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The Introduction Paragraph

The first paragraph is called the Introduction. The introduction paragraph has
two main purposes:

1. It introduces the topic to prepare the reader for what you will be writing.

2. It hooks the reader so that they will be interested in reading more.

But, how do you begin to write an introduction paragraph?

How do you begin to write an introduction paragraph?

Step #1: 
Most essays begin with a general statement (generalization). This
sentence typically acts as the topic sentence for the paragraph.

Step #2: 
Next, the supporting detail sentences are written to narrow the topic.

In this first paragraph the writer must introduce the topic by making a
thesis statement. A thesis statement is similar to a topic sentence. It is
a general statement that tells the reader what you will be writing about.
(You will generally have three items to mention in your thesis

The introduction should also hook the reader. This means that the

introduction should draw the reader in. It should make the reader want
to read more of the essay.

Let's look at our sample introduction paragraph.}

Now, look at an example of an introduction paragraph written by an

ESOL student.

To become a successful writer, students should follow some

important steps. Just attending the class is not enough.
Writers need a good background in grammar and vocabulary,
skills in writing essays, and skills in editing. Learning to be a
successful writer involves a lot of hard work.
What does Sarah say?
1. Is this an acceptable introduction paragraph? 

I think this is a good introduction paragraph. First, I introduced

the topic of becoming a successful writer. Then, I added
supporting sentences that helped narrow the topic.

I also have a thesis sentence that outlines the paragraph in

three sections: 1) background in grammar and vocabulary, 2)
skills in writing essays, and 3) skills in editing. I think the topic
is interesting for ESOL students.

To become a successful writer, students should follow

some important steps. Just attending the class is not
enough. Writers need a good background in grammar and
vocabulary, skills in writing essays, and skills in editing.
Learning to be a successful writer involves a lot of hard

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