 846 794
West Bengal 459.11 615.00 494.67 722.60 1077 1175
India 6073.82 5977.16 7917.23 8429.85 1304 1410
Source : Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India. (ON1704) & (ON1953)


Source regarding schemes :

Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation
*NBHC Estimates (2018-19)
Source: Foreign Agricultural Service, official USDA Estimates

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