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PortaPow Crystal Travel USB Charger

This charger has four fast charge USB sockets which can output 4.2 Amps (21W) from any single
USB socket or shared between the four. Devices requiring less power can also be safely charged,
your device will not be charged faster than it was designed for.

Each USB socket is represented by a matching LED, each with a unique colour and shape so you
can tell at a glance which of your devices is charging. The LED will turn on when your device is
charging, will start to flicker as it nears fully charged and will turn off when your device is full or is
being trickle charged. This may be before or after the device’s screen shows a 100% charge so you
can see when the device has really finished its main charging period. If you find the LEDs distracting
at night they can be covered with Blutack/tape or similar.

The charger has 4 interchangeable plugs for use almost anywhere in the world. To remove a plug
simply hold the clip at the bottom of the charger with one hand, and slide off the plug. When
attaching a new plug ensure it is fully inserted and the clip moves back into place.

The ‘Apple’ socket uses Apple’s 12W charger spec and will charge all Apple iDevices at maximum
speed, most other devices are also compatible but may charge at reduced speed. The 3 other USB
sockets use the universal fast charge USB charging specification and will charge the widest variety
of devices at maximum speed.

A 1 Year Guarantee is supplied with your purchase. Visit for more
information, and more PortaPow charger products including innovative car, solar, mains and USB
Manual version 1.3

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