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Peer review: Miguel Gallon

Reviewed by: Veronica Mejia

The Everchanging Dream

Remember the quote

Everything is easier as a child. You don't have responsibilities, making friends is

easy, and not many (few) choices really matter. Dreaming and thinking about the future is
all we did, wishing we were older and wiser, not knowing what was to come. My dream, for
many of my early years, was as the one of almost every other child had, a rockstar,
playing the guitar in a giant stage for millions of people. After time (later on), it changed
and a more realistic thought came to mind, a lawyer, defending the innocent and arguing
my way to success. Dreams, or my dreams at least, have never stayed the same for a
long time, and my future career has not been the exception.

Since I was 4, I was forced to learn to play an instrument, which I didn’t really hate.
Early in my development, I started to really like music. Practicing every day and listening to
old cassettes my dad had of bands like AC/DC, who I really got to enjoy after some weeks.
My brother and I got into rock quickly, and he, being the music major that he is, started
playing the guitar as soon as his hands were big enough. Playing in a band, I looked up to
him and wished to someday be as good as him with his guitar, and cool enough as the
people in the videos shown by my dad.

Me I, being the copycat that I am, tried playing the guitar for some months of great
success, wishing to learn quickly and be famous in just a couple of days. As I got older, I
realized that neither fame nor learning worked like that, and I got over the childish dream
quickly. After some thinking, the guitar? teacher was called, and the classes canceled. I
don’t really regret using my time in trying to achieve my dream, as it left me with a great
lesson: do not follow something just because other people do it or tell you to do it.

So, I immediately got into something my family told me i was good at: arguing.
(jajajajaj) After the guitar phase was over, my mom started telling me I would be a very
good lawyer (as I loved to fight for any reason and still do it to this day) and I, being 10,
believed her. There on out? From then on, I was decided I would end up being a famous
defender and professional arguer. My whole family agreed with my mom and told me
constantly that I would end up in a law firm. All this seemed great, a serious career and a
bright easy future seemed nice. Lawyers were respected and recognized, which I loved,
and I was sure I would turn out great without even knowing what a lawyer did or studied.

Some years went by, and UN models started being a thing in my life by chance. I
joined the debate club, and worked hard on my public speaking and confidence. These
ideas all joined my childhood dream, who which came back to me, as I participated in
more models, still not knowing what I would get myself into. As 11th grade came, I started
doing some research and discovered that there were more than only 5 majors in the world.
I also started reading about law, which was a great idea, as because I realized how much I
hated it. I can’t stand reading all day, and learning about my country which were the main
two things about the career choice. And after that, I was lost.

As of now, I keep interest in my childhood dreams. I really enjoy music as an active

hobby, and love public speaking and management. These dreams are the ones that lead
us to our final decision (which I haven't taken yet) and that show us who we really are. As
the years pass, we have all matured, changing how we think about our future. My life has
been full of questions yet unanswered, but change is something that has always been
constant, as redundant (redundant??? Or maybe ironic) as it may sound.

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