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JMC201 – Press Conference Story 2

Arizona will welcome Apple to its “pro-business climate” with a new

manufacturing plant in Mesa for the production of sapphire glass that will

create at least 700 quality high-tech jobs and 1,300 construction jobs

beginning July of this year.

The decision has come from Apple itself after taking notice of Arizona’s

strong pro-business tax and regulatory environment, as well as its highly

skilled, quality workforce.

“We are proud to expand our domestic manufacturing initiative with a new

facility in Arizona, creating more than 2,000 jobs in engineering,

manufacturing and construction,” Apple spokeswoman Kristin Huguet said.

“This new plant will make components for Apple products and it will run on

100 percent renewable energy from day one.”

The 1.3 million square-foot facility, located at 10201 Signal Butte Road,

Mesa, will utilize 147 million annual kilowatt hours of energy production in
partnership with the Salt River Project and the nearby 15-megawatt

Bonnybrooke solar array.

“[Apple’s] investment in renewable energy will be greening our power grid

and creating significant new solar and geothermal power sources for the

state,” Gov. Doug Ducey said.

Sapphire glass will be made at the manufacturing plant in conjunction with

New Hampshire-based GT Advanced Technologies. Apple uses sapphire –

a material that is incredibly durable – in small parts of the iPhone, like the

protective glass over the camera sensor.

Apple will have to retrofit the building, an additional cost of $15 million, to

manufacture its sapphire glass. Built by Tempe-based First Solar for $300

million in 2015, the facility was never put into production and sat idle for 4.5

years. Apple bought the facility recently for $100 million and leased it to GT

Technologies to manufacture the glass.

“Apple’s confidence in Arizona and its selection of Mesa as the site of its

newest manufacturing facility represents an enormous win for our state and
a historic investment in our community – one that will create hundreds of

quality jobs for Arizonans,” President and CEO of the Arizona Commerce

Authority Sandra Watson said.

“Apple’s commitment to manufacturing that will rely on renewable energy

further demonstrates its forward-thinking, progressive nature and Arizona’s

advanced capabilities in producing and delivering renewable power.”

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