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 Information about the class

Teacher: Onică Elena

School: Gara Banca Secondary School

Date: the 18th of February 2020

Class: 5th grade (2 classes per week), L2

No. of students: 15

 Information about the lesson

Time: 50 minutes

Unit: 4a Places in town

Lesson: Grammar: There is/There are

Type of lesson: Teaching There is/There are structures

Coursebook: Limba Modernă 2 – Limba Engleză, manual pentru clasa a V-a, Litera, 2017

Skills: Main skill: Writing; Secondary skill: Speaking

Teaching aids and materials: coursebook, blackboard, chalk


1. To practise the newly introduced grammar structures: There is, There are;

2. To practise the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of There is and There are;

3. To develop their communicative skills by answering questions like Are there any trees in your street? (Yes, there are./No, there

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

O1: use There is for singular nouns and There are for plural nouns;

O2: use corretly the affirmative, negative and interrogative foms of There is and There are;

O3: answer There is/There are questions


Stages of
Time Interaction Aims Teacher does Students do Observations

Teacher greets the children. Teacher

asks if there are absent children.
Students get ready for the
To create a
Students are asked to count how many lesson.
chairs, desks and students are there in
their classroom. After that, the teacher They count what the
Warm up 3 min T-Ss introduces There are structure by teacher told them to
To make the
telling them There are fifteen students count. They listen to their
in the classroom; There are fifteen teacher’s explanations of
between There
desks in the classroom; There are the new grammar
is/There are
fifteen chairs in the classroom, structures.
pointing to the mentioned things in the
same time.

Then, she points to some objects in the
classroom, saying, for example, There
is a clock in the classroom.

Teacher writes the title of the lesson Students write the title in
on the blackboard: There is/There are. their notebooks.
To introduce
There is/There She draws a scheme on the blackboard They write the scheme in
are structures for students to see that we use There is their notebooks.
with their with singular nouns and There are
15 T-Ss
Presentation affirmative, with plural nouns. She gives examples Students write the
negative and as well. affirmative, negative,
interrogative interrogative forms of
forms, and their Then, teacher writes on the blackboard There is/There are and
short answers. the affirmative, negative and the short answers.
interrogative forms for There is/There
are, and the short answers too.

In pairs, students solve some exercises Students open their

from page 48. For the first exercise, coursebooks at page 48
they have to complete five sentences and solve the exercises.
To practise the
T-Ss with There is and There are. For the
Ss-T second exercise, they have to
Controlled 25 negative and
Ss-Ss complete five sentences with the
practice min interrogative
negative forms, There isn’t and There
forms and the
Pair work aren’t. For the third exercise, they
short answers.
have to order some words to make
questions. Then, they have to write
trues short answers in their notebooks.

Semi- To develop Students are asked to work in pairs Students solve exercise
controlled 5 min Pair work their and to answer the questions from 3/page 48.
practice communicative exercise 3/page 48.

Teacher asks students to solve what Students write in their

Homework 1 min T-Ss they did not manage to finish in the notebooks what they
classroom. have as homework.

Teacher thanks students for their

Feedback 1 min T-Ss participation and gives positive

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