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H 14
1 E N J O Y 2 R
21 L 5 S H O R E
2 S C A R Y 27 H I D E F 16
C 23 C U F
H 12 26 A W K W A R D 15 S I L K Y 9
17 D E L U G E A T 28 C O N C E A L
U 7 S L D T
24 L S 13 S U M M I T 18 G
4 F E A S T H 10 P I N C H
X 3 A W A R D N
I F 11
6 F A I T H 20 W R A T H
1 A C H I E V E U
N 8 B U R S T

1. Synonym of delight, have fun and joy 7. Put straight what is crooked
2. Synonym of petrifying, frightening and 9. Has a _____ that covers your eye
horrifying 11. opposite weak
3. Synonym of gratification and reward 12. opposite more
4. Synonym of banquet and regale 14. To say that a thing is not true does not exist
5. Synonym of beach, coast and foreshore 16. when a place is completely covered with
6. Synonym of assurance, conviction and water or other liquid
credence, 18. Synonym of bestow and grant
8. Synonym of blow up, explode and rupture 21. Printed record of the days of the year
10. Synonym of tighten and clench ordered by months and by weeks; usually
13. Synonym of crest (highest part of a includes information on the phases of the Moon
mountain) and on religious and civil holidays
15. Synonym of sleek, smooth and velvety 22. To each _____, his offering
17. Synonym of cataclysm, downpour, flood, 23. A person who has a lot of money is _____
inundation, spate, torrent 24. Make the necessary changes to a thing that
19. Synonym of reach, get and perform is damaged, rotated or in poor condition so that
20. Synonym of anger and fury it stops being so.
26. Synonym of bungling and clumsy 25. The secret of happiness is to admire without
27. Synonym of conceal and cover desire
28. Synonym of hiding and occult
Personal opinion
From my point of view what we are experiencing lately due to the worldwide spread of
covid-19, it is quite an alarming situation because knowing that so many people around
the world are dying every day is very sad, and the danger of doctors with resources
limited is terrible, they have to attend in case of alarming knowing that Colombia is a
country with many difficulties at the social level (health and education).
On the other hand, I hope that hospitals will continue as long as necessary to avoid
further contagion. I try to contribute taking care of my grandparents, since I have them
close, not going out on the street unless it is of vital importance, it is a complicated
situation for the world in general, but we must all contribute a grain of sand to stay at

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