Beazley1612 Learning Objectives PDF

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Beazley Risk Management Webinar

Staying out of Hot Water:

Professional Ethics for Design Professionals
Thursday, December 8, 2016, 12:30 pm EST / 9:30 am PST

Presented by:
Kenneth B. Walton, Esq., Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP
Colleen M. Palmer, Esq., Beazley Group

Learning Objectives:
In this webinar, we will address the important topic of ethics for architects and engineers. Design professionals of all
levels of experience will benefit from this session, so we encourage junior and senior professionals to attend. We will
begin by exploring the current state of business ethics and trends in the industry. We will review ethical canons and
regulations applicable to design professionals. We will discuss the key components of maintaining an ethical culture
within a firm. Finally, we will examine ethical case studies and the lessons learned from those complaints against
design professionals.
Please gather all of your professional staff and join us for this valuable 90-minute seminar where you and your staff
will have an opportunity to:
• Explore business ethics and industry trends;
• Learn about applicable ethical canons and regulations;
• Explore case studies based on scenarios with ethical dilemmas;
• Ask questions to the presenters; and
• Qualify for premium and continuing education (C.E.) credits (as applicable).

Continuing Education Credits:

After the program and upon receipt of your office’s electronic Attendance Sign-In Sheet, a group Certificate of
Completion will be e-mailed to you. Engineers, architects and other professionals may be able to earn continuing
education credits for their program participation.
Professional Engineers:
Synthesis Partnership is a national provider of continuing professional education webinars, and is an approved
provider in Florida, Louisiana, and North Carolina, three states that require pre-approval of providers offering
professional education credits.
Engineers registered in Florida and North Carolina must score 70% or better on a post-program quiz to earn 1.5
PDH credits in those states.
This topic will not meet New York’s strict subject matter criteria for professional education credits.
For all other states with continuing professional education requirements, it is the engineer’s responsibility to
determine whether this activity meets the requirements set forth by his/her state licensing board. We can advise
that most of those states have adopted the following subject matter criteria in awarding credits: “A course or activity
whose purpose and objective are clear with a content that will maintain, improve or expand the skills and knowledge of
the licensee’s field of practice”. Synthesis Partnership believes this program will meet these subject matter criteria.
The program has not been pre-registered for any C.E. credits. AIA members can log-in and self-report their
participation in this program on AIA’s web site:, as a structured self-reported program. For the individual
states’ licensing boards, it is the architect’s responsibility to determine whether this activity meets the various
guidelines set forth by those state boards where he/she is registered.



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