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Educational Philosophy-Kylie Edwardson

As a teacher, it is important to acknowledge your personal beliefs of education. These

beliefs can often times be put into a statement and that is called an educational philosophy. I

believe education should be fun for both the student and they teacher. Teachers should be

interested and passionate about the subject or lessons they are teaching. At the same time a

teacher must have the ability to get every student involved and be able to teach lessons that will

stick with a student for a lifetime.

I have put a lot of thought on how I am going to accomplish this in my future classroom.

One thing I already have accomplished in finding a passion for teaching. I have always wanted to

be a teacher and after spending so much time in classrooms, I have only strengthened my

passion. Along the lines of making learning fun for students, one concrete thing I can do is to

acknowledge the fact that there are multiple intelligences. Every student has different needs for

their learning. By acknowledging and catering to this belief, I should be able to make sure my

lessons stick with my students.

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