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an average of 11 attempts before they can abstain from abnormal and indicative of EIA.

The low-sodium diet group

smoking on a long-term basis. became essentially EIA-free.

Sodium and Asthma Analyzing Babies' Cries

On June 3, 2005, at the annual conference of the When babies cry, their parents may know by instinct
American College of Sports Medicine in Nashville, whether they're hungry or tired or need to be changed or
Tennessee, physiologist Timothy Mickelborough, PhD, a comforted. Computer analysis of a baby's cry, however, can
professor at the University of Indiana in Bloomington, pre- point to something more serious. Researchers in colic and
sented the fmdings of a study with implications for some infant development have found that acoustical analysis of a
people with asthma. The study baby's cry can give clues about the baby's neurological and
BA is often treated demonstrated for the first time that medical health.
adjusting salt intake for two weeks "The cry signal has enormous potential diagnostic
with medicaUons, alters airway inflammation and the value," says Linda LaGasse, PhD, who coauthored a research
some of wliicii are flow of oxygen into the bloodstream, review in the February 2005 issue of Mental Retardation and
banned in international otherwise known as the diffusion Developmental Disabilities. "For example, very high-pitched
capacity of the lungs. cries can tell us that something may be wrong with the
atiiietic compeotions,
This study is important for the infant, so the cry signal can be an early warning that leads to
many people who suffer from exer- further neurological testing," she says.
cise-induced asthma (EIA), a condition in which vigorous Studies have shown that babies at medical risk, like pre-
physical activity triggers an acute narrowing of the airway, mature infants or those who have been exposed to lead or
making breathing difficult. The majority of people who suf- drugs, cry at a higher and more variable frequency than nor-
fer from asthma also have mal, but at lower amplitude and with short
EIA, as do about 10% of utterances. These types of cries indicate a
the population who have decreased respiratory capacity and more ten-
not been diagnosed with
Coverage for the Uninsured sion in, but less control of, the vocal tract.
asthma. EIA is often treat- This year wili bring an average $922 In the review, researchers also found that
ed with medications, some increase in employer-provided famiiy high resonance and changes in the cry mode
of which are banned in health insurance premiums to cover the were consistently associated with sudden
international athletic com- costs ot caring tor the uninsured, accord- infant death syndrome. Resonance is a
petitions, thereby limiting ing to a June 8, 2005 report trom Families sound's richness and depth, and mode
the methods with which USA, a national organization tor health changes are broken-sounding cries that indi-
the 10% of elite athletes care consumers. Individuals with private cate poor control of the vocal tract.
who have EIA can treat the heaith insurance through their empioyers
"Given the results of earlier studies relat-
condition. are expected to pay $341 more on average
ing cry characteristics to known neurological
in 2005.
Two groups were used compromise, these findings suggest that at-
Uninsured Americans, who number
in the study. One consumed nearly 48 million in 2005, pay about one
risk infants have undetected neurological
what the researchers deter- third ot the costs tor care provided by doc- damage and that cry analysis may be able to
mined to be the average tors and hospitals. The rest is considered identify these infants when no other symp-
sodium intake for adults of "uncompensated care" and is paid tor by toms are present," says Barry Lester, PhD, co-
9,873 milligrams per day, the government and by premiums trom peo- author of the research review.
and the other consumed a ple with heaith coverage, the report says. While the authors point out that parents
low-sodium diet incorpo- "As the costs ot care tor the uninsured tend to understand the nature of their babies'
rating 1,446 milligrams per are added to health insurance premiums cries, they say that there is little evidence that
day. Participants on the that are already rising steepiy, more an untrained listener could distinguish a high-
average-sodium diet showed employers can be expected to drop cover-
resonance cry from a low-resonance cry.
age, leaving even more peopie without
a dramatic decline in lung "Instead, resonance is identified by a
insurance," the report said. "And as more
function after exercising. computerized analysis of the cry signal,"
people lose coverage and the cost ot their
Their lung function dropped care is added to premiums tor the Insured, LaGasse says. "This is why a detailed analysis
by an average 27.4%, while stiii more employers wiii drop coverage. of the cry signal is an important part of
the lung function of partici- It's a vicious circle that wiil not end until we understanding the 'full message' of the cry."
pants on the low-sodium as a nation take steps to soive the underly-
diet dropped an average of ing problems." This edition of Health was prepared by Nicholas C.
Olsen and Kristen Romanowski.
only 7.9%. Any drop greater —KR
than 10% is considered


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