Narrative Script For Short Film Lucky

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Donato Stephen James

Narrative Script Idea

Main Subject: Nuclear Annihilation

Time: 1 Minute
Actors : 1
Costume: Post-Apocalyptic Era “ Survivalist “
Equipment: Tripod, Lights, Camera G7 18-35 and Fuji 55-200
Shooting Type: Static
Music: TBD
Subtext: B-Rolls with a Narrative in the background. Narrator walks around the wooded areas of
Montreal i.e. Jeanne Mance parc, Parc Mackenzie, Parc Summit. He looks at the vegetation that
grew around the city. He takes pictures on his camera and analyzes his treks around the areas.
He finds a little stuffed toy on the ground and picks it up. It transitions to darkness. He puts on
his headlamp and clips his find on his backpack. Final shot once the red light vanishes from

Script for Short Film: Lucky

( Forest Scene )

1. N: Lucky…what’s your take on the word “Lucky”

Shot: Close-Up Facial ( He wakes up from his nap at the forest )

2. N: Is it the feeling of winning the lottery?

Shot: Wide-Angle Establishing Shot ( He packs his things to head out)

3. N: Or getting to find the love of your life?

4. N: What about winning at the casino?

5. N:Or getting that 100% on that test you have not studied for.

Shot: Bird’s Eye ( He looks at a map of the city )

Transition: (City Scape)

6. N: What about getting to meet your favourite artist in the streets?

Shot: Very Long Shot ( He gets to the streets where it seems desolate) Old Port?

7. N: Or finding that song you’ve been hunting for on the radio.

Shot: Medium Close up ( He hears a crackle on the radio in his bag )

8. N: What about getting into a university?

Shot: Long shot ( He gets to a building resembling a school )

9. N: Or not being drafted into the military?

Shot: Medium Close up ( He takes a picture of the school )

10. N: What about getting to hear that first siren ( siren noises )

11. N: Or getting inside a fallout shelter before a nuclear blast

Shot: Close up ( Zooms on gas mask )

12. N: What about having an actual family

Shot: Worm’s eye Close up( Picks up plushie )

13. N: Or perhaps having the freedom of being away from your family

Shot: Close up ( Same shot but now at night )

14. N: What about being the last one alive

Shot: Close up ( He looks around and turns on the flood settings of his headlamp )

15. N: Does it feel lucky?

Shot: Long shot ( Puts plushie clipped on his bag and walks away until red light

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