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Corona virus is a new Chinese animal virus known as COVID 19{Coronavirus
Disease 2019} which had spread through the whole world. Its outbreak is from
Wuhan city of China. This virus spread through the contact with the infected
person e.g. droplets in a cough. Coronaviruses are a large group of viruses that are
commonly found in animals. Scientists call it zoonotic, which means they can be
transmitted from animals to human. This animal virus takes longer time to develop
symptoms. It can make people sick, usually with a mild to moderate upper
respiratory tract illness, similar to a common cold. Coronavirus also include
symptoms of a runny nose, cough, sore throat, possibly a headache and maybe a
fever, which can last for a couple of days. There is no treatment of coronavirus as
till date no vaccine has been discovered but research is underway. But till then we
can only prevent it from spreading by maintain social distance by staying at our
homes as this virus spread through contact and if we are going out for some work
we should wear masks and cover ourselvesanot touching are face without wahing
hans properly. Doctors re doing their best by curing the people of corona virus by
curing their disease and asking them to maintain social distance for some days to
break this chain.
In such a situation location data can play important role in to deal with corona
virus. If someone is detected with corona virus we can see that person travel
history and his meetings with the people in society and the locations where he has
gone when he was infected and also try to evaluate from where that person got
infection. After finding all these data we need to find those persons which came
into contact with that person and location data of those people will make it easier
for them to find those people. It needs proper coordination between government,
police, doctors and communication services. By tracking the location of those
persons by their mobile phone they can contact those persons who are supposed to
be infected and alert them to remain in self-qurantine for some days and maintain
social distance from others as the symptoms of this virus comes out after 7-8 days.
As that person is infected and no symptoms are there of that virus for some days
and during that period that person meets other person assuming of not being
infected can spread the virus. It will help them to have a check on those pesrons
that they are following the self quarantine by tracking their location and are not
allowed to switch-off their phone as in today’s time every person is having
cellphones so it will be easy to trace them.
As this virus is spreading at larger rate in the world many countries have used the
location data of people by taking help from communication services and had alert
those citizens of their country whom they suppose to be exposed of corona virus.
Through this we can slow down the spread of virus and many countries have
controlled the spread of virus by using the location data of people and alerting
them to remain at their homes until not necessary to come out.

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