Fa Essay Prompts For Lotf

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LotF Timed Writing Prompts

Option #1: The most important themes in literature are sometimes developed in scenes in which a death or

deaths take place. Focusing on one theme within Lord of the Flies, show how a specific death scene helps to

illuminate the meaning of the work as a whole. Avoid mere plot summary.

Questions to Guide Your Reading:

1. What do I need to write about? _____________________________________________

2. Is there more than one option for answering this prompt? If yes, which one will I pick?


3. Is there any important numerical information that I should adhere to? _______________


4. How am I going to write this? _______________________________________________


5. What words can I pull from this prompt to ensure my thesis addresses it properly?

Option #2: In literary works, a symbol can express an idea, clarify meaning, or enlarge literal meaning.

Focusing on one symbol in Lord of the Flies, write an essay analyzing how the symbol functions in the work as

a whole. You may also choose to focus on one allegory and analyze its function in the work as a whole. Avoid

mere plot summary.

Questions to Guide Your Reading:

1. What do I need to write about? _____________________________________________

2. Is there more than one option for answering this prompt? If yes, which one will I pick?


3. Is there any important numerical information that I should adhere to? _______________


4. How am I going to write this? _______________________________________________


5. What words can I pull from this prompt to ensure my thesis addresses it properly?


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