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Verónica Mejía Devia


“Life isn’t about finding yourself

Life is about creating yourself”

George Bernard Shaw





TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................... 3

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................. 4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 5
VALUES AND BELIEFS ..................................................................................................... 6
Survey results ....................................................................................................................... 6
Analysis ................................................................................................................................ 7
Values and beliefs mind maps ............................................................................................... 8
The roots of diversity ............................................................................................................ 9
WHAT I’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO BE ............................................................................ 11
MY CHOSEN MAJOR .................................................................................................... 12
................................................................................................................................... 12
The history of Architecture ................................................................................................. 12
Universities ........................................................................................................................ 13
Pros, cons, and comparisons ............................................................................................... 17
INTERNSHIP ................................................................................................................. 20
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................. 21
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 22


My grandma



Survey results

For the most part, I think the results are pretty accurate according to my perception of

my values. We can see a lot of my values focus on the middle area that is related to

letting go of fears and having the courage to develop and grow.

According to this test, relationships are a matter of extreme importance to me, which

is true. I love spending time with the people I care about and that is one of the things

that make me the happiest. Also, I am a really goal oriented person with “high

aspirations” who tries to be as independent as possible. It says as well that I like to

think imaginatively to produce new ideas. We can see this clearly reflects one of my

core values that is creativity. In addition to that, I appreciate that it included

environmental awareness.

Although it was generally accurate, I think it misunderstood one of the values that

appeared in my results. It says that power is a potentially limiting trait because this

might imply that I want power in a way that might disregard other people, and this is

far from what this value means to me.

When I said I value power it was not in any way that might put other people down. I

meant that I like to be in control of my own life, and as long as I have the power to do

something I consider the right thing, I will. Basically, I like taking my own decisions and

being able to decide what path my life is going to take, while seeking to be the best

version of myself; not seeking to be better than others.

Values and beliefs mind maps

The roots of diversity
One of the best things about humanity is diversity. We all have different passions, and

strengths; and it is all because our personalities are all built on different principles.

According to the official Cambridge dictionary values are “the principles that help you

to decide what is right and wrong, and how to act in various situations”, and beliefs are

“the feeling of being certain that something exists or is true.”

( I don’t think these official definitions can

encompass the true meaning of these concepts. In fact, abstract ideas are difficult to

put into words. For me, values and beliefs are the bases of our personality and

determine our actions. Values are the virtues you choose to live by and hold dearly to

your heart, while beliefs are conscious decisions you make that define your way of


From the moment we are born, our family, our school, and everyone around us start to

teach us different values. This goes from my grandma defending obedience above all,

to the school’s four fundamental values. They do this on their best interest, of course,

but the true core values of a person can’t be forced in by others. They must be

developed from within, with our own life experiences and mistakes. In my case, the

values that define me are: ambition, creativity, independence, resilience, open-

mindedness, and reliability. As a person I think creativity defines my purpose, as I like

to think of new ideas and original concepts to apply in my life. Since the very beginning,

my relationships have been very important, and these are defined by open-mindedness

and reliability. Finally, ambition, independence, and resilience define my actions. I have

high standards for myself and some goals I will try to achieve as independently as

possible. Also, I am resilient because when there are obstacles I have to adapt to the

different situations and carry on.

Just like values, everyone has different beliefs they develop along their lives. Beliefs are

extremely specific for each person, sometimes you can share beliefs with others, while

sometimes you will have unpopular opinions. If you speak to other girls in the school

about beliefs, you might find common answers like “everything happens for a reason”

or “destiny”. Here, I stand on a rather unique position because life has taught me that

it’s up to you to make things happen; not destiny or an outer force, but you. In addition,

I believe that happiness is a choice. Life is ever changing and unpredictable, but real

happiness needs to come from you and the attitude you chose to have when facing

problems. Another important lesson life has taught me is that no one is shallow. During

my years of life, I have met many people and I can firmly say that I have never met

anyone completely superficial. No matter how “shallow” a person may seem, there is

always more depth than what appearances let on. And if you give them the chance you

will find something really special in each and every one of the people you see every day.

To sum things up, no matter how you personally define these terms, I think everybody

can agree on one thing: values and beliefs make us who we are. All my life I have had

many enriching experiences and made mistakes that have left me valuable lessons.

Thanks to this, I have defined the bases to forge my character. I find it fascinating to

think that just like I have developed my own personality based on my principles,

everyone else has a different story; a unique set of values and beliefs that makes them

different from me. According to this, there are sets of values and beliefs as there are

people in this world and that is just what diversity is all about.


The history of Architecture

Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana is an institution created by the catholic church in
Medellin. It was founded on September 15, 1936, by Tiberio de J Salazar y Herrera. It
started with the name of Universidad Católica Bolivariana. Law was its first faculty.
In 1945 he received the pontifical seal and changed its name to the current one.
At the upb, we are all the areas and people that compose our institution, from
managers and administrators to teachers, and students. We are characterized by
carrying the Bolivarian Spirit, which determines feeling and reasoning as part of a unit.
Our signature is an integral formation that aims to propel social and human
transformation in our community. In the UPB we promote scientific progress, through
research and teachings in order to serve society.

upb students are people that respect diversity without discrimination and seek for the
truth. They value solidarity, justice, honor, innovation, loyalty and are committed to
peace and the development of their country.
They’re traditionally based on the catholic values and have evolved into an integral
community with the capacities to lead into ethical, and academic excellence.

Pensum Architecture pensum: 10 semesters.
Including the actual subjects corresponding to architecture and electives

COSTS 10.044.000 COP each semester.
They give several scholarships, but most of them apply for teachers that had excellent
grades from the Arquidiócesis de Medellín, or from UPB’s school, Mons. Eugenio
Restrepo Uribe. They also give out scholarships for those students who have a
recognition in arts or sports in the department, country or internationally. They also give
discounts if one’s studying 2 programs at the same time or if one decides to do an
exchange. Finally, for students who have an average at the end of the semester of 4.0
or more, get a 100% payment of the next semester they do at the university.


It was founded on 1861 in Boston but was moved to where their current campus is
located, Cambridge USA, on 1916.
The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a better world through
education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist,
inventive and artistic, obsessed with numbers, and welcoming to talented
people regardless of where they come from.
Founded to accelerate the nation’s industrial revolution, MIT is profoundly American.
With ingenuity and drive, our graduates have invented fundamental technologies,
launched new industries, and created millions of American jobs. At the same time, and
without the slightest sense of contradiction, MIT is profoundly global (opens in new
window). Our community gains tremendous strength as a magnet for talent from
around the world. Through teaching, research, and innovation, MIT’s
exceptional community pursues its mission of service to the nation and the world.
According to the international QS university ranking, the MIT is currently the best
university in the field of architecture.

MIT’s 139,000-plus alumni represent one of the most talented, innovative, and
networked communities on the planet. Many remain deeply involved in the life of the
Institute. They volunteer (opens in new window), serve on boards, head up regional
alumni clubs (opens in new window), and generously support (opens in new window)
MIT’s students, faculty, and staff. As individuals, their contributions are extraordinary.
As a community, their impact is infinite.


$73,160. For an academic year, without all the possible aid.

-The MIT scholarship: 59% of our undergraduates receive MIT Scholarships. The average
grant was $47,593 for 2018–2019.
-The first gear grant: The First Year Grant of $2,000 is divided equally between the fall
and spring semesters and will credit to your student account along with other financial
aid once you are registered for the semester. The grant is for first-year students only.


Universidad San Pablo is one of the largest and most traditional private education
institutions in Spain; one of the three universities that belong to the CEU international

The CEU was founded in 1933 by the Catholic Association of Propagandists (ACdP).
Currently, it has it’s three campuses on Madrid, Valencia, and Barcelona; and is a
prestigious and solid educational institution with more than 80 years of experience in
high-level teaching.
CEU Universidad san pablo is completely internationally driven, which means that, with
an ever-increasing number of international students coming from more than 50
countries, the international community is growing every year. And this is noticeable in
the atmosphere you’ll find in our lecture halls and on our campuses.
Additionally, the university offers various courses in both: English and Spanish equally,
as well as other optional languages through supplementary programs.

The san Pablo University is a place that trains students to be excellent professionals,
but, above all, well-rounded individuals, educated in the values of Christian humanism
and ready to offer the best of their talent to improve our society.
Students develop into outstanding professionals but, more importantly, persons of
integrity, leadership, and social responsibility.


11.280,00 € tuition fee monthly payment: 1.253,33 €

The CEU Talent Bridge is a financial aid program for students from foreign pre-university
systems who want to attend 1st year of university. Its fundamental objective is to
reward the talent in our classrooms.
The program grants up to 50% of the academic fees*, depending on the academic
record and profile of the candidate, and offers the possibility of renewing the
scholarship during all the years of the degree.

Grant for Students of the CEU-BU Program

Pros, cons, and comparisons
UPB +/-
• Least expensive • Not much of an international
• Closer to the people and city I know best experience or a culturally enriching
• One of the best in Medellin in Architecture environment
• Extracurricular activities • Too focused on religion.
• International accreditation by the Royal • A lot of compulsory “electives” that
Institute of British Architects. aren’t so appealing to me.
• International exchanges. • Relatively low worldwide ranking

Prize: $10.044.000 cop semester

Extracurricular activities:
Viable scholarships: recognition in arts, design etc. for the arquidiseño faculty.
Discounts if your are doing two majors at the same time.
Campus: Green áreas, 237.807m2, gym, Tennis and soccer fields, basketball court.
Location: Barrio Laureles, Medellin, Colombia
Duration: 10 semesters (5 years)
Requirements: Make the application exam, and do an interview.

MIT +/-
• The best architecture university globally
according to the Qs ranking. • Difficult to get in
• Go beyond in terms of innovation, • Very expensive
sustainability, and society. • Total change in my environment (new
• Exceptional teachers city and people)
• International experience • Big university, so its not a personalized
• Meeting new people and being more experience.
• Count with a lot of resources: technology,
commodities etc

Prize: 872’ 10,480.00 Cop semester

Extracurricular activities: sports, cultural clubs, technology groups, study groups
Viable scholarships: cultural diversity first year grant
Campus: gym, sports fields, innovation and development rooms, labs, libraries
Location: 77 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge
Duration: 3 years and a half
Requirements: Apply, minimum score of 90 on the TOEFL, SAT, school gpa

• One of the best ranked private • More expensive
universities in Spain • Total change in my environment (new
• International approach, the program is city and people)
offered in different languages. • Also very focused on religion.
• Great infrastructure.
• International experience
• International accreditation in architecture

Prize: 27’512,915 COP semester

Extracurricular activities: sports, lagunage, centers, clubs
Viable scholarships: academic excellence, fist year aid
Campus: sport centers, libraries, green areas and parks
Location: JULIÁN ROMEA 23 - 28003 MADRID
Duration: 5 years
Requirements: school grades, admission test from the university, at least a B2 level on any
English standardized test, if you’re taking the program in English.
Although now, with the coronatime and the euro super expensive, I already see that upb
is the most realistic way to go.

After each day that goes by and every opportunity I get to know myself better, I feel more
confident about my decision of studying architecture. So far, I know that this is a good
field to develop my skills and dedicate my next 5 years.
As to where to study this major I am still doubtful. I know I want focus on innovation and
maybe sustainability. I also know that I want to have an experience studying in an
international environment so I can develop myself more independently. Additionally, I
think it is important that in my university I can expand my hobbies and learn new through
extracurricular activities.

After analyzing the three universities I have learnt their differences and how they all adapt
differently to what I want for my future. Although The MIT has a really superior program,
is not a really viable option for me because it is way too expensive, and the United states
is not my favorite destination anyway.

I think that my best option is to apply both to the CEU University of San Pablo and to the
UPB both. Depending on the results, the financial aid I have available, and the
technicalities that come with moving abroad, I will make the choice.





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