Greene Summary and Response

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To Stuart Greene, writing is looked at as another form of argumentative

conversation.  We argue every day as part of our lives, usually with ideas in
mind backed by persuasion in order to satisfy the idea. Similarly in writing,
we recognize the argument, research, and write accordingly. Greene
proposes that the teacher's question or topic should be posited as the
dispute and the argument open for conversation.  In a normal argumentative
conversation, one does not only incorporate knowledge from the get-go, they
incorporate information from other sources, other people, or other gathered
information in order to have a valid argument. The ability to bring research
and background information into an argumentative conversation poses much
greater persuasive value than basic argumentative techniques. Greene says
these conversations aren't always fresh, mostly ongoing which allows for the
ability to just jump into the mix and bring valid points based upon
background knowledge, research, and persuasive techniques. Much like
Greene's ideas, I write in accordance with research and knowledge to create
the best argument for myself. An argument that will gather praise from the
desired audience, in this case, the professor. Being Italian, arguing is more
common than usual, interacting in heated discussions my whole life has
allowed me to become trained in the art of listening, picking up on the
debate, gathering the correct information, and beginning my argument based
upon the facts stated by other individuals. Metaphorically speaking,
conducting research is eerily similar. Browsing the databases for articles to
help my argument can be easily compared to Greene's reference to Kenneth
Burke on pages 33-34. Walking into the parlor is like opening up a database.
The metaphor presented by Greene is representative of my work and how I
view my writing as a whole. The in -depth explanation provided by Greene
clearly highlights why my success has been tenfold ever since I have
understood the conflict and discourse oriented way behind writing. 

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