FAQs About Dual-Coated Bars - ETN-M-7-15

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Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQ) About Dual-Coated Steel
Technical Note Reinforcing Bars
Introduction What reinforcing bars do the ASTM
standards permit to be coated?
The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
(CRSI) routinely receives inquiries concern- ASTM A1055/1055M permits bars meeting
ing various aspects of reinforcing bars, ASTM A615/A615M Standard Specification
and reinforced concrete design and con- for Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars
struction. This Technical Note presents for Concrete Reinforcement, A706/A706M
a collection of typical questions that are Standard Specification for Deformed and
asked regarding dual-coated steel reinforc- Plain Low-Alloy Steel Bars for Concrete
ing bars. Most of these questions come Reinforcement and A996/A996M Standard
from licensed design professionals (LDPs), Specification for Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel
namely engineers and architects, field per- Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforcement
sonnel (inspectors, code enforcement per- to be coated. Bars meeting ASTM A615/
sonnel and contractors) and state DOTs. A615M are available in yield strength
grades of 40, 60, 75, 80 and 100 [280, 420,
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars are 520, 550, and 690]. Bars meeting ASTM
used in reinforced concrete projects due to A706/A706M are available in yield strength
corrosion resistance. Figure 1 shows one grades of 60 and 80 [420 and 550]. Bars
example of the use of dual-coated steel re- meeting ASTM 996/A996M are not as read-
inforcing bars on a bridge deck near Myrtle ily available as the other two steel types,
Beach, South Carolina. Dual-coated rein- but rail-steel bars are available in yield
forcing bars are defined by ASTM A1055/ strength grades of 50 and 60 [350 and 420],
A1055M as reinforcing bars with protective while axle-steel bars are available in yield
dual coating applied by zinc metalizing and strength grades of 40 and 60 [280 and 420].
the electrostatic epoxy spray method.
What are the available sizes of dual-
Specific frequently asked questions (FAQ) coated steel reinforcing bars?
and responses are provided below.
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars are avail-
able in all U.S. conventional bar sizes and
the metric sizes used in Canada. U.S. bar
sizes are #3 through #11, #14, #18, and
#20 (#10 through #36, #43, #57, and #64).
Metric sizes in Canada are 15M, 20M, 25M,
30M, 35M, 45M and 55M.
How are the types of dual-coated
Concrete Reinforcing

steel reinforcing bar identified?

While there is no requirement for the color
of coatings used for ASTM A1055/A1055M
Steel Institute

Figure 1 – Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars used in the

deck of a bridge structure located near Myrtle Beach, South bars, in general, a yellow color coating is
Carolina. (Photo courtesy of Gerdau) used to identify bars that meet ASTM
A1055/A1055M. Typical bar markings on the
Basic Material Characteristics steel are readily visible through the coating
on the dual-coated steel reinforcing bar.
What Standards govern dual-coated
Does dual-coated steel reinforcing
reinforcing bars?
bar have the same weight per foot
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars should as normal “black” carbon reinforc-
be specified according to ASTM A1055/ ing steel bar?
A1055M Standard Specification for Zinc and
Epoxy Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars. Yes, dual-coated reinforcing bars have nom-
@Seismicisolation inally the same weight per foot as normal
“black” carbon reinforcing steel bars (that is, bar con- Engineering Design Issues
forming to ASTM A615/A615M, A706/A706M or A996/
A996M). What are the yield and tensile strengths of dual-
coated steel reinforcing bar?
What are metalized zinc and fusion-bonded
coatings? Bars meeting ASTM A615/A615M are available in yield
strength grades of 40, 60, 75, 80, and 100 ksi [280, 420,
Metallizing is the process for applying the zinc inner 520, 550 and 690]. Bars meeting ASTM A706/A706M are
layer to the underlying steel. Fusion bonding refers to the available in yield strength grades of 60 and 80 ksi [420 and
process used to apply the outer epoxy powder coating 550]. Bars meeting ASTM 996/A996M are not as readily
to the inner metalized zinc layer on the reinforcing steel. available as the other two steel types, but these are avail-
The bars are cleaned and the surface heated to approxi- able in yield strength grades of 40, 50, and 60 [280, 350
mately 425°F (220°C) and then passed through a zinc arc and 420].
spray, immediately followed with an electrostatic spray
containing fine epoxy powder. The powder is attracted Are there any special design guidelines for
to the zinc layer based upon electrostatic forces. When dual-coated steel reinforcing bars in ACI 318 or
the epoxy encounters the heated zinc-sprayed bars, it AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications?
melts and fuses, forming a thermosetting polymer. The ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural
resultant dual coating is significantly more uniform in Concrete and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
thickness than could be achieved using other methods. Specifications generally treat dual-coated steel reinforc-
Availability and Cost ing bars the same as black bars in terms of structural
design, except that additional development length will
What is the availability of dual-coated steel be required.
reinforcing bars?
Can dual-coated steel reinforcing bars be
Contact your local reinforcing steel fabricator for avail-
ability. The most commonly available product is Grade
mixed with other reinforcing steel bars?
60 (420) in both ASTM A615/A615M and A706/A706M. Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars can be used in struc-
tures with other reinforcing steel bars. However, when
What are the lead times necessary to order and using dual-coated reinforcing steel in bridge decks, it is
get the bars fabricated? recommended that all the deck reinforcement is coated,
Purchasers are encouraged to inquire with a local supplier as this will reduce the amount of total corrosion.
about lead times for specific grades, sizes and quantities
early in the project schedule. In piers subjected to chloride exposure, the use of
dual-coated reinforcing bars should be continued from
What is the cost of dual-coated steel reinforcing below the waterline into an area above the splash zone
bars compared with normal “black” bars or other to minimize corrosion risks.
corrosion-resistant bars on the market?
Can the concrete cover to dual-coated steel
As a trade organization, CRSI does not comment on costs
and costs will vary by location and with the price of uncoat-
reinforcing bars be reduced?
ed reinforcing steel. Manufacturers or suppliers should be In some reported instances, LDPs were able to reduce
contacted for current pricing information and current lead the top and bottom cover over dual-coated reinforce-
times. ment, for a total reduction of 1 to 2 in. (25 to 50 mm).
This equates to a 12.5 to 25 psf (600 to 1200 Pa) reduc-
Are dual-coated steel reinforcing bars environ- tion in dead load of the concrete deck. Before making
mentally friendly? a change in deck thickness, local bridge or building code
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bar has the following sus- provisions should be reviewed for acceptance of this
tainable attributes: type of change.
• M
 anufactured using reinforcing bars that are made us- Decreasing the thickness of the deck certainly has
ing over 95% recycled steel the potential to result in marginally lower project costs.
• D
 ual-coated reinforcing steel can be readily recycled However, before making such a ubiquitous reduction in
after use deck thickness, the deck needs to be analyzed for struc-
tural capacity and serviceability (i.e., deflections and
• M
 anufactured using low amounts of energy compared
potential cracking) on account of the reduced depth af-
with other systems
fecting the overall structural depth, d, and the reduced
• No VOCs produced during the powder coating process stiffness through the moment of inertia, I. Recall, for
• S
 tructures that use dual-coated steel reinforcing bars the latter condition, a reduced depth will have a signifi-
are more durable than those that use black bars. cant influence, as the overall slab depth term is cubed
2 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars [ETN M-7-15]
when computing the moment of inertia, I, for deflec- to determine suitability of available products. Dual-
tions. Although the deck has the dual-coated reinforcing coated couplers are not readily available.
bar and it should not corrode, serviceability issues could
cause later corrosion issues with the underlying super- Are there any issues with using mechanical
structure or substructure elements of the bridge. splices with dual-coated steel reinforcing bars?
When mechanical splices are used, they should be in-
Is development length greater when using spected for any coating damage prior to placement of
dual-coated reinforcing bars? concrete. If damage is observed, the steel should be
The development length is the length of bar embedded cleaned to remove any surface corrosion and coated
in concrete required to obtain yield strength of the steel. with an approved two-part epoxy coating formulated for
This length is greater for dual-coated steel reinforcing as use with dual-coated reinforcing steel.
compared to uncoated bars as the coating reduces the
bond to the concrete from 20 to 50%, depending on the Fabrication
spacing and cover on the bars. The increased develop-
ment length has been well established by testing and Into what shapes can dual-coated steel reinforc-
is the same as developmental lengths for ASTM A775/ ing bar be bent?
A775M epoxy-coated bar, which is considered in design
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars meeting ASTM
codes such as ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for
A1055/A1055M can be fabricated into the entire array
Structural Concrete and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design
of standard bend shapes found in the CRSI Manual of
Standard Practice and ACI 315 Details and Detailing of
Concrete Reinforcement. The bars are bent to the same
What is the effect of coating damage on the diameters as black bars.
bars’ performance?
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bar without damage will Bending of dual-coated steel reinforcing bars uses the
resist corrosion better than bars with damaged coatings; same process as that for epoxy-coated bars meeting
however, laboratory data has shown that even bars with ASTM A775/A775M, except at different temperature.
coating damage perform significantly better than black Required bend temperature can be referenced in ASTM
bar. Essentially, all tests evaluating dual-coated reinforcing A1055/A1055M (note 10).
steel are conducted using bars with deliberate damage to
Fabrication of dual-coated reinforcing bars uses the
simulate worst-case situations.
same process as for black bars except the bending pins
are covered with a polymer outer wrap. The contact
Is it better to lap splice or mechanically splice
surfaces of equipment used to fabricate or handle dual-
dual-coated steel reinforcing bars? coated bars should be protected using plastic or other
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars may be lap spliced material to protect the bars against damage.
or mechanically spliced. Use of the particular method
depends on many factors, and this will likely become an Do sheared ends of dual-coated steel reinforcing
economic decision. For the smaller bar sizes, the “extra” bars need to be coated after shearing?
length of dual-coated steel reinforcing bar to facilitate
All exposed steel, including sheared ends, should be
the lap splice requirements likely will be less expensive
coated using a two-part epoxy. End-coating generally is
than the selected mechanical splice. For the larger bar
conducted as part of standard fabrication practices.
sizes, the mechanical splice becomes more economi-
cal than the “extra” length of bar used to make the lap
Construction Handling
splice. A mechanical splice may, however, be a better
alternative given job-specific constructability conditions, Are there any special handling requirements for
congestion issues and/or spacing requirements. ACI 318 dual-coated steel reinforcing bar?
Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete or
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications provisions The fabrication and field handling of dual-coated rein-
also may influence this decision. forcing steel bars are covered in Appendix X1 of ASTM
A1055/A1055M. Further information is also found in the
What types of mechanical splices are available? CRSI Publication Specialty and Corrosion-Resistant Steel
Many mechanical splices are commercially available Reinforcement: A Product Guide.
in standard-size threaded couplers. Some of these are
Recommendations include:
coated with epoxy or have been galvanized, while others
are uncoated and protected using a waterproof sleeve at • W
 hen lifting individual bars or bundles of dual-coated
the jobsite that is placed tightly around the ends of the steel reinforcing bars, spreader bars or strong backs
bars and the couplers to prevent moisture intrusion. As with multiple pick-up points should be used to mini-
with any mechanical splice, test data should be utilized mize sags.
CRSI Technical Note 3
• S
 ynthetic or padded slings should be used, and at no Can I weld dual-coated steel reinforcing bars?
time should dual-coated steel reinforcing bars be lifted According to the CRSI Manual of Standard Practice,
using bare chains or cables. reinforcing steel should be welded according to the
• B
 undles of dual-coated steel reinforcing bars should American Welding Society, AWS D1.4/D1.4M. If the
be stored off the ground on suitable materials, such as steel used for the dual-coated bars meets ASTM A706/
timber cribbing. A706M, the bars are intended for welding without pre-
• D
 ual-coated steel reinforcing bars should be stored heating, and therefore should be specified for applica-
separately from uncoated steel reinforcing bars to pre- tions that require an appreciable amount of welding.
vent abrasion of the dual coating. ASTM A615/A615M reinforcing bars can be welded
• D
 uring storage and shipping, all contact points (e.g., but may require preheating the bars up to 500°F (260°C).
trailers and storage racks) should be wood- or plastic- After completion of the welding on dual-coated steel re-
lined. inforcing bars, the damaged areas should be repaired us-
ing patch materials meeting ASTM A1055/1055M.
• D
 ual-coated steel reinforcing bars should be covered
using opaque polyethylene sheeting or other suitable How long can dual-coated steel reinforcing
opaque material if they are to be stored outdoors for bar be exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light before
more than two months. damage is done to the epoxy material?
• D
 ual-coated steel reinforcing bars should be protected ASTM D3963/D3963M requires that: “Placed coated
against coating damage through appropriate lifting, bars shall be covered with opaque polyethylene or similar
handling, placing and concrete placement operations. protective material if cumulative environmental exposure
• D
 uring placement, dual-coated steel reinforcing bars of the coated bars, including previously uncovered stor-
should be lifted and set in place. age time, of greater than two months prior to concrete
embedment is expected.”
• D
ual-coated steel reinforcing bars should not be
dragged into place, and other materials should not be The provision for two months of exposure was devel-
dragged across placed dual-coated steel reinforcing oped from testing conducted by C-SHRP where bars were
bars. left exposed and then tested. (See http://www.cshrp.org/
• M
 ovement of personnel and materials across the dual- products/outdoor.pdf.) It is known that extended expo-
coated steel reinforcing bars should be minimized. sure is often unforeseen and that bars may be exposed
for longer periods than that suggested by ASTM D3963/
• P
 rior to concrete placement, dual-coated steel reinforc- D3963M. The outer layer of fusion-bonded dual coatings
ing bars should be inspected and damaged coating re- may undergo surface discoloration and chalking from ex-
paired with a two-part epoxy material meeting ASTM posure. Should extended exposures occur, it is strongly
A1055/A1055M. recommended that the bars be carefully inspected and
• P
 lastic-headed vibrators should be used to consolidate any site of damage or localized corrosion be repaired fol-
the concrete. lowing ASTM D3963/D3963M using a two-part epoxy rec-
ommended for use on dual-coated steel reinforcing bar.
Do I need to use special accessories (e.g., sup-
ports, ties, etc.) if I am using dual-coated steel CRSI recommends that bars stored outside be covered
reinforcing bars? after 30 days.
When placing dual-coated steel reinforcing bars, all
Coating Repair
wire bar supports, spacers and tying wire should be coat-
ed with dielectric material, such as an epoxy- or plastic- Will a small area of damaged dual-coating in-
coated material compatible with concrete. Composite crease the rate of corrosion or focus the corro-
(plastic) bar supports and spacers may be used if ap-
sion on the area of damaged coating?
proved by the purchaser.
Laboratory evaluations of dual-coated steel reinforcing
Are there any storage issues on the project site bar have shown that if corrosion does occur, it will not
that could impact the use of dual-coated steel spread underneath the coating and generally not com-
reinforcing bars? promise the structural performance of the bar. Focused
corrosion in the area of damage does not generally occur.
Dual-coated steel reinforcing bars should be stored sep-
arately from uncoated steel to prevent damage. Stored Can a “Rebar Green” pressurized spray be used
dual-coated bars should be elevated off the ground on to repair dual-coated steel reinforcing bar?
timber dunnage. The dual-coated reinforcing steel industry does not
recommend use of one-part spray coating materi-
als to repair damaged areas or sheared ends of bars.
These spray-on coatings generally cannot be applied
4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars [ETN M-7-15]
to adequate thicknesses and tend to be more porous American Welding Society – AWS D1.4 (2011), Structural Welding
than approved two-part non-sprayed materials. Two part Code – Reinforcing Steel, AWS D1.4/D1.4M:2011, American Welding
Society, Miami, FL, 85 pp.
liquid epoxies provide superior coating thickness, adhe-
Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute - CRSI (2009), Manual of
sion, and coverage when compared to one-part sprays.
Standard Practice, 28th Edition, Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute,
Two-part epoxy coatings are designed to function as a Schaumburg, Illinois, 144 pp.
system with powder coating epoxies. Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute - CRSI (2013), Specialty and
Corrosion-Resistant Steel Reinforcement: Product Guide, Concrete
What is the appropriate method of repairing or Reinforcing Steel Institute, Schaumburg, Illinois, 28 pp.
touching up dual-coated steel reinforcing bars? Note: References listed above were used in the development of this
The process for repairing damaged coating on dual- document. Because these documents are updated on a frequent ba-
sis, the year has generally been omitted in the text for clarity. The
coated steel reinforcing bars involves cleaning any cor- licensed design professional is referred to the respective organization
rosion at the damage site using a wire brush, followed for the latest revisions and applicable year of adoption.
by application of a two-part epoxy repair material, typi-
cally using a paint brush. Patch material manufacturer
recommendations should be followed.
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Of-
ficials - AASHTO (2014), AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifica-
tions, U.S. Customary Units, 7th Edition, American Association of
State Highway Officials, Washington, D.C., 1960 pp.
American Concrete Institute - ACI Committee 315 (1999), Details
and Detailing of Concrete Reinforcing, American Concrete Institute,
Farmington Hills, Michigan, 44 pp.
American Concrete Institute - ACI Committee 318 (2014), Building
Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-14) and Com-
mentary (ACI 318R-14), American Concrete Institute, Farmington
Hills, Michigan, 520 pp.
ASTM International – ASTM A615 (2015), Standard Specification for
Deformed and Plain Carbon-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement,
ASTM A615/A615M – 15, ASTM International, West Conshohocken,
PA, 8 pp.
ASTM International – ASTM A706 (2014), Standard Specification
for Low-Alloy Steel Deformed and Plain Bars for Concrete Reinforce-
ment, ASTM A706/A706M – 14, ASTM International, West Con-
shohocken, PA, 7 pp.
ASTM International – ASTM A996 (2015), Standard Specification
for Rail-Steel and Axle-Steel Deformed Bars for Concrete Reinforce-
ment A996/A996M-15, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA,
5 pp.
ASTM International - ASTM A1055/A1055M (2010), Standard for
Zinc and Epoxy Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars ASTM A1055/
A1055M-10e1, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 9 pp.
ASTM International – ASTM D3963 (2007), Standard Specification
for Fabrication and Jobsite Handling of Epoxy-Coated Steel Reinforc-
ing Bars, ASTM D3963/D3963M-01 (2007), ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, PA, 5 pp.

Contributors: The principal authors on this publication are Wes Miller and David McDonald, PhD, PE Concrete
with review by members of the CRSI Durability Committee. Reinforcing
Keywords: dual-coated steel, reinforcing bars, couplers, corrosion, handling, storage. Steel
Reference: Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute - CRSI (2015), “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
about Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars”, CRSI Technical Note ETN-M-7-15, Schaumburg, IL, 5pp. 933 North Plum Grove Rd.
Schaumburg, IL 60173-4758
Historical: None. New Technical Note. p. 847-517-1200 • f. 847-517-1206
Note: This publication is intended for the use of professionals competent to evaluate the significance
and limitations of its contents and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it Regional Offices Nationwide
contains. The Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute reports the foregoing material as a matter of infor- A Service of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute
mation and, therefore, disclaims any and all responsibility for application of the stated principles or for ©2015 This publication, or any part thereof, may not be
the accuracy of the sources other than material developed by the Institute. reproduced without the expressed written consent of CRSI.

Printed in the U.S.A.


6 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Dual-Coated Steel Reinforcing Bars [ETN M-7-15]

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