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1. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement. of normal lungs by Lin.

axillaris media dextr. et sin.:

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm+

14-16 sm

2. “Cobbler chest” also called:





3. Syndrome is:

combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;+

abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick persons;

summarize clinical examinations.

4. To determine the protein function of the liver is used:

determination of the content of total protein in serum

determination of protein fractions

protein sediment tests

determination of prothrombin index

all of the above methods+

5. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard:

dull sound

sound box

pulmonary sound

dullness of sound

tympanic sound.+

6. In healthy people GFR level is:

20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2

40-60 mL/min/1.73 m2

90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2+

130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2
155-160 mL/min/1.73 m2

7. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :

6-8 cm

8-10 cm+

10-12 cm

13-15 cm

16-18 cm

8. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

up to 10

up to 100

up to 2000+

up to 10,000

9. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over:






10. Purpura (hemopurpura. is:

small pointed hemorrhages;+

large black and blue spots;

red spots of different size;

a swelling from gross bleeding.

11. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

at the 3-rd costosternal joint;+

on the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

in the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

in the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

12. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except:

the aorta

inferior vena cava+

pulmonary trunk
superior vena cava

13. The best auscultatory areas (points. for a pulmonary valve:

apical impulse

the base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum+

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

the Erbs point

14. Harsh breathing:

short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is usually

deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are intensified;

inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones.

15. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.., determined in a glass test tube:






16. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l.:




110 +


17. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%.:






18. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:

left atrium

pulmonary trunk
right ventricle

right atrium

left ventricle+

19. Renal edema starts from:




everything is correct

everything is wrong

20. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

the science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;+

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

21. The past history involves all listed except:


history of present disease;

family history;

social history;

allergological history.

22. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

pulmonary tumor (airless tissue.;

when fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid.:

pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax.

compressive atelectasis.+

23. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

1: 1

1: 2

1: 3

3: 1+

5: 1

24. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





25. Using comparative percussion determine:

the upper border of the lungs

percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest+

lower border of the lungs

mobility of the lower border of the lungs

width of the Kroenig's area

26. Normal systolic blood pressure is:

100-110mm Hg

100-120mm Hg

100-130 mm hg.


100-150mm Hg

27. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

40-80mm water column

50-90mm water column

60-100mm water column+

70-110mm water column

80-120mm water column

28. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

1 liter

2 liters +

3 liters

5 liters

10 liters

29. Vitiligo is:

symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;+

the redness located on checks;

cyanotic color of the skin;

yellow color of the skin.

30. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in:

standing position;

sitting position;

lying position;+

does not matter.

31. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

normosthenic chest;+

hypersthenic chest;

asthenic chest;

there is no correct answer.

32. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO. is established with BP:

systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher+

systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg

systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg

systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.

systolic blood pressure above, Diastolic pressure of 95

33. Normal albumin from the total protein:






34. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%.:






35. How also called vesicular breathing:





36. Pigeon chest is typical for:

emphysema of the lungs;

rheumatoid arthritis;



37. Anasarca - is:

edema on the legs;

edema on the lower back;

edema on the neck;

abdominal hydrops;

edema of the all body.+

38. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm.:






39. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

45-46g | l

65-85g | l+

85-105g | l

105-125g | l

125-145g | l

40. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:

dry pleurisy;




the attack of bronchial asthma+

41. "Puerile respiration":

physiological intensification of vesicular breathing+

pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

stenotic respiration.

42. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is:

computer tomography;

ultrasound examination;


Chest X-ray+

43. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease:


on the face;


in the lower extremities;

in some parts of the body.

44. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia., patient is exited, has pathologically high
spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state;+




45. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l.:






46. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib+

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib

47. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

9:8:7 +-1cm+
11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm

9:10:11 +-1cm

48. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | l

3.9-5.2 mmol | l+

5.6-8.2 mmol | l

8.3-10.5 mmol | l

10.6-12.9 mmol | l

49. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:






50. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec


0.06-0.1 sec +

1. The diseases caused by negative interrelation of medical staff and patients are called:







in the alveoli +

in large bronchi

in small bronchi

into the trachea

in the pleural cavity.



36.4°C – 36.8°C+

37.0°C – 38.2°C

4. The top of lungs apices in front is normally:

4 – 6 cm;

3 – 4 cm;+

2 – 5 cm;

6 – 8 cm;

1 – 2 cm.


differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

detection of hidden bronchial obstruction

differences between dry rales and wet rales

differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise+

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

6. Bronchophony is:

vibration of the chest at the heart apex

vibration of the chest in the area heart base

vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords

the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis

listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest+

7. Using comparative percussion determine:

the upper border of the lungs

percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest +

lower border of the lungs

mobility of the lower border of the lungs

width of the Kroenig's area

8. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged (specific) gait,
sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction;+
deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain gait, partial
deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of chronic disease, acute
diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning;

disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial expression (fear,
suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or passive posture, loss o f weight,
edema, and inadequate mental state;

9. Patient anamnesis:

Results of resort treatment

Labour activity in the past+

Home address

Features of the beginning of disease

Results of previous treatment

10. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Lin.
medioclavicularis dextra:

4-6 sm+

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-10 sm

14-16 sm

11. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is 8.0. The area of
the costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Asthenic chest

Rachitic chest+

Hypersthenic chest

Emphysema chest

Paralytic chest

12. Patient W. 64 years has skin changes- visible dilation of small subcutaneous blood vessels.
Estimate these skin changes:






13. The upper border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion sound:

from resonant pulmonary to dull +

from resonant pulmonary to blunted

from blunted to resonant

from dull to resonant pulmonary

from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

14. Options normal shape of the chest are all listed, except:





15. The type of breath can be:

surface, deep and mixed;

thoracic, abdominal and mixed; +

rhythmic and non-rhythmic;

deep, rhythmic, even;

correctly 1) and 3).

16. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement of normal lungs by Lin.
axillaris media dextr. et sin.:

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm+

14-16 sm


5-10 min.+

20 min.

7 min.

10 min.

18. Suggestion formulation of question:

What do you complain of?

Does the compressing pain trouble you at walking at the precordial area because of what you have to

What's brought you along today?

What troubles you?

Do you have complaints now?

19. Bronchial breathing is sounded:

At inhalation

At exhalation

At inhalation and 1/3 of exhalation

During breathing in and out+

At inhalation and at first 2/3 of exhalation

20. Barrel-shaped chest is typical for:

pulmonary tuberculosis

emphysema of the lungs+

exudation pleurisy


acute bronchitis

21. "Puerile respiration":

physiological intensification of vesicular breathing+

pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

stenotic respiration.

22. Where appears crepitation:

in the small bronchi:

in the large bronchiin;

in the alveoli;+

in the pleural cavity


24 in 1 minute

from 14 to 20 in 1 minute+

from 10 to 12 in 1 minute

24. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is sitting resting his hands on the
edge of the bed. The voice resonance over the lungs is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Pulmonary emphysema

Bronchial asthma+

Kussmaul respiration


Cheyne-Stokes respiration
25. GIVE A NAME TO THE FOLLOWING CHEST SHAPE: the chest is elongated, narrow and flat; the ratio
of the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions is approaching 0.5; the supra-and subclavian fossas are
clearly defined, but are located symmetrically; the epigastric angle is acute, the slope of ribs is located
obliquely; intercostal spaces are wide; the scapulas are situated asymmetrically; expressed atrophy of
the chest muscles.






26. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:




Soldered to the skin

Cohesion among themselves

All above-said.+

27. The patient has dyspnea and cyanosis. The right half of the chest protrudes, delays in the act of
respiration. The voice resonance is decreased downward the middle of the scapula. What diagnosis
can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax+

Cavity in the lung

Pulmonary emphysema



28. Kyphoscoliosis-bending of the spine:

go ahead;


in the lateral direction;

to the side and back.+

29. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

joints of the lower extremities;

the cerebellum;

vestibular apparatus;

(B) and C);+

all of the above.

30. Thickening of the nails occurs when:


heart defects;



all listed diseases.

31. Indirect percussion consists in:

percussion a finger on the body of the patient;

percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.+

32. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:


3-4 sm+

5-6 sm

7-8 sm

9-10 sm.

33. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.



S. Protozoa


All above-listed+


determination of the vibration of the chest

listening to bronchial breathing

listening to whispered speech.+

35. Louis' angle is:

the angle of connection of the body and the handle of the sternum;+

the angle of the scapule to the chest;

the angle of the clavicle and sternum;

epigastric angle

all answers are not correct.

36. Determine physical factors which cause diseases.

High pressure action

Low temperature action (-350С)+

Electric current action

Exposure of electromagnetic field

All above-listed

37. Syndrome is:

combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;+

abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick persons;

summarize clinical examinations.

38. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

at the border of the scalp;

1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;

at the root/radix of the nose;+

in the lower edge of the orbit;

in the middle of the upper jaw.

39. Determine characteristic of asthenic habitus from the physiological point of view.

Prevalence of the transversal sizes of a thorax

Right epigastric angle

Significant prevalence of the transversal sizes of a body above longitudinal

Significant prevalence ratio of extremities to trunk +

Significant prevalence ratio of abdomen to thorax

40. Excessive pilosis/hairiness is called:






41. Determine the characteristic of coma.


Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.

Twilling state.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external irritant and
Slow inadequate answers

42. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a passport part in admission
office of the case record of patient D. 54 years, which hospitalize in connection with essential
hypertension. At this time has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints to dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has lost consciousness, has fallen,
cramps have begun. What medical and deontological tactics?

Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.+

Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.

Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.

The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.

All above variants are allowable

43. Lateral curvature of the spine is observed in:


scoliosis +




44. Choose correct sequence of parts in case report:

General biographic information, anamnesis of life, complaints, history of present disease, objective
examination, inquiring about all organ and system

General biographic information, history of present disease, objective examination, anamnesis of life,
inquiring about all organ and system, complaints

General biographic information, history of present disease, objective examination, complaints,

anamnesis of life, inquiring about all organ and system

General biographic information, anamnesis of life, history of present disease, inquiring about all organ
and system, objective examination, complaints

General biographic information, complaints, inquiring about all organ and system, history of present
disease, anamnesis of life, objective examination.+

45. Bronchial respiration occurs when air passes through:

the glottis;+

large bronchi;

small bronchi;


the alveoli.

46. Normally bronchophonia:

listened to clearly;

very weakly listened to;

not listened to;

correct A) and B);

(B) and C).+

47. Patient F. 38 years has specific changes of fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous
swelling of the tip of the fingers) and nail in form of watch glass. What is typical reason of these

Endocrine disease

Chronic liver disease

Chronic cardiac disease+

Chronic intestinal pathology

Haemolytic jaundice

48. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

25.0 - 25.9;


≥ 40;+

18.5 - 24.9;


49. There should not be elements of answers ("help") in the questions, set to the patient i.e.
suggestion as it is easy to run into a mistake – to assume disease which is not present at the patient
actually. In the list of questions resulted below specify incorrect (suggestion) formulation of question:

What do you complain of?

Does the dyspnoea trouble you laying position?+

What's brought you along today?

What troubles you?

50. The forced position of the patient is that:

Position which the doctor recommended for a quicker recovery

Position which the patient assumes due to the progressiveness of the disease

Position which the patient cannot change independently

Position which the patient assumes to reduce the occurrence of the illness (dyspnoea, cough, pain
etc.) +

Position with the patient assumes due to immobilization of the extremities. (The use of skeletal
traction, splints etc).
1. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

The science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;+

The study of the physical structure of organisms

The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

2. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):





3. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

Pulmonary tumor (airless tissue)

When fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid)

Pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax)

Compressive atelectasis+

4. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

45-46g | l

65-85g | l

85-105g | l +

105-125g | l

5. In healthy people GFR level is

20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2

40-60 mL/min/1.73m2

90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2+

130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2

6. To determine the protein function of the liver is used

Determination of the content of total protein in serum

Determination of protein fractions

Protein sediment tests

All of the above methods+

7. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l):





8. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint;+

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint

9. How also called vesicular breathing:





10. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:

Small pointed hemorrhages +

Large black and blue spots

Red spots of different size

A swelling from gross bleeding.

11. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

Up to 10

Up to 10,000

Up to 100

Up to 2000 +

12. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method

9:8:7 +-1cm +

11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm

13. The past history involves all listed except:


History of present disease;

Family history;

Social history;

14. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO) is established with BP:

Systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher +

Systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg

Systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg

Systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.

15. Vitiligo is

Symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;+

The redness located on checks;

Cyanotic color of the skin

Yellow color of the skin

16. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in

Standing position

Sitting position;

Lying position;+

Does not matter.

17. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease


On the face

Acrocyanosis +

In the lower extremities

18. “Cobbler chest” also called





19. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Line
axillaris media dextra et sinistra.

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm +
20. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales




The attack of bronchial asthma +

21. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except

The aorta

Inferior vena cava+

Pulmonary trunk

Superior vena cava

22. Renal edema starts from

Face +



Everything is correct

23. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has pathologically high
spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state+




24. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:





25. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):





26. Syndrome is:

Combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another
Abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick persons

Summarize clinical examinations

Dry pleurisy+

27. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm)





28. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is

Computer tomography

Ultrasound examination;


Chest X-ray+

29. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over





30. Harsh breathing

Short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is usually

Deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are intensified;

Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones


31. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:

Left atrium

Pulmonary trunk

Right ventricle

Left ventricle+

32. Anasarca - is:

Edema on the legs

Edema on the lower back

Edema on the neck

Edema of the all body +

33. "Puerile respiration"

Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing +

Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration

Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing

Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

34. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

1 liter

2 liters+

3 liters

5 liters

35. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest+

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

36. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l):





37. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally

6-8 cm

8-10 cm +

8-10 cm

13-15 cm

38. Normal albumin from the total protein:



56.3-68.8% +


39. Pigeon chest is typical for

Emphysema of the lungs

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rachitis +

40. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

1: 1

1: 2

1: 3

3: 1+

41. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard

Dull sound

Sound box

Dullness of sound

Tympanic sound +

42. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.), determined in a glass test tube


5-10 +



43. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | l

3.9-5.2 mmol | l+

5.6-8.2 mmol | l

8.3-10.5 mmol | l

44. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

Normosthenic chest +

Hypersthenic chest

Asthenic chest

There is no correct answer

45. Normal systolic blood pressure is

100-110mm Hg

100-120mm Hg

100-130 mm hg

46. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra

6-th rib+

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

47. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve:

Apical impulse

The base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum+

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

48. The duration of the QRS complex is normal

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec


0.06-0.1 sec +

49. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

40-80mm water column

50-90mm water column

60-100mm water column+

70-110mm water column

50. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





1. Excretory anuria

Violation of urine formation by kidneys +

Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract

Daily urine output less than 500 ml

Urinary excretion of acetone

2. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:



2 liters

5 liters

3. What is the sequence of examination of pulse rate:

Synchronicity, rhythm, frequency, voltage, filling +

Rhythm, frequency, synchronicity, content, stress

The frequency, rhythm, synchronicity, content, stress

Filling, strain, frequency, rhythm, synchronicity

4. Where the apical impulse is normally defined:

On the parasternal line

1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line

1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line+

On the midaxillary line

5. What method of examination has the greatest value in diagnosis of gallstone disease:



Cholecystography; +


6. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:

6-th rib +

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

7. Grade III hypertension established at the level:

120-129 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 80-84 DBP (mm Hg)

130-139 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 85-89 DBP (mm Hg)

140-159 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 90-99 DBP (mm Hg)

180 SBP (mm Hg) and/or > 110 DBP (mm Hg+

8. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line

1 – 2 cm

2 – 3 cm

4 – 6 cm +

6 – 8 cm.

9. Prothrombin is synthesized only in:





10. What is the cardialgia

Pain in the liver

Heart pain;+

Feeling of "disruptions" in the heart

Muscle pain

11. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of erythrocytes in 1 ml

Up to 10

Up to 100

Up to 1000

Up to 10,000 +

12. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Lin.
medioclavicularis dextra

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-10 sm+

13. The resonant sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:



Lung tissue+


14. Diastolic trembling ("cat purring") on apex of the heart palpated in case of:

Insufficiency the aortic valve;

Aortic stenosis
Mitral stenosis+

Insufficiency left atrioventricular valve;

15. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%); +

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).

16. Pulse pressure is normal:


40-50mm Hg++



17. What is normal heart rate

40 - 60 per 1 min

90 - 120 per 1 min

60 - 80 per 1 min;

120-240 per 1 min

18. Projections of the tricuspid valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint;

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;+

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint

19. With the feces of a healthy person stands out

Free bilirubin

Associated bilirubin


Urobilinogen +

20. S2 consists of:

One component

Two components;+

Three components

Four components

21. Glycosuria is often typical for:

Misuse of sweet food;

Emotional turmoil



22. Vomiting that arose through 4-6 hours after eating is a consequence of:

Ulcer or cancer of cardiac part of the stomach acute gastritis;

Ulcer or cancer of the stomach body

Ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum +


23. Displacement left border of cardiac dullness to the left can occur in case of:

Hypertrophy of the right atrium

Hypertrophy of the left atrium

Hypertrophy of the right and left atrium

Hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricular +

24. The distance of the liver in the right anterior axillary line is normally is

6-8 cm

8-9 cm

10-12 cm

13-15 cm+

25. The content of total protein in serum 106g | l, this:





26. Laboratory examination includes all listed except

Blood analysis


Urine analysis

Sputum analysis

27. The vertical electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:




28. In what lead T wave is always normally negative

I standard lead;

II standard lead

III standard lead


29. Normally, the prothrombin index is:





30. Specify the localization of the upper border of the relative dullness of the heart

2nd rib

2nd intercostal space

3rd rib+

4th rib

31. Enlarged superciliary arches, zygomatic bones, ears, auricles nose, lips, tongue, growth and
putting forward of low jaw (prognotism) is also called

Facies in patients with Cushing’s syndrome

Facies Hyppocratica

Facies as a “wax-doll”

Facies acromegalica.+

32. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

Clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged (specific) gait,
sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction; +

Deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain gait, partial
deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of chronic disease, acute
diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning

Disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial expression (fear,
suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or passive posture, loss o f weight,
edema, and inadequate mental state;

Edema, and inadequate mental state;

33. Deficiency of pulse is

A disharmony between a heart rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery +

A disharmony between a breath rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery

A disharmony between a heart rate and breath rate

All answers are correct

34. A boxed sound above the lungs indicates:

Reducing the airiness of the lung tissue

Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity

The formation of a cavity in the lung

Increased airiness of lung tissue+

35. Prothrombin is synthesized with the participation of the vitamin:



36. What is early sign of pancreatic insufficiency

The presence stercobilin in the stool


Black feces

The presence of urobilin in the stool

37. P wave on the ECG is:

Ventricular excitation

Excitation of interventricular septum

Atrial excitation;+

Ventricular repolarizatio

38. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is

Magnetic resonance imaging+


Computer tomography;

Pulmonary angiography.

39. The pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate and is equal to

50-70 per minute

55-75 per minute

60-90 per minute+

68-89 per minute

40. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a tricuspid valves

Apical impulse
The base of the xiphoid process+

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

41. In the urine of men leukocytes

Not contained

1-2 in sight+

5-6 in sight

6-8 in sight

42. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined:


43. From what of the intestines segment begins deep palpation by Obraztsov-Strazhesko


The transverse colon

Appendix cecum

The sigmoid colon +

44. The distance of the in the right midclavicular line is normally:

6-8 cm

8-9 cm

10-12 cm

9-11 cm+

45. 16.The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l):



4-9 +


46. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:




47. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis

Bright red;+

Dark brown


With the content of food.

48. How many urine samples are collected for Zimnitsky analysis:


49. Melena may indicate:

Botkin's disease


Chronic pancreatitis

Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus+

50. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a mitral valve

Apical impulse+

The base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

1. What percussion sound is determined above the zone of absolute dullness of the heart



Dull +


2. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal

Vocal fremitus
Weakened vesicular respiration

Painful areas

Stiffness of the intercostal spaces+

3. The symptom of "Digiti hippocratici" is observed in patients with:

Bronchial asthma

Bronchiectasis +

Focal pneumonia

Acute bronchitis

4. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):





5. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal

Vocal fremitus

Weakened vesicular respiration +

Painful areas

Stiffness of the intercostal spaces

6. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);+

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

7. The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l)



4-9 +


8. Where the apical impulse is normally defined

On the parasternal line

1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line

On the midclavicular line

1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line +

9. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. Scapularis

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

10-th rib +

10. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);+

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

11. In what lead T wave is always normally negative

I standard lead

II standard lead

III standard lead


12. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads





13. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:

Left atrium

Pulmonary trunk

Right ventricle

Left ventricle+

14. The indicator of liver pigment function is the content in the serum


Total protein and protein fractions


Bilirubin and its fractions +

15. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line:

1 – 2 cm

2 – 3 cm
4 – 6 cm+

6 – 8 cm

16. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is

Magnetic resonance imaging +


Computer tomography

Pulmonary angiography

17. How also called vesicular breathing:



Alveolar +


18. To determine the protein function of the liver is used

Determination of the content of total protein in serum

Determination of protein fractions

Protein sediment tests

All of the above methods+

19. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined


20. Xanthelasma is determined by:

Chronic pancreatitis

Mitral stenosis

Pulmonary emphysema

Biliary cirrhosis +

21. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:

500ml +


2 liters

5 liters

22. Pigeon chest is typical for

Emphysema of the lungs

Rheumatoid arthritis


Rachitis +

23. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads





24. Unequal pulse often typical for:

Hole aortic stenosis;


Atrial fibrillation +=

Exudative pericarditis

25. The Hippocratic face is a sign of



Heart failure

Peritonitis; +

26. Right border of the relative cardiac dullness is formed by

Right atrium +

Left atrium

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

27. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:


3-4 sm +

5-6 sm

7-8 sm

28. Xanthelasma is determined by:

Chronic pancreatitis +

Mitral stenosis

Pulmonary emphysema
Biliary cirrhosis

29. Tendency to diarrhea typical for

Duodenal ulcer disease intestine

Erosive duodenitis

Chronic pancreatitis+

Chronic gastritis with increased gastric acidity juice

30. With the feces of a healthy person stands out:

Free bilirubin

Associated bilirubin


Stercobilin +

31. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest +

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

32. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis

Bright red+;

Dark brown


With the content of food

33. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when





34. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve

Apical impulse

The base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum +

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

35. Normal Diastolic blood pressure is

60-80mm Hg

60-89mm Hg+

60-100mm Hg

36. Decreasing of both heart sounds typical for

Aortic heart defects

Mitral heart defects

Myocarditis +


37. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than

1 liter

2 liters+

3 liters

5 liters

38. Renal edema starts from:

Face +



Everything is correct

39. Excretory anuria

Violation of urine formation by kidneys;+

Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract

Daily urine output less than 500 ml

Urinary excretion of acetone.

40. Percussion tympanic sound is detected over the area


Stomach +



41. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is


1.2-2 +


42. The right border of relative cardiac dullness is normal:

On the right edge of the sternum

On the left edge of the sternum

1 cm laterally of the right edge of the sternum +

2cm laterally from the right edge of the sternum

43. Laboratory examination includes all listed except:

Blood analysis

Sonography +

Urine analysis

Sputum analysis

44. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%); +

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

45. Epigastric pulsation, more clearly visible in the standing position and inhalation, indicates

Hypertrophy and dilation of the left atrium;

Hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle of the heart +

Hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle of the heart

Abdominal aortic aneurysm;

46. Purpura (hemopurpura) is

Small pointed hemorrhages +

Large black and blue spots

Red spots of different size

A swelling from gross bleeding

47. The orthopnea position relieves the condition by reducing

Pain in the heart

Interruptions in the work of the heart

Lower extremity edema;

Shortness of breath; +

48. ECG heart rate (HR) formula is

60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec) +

600 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)

60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(big squares)

30 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)

49. Nocturia is

Daily diuresis more than 1 liter

Daily diuresis less than 1 liter

The prevalence of nocturnal diuresis over daytime +

The prevalence of daytime diuresis over night

50. Causes of physiological weakening of vesicular breath

Poor development of the chest muscles

Performing heavy physical exertion

Excessive development of muscles and fatty tissue +

Children's age

1. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris Media dextra et sinistra

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib +

9-th rib

2. An alternating pulse is:

Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;+

A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;

Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;

Unequal pulse wave interval

3. Hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is a consequence of:


Hepatocellular failure syndrome+



4. Puerile respiration":

A)Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing +

B)Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

C)Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

D)Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

5. What color index values indicate the normochromia:

Less than 0.8;


More than 1.1;

0.85-1.1. +

6. The properties of the apical impulse are determined by:

Left ventricle +

Right atrium

Aortic arch

Left atrium

7. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:

Dry pleurisy;



The attack of bronchial asthma+

8. Inspiratory dyspnea is typical for:

Bronchial asthma;


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

Tracheal tumors.+

9. ."Moon-shaped" Face is observed when:


Acute glomerulonephritis

Bronchial asthma;

Itsenko-cushing disease.+

10. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:

Small pointed hemorrhages;+

Large black and blue spots;

Red spots of different size;

A swelling from gross bleeding.

11. What means the large number of red blood cells in the gastric contents

Duodenal ulcer;


Gastric cancer +

12. The size (width)of the vascular bundle is (cm):



5-6 +


13. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

9:8:7 +-1cm +

11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm

14. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

Up to 10

Up to 100

Up to 2000+

Up to 10,000

15. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:

Over the trachea region and its bifurcation+

Below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line

In the axillary lines

Below the axillary lines

16. The past history involves all listed except:

Habits; +

History of present disease;

Family history;

Social history;

17. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is:

Computer tomography;

Ultrasound examination;


Chest x-ray +

18. Aortic valves are projected on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint;

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint. +

19. By using what method can be examine in vivo the morphology of the liver:


Biopsy; +



20. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint; +

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

21. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris anterior dextra et sinistra.:

6-th rib

7-th rib +

8-th rib

9-th rib

22. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec

0.05-0.06sec +

0.06-0.1 sec

23. Pulsus paradoxus” Is:

Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;

A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves; +

Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;

Unequal intervals between pulse waves.

24. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

Normosthenic chest; +

Hypersthenic chest;

Asthenic chest;
There is no correct answer.

25. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):





26. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):


0.5-5.0 +



27. Auscultation point of left atrioventricular valve located in:

Heart apex; +

2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum;

To the left of the sternum at the 3rd costosternal articulation

2nd intercostal space to the left of the sternum;

28. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest +

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

29. Chronic tonsillitis, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, chronic lympholeucosis,

lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma may lead to increased:

Occipital lymph nodes;

Cervical lymph nodes; +

Axillary lymph nodes;

Cubital (local) lymph nodes.

30. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

Science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;+

The study of the physical structure of organisms;

The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

31. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:


1.2-2 +



32. In healthy people gfr level is:

20-40 ml/min/1.73 m2

40-60 ml/min/1.73 m2

90 to 120 ml/min/1.73 m2+

130-150 ml/min/1.73 m2

33. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has pathologically high
spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state; +




34. Skin with thyrotoxicosis:

Soft, hot, wet, hyperemic, warm hands+;

Rough, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;

Soft, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;

Thickened, hot, moist, hyperemic, warm hands.

35. The duration of the p wave is normal:

0.06-0.07 sec

0.07-0.08 sec

0,08-0,09 sec

0.08-0.1 sec+

36. Characteristic of cardiac edema

Appear in the morning on the face;

Swelling of one leg with local cyanosis;

Swelling of the legs and feet at the end of the working day; +

Swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by itching.

37. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | 1

3.9-5.2 mmol | 1 +
5.6-8.2 mmol | 1

8.3-10.5 mmol | 1

38. Orthopnoe position is:

Sitting position, facilitating shortness of breath; +

Sitting, relieving pain;

Prone position, relieving pain;

Standing, stopping hiccups.

39. Where the primary urine is formed:

In glomerulus;+

In the proximal tubules;

In the distal tubules;

In the loop of the nephron;

40. Sings of stage iii hypertension:

No objective signs of organic changes;

At least one of the following signs of organ involvement without symptoms or dysfunction;

Both symptoms and signs have appeared as result of organ damage; +

Signs of a absence of consciousness and / or failure of organs.

41. A decrease in the volume of one half of the chest is not observed when:

Obstructive atelectasis;

Cirrhosis of the lung;

Emphysema of the lungs+


42. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :

6-8 cm

8-10 cm +

10-12 cm

13-15 cm

43. How also called vesicular breathing:





44. Indicate the type of temperature curve, if the patient has fever within 38.0–38.8º for 1 week.
Febris continua; +

Febris remitens;

Febris intermittens;

Febris hectica;

45. Edema of cardiac origin:

Blue, cold, dense +

Pale, warm, soft

Blue, warm, soft;

Pale, cold, dense

46. Resistant apical beat indicates:

Insufficiency of the mitral valve;

Aortic insufficiency;

Aortic stenosis;

Left ventricular hypertrophy;+

47. Increasing area of absolute cardiac dullness observed in case of:

Left-sided pneumothorax;


Attack of bronchial asthma;


48. Heartburn (pyrosis) is

As a sensation of “sticking” Or obstruction of the passage of food through the mouth, pharynx, or

A specific burning sensation behind the sternum associated with regurgitation of gastric contents into
the inferior portion of the esophagus; +

Return of the part of wallowed food into the mouth due to backward movement of esophagus and
stomach with open cardia without contraction of diaphragm and abdominal muscles;

Reflex act associated with irritation of the vagus nerve;

49. Normal value of eosinophils:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);+

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %);

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).

50. The appearance of "Melena" Is characteristic:

Gastric bleeding;+
Long-term administration of calcium preparations;

Bleeding from the sigmoid colon;

1. Syndrome is:

*A.combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;

B.abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick persons;

C.summarize clinical examinations.

2. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard:

A.dull sound

B.sound box

C.pulmonary sound

D.dullness of sound

*E.tympanic sound

3. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%.:






4. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

A.1 liter

*B.2 liters

C.3 liters

5 liters

D.10 liters

5. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l.:






6. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%.:






7. The past history involves all listed except:


B.history of present disease; history; history;

E.allergological history.

8. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over:





9. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l.:






10. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except:

the aorta

*inferior vena cava

pulmonary trunk

superior vena cava

11. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

*normosthenic chest;

hypersthenic chest;

asthenic chest;

there is no correct answer.

12. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in:

standing position;

sitting position;

*lying position;

does not matter.

13. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

1: 1

1: 2

1: 3

*3: 1

5: 1

14. "Puerile respiration":

*physiological intensification of vesicular breathing

pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

stenotic respiration
15. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





16. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia., patient is exited, has pathologically high
spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

*Twilight state;




17. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

*the science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof

18. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | l

*3.9-5.2 mmol | l

5.6-8.2 mmol | l

8.3-10.5 mmol | l

10.6-12.9 mmol | l

19. In healthy people GFR level is:

20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2

40-60 mL/min/1.73 m2

*90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2

130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2

155-160 mL/min/1.73 m2

20. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease:


on the face;


in the lower extremities;

in some parts of the body

21. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec


*0.06-0.1 sec

0.11-0.13 sec

22. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

45-46g | l

*65-85g | l

85-105g | l

105-125g | l

125-145g | l

3. “Cobbler chest” also called:





24. Normal systolic blood pressure is:

100-110mm Hg

100-120mm Hg

100-130 mm hg.


100-150mm Hg

25. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:

dry pleurisy;




*the attack of bronchial asthma

26. To determine the protein function of the liver is used:

determination of the content of total protein in serum

determination of protein fractions

protein sediment tests

determination of prothrombin index

*all of the above methods

27. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

*at the 3-rd costosternal joint;

on the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

in the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

in the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

28. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is:

computer tomography;

ultrasound examination;


*Chest X-ray

29. Anasarca - is:

edema on the legs;

edema on the lower back;

edema on the neck;

abdominal hydrops;

*edema of the all body.

30. The best auscultatory areas (points. for a pulmonary valve:

apical impulse

the base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

*the Erbs point

31. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:

left atrium

pulmonary trunk

right ventricle

right atrium

*left ventricle

32. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

pulmonary tumor (airless tissue.;

when fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid.:

pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax.

*compressive atelectasis.
33. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.., determined in a glass test tube:






34. How also called vesicular breathing:






35. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement. of normal lungs by Lin.
axillaris media dextr. et sin.:

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm
*14-16 sm

36. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

*6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib

37. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO. is established with BP:

*systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher

systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg

systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg

systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.

systolic blood pressure above, Diastolic pressure of 95

38. Renal edema starts from:




everything is correct

everything is wrong
39. Vitiligo is:

*symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;

the redness located on checks;

cyanotic color of the skin;

yellow color of the skin

40. Normal albumin from the total protein:






41. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

*9:8:7 +-1cm

11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm

9:10:11 +-1cm
42. Harsh breathing:

*short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is usually

deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are intensified;

inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones.

43. Pigeon chest is typical for:

emphysema of the lungs;

rheumatoid arthritis;



44. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :

6-8 cm

*8-10 cm

10-12 cm

13-15 cm

16-18 cm

45. Using comparative percussion determine:

the upper border of the lungs

*percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest

lower border of the lungs

mobility of the lower border of the lungs

width of the Kroenig's area

46. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

40-80mm water column

50-90mm water column

*60-100mm water column

70-110mm water column

80-120mm water column

47. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:






48. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

up to 10

up to 100

*up to 2000
up to 10,000

49. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm.:






50. Purpura (hemopurpura. is:

*small pointed hemorrhages;

large black and blue spots;

red spots of different size;

a swelling from gross bleeding

1. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

at the border of the scalp;

1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;

*at the root/radix of the nose;

in the lower edge of the orbit;

in the middle of the upper jaw.

2. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:




Soldered to the skin

Cohesion among themselves

*All above-said

3. Indirect percussion consists in:

percussion a finger on the body of the patient;

*percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

4. Options normal shape of the chest are all listed, except:





5. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:


*3-4 sm

5-6 sm
7-8 sm

9-10 sm

6. The top of lungs apices in front is normally:

4 – 6 cm;

*3 – 4 cm;

2 – 5 cm;

6 – 8 cm;

1 – 2 cm.

Patient С., 34 years, observes a constant dispnoea at rest, especially at night, weakness, palpitation,
thirst, oliguria (insignificant amount of urine). Objectively: sits in armchair, with lean hands in armrests,
frequency of reath 36 per 1 minutes, cyanosis of the lips, sharp features of face; significant oedema of
the lower extremities, loin, forward belly wall – they are symmetric, on cruses – dense, on femurs – soft
(doughy). Note true about general condition of the patient:

Extremely grave



Moderate middle grave


8. The type of breath can be:

surface, deep and mixed;

*thoracic, abdominal and mixed;

rhythmic and non-rhythmic;

deep, rhythmic, even;

correctly 1) and 3).

9. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.



S. Protozoa


All above-listed*

10. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement. of normal lungs by Lin.
axillaris media dextr. et sin.:

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm*

14-16 sm

11. Kyphoscoliosis-bending of the spine:

go ahead;


in the lateral direction;

to the side and back.*

12. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

*clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged (specific) gait,
sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction;

deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain gait, partial
deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of chronic disease, acute
diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning;

disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial expression (fear,
suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or passive posture, loss o f weight, edema,
and inadequate mental state;

13. The patient has dyspnea and cyanosis. The right half of the chest protrudes, delays in the act of
respiration. The voice resonance is decreased downward the middle of the scapula. What diagnosis can
be supposed?

*Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Cavity in the lung

Pulmonary emphysema



14. Louis' angle is:

*the angle of connection of the body and the handle of the sternum;

the angle of the scapule to the chest;

the angle of the clavicle and sternum;

epigastric angle; E

all answers are not correct



*36.4°C – 36.8°C

37.0°C – 38.2°C


differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

detection of hidden bronchial obstruction

differences between dry rales and wet rales

*differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

17. Excessive pilosis/hairiness is called:





18. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Lin.
medioclavicularis dextra:

*4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-10 sm

14-16 sm

19. Patient W. 64 years has skin changes- visible dilation of small subcutaneous blood vessels. Estimate
these skin changes:






20. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

joints of the lower extremities;

the cerebellum;

vestibular apparatus;

*(B) and C);

all of the above


*in the alveoli

in large bronchi

in small bronchi

into the trachea

in the pleural cavity.

22. Lateral curvature of the spine is observed in:






23. The upper border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion sound:

*from resonant pulmonary to dull

from resonant pulmonary to blunted

from blunted to resonant

from dull to resonant pulmonary

from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

24. Where appears crepitation:

in the small bronchi:

in the large bronchiin;

*in the alveoli;

in the pleural cavity

5. Thickening of the nails occurs when:


heart defects;



all listed diseases.

26. Determine the characteristic of coma.


Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.

Twilling state.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external irritant and signals.

Slow inadequate answers

27. Using comparative percussion determine:

the upper border of the lungs

*percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest

lower border of the lungs

mobility of the lower border of the lungs

width of the Kroenig's area

28. Bronchial breathing is sounded:

At inhalation

At exhalation

At inhalation and 1/3 of exhalation

*During breathing in and out

At inhalation and at first 2/3 of exhalation

29. Barrel-shaped chest is typical for:

pulmonary tuberculosis

*emphysema of the lungs

exudation pleurisy


acute bronchitis

31. Signs of hypersthenic form of the chest:

the epigastric angle is 90°;

the supra-and subclavian pits are smoothed;

the ribs are nearly horizontal;

*the rib width of 0.5–1.0 cm, the intercostal space is 2.0 — 2.5 cm;

the width of the rib 2.0-2.5 cm, intercostal space-0.5-1.0 cm.

32. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a passport part in admission office
of the case record of patient D. 54 years, which hospitalize in connection with essential hypertension. At
this time has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with complaints to
dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has lost consciousness, has fallen, cramps have
begun. What medical and deontological tactics?

**Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.

Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.

Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.

The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.

All above variants are allowable

33. GIVE A NAME TO THE FOLLOWING CHEST SHAPE: the chest is elongated, narrow and flat; the ratio of
the anteroposterior and lateral dimensions is approaching 0.5; the supra-and subclavian fossas are
clearly defined, but are located symmetrically; the epigastric angle is acute, the slope of ribs is located
obliquely; intercostal spaces are wide; the scapulas are situated asymmetrically; expressed atrophy of
the chest muscles.







5-10 min*.

20 min.

7 min.

10 min.

36. "Puerile respiration":

*physiological intensification of vesicular breathing

pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

stenotic respiration.

37. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is 8.0. The area of the
costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Asthenic chest

*Rachitic chest

Hypersthenic chest

Emphysema chest

Paralytic chest


24 in 1 minute

*from 14 to 20 in 1 minute

from 10 to 12 in 1 minute

39. Determine physical factors which cause diseases.

High pressure action

*Low temperature action (-350С)

Electric current action

Exposure of electromagnetic field

All above-listed

40. Patient anamnesis:

Results of resort treatment

*Labour activity in the past

Home address

Features of the beginning of disease

Results of previous treatment


determination of the vibration of the chest

listening to bronchial breathing

*listening to whispered speech

42. Patient F. 38 years has specific changes of fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous swelling
of the tip of the fingers) and nail in form of watch glass. What is typical reason of these changes?

Endocrine disease

Chronic liver disease

**Chronic cardiac disease

Chronic intestinal pathology

Haemolytic jaundice

43. Bronchial respiration occurs when air passes through:

*the glottis;

large bronchi;

small bronchi;


the alveoli.

44. Determine characteristic of asthenic habitus from the physiological point of view.

Prevalence of the transversal sizes of a thorax

Right epigastric angle

Significant prevalence of the transversal sizes of a body above longitudinal

**Significant prevalence ratio of extremities to trunk

Significant prevalence ratio of abdomen to thorax

45. Bronchophony is:

vibration of the chest at the heart apex

vibration of the chest in the area heart base

vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords

the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis

**listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

46. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is sitting resting his hands on the
edge of the bed. The voice resonance over the lungs is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Pulmonary emphysema

**Bronchial asthma

Kussmaul respiration

Cheyne-Stokes respiration

47. The diseases caused by negative interrelation of medical staff and patients are called:






48. The forced position of the patient is that:

Position which the doctor recommended for a quicker recovery

Position which the patient assumes due to the progressiveness of the disease

Position which the patient cannot change independently

**Position which the patient assumes to reduce the occurrence of the illness (dyspnoea, cough, pain

Position with the patient assumes due to immobilization of the extremities. (The use of skeletal traction,
splints etc).

49. Syndrome is:

**combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;

abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick persons;

summarize clinical examinations.

50. Normally bronchophonia:

listened to clearly;

very weakly listened to;

not listened to;

correct A) and B);

(B) and C).**

1. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

45-46g | l

65-85g | l

*85-105g | l

105-125g | l

2. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l):





3. “Cobbler chest” also called





4. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales




The attack of bronchial asthma**

5. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Line
axillaris media dextra et sinistra.

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm

6-8 sm**

6. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

1: 1

1: 2

1: 3

3: 1**

7. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve:

Apical impulse

The base of the xiphoid process

**2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

8. Normal systolic blood pressure is

100-110mm Hg
100-120mm Hg

100-130 mm hg


9. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO) is established with BP:

**Systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher

Systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg

Systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg

Systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.

10. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

1 liter

2 liters**

3 liters

5 liters

11. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally

6-8 cm

8-10 cm**

8-10 cm

13-15 cm

12. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):




13. Normal albumin from the total protein:





14. Pigeon chest is typical for

Emphysema of the lungs

Rheumatoid arthritis



15. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm)





17. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib**

9-th rib
18. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

40-80mm water column

50-90mm water column

60-100mm water column**

70-110mm water column

19. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

**The science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

The study of the physical structure of organisms

The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

20. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over





21. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method

9:8:7 +-1cm**

11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm
22. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

**Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

23. How also called vesicular breathing:





24. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in

Standing position

Sitting position;

Lying position;**

Does not matter.

25. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.), determined in a glass test tube




26. To determine the protein function of the liver is used

Determination of the content of total protein in serum

Determination of protein fractions

Protein sediment tests

All of the above methods**

27. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | l

3.9-5.2 mmol | l**

5.6-8.2 mmol | l

8.3-10.5 mmol |

28. Harsh breathing

**Short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is usually

Deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are intensified;

Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones


29. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):




30. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l):





31. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

Pulmonary tumor (airless tissue)

When fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid)

Pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax)

Compressive atelectasis**

32. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint**;

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint

33. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:

Small pointed hemorrhages**

Large black and blue spots

Red spots of different size

A swelling from gross bleeding

34. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
Left atrium

Pulmonary trunk

Right ventricle

Left ventricle**

35. The duration of the QRS complex is normal

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec


0.06-0.1 sec**

36. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is

Computer tomography

Ultrasound examination;


Chest X-ray**

37. Anasarca - is:

Edema on the legs

Edema on the lower back

Edema on the neck

Edema of the all body**

In healthy people GFR level is

20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2
40-60 mL/min/1.73m2

90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2**

130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2

39. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease


On the face


In the lower extremities

40. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:





41. The past history involves all listed except:


History of present disease;

Family history;

Social history;

42. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has pathologically high
spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state**



44. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

Up to 10

Up to 10,000

Up to 100

Up to 2000**

45. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

Normosthenic chest**

Hypersthenic chest

Asthenic chest

There is no correct answer

46. Vitiligo is

Symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;**

The redness located on checks;

Cyanotic color of the skin

Yellow color of the skin

47. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard

Dull sound
Sound box

Dullness of sound

Tympanic sound**

48. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except

The aorta

Inferior vena cava**

Pulmonary trunk

Superior vena cava

49. "Puerile respiration"

**Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing

Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration

Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing

Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

50. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





1. In the urine of men leukocytes

Not contained

1-2 in sight**
5-6 in sight

6-8 in sight

2. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis

Bright red;**

Dark brown


With the content of food.

3. Specify the localization of the upper border of the relative dullness of the heart

2nd rib

2nd intercostal space

3rd rib**

4th rib

4. The distance of the liver in the right anterior axillary line is normally is

6-8 cm

8-9 cm

10-12 cm

13-15 cm**

5. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal lungs by Lin.
medioclavicularis dextra

4-6 sm

3-5 sm

5-8 sm
6-10 sm**

6. What method of examination has the greatest value in diagnosis of gallstone disease:





7. Prothrombin is synthesized only in:





8. How many urine samples are collected for Zimnitsky analysis:


9. Projections of the tricuspid valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint;

**On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint
10. Deficiency of pulse is

**A disharmony between a heart rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery

A disharmony between a breath rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery

A disharmony between a heart rate and breath rate

All answers are correct

11. Diastolic trembling ("cat purring") on apex of the heart palpated in case of:

Insufficiency the aortic valve;

Aortic stenosis

Mitral stenosis**

Insufficiency left atrioventricular valve;

12. Vomiting that arose through 4-6 hours after eating is a consequence of:

Ulcer or cancer of cardiac part of the stomach acute gastritis;

Ulcer or cancer of the stomach body

Ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum**


13. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of erythrocytes in 1 ml

Up to 10

Up to 100

Up to 1000

Up to 10,000**
14. The content of total protein in serum 106g | l, this:





15. With the feces of a healthy person stands out

Free bilirubin

Associated bilirubin



16. 16.The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l):





17. From what of the intestines segment begins deep palpation by Obraztsov-Strazhesko


The transverse colon

Appendix cecum

The sigmoid colon**

18. Laboratory examination includes all listed except

Blood analysis


Urine analysis

Sputum analysis

19. The distance of the in the right midclavicular line is normally:

6-8 cm

8-9 cm

10-12 cm

9-11 cm**

20. Excretory anuria

Violation of urine formation by kidneys**

Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract

Daily urine output less than 500 ml

Urinary excretion of acetone

21. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined:


22. S2 consists of:

One component

Two components;**

Three components

Four componentS

23. Pulse pressure is normal:


40-50mm Hg**



24. What is early sign of pancreatic insufficiency

The presence stercobilin in the stool


Black feces

The presence of urobilin in the stool

25. Melena may indicate:

Botkin's disease


Chronic pancreatitis

Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus**

26. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a mitral valve

Apical impulse**
The base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

27. What is the sequence of examination of pulse rate:

Synchronicity, rhythm, frequency, voltage, filling**

Rhythm, frequency, synchronicity, content, stress

The frequency, rhythm, synchronicity, content, stress

Filling, strain, frequency, rhythm, synchronicity

28. What is the cardialgia

Pain in the liver

Heart pain**;

Feeling of "disruptions" in the heart

Muscle pain

29. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





30. In what lead T wave is always normally negative

I standard lead;

II standard lead
III standard lead


31. Where the apical impulse is normally defined:

On the parasternal line

**1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line

1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line

On the midaxillary line

32. Grade III hypertension established at the level:

120-129 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 80-84 DBP (mm Hg)

130-139 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 85-89 DBP (mm Hg)

140-159 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 90-99 DBP (mm Hg)

180 SBP (mm Hg) and/or > 110 DBP (mm Hg)**

33. The vertical electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:





34. The pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate and is equal to

50-70 per minute

55-75 per minute

60-90 per minute**

68-89 per minute

35. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is

Magnetic resonance imaging**


Computer tomography;

Pulmonary angiography.

36. What is normal heart rate

40 - 60 per 1 min

90 - 120 per 1 min

60 - 80 per 1 min**;

120-240 per 1 min

37. Normally, the prothrombin index is:





38. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a tricuspid valves

Apical impulse

The base of the xiphoid process**

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

39. A boxed sound above the lungs indicates:

Reducing the airiness of the lung tissue

Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity

The formation of a cavity in the lung

Increased airiness of lung tissue**

40. Glycosuria is often typical for:

Misuse of sweet food;

Emotional turmoil



41. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

**Clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged (specific) gait,
sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction;

Deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain gait, partial
deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of chronic disease, acute
diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning

Disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial expression (fear,
suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or passive posture, loss o f weight, edema,
and inadequate mental state;

Edema, and inadequate mental state;

42. The resonant sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:



Lung tissue**

43. Enlarged superciliary arches, zygomatic bones, ears, auricles nose, lips, tongue, growth and putting
forward of low jaw (prognotism) is also called

Facies in patients with Cushing’s syndrome

Facies Hyppocratica

Facies as a “wax-doll”

Facies acromegalica.**

44. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:

6-th rib**

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

45. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line

1 – 2 cm

2 – 3 cm

4 – 6 cm**

6 – 8 cm.

46. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:



2 liters
5 liters

47. P wave on the ECG is:

Ventricular excitation

Excitation of interventricular septum

Atrial excitation**;

Ventricular repolarizatio

48. Displacement left border of cardiac dullness to the left can occur in case of:

Hypertrophy of the right atrium

Hypertrophy of the left atrium

Hypertrophy of the right and left atrium

Hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricular**

49. Prothrombin is synthesized with the participation of the vitamin:



50. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%)**;

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

1. Where the apical impulse is normally defined

On the parasternal line

1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line

On the midclavicular line

1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line**

2. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is

Magnetic resonance imaging**


Computer tomography

Pulmonary angiography

3. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):





4. How also called vesicular breathing:





5. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads





The symptom of "Digiti hippocratici" is observed in patients with:

Bronchial asthma


Focal pneumonia

Acute bronchitis

10. Laboratory examination includes all listed except:

Blood analysis


Urine analysis

Sputum analysis

11. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than

1 liter

2 liters**

3 liters

5 liters

12. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when




13. Xanthelasma is determined by:

Chronic pancreatitis

Mitral stenosis

Pulmonary emphysema

Biliary cirrhosis**

14. Pigeon chest is typical for

Emphysema of the lungs

Rheumatoid arthritis



15. Normal value of Lymphocytes:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);**

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

16. Epigastric pulsation, more clearly visible in the standing position and inhalation, indicates

Hypertrophy and dilation of the left atrium;**

Hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle of the heart

Hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle of the heart

Abdominal aortic aneurysm

18. To determine the protein function of the liver is used

Determination of the content of total protein in serum

Determination of protein fractions

Protein sediment tests

All of the above methods**

19. ECG heart rate (HR) formula is

60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)**

600 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)

60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(big squares)

30 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)

20. The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l)





21. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads





22. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is





23. The right border of relative cardiac dullness is normal:

On the right edge of the sternum

On the left edge of the sternum

1 cm laterally of the right edge of the sternum**

2cm laterally from the right edge of the sternum

24. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line:

1 – 2 cm

2 – 3 cm

4 – 6 cm**

6 – 8 cm

25. Decreasing of both heart sounds typical for

Aortic heart defects

Mitral heart defects



26. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal

Vocal fremitus

Weakened vesicular respiration

Painful areas

Stiffness of the intercostal spaces**

27. Purpura (hemopurpura) is

Small pointed hemorrhages**

Large black and blue spots

Red spots of different size

A swelling from gross bleeding

28. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:

Left atrium

Pulmonary trunk

Right ventricle

Left ventricle**

29. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal

Vocal fremitus

Weakened vesicular respiration**

Painful areas

Stiffness of the intercostal spaces

30. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:


3-4 sm**

5-6 sm

7-8 sm
31. The indicator of liver pigment function is the content in the serum


Total protein and protein fractions


Bilirubin and its fractions**

32. With the feces of a healthy person stands out:

Free bilirubin

Associated bilirubin



33. What percussion sound is determined above the zone of absolute dullness of the heart





34. The orthopnea position relieves the condition by reducing

Pain in the heart

Interruptions in the work of the heart

Lower extremity edema;

Shortness of breath;**
35. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. Scapularis

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

10-th rib**

36. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:



2 liters

5 liters

37. Tendency to diarrhea typical for

Duodenal ulcer disease intestine

Erosive duodenitis

Chronic pancreatitis**

38. Right border of the relative cardiac dullness is formed by

Right atrium

Left atrium**

Right ventricle

Left ventricle

40. Excretory anuria

**Violation of urine formation by kidneys;

Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract

Daily urine output less than 500 ml

Urinary excretion of acetone.

41. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

**Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

42. Normal Diastolic blood pressure is


60-80mm Hg**

60-89mm Hg

60-100mm Hg

43. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis

Bright red**;

Dark brown


With the content of food

44. Unequal pulse often typical for:

Hole aortic stenosis;


Atrial fibrillation**

Exudative pericarditis
45. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve

Apical impulse

The base of the xiphoid process

2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum**

2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum

46. The Hippocratic face is a sign of



Heart failure


48. Causes of physiological weakening of vesicular breath

Poor development of the chest muscles

Performing heavy physical exertion

**Excessive development of muscles and fatty tissue

Children's age

49. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined


50. Nocturia is

Daily diuresis more than 1 liter

Daily diuresis less than 1 liter

The prevalence of nocturnal diuresis over daytime**

The prevalence of daytime diuresis over night

Characteristic of cardiac edema

Appear in the morning on the face;

Swelling of one leg with local cyanosis;

**Swelling of the legs and feet at the end of the working day;

Swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by itching.

2. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :

6-8 cm

8-10 cm**

10-12 cm

13-15 cm

5. Using comparative percussion determine:

The upper border of the lungs

**Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest

Lower border of the lungs

Mobility of the lower border of the lungs

6. The properties of the apical impulse are determined by:

Left ventricle**

Right atrium

Aortic arch

Left atrium

7. Indicate the type of temperature curve, if the patient has fever within 38.0–38.8º for 1 week.

Febris continua;**

Febris remitens;

Febris intermittens;

Febris hectica;

8. Pulsus paradoxus” Is:

Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;

**A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;

Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;

Unequal intervals between pulse waves.

9. Puerile respiration":

*A)Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing

B)Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;

C)Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;

D)Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;

10. Resistant apical beat indicates:

Insufficiency of the mitral valve;

Aortic insufficiency;
Aortic stenosis;

**Left ventricular hypertrophy

Auscultation point of left atrioventricular valve located in:

**Heart apex;

2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum;

To the left of the sternum at the 3rd costosternal articulation

2nd intercostal space to the left of the sternum

13. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory system is:

Computer tomography;

Ultrasound examination;


Chest x-ray**

Hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is a consequence of:


Hepatocellular failure syndrome**



15. Orthopnoe position is:

**Sitting position, facilitating shortness of breath;

Sitting, relieving pain;

Prone position, relieving pain;

Standing, stopping hiccups

."Moon-shaped" Face is observed when:


Acute glomerulonephritis

Bronchial asthma;

Itsenko-cushing disease.**

17. Where the primary urine is formed:

In glomerulus**;

In the proximal tubules;

In the distal tubules;

In the loop of the nephron;

18. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

9:8:7 +-1cm**

11:8:7 +-1cm

9:9:7 +-1cm

12:10:9 +-1cm

19. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint**;

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

21. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:

Small pointed hemorrhages;**

Large black and blue spots;

Red spots of different size;

A swelling from gross bleeding

22. Normal value of eosinophils:

0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);**

0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %);

1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);

0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)

23. How also called vesicular breathing:





24. The duration of the p wave is normal:

0.06-0.07 sec

0.07-0.08 sec

0,08-0,09 sec

0.08-0.1 sec**
25. Aortic valves are projected on the anterior chest wall:

At the 3-rd costosternal joint;

On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;

In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;

In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.**

26. What color index values indicate the normochromia:

Less than 0.8;


More than 1.1;


27. The past history involves all listed except:


History of present disease;

Family history;

Social history;

28. Edema of cardiac origin:

Blue, cold, dense

Pale, warm, soft

Blue, warm, soft;

Pale, cold, dense

29. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris anterior dextra et sinistra.:
6-th rib

7-th ri**

8-th rib

9-th rib

30. Increasing area of absolute cardiac dullness observed in case of:

Left-sided pneumothorax;


Attack of bronchial asthma;


31. What means the large number of red blood cells in the gastric contents

Duodenal ulcer;



Gastric cancer**

2. Heartburn (pyrosis) is

As a sensation of “sticking” Or obstruction of the passage of food through the mouth, pharynx, or

(**A specific burning sensation behind the sternum associated with regurgitation of gastric contents
into the inferior portion of the esophagus;

Return of the part of swallowed food into the mouth due to backward movement of esophagus and
stomach with open cardia without contraction of diaphragm and abdominal muscles;

Reflex act associated with irritation of the vagus nerve;

33. The size (width)of the vascular bundle is (cm):




34. By using what method can be examine in vivo the morphology of the liver:





35. An alternating pulse is:

**Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;

A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;

Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;

Unequal pulse wave interval

36. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris Media dextra et sinistra

6-th rib

7-th rib**

8-th rib

9-th rib

37. Sings of stage iii hypertension:

No objective signs of organic changes;

At least one of the following signs of organ involvement without symptoms or dysfunction;
**Both symptoms and signs have appeared as result of organ damage;

Signs of a absence of consciousness and / or failure of organs.

38. In healthy people gfr level is:

20-40 ml/min/1.73 m2

40-60 ml/min/1.73 m2

90 to 120 ml/min/1.73 m2**

130-150 ml/min/1.73 m2

39. A decrease in the volume of one half of the chest is not observed when:

Obstructive atelectasis;

Cirrhosis of the lung;

Emphysema of the lungs**


40. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

2.0-3.8 mmol | 1

3.9-5.2 mmol | 1**

5.6-8.2 mmol | 1

8.3-10.5 mmol | 1

41. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

**Science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

The study of the physical structure of organisms;

The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

42. Chronic tonsillitis, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, chronic lympholeucosis,

lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma may lead to increased:

Occipital lymph nodes;

Cervical lymph nodes;**

Axillary lymph nodes;

Cubital (local) lymph nodes.

43. The appearance of "Melena" Is characteristic:

**Gastric bleeding;

Long-term administration of calcium preparations;

Bleeding from the sigmoid colon;


44. Inspiratory dyspnea is typical for:

Bronchial asthma;


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;

Tracheal tumors.**

45. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:

**Over the trachea region and its bifurcation

Below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line

In the axillary lines

Below the axillary lines

46. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):





47. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

0.01-0.02 sec

0.03-0.04 sec


0.06-0.1 sec**

48. Skin with thyrotoxicosis:

***Soft, hot, wet, hyperemic, warm hands;

Rough, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;

Soft, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;

Thickened, hot, moist, hyperemic, warm hands

49. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

**Normosthenic chest;

Hypersthenic chest;

Asthenic chest;
There is no correct answer.

0. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:

Up to 10

Up to 100

Up to 2000++

Up to 10,000
Module part 2
1. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



5-10 min.

20 min.

7 min.

10 min.

3. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is

8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be

Asthenic chest

Rachitic chest

Hypersthenic chest

Emphysema chest

Paralytic chest


the sound "hhh"

the sound of "FFF"

the friction sound of the hair

the sound of snow crunching.

5. Decreased voice resonance is observed in


exudation pleurisy

pulmonary emphysema


Acute pneumothorax

6. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:




Soldered to the skin

Cohesion among themselves

All above-said.

7. Patient N. 45 years female was admitted to the endocrinological department.

During physical examination enlargement of tongue was revealed. Which disease
may cause these changes?



Retrobulbar tumours





organ soreness/ painfulness

the size of the body

the border/edge of the organ

the volume of the organ

mobility of the organ.

9. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above




lung tissue



10. +Set of morphological and functional features of a person

11. “Cobbler chest” also called:





12. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



13. Alpinist climb of mountains on height about 3 km became feel worse, developed
weakness, loss of consciousness, tachycardia. What is reason of this state?





14. Information about heredity refers to :

Life history/ Anamnesis vitae

History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi

Objective examination


15. The place where vesicular respiration occurs is the bronchi:




16. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.



S. Protozoa


All above-listed

17. Direct percussion consists in:

percussion a finger on the body of the patient;

percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

18. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when:





everything is correct.
19. Kyphosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

20. The history of the present disease:

Domestic conditions

21. Pre-obesity is determined if BMI:

30.0 - 34.9;

35.0 - 39.9;

18.5 - 24.9;


25.0 - 29.9.

22. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

23. Slow, tired gait is observed in patients:


with debilitating chronic diseases;



with occlusion of the vessels of the lower extremities.

24. Patient anamnesis:

Results of resort treatment

25. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



in the armpit or rectally


popliteal fossa

in the groin fold

27. The chest is asymmetrical, its right half protrudes. The voice resonance
downward the middle of the scapula is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema



cavity in the lung

28. Determine chemical factors which cause diseases.

Contact with water

Contact with the concentrated sulfuric acid

Contact with physiological solution

Contact with a solution of baking soda

29. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

at the border of the scalp;

1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;

at the root/radix of the nose;

in the lower edge of the orbit;

in the middle of the upper jaw.

30. In the list of complaints specify those of them which concern not to a category
of the main, don‘t prove expressed organic changes in an organism.

Diarrheas up to 8 times per day

Bad sleep

Sudden occurrence of bloody urine without of pain

Fast lost weight (10 kg for 2 months)

Paroxysmal pains in the right hypohondrium, accompanying with a rising of the

temperature up to 37.8 and darkening of urine color (color of beer).

31. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

32. Navicular chest:

has an indentation in the lower part of the sternum;

elongated, narrow, flat;

has a cylindrical shape;

occurs in patients with emphysema of the lungs;

has an indentation in the upper and middle part of the sternum.

33. Suggestion formulation of question:

What do you complain of?

Does stomach pain increase after taking a meal?

What's brought you along today?

What troubles you?

Do you have complaints now?

34. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

35. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:

over the trachea region and its bifurcation

below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line

in the axillary lines

below the axillary lines

the lower part of interscapular.

36. Lordosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

37. The right part of the thorax is protruding, delays in the act of respiration, the
voice resonance is not observed. The respiration is superficial. The respiratory rate
is 32 per min. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema


bronchial asthma

38. Increased voice resonance is observed in:


compression atelectasis

pulmonary emphysema



39. Bronchophony is:

vibration of the chest at the heart apex

vibration of the chest in the area heart base

vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords

the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis

listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

40. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.



differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

to detect hidden bronchial obstruction (dry wheezing)

differences between dry rales and wet rales

differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

42. Determine the characteristic of coma.


Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.

Twilling state.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external
irritant and signals.

Slow inadequate answers

43. Dynamic inspection of the chest includes assessing:

Values of the epigastric/costal angle

Expession of supra-and subclavian fossas

Symmetry of its two halves

Participation of chest muscles in breathing act

Scapulae positions.

44. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

25.0 - 25.9;


≥ 40;

18.5 - 24.9;




36.4°C – 36.8°C

37.0°C – 38.2°C
46. Patient A. 66 years with cardiovascular pathology has specific changes of
fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers)
and nail in form of watch glass. What is pathogenesis of these changes?

Chronic hypoxia

Reduction in output of adrenocortical hormones


Increased consentration of bilirubin


47. The human Constitution is:


under the scapulas

over the trachea

above the side sections of the thorax

on the anterior side of the chest.

49. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



50. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

joints of the lower extremities;

the cerebellum;

vestibular apparatus;

(B) and C)
• 1. The top of lungs apices in front is normally:
• 4 – 6 cm;
• 3 – 4 cm;
• 2 – 5 cm;
• 6 – 8 cm;
• 1 – 2 cm.

• 2. Options normal shape of the chest are all listed, except:

• asthenic;
• normosthenic;
• hypersthenic;
• emphysematous.

• 3. Determine physical factors which cause diseases.

• High pressure action
• Low temperature action (-350С)
• Electric current action
• Exposure of electromagnetic field
• All above-listed

• 4. Choose correct sequence of parts in case report:

• General biographic information, anamnesis of life, complaints, history of present
disease, objective examination, inquiring about all organ and system
• General biographic information, history of present disease, objective
examination, anamnesis of life, inquiring about all organ and system, complaints
• General biographic information, history of present disease, objective
examination, complaints, anamnesis of life, inquiring about all organ and system
• General biographic information, anamnesis of life, history of present disease,
inquiring about all organ and system, objective examination, complaints
• General biographic information, complaints, inquiring about all organ and system,
history of present disease, anamnesis of life, objective examination.


elongated, narrow and flat; the ratio of the anteroposterior and lateral
dimensions is approaching 0.5; the supra-and subclavian fossas are clearly
defined, but are located symmetrically; the epigastric angle is acute, the
slope of ribs is located obliquely; intercostal spaces are wide; the scapulas
are situated asymmetrically; expressed atrophy of the chest muscles.
• paralytic
• Emphysematous
• asthenic
• hypersthenic
• normosthenic

• determination of the vibration of the chest
• listening to bronchial breathing
• listening to whispered speech.

• 7. The upper border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion

• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

• 8. The type of breath can be:

• surface, deep and mixed;
• thoracic, abdominal and mixed;
• rhythmic and non-rhythmic;
• deep, rhythmic, even;
• correctly 1) and 3).

• 9. Barrel-shaped chest is typical for:

• pulmonary tuberculosis
• emphysema of the lungs
• exudation pleurisy
• pneumothorax
• acute bronchitis

• 10. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

• clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial
deranged (specific) gait, sensible facial expression, and adequate mental
• deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced),
uncertain gait, partial deranged mental state and may be observed in patients
with recurrence of chronic disease, acute diseases, or due to the traumas and
• disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed
facial expression (fear, suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have
forced or passive posture, loss o f weight, edema, and inadequate mental state;

• 11. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic

movement) of normal lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-10 sm
• 14-16 sm
• 5-10 min.
• 20 min.
• 7 min.
• 10 min.


• in the alveoli
• in large bronchi
• in small bronchi
• into the trachea
• in the pleural cavity.

• 14. Bronchophony is:

• vibration of the chest at the heart apex
• vibration of the chest in the area heart base
• vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords
• the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis
• listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

• 15. Signs of hypersthenic form of the chest:

• the epigastric angle is 90°;
• the supra-and subclavian pits are smoothed;
• the ribs are nearly horizontal;
• the rib width of 0.5–1.0 cm, the intercostal space is 2.0 — 2.5 cm;
• the width of the rib 2.0-2.5 cm, intercostal space-0.5-1.0 cm.

• 16. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

• joints of the lower extremities;
• the cerebellum;
• vestibular apparatus;
• (B) and C);
• all of the above.

• 17. Patient anamnesis:

• Results of resort treatment

• 18. Patient F. 38 years has specific changes of fingers and nails - clubbing
of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers) and nail in form of
watch glass. What is typical reason of these changes?
• Endocrine disease
• Chronic liver disease
• Chronic cardiac disease
• Chronic intestinal pathology
• Haemolytic jaundice
• 19. Kyphoscoliosis-bending of the spine:
• go ahead;
• back;
• in the lateral direction;
• to the side and back.

• 20. Normally bronchophonia:

• listened to clearly;
• very weakly listened to;
• not listened to;
• correct A) and B);
• (B) and C).

• 21. Patient С., 34 years, observes a constant dispnoea at rest, especially at

night, weakness, palpitation, thirst, oliguria (insignificant amount of urine).
Objectively: sits in armchair, with lean hands in armrests, frequency of
reath 36 per 1 minutes, cyanosis of the lips, sharp features of face;
significant oedema of the lower extremities, loin, forward belly wall – they
are symmetric, on cruses – dense, on femurs – soft (doughy). Note true
about general condition of the patient:
• Extremely grave
• Good

• 22. Determine the characteristic of coma.

• Unconsciousness.
• Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.
• Twilling state.
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on
external irritant and signals.
• Slow inadequate answers

• 23. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to

transverse size is 8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What
diagnosis can be supposed?
• Asthenic chest
• Rachitic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Emphysema chest
• Paralytic chest

• 24. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

• at the border of the scalp;
• 1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;
• at the root/radix of the nose;
• in the lower edge of the orbit;
• in the middle of the upper jaw.
• 25. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic
movement. of normal lungs by Lin. axillaris media dextr. et sin.:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 14-16 sm


• 36.9°C-37.8°C
• 36.4°C – 36.8°C
• 37.0°C – 38.2°C

• 27. Indirect percussion consists in:

• percussion a finger on the body of the patient;
• percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

• 28. The forced position of the patient is that:

• Position which the doctor recommended for a quicker recovery
• Position which the patient assumes due to the progressiveness of the disease
• Position which the patient cannot change independently
• Position which the patient assumes to reduce the occurrence of the illness
(dyspnoea, cough, pain etc.)
• Position with the patient assumes due to immobilization of the extremities. (The
use of skeletal traction, splints etc).

• 29. Syndrome is:

• combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;
• abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• summarize clinical examinations.

• 30. Lateral curvature of the spine is observed in:

• lordosis
• scoliosis
• kyphosis
• rachitis
• kyphoscoliosis

• 31. Louis' angle is:

• the angle of connection of the body and the handle of the sternum;
• the angle of the scapule to the chest;
• the angle of the clavicle and sternum;
• epigastric angle; E
• all answers are not correct.
• 32. Excessive pilosis/hairiness is called:
• vitiligo;
• albinism;
• hirsutism;
• hypertrichosis;
• nevus.

• 33. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

• 25.0 - 25.9;
• 34.9;
• ≥ 40;
• 18.5 - 24.9;
• ≤18.5.

• 34. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is

sitting resting his hands on the edge of the bed. The voice resonance over
the lungs is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Bronchial asthma
• Kussmaul respiration
• atelectasis
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration

• 35. Thickening of the nails occurs when:

• myxedema;
• heart defects;
• acromegaly;
• anemia;
• all listed diseases.

• 36. The patient has dyspnea and cyanosis. The right half of the chest
protrudes, delays in the act of respiration. The voice resonance is
decreased downward the middle of the scapula. What diagnosis can be
• Hydrothorax, pneumothorax
• Cavity in the lung
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Atelectasis
• Pneumonia

• 37. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.

• Virus
• Microbe
• S. Protozoa
• Rickettsia
• All above-listed
• 38. Where appears crepitation:
• in the small bronchi:
• in the large bronchiin;
• in the alveoli;
• in the pleural cavity

• 39. Patient W. 64 years has skin changes- visible dilation of small

subcutaneous blood vessels. Estimate these skin changes:
• Teleangioectasia
• Hyperpigmentation
• Petechia
• Urticaria
• Vitiligo

• 40. Bronchial breathing is sounded:

• At inhalation
• At exhalation
• At inhalation and 1/3 of exhalation
• During breathing in and out
• At inhalation and at first 2/3 of exhalation

• 41. The diseases caused by negative interrelation of medical staff and

patients are called:
• Social
• Iatrogenic
• Somatogenic
• Professional
• Psychogenic

• 42. "Puerile respiration":

• physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• stenotic respiration.


• 24 in 1 minute
• from 14 to 20 in 1 minute
• from 10 to 12 in 1 minute


• differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing
• detection of hidden bronchial obstruction
• differences between dry rales and wet rales
• differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise
• better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

• 45. Determine characteristic of asthenic habitus from the physiological

point of view.
• Prevalence of the transversal sizes of a thorax
• Right epigastric angle
• Significant prevalence of the transversal sizes of a body above longitudinal
• Significant prevalence ratio of extremities to trunk
• Significant prevalence ratio of abdomen to thorax

• 46. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the
• 1-2sm
• 3-4 sm
• 5-6 sm
• 7-8 sm
• 9-10 sm.

• 47. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:
• Size
• Tenderness
• Consistency
• Soldered to the skin
• Cohesion among themselves
• All above-said.

• 48. Bronchial respiration occurs when air passes through:

• the glottis;
• large bronchi;
• small bronchi;
• bronchioles;
• the alveoli.

• 49. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a
passport part in admission office of the case record of patient D. 54 years,
which hospitalize in connection with essential hypertension. At this time
has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints to dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has
lost consciousness, has fallen, cramps have begun. What medical and
deontological tactics?
• Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently
call a doctor.
• Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.
• Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call
a doctor.
• The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.
• All above variants are allowable

• 50. Using comparative percussion determine:

• the upper border of the lungs
• percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• lower border of the lungs
• mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• width of the Kroenig's area

• 1. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

• 2.0-3.8 mmol | l
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | l
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | l
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | l
• 10.6-12.9 mmol | l

• 2. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%.:

• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 80-85

• 3. The past history involves all listed except:

• habits;
• history of present disease;
• family history;
• social history;
• allergological history.

• 4. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical

• normosthenic chest;
• hypersthenic chest;
• asthenic chest;
• there is no correct answer.
• 5. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the
respiratory system is:
• computer tomography;
• ultrasound examination;
• bronchoscopy;
• Chest X-ray

• 6. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:

• dry pleurisy;
• emphysema;
• bronchitis;
• pneumonia;
• the attack of bronchial asthma

• 7. To determine the protein function of the liver is used:

• determination of the content of total protein in serum
• determination of protein fractions
• protein sediment tests
• determination of prothrombin index
• all of the above methods

• 8. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l.:

• 100-110
• 110-120
• 120-140
• 130-160
• 150-160

• 9. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

• 1: 1
• 1: 2
• 1: 3
• 3: 1
• 5: 1

• 10. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

• the science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis
• the study of the physical structure of organisms;
• the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

• 11. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• left atrium
• pulmonary trunk
• right ventricle
• right atrium
• left ventricle

• 12. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 0.11-0.13 sec.

• 13. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:


• 14. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

• at the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• on the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• in the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• in the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

• 15. “Cobbler chest” also called:

• emphysematous;
• paralytic;
• rachitic;
• funnel

• 16. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

• 40-80mm water column
• 50-90mm water column
• 60-100mm water column
• 70-110mm water column
• 80-120mm water column

• 17. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease:

• diffuse;
• on the face;
• acrocyanosis;
• in the lower extremities;
• in some parts of the body.

• 18. Renal edema starts from:

• Face
• legs
• ascites
• everything is correct
• everything is wrong

• 19. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

• 45-46g | l
• 65-85g | l
• 85-105g | l
• 105-125g | l
• 125-145g | l

• 20. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except:

• the aorta
• inferior vena cava
• pulmonary trunk
• superior vena cava

• 21. Harsh breathing:

• short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the
expiration is usually normal;
• deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are
• inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones.

• 22. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

• pulmonary tumor (airless tissue.;
• when fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid.:
• pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax.
• compressive atelectasis.

• 23. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in:

• standing position;
• sitting position;
• lying position;
• does not matter.

• 24. Using comparative percussion determine:

• the upper border of the lungs
• percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• lower border of the lungs
• mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• width of the Kroenig's area

• 25. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard:

• dull sound
• sound box
• pulmonary sound
• dullness of sound
• tympanic sound.

• 26. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l.:

• 12
• 18
• 40
• 110
• 145

• 27. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%.:

• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 10-12

• 28. The best auscultatory areas (points. for a pulmonary valve:

• apical impulse
• the base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• the Erbs point

• 29. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 10-th rib

• 30. Purpura (hemopurpura. is:

• small pointed hemorrhages;
• large black and blue spots;
• red spots of different size;
• a swelling from gross bleeding.

• 31. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia., patient is

exited, has pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even
aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state;
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma.
• 32. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 16-18 cm

• 33. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over:

• heart
• liver
• lungs
• spleen
• kidneyend

• 34. Syndrome is:

• combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;
• abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• summarize clinical examinations.

• 35. Normal systolic blood pressure is:

• 100-110mm Hg
• 100-120mm Hg
• 100-130 mm hg.
• 100-139mmHg
• 100-150mm Hg

• 36. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 9:10:11 +-1cm

• 37. Vitiligo is:

• symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;
• the redness located on checks;
• cyanotic color of the skin;
• yellow color of the skin.

• 38. Normal albumin from the total protein:

• 26.3-38.8%
• 40.3-55.3%
• 56.3-68.8%
• 70.3-83.3%
• 83.3-93.8%
• 39. Anasarca - is:
• edema on the legs;
• edema on the lower back;
• edema on the neck;
• abdominal hydrops;
• edema of the all body.

• 40. In healthy people GFR level is:

• 20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 155-160 mL/min/1.73 m2

• 41. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 10 liters

• 42. "Puerile respiration":

• physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• stenotic respiration.

• 43. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1

• 0
• up to 10
• up to 100
• up to 2000
• up to 10,000

• 44. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO. is established with BP:

• systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher
• systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg
• systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg
• systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.
• systolic blood pressure above, Diastolic pressure of 95

• 45. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm.:

• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 9-10
• 11-13

• 46. How also called vesicular breathing:

• bronchial;
• amphoric;
• alveolar;
• laryngotracheal;
• metallic.

• 47. Pigeon chest is typical for:

• emphysema of the lungs;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• pneumosclerosis;
• rachitis

• 48. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic

movement. of normal lungs by Lin. axillaris media dextr. et sin.:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 14-16 sm

• 49. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:

• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 3.9-4.6

• 50. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.., determined in
a glass test tube:
• 3-8
• 5-10
• 11-12
• 4.15-20
• 5.20-22
• 1. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal
lungs by Line axillaris media dextra et sinistra.
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 2. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:
• The science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;
• The study of the physical structure of organisms
• The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.
• 3. "Puerile respiration"
• Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration
• Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing
• Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• 4. “Cobbler chest” also called
• Emphysematous
• Paralytic
• Rachitic;
• Funnel
• 5. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l):
• 12
• 18
• 40
• 110
• 6. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 7. Harsh breathing
• Short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is
usually normal
• Deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are
• Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones
• Emphysema
• 8. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has
pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma
• 9. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• Left atrium
• Pulmonary trunk
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 10. Anasarca - is:
• Edema on the legs
• Edema on the lower back
• Edema on the neck
• Edema of the all body
• 11. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:
• 45-46g | l
• 65-85g | l
• 85-105g | l
• 105-125g | l
• 12. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 13. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:
• Up to 10
• Up to 10,000
• Up to 100
• Up to 2000
• 14. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales
• Emphysema;
• Bronchitis
• Pneumonia
• The attack of bronchial asthma
• 15. The past history involves all listed except:
• Habits;
• History of present disease;
• Family history;
• Social history;
• 16. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial
• Amphoric
• Alveolar
• Laryngotracheal
• 17. Normal systolic blood pressure is
• 100-110mm Hg
• 100-120mm Hg
• 100-130 mm hg
• 100-139mmHg
• 18. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:
• Pulmonary tumor (airless tissue)
• When fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid)
• Pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax)
• Compressive atelectasis
• 19. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 20. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO) is established with BP:
• Systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher
• Systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg
• Systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg
• Systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.
• 21. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard
• Dull sound
• Sound box
• Dullness of sound
• Tympanic sound
• 22. Normal albumin from the total protein:
• 26.3-38.8%
• 40.3-55.3%
• 56.3-68.8%
• 70.3-83.3%
• 23. Renal edema starts from
• Face
• Legs
• Ascites
• Everything is correct
• 24. The duration of the QRS complex is normal
• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 25. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l):
• 100-110
• 110-120
• 120-140
• 130-160
• 26. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease
• Diffuse
• On the face
• Acrocyanosis
• In the lower extremities
• 27. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:
• 2.0-3.8 mmol | l
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | l
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | l
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | l
• 28. Vitiligo is
• Symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;
• The redness located on checks;
• Cyanotic color of the skin
• Yellow color of the skin
• 29. Syndrome is:
• Combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another
• Abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• Summarize clinical examinations
• Dry pleurisy
• 30. In healthy people GFR level is
• 20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 mL/min/1.73m2
• 90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 31. Pigeon chest is typical for
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Pneumosclerosis
• Rachitis
• 32. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in
• Standing position
• Sitting position;
• Lying position;
• Does not matter.
• 33. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:
• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 34. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm)
• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 11-13
• 35. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 36. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:
• 40-80mm water column
• 50-90mm water column
• 60-100mm water column
• 70-110mm water column
• 37. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):
• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 38. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:
• 1: 1
• 1: 2
• 1: 3
• 3: 1
• 39. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:
• Small pointed hemorrhages
• Large black and blue spots
• Red spots of different size
• A swelling from gross bleeding.
• 40. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve:
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 41. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint
• 42. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except
• The aorta
• Inferior vena cava
• Pulmonary trunk
• Superior vena cava
• 43. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over
• Heart
• Liver
• Lungs
• Spleen
• 44. To determine the protein function of the liver is used
• Determination of the content of total protein in serum
• Determination of protein fractions
• Protein sediment tests
• All of the above methods
• 45. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.), determined in a glass test
• 3-8
• 5-10
• 11-12
• 4.15-20
• 46. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 47. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method
• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 48. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory
system is
• Computer tomography
• Ultrasound examination;
• Bronchoscopy
• Chest X-ray
• 49. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:
• Normosthenic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Asthenic chest
• There is no correct answer
• 50. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:

• The best auscultatory areas (points) for a tricuspid valves

• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 2. Diastolic trembling ("cat purring") on apex of the heart palpated in case of:
• Insufficiency the aortic valve;
• Aortic stenosis
• Mitral stenosis
• Insufficiency left atrioventricular valve;
• 3. The distance of the liver in the right anterior axillary line is normally is
• 6-8 cm
• 8-9 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 4. A boxed sound above the lungs indicates:
• Reducing the airiness of the lung tissue
• Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
• The formation of a cavity in the lung
• Increased airiness of lung tissue
• 5. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:
• 500ml
• 1000ml
• 2 liters
• 5 liters
• 6. How many urine samples are collected for Zimnitsky analysis:
• 2
• 4
• 5
• 8
• 7. Melena may indicate:
• Botkin's disease
• Hemorrhoids
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus
• 8. What is the sequence of examination of pulse rate:
• Synchronicity, rhythm, frequency, voltage, filling
• Rhythm, frequency, synchronicity, content, stress
• The frequency, rhythm, synchronicity, content, stress
• Filling, strain, frequency, rhythm, synchronicity
• 9. Deficiency of pulse is
• A disharmony between a heart rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery
• A disharmony between a breath rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery
• A disharmony between a heart rate and breath rate
• All answers are correct
• 10. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined:
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 11. The distance of the in the right midclavicular line is normally:
• 6-8 cm
• 8-9 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 9-11 cm
• 12. Pulse pressure is normal:
• 35-45mmHg
• 40-50mm Hg
• 45-55mmHg
• 50-60mmHg
• 13. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is
• Magnetic resonance imaging
• Radiography;
• Computer tomography;
• Pulmonary angiography.
• 14. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis
• Bright red;
• Dark brown
• Black
• With the content of food.
• 15. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line
• 1 – 2 cm
• 2 – 3 cm
• 4 – 6 cm
• 6 – 8 cm.
• 16. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 17. Laboratory examination includes all listed except
• Blood analysis
• Sonography
• Urine analysis
• Sputum analysis
• 18. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).
• 19. Enlarged superciliary arches, zygomatic bones, ears, auricles nose, lips, tongue,
growth and putting forward of low jaw (prognotism) is also called
• Facies in patients with Cushing’s syndrome
• Facies Hyppocratica
• Facies as a “wax-doll”
• Facies acromegalica.
• 20. Vomiting that arose through 4-6 hours after eating is a consequence of:
• Ulcer or cancer of cardiac part of the stomach acute gastritis;
• Ulcer or cancer of the stomach body
• Ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum
• Cecum
• 21. The resonant sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:
• Heart
• Spleen
• Lung tissue
• Muscles
• 22. Where the apical impulse is normally defined:
• On the parasternal line
• 1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line
• 1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line
• On the midaxillary line
• 23. With the feces of a healthy person stands out
• Free bilirubin
• Associated bilirubin
• Urobilin
• Urobilinogen
• 24. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of erythrocytes in 1 ml
• Up to 10
• Up to 100
• Up to 1000
• Up to 10,000
• 25. The vertical electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:
• 26. Glycosuria is often typical for:
• Misuse of sweet food;
• Emotional turmoil
• Diabetes;
• Glomerulonephritis
• 27. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal
lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-10 sm
• 28. The content of total protein in serum 106g | l, this:
• Hypoproteinemia
• Dysproteinemia
• Hypergammaglobulinemia
• Hyperproteinemia
• 29. Specify the localization of the upper border of the relative dullness of the heart
• 2nd rib
• 2nd intercostal space
• 3rd rib
• 4th rib
• 30. Prothrombin is synthesized with the participation of the vitamin:
• A
• K
• C
• B1
• 31. What is early sign of pancreatic insufficiency
• The presence stercobilin in the stool
• Steatorrhea
• Black feces
• The presence of urobilin in the stool
• 32. Normally, the prothrombin index is:
• 20-40%
• 40-60%
• 60-80%
• 80-100%
• 33. S2 consists of:
• One component
• Two components;
• Three components
• Four components
• 34. Grade III hypertension established at the level:
• 120-129 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 80-84 DBP (mm Hg)
• 130-139 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 85-89 DBP (mm Hg)
• 140-159 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 90-99 DBP (mm Hg)
• 180 SBP (mm Hg) and/or > 110 DBP (mm Hg)
• 35. In what lead T wave is always normally negative
• I standard lead;
• II standard lead
• III standard lead
• 36. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:
• 37. Prothrombin is synthesized only in:
• Spleen
• Kidney
• Pancreas
• Liver
• 38. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by
• Clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged
(specific) gait, sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction;
• Deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain
gait, partial deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of
chronic disease, acute diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning
• Disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial
expression (fear, suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or
passive posture, loss o f weight, edema, and inadequate mental state;
• Edema, and inadequate mental state;
• 39. 16.The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l):
• 1-2
• 2-3
• 4-9
• 9-10
• 40. Projections of the tricuspid valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint
• 41. What method of examination has the greatest value in diagnosis of gallstone
• Questioning
• Palpation
• Cholecystography;
• Irrigoscopy
• 42. Excretory anuria
• Violation of urine formation by kidneys
• Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract
• Daily urine output less than 500 ml
• Urinary excretion of acetone
• 43. From what of the intestines segment begins deep palpation by Obraztsov-
• Cecum
• The transverse colon
• Appendix cecum
• The sigmoid colon
• 44. In the urine of men leukocytes
• Not contained
• 1-2 in sight
• 5-6 in sight
• 6-8 in sight
• 45. The pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate and is equal to
• 50-70 per minute
• 55-75 per minute
• 60-90 per minute
• 68-89 per minute
• 46. P wave on the ECG is:
• Ventricular excitation
• Excitation of interventricular septum
• Atrial excitation;
• Ventricular repolarizatio
• 47. What is normal heart rate
• 40 - 60 per 1 min
• 90 - 120 per 1 min
• 60 - 80 per 1 min;
• 120-240 per 1 min
• 48. Displacement left border of cardiac dullness to the left can occur in case of:
• Hypertrophy of the right atrium
• Hypertrophy of the left atrium
• Hypertrophy of the right and left atrium
• Hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricular
• 49. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a mitral valve
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 50. What is the cardialgia
• Pain in the liver
• Heart pain;
• Feeling of "disruptions" in the heart
• Muscle pain
• 1. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial
• Amphoric
• Alveolar
• Laryngotracheal
• 2. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 3. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:
• 500ml
• 1000ml
• 2 liters
• 5 liters
• 4. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• Left atrium
• Pulmonary trunk
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 5. In what lead T wave is always normally negative
• I standard lead
• II standard lead KO
• III standard lead
• 6. Decreasing of both heart sounds typical for
• Aortic heart defects
• Mitral heart defects
• Myocarditis
• Hypertension
• 7. Normal Diastolic blood pressure is
• 60-70mmHg
• 60-80mm Hg
• 60-89mm Hg
• 60-100mm Hg
• 8. Excretory anuria
• Violation of urine formation by kidneys;
• Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract
• Daily urine output less than 500 ml
• Urinary excretion of acetone.
• 9. The Hippocratic face is a sign of
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Nephritis
• Heart failure
• Peritonitis;
• 10. With the feces of a healthy person stands out:
• Free bilirubin
• Associated bilirubin
• Urobilin
• Stercobilin
• 11. What percussion sound is determined above the zone of absolute dullness of the
• Pulmonary
• Boxed
• Dull
• Tympanic
• 12. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when
• Obesity
• Hydrothorax
• Pneumothorax
• Emphysema
• 13. Laboratory examination includes all listed except:
• Blood analysis
• Sonography
• Urine analysis
• Sputum analysis
• 14. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line:
• 1 – 2 cm
• 2 – 3 cm
• 4 – 6 cm
• 6 – 8 cm
• 15. Xanthelasma is determined by:
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Mitral stenosis
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Biliary cirrhosis
• 16. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 17. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is
• Magnetic resonance imaging
• Radiography
• Computer tomography
• Pulmonary angiography
• 18. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads
• 19. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal
• Vocal fremitus
• Weakened vesicular respiration
• Painful areas
• Stiffness of the intercostal spaces
• 20. Epigastric pulsation, more clearly visible in the standing position and inhalation,
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the left atrium;
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle of the heart
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle of the heart
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm;
• 21. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. Scapularis
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 10-th rib
• 22. The symptom of "Digiti hippocratici" is observed in patients with:
• Bronchial asthma
• Bronchiectasis
• Focal pneumonia
• Acute bronchitis
• 23. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 24. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 25. To determine the protein function of the liver is used
• Determination of the content of total protein in serum
• Determination of protein fractions
• Protein sediment tests
• All of the above methods
• 26. The orthopnea position relieves the condition by reducing
• Pain in the heart
• Interruptions in the work of the heart
• Lower extremity edema;
• Shortness of breath;
• 27. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 28. Purpura (hemopurpura) is
• Small pointed hemorrhages
• Large black and blue spots
• Red spots of different size
• A swelling from gross bleeding
• 29. Pigeon chest is typical for
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Pneumosclerosis
• Rachitis
• 30. Unequal pulse often typical for:
• Hole aortic stenosis;
• Myocarditis
• Atrial fibrillation
• Exudative pericarditis
• 31. Tendency to diarrhea typical for
• Duodenal ulcer disease intestine
• Erosive duodenitis
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Chronic gastritis with increased gastric acidity juice
• 32. Renal edema starts from:
• Face
• Legs
• Ascites
• Everything is correct
• 33. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 34. ECG heart rate (HR) formula is
• 60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 600 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(big squares)
• 30 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 35. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal
• Vocal fremitus
• Weakened vesicular respiration
• Painful areas
• Stiffness of the intercostal spaces
• 36. Where the apical impulse is normally defined
• On the parasternal line
• 1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line
• On the midclavicular line
• 1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line
• 37. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:
• 1-2sm
• 3-4 sm
• 5-6 sm
• 7-8 sm
• 38. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 39. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 40. Xanthelasma is determined by:
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Mitral stenosis
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Biliary cirrhosis
• 41. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads
• 42. The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l)
• 1-2
• 2-3
• 4-9
• 9-10
• 43. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis
• Bright red;
• Dark brown
• Black
• With the content of food
• 44. The indicator of liver pigment function is the content in the serum
• Cholesterol
• Total protein and protein fractions
• Fibrinogen
• Bilirubin and its fractions
• 45. Causes of physiological weakening of vesicular breath
• Poor development of the chest muscles
• Performing heavy physical exertion
• Excessive development of muscles and fatty tissue
• Children's age
• 46. Nocturia is
• Daily diuresis more than 1 liter
• Daily diuresis less than 1 liter
• The prevalence of nocturnal diuresis over daytime
• The prevalence of daytime diuresis over night
• 47. Percussion tympanic sound is detected over the area
• Liver
• Stomach
• Lungs
• Spleen
• 48. Right border of the relative cardiac dullness is formed by
• Right atrium
• Left atrium
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 49. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than
• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 50. The right border of relative cardiac dullness is normal:
• On the right edge of the sternum
• On the left edge of the sternum
• 1 cm laterally of the right edge of the sternum
• 2cm laterally from the right edge of the sternum

skipped question

• 1. Increasing area of absolute cardiac dullness observed in case of:

• Left-sided pneumothorax;
• Emphysema;
• Attack of bronchial asthma;
• Hydropericarditis.
• 2. Normal value of eosinophils:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %);
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).
• 3. What means the large number of red blood cells in the gastric contents
• Duodenal ulcer;
• Gastritis;
• Stenosis;
• Gastric cancer
• 4. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:
• Dry pleurisy;
• Emphysema;
• Bronchitis;
• The attack of bronchial asthma
• 5. The appearance of "Melena" Is characteristic:
• Gastric bleeding;
• Long-term administration of calcium preparations;
• Bleeding from the sigmoid colon;
• Dysentery;
• 6. Heartburn (pyrosis) is
• As a sensation of “sticking” Or obstruction of the passage of food through the mouth,
pharynx, or esophagus;
• A specific burning sensation behind the sternum associated with regurgitation of gastric
contents into the inferior portion of the esophagus;
• Return of the part of swallowed food into the mouth due to backward movement of
esophagus and stomach with open cardia without contraction of diaphragm and
abdominal muscles;
• Reflex act associated with irritation of the vagus nerve;
• 7. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 8. An alternating pulse is:
• Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;
• A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;
• Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;
• Unequal pulse wave interval
• 9. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:
• Over the trachea region and its bifurcation
• Below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line
• In the axillary lines
• Below the axillary lines
• 10. By using what method can be examine in vivo the morphology of the liver:
• Scan;
• Biopsy;
• Laparoscopy;
• Splenoportography.
• 11. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris Media dextra et sinistra
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 12. Edema of cardiac origin:
• Blue, cold, dense
• Pale, warm, soft
• Blue, warm, soft;
• Pale, cold, dense
• 13. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has
pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state;
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma.
• 14. The duration of the p wave is normal:
• 0.06-0.07 sec
• 0.07-0.08 sec
• 0,08-0,09 sec
• 0.08-0.1 sec
• 15. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:
• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 16. Inspiratory dyspnea is typical for:
• Bronchial asthma;
• Bronchiolitis;
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
• Tracheal tumors.
• 17. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.
• 18. Resistant apical beat indicates:
• Insufficiency of the mitral valve;
• Aortic insufficiency;
• Aortic stenosis;
• Left ventricular hypertrophy;
• 19. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris anterior dextra et
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 20. Orthopnoe position is:
• Sitting position, facilitating shortness of breath;
• Sitting, relieving pain;
• Prone position, relieving pain;
• Standing, stopping hiccups.
• 21. The properties of the apical impulse are determined by:
• Left ventricle
• Right atrium
• Aortic arch
• Left atrium
• 22. Puerile respiration":
• A)Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• B)Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• C)Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• D)Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• 23. Hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is a consequence of:
• Hhyperbilirubinemia;
• Hepatocellular failure syndrome
• Hyperestrogenemia;
• Hypoalbuminemia;
• 24. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):
• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 25. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 26. Aortic valves are projected on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.
• 27. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:
• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 28. In healthy people gfr level is:
• 20-40 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 90 to 120 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 29. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:
• Small pointed hemorrhages;
• Large black and blue spots;
• Red spots of different size;
• A swelling from gross bleeding.
• 30. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:
• 2.0-3.8 mmol | 1
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | 1
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | 1
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | 1
• 31. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 32. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial;
• Amphoric;
• Alveolar;
• Laryngotracheal;
• 33. Chronic tonsillitis, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, chronic lympholeucosis,
lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma may lead to increased:
• Occipital lymph nodes;
• Cervical lymph nodes;
• Axillary lymph nodes;
• Cubital (local) lymph nodes.
• 34. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:
• Up to 10
• Up to 100
• Up to 2000
• Up to 10,000
• 35. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 36. Where the primary urine is formed:
• In glomerulus;
• In the proximal tubules;
• In the distal tubules;
• In the loop of the nephron;
• 37. The past history involves all listed except:
• Habits;
• History of present disease;
• Family history;
• Social history;
• 38. A decrease in the volume of one half of the chest is not observed when:
• Obstructive atelectasis;
• Cirrhosis of the lung;
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Pulmonectomy.
• 39. Auscultation point of left atrioventricular valve located in:
• Heart apex;
• 2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum;
• To the left of the sternum at the 3rd costosternal articulation
• 2nd intercostal space to the left of the sternum;
• 40. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:
• Normosthenic chest;
• Hypersthenic chest;
• Asthenic chest;
• There is no correct answer.
• 41. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:
• Science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;
• The study of the physical structure of organisms;
• The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.
• 42. ."Moon-shaped" Face is observed when:
• Myxedema;
• Acute glomerulonephritis
• Bronchial asthma;
• Itsenko-cushing disease.
• 43. Skin with thyrotoxicosis:
• Soft, hot, wet, hyperemic, warm hands;
• Rough, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;
• Soft, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;
• Thickened, hot, moist, hyperemic, warm hands.
• 44. Characteristic of cardiac edema
• Appear in the morning on the face;
• Swelling of one leg with local cyanosis;
• Swelling of the legs and feet at the end of the working day;
• Swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by itching.
• 45. The size (width)of the vascular bundle is (cm):
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 46. Pulsus paradoxus” Is:
• Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;
• A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;
• Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;
• Unequal intervals between pulse waves.
• 47. Indicate the type of temperature curve, if the patient has fever within 38.0–38.8º for 1
• Febris continua;
• Febris remitens;
• Febris intermittens;
• Febris hectica;
• 48. Sings of stage iii hypertension:
• No objective signs of organic changes;
• At least one of the following signs of organ involvement without symptoms or
• Both symptoms and signs have appeared as result of organ damage;
• Signs of a absence of consciousness and / or failure of organs.
• 49. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory
system is:
• Computer tomography;
• Ultrasound examination;
• Bronchoscopy;
• Chest x-ray
• 50. What color index values indicate the normochromia:
• Less than 0.8;
• 1.2-1.5;
• More than 1.1;
• 0.85-1.1.
Propedtherapy part 3
1. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:

normosthenic chest;

hypersthenic chest;

asthenic chest;

there is no correct answer.

2. Intermittent lameness is observed in patients:


with debilitating chronic diseases;



with occlusion of the vessels of the lower extremities.

3. Krönig’s area determined by the change of percussion sound:

from resonant pulmonary to dullz

from resonant pulmonary to blunted

from blunted to resonant

from dull to resonant pulmonary

from resonant pulmonary to tympanic.

4. Diminished one part of the chest is observed in:

Exudation pleurisy




pulmonary emphysema

5. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.


S. Protozoa


All above-listed

6. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a passport part in admission
office of the case record of patient D. 54 years, which hospitalize in connection with essential
hypertension. At this time has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints to dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has lost consciousness, has
fallen, cramps have begun. What medical and deontological tactics?

Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.

Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.

Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath (on the floor). The
nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call a doctor.

The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.

All above variants are allowable

7. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

8. Spots of skin depigmentation are called:






9. Lateral curvature of the spine is observed in:






deep breathing with your nose

deep breathing with open or half-open mouth

11. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:



lung tissue



12. The lower border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion sound:

from resonant pulmonary to dull

from resonant pulmonary to blunted

from blunted to resonant

from dull to resonant pulmonary

from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

13. Kyphosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

14. Scoliosis is a bend in the spine:



in lateral directions;

to the side and backwards.

15. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has pathologically
high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state;





shortness of breath on inhalation

breathing is heard throughout the inhalation and exhalation

the sound is similar to the breath heard over the larynx

breathing very rough timbre; resembles the sound of " HHH"

breathing has a soft timbre; resembles the sound of "F"

17. Respiratory movements are interrupted with pauses lasting up to 30 seconds. What diagnosis
can be supposed?

Biots respiration

Cheyne-Stocks respiration

Bronchial asthma


Kussmaul respiration

18. Using a static inspection of the chest, you can determine ... .

type of breathing

the location of the clavicle, the state of the intercostal spaces

Symmetry of the participation of the chest halves in the act of breathing

participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing

19. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in:

standing position;

sitting position;

lying position;

does not matter

20. In the list of complaints specify those of them which concern to a category of the main, prove
expressed organic changes in an organism.

Compressing pains in precardial area at walking


Fast fatigue


Depressed mood

21. Using a static inspection of the chest, you can determine ... .

type of breathing

the location of the clavicle, the state of the intercostal spaces

Symmetry of the participation of the chest halves in the act of breathing

participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing

22. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia., patient is exited, has pathologically
high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:

Twilight state;








24. The following forms of the chest are distinguished in healthy people:

normosthenic, asthenic;




emphysematous, hypersthenic.

25. The larynx is normal on palpation:

is easily displaced, painless;

limited mobility, painless;

immobile, painless;

immobile, slightly painful;

can have different properties.


in the bronchi

in the alveoli.

27. Determine the characteristic of stupor.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, adequate reaction on external irritant and

Twilling state./ Twilight

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external irritant and

Absence of reaction

28. Thickening of the nails occurs when:


heart defects;



all listed diseases.

29. The method of palpation of the chest does not determine:

the symmetry of the respiratory movements;

chest resistance;

painful places;

vocal fremitus;

wet ringing wheezing.

30. The right part of the thorax is protruding, delays in the act of respiration, the voice resonance is
not observed. The respiration is superficial. The respiratory rate is 32 per min. What diagnosis can be


Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema


bronchial asthma

31. Bronchial breathing is sounded:

At inhalation

At exhalation

At inhalation and 1/3 of exhalation

During breathing in and out

At inhalation and at first 2/3 of exhalation

32. Obesity grade II is determined if the BMI:

30.0 - 34.9;

25.0 - 29.9;

35.0 - 39.9;

18.5 - 24.9.

33. The sternal angle (angle of Louis/ manubriosternal junction) is:

connection of the costal arcs at the xiphoid process

clipping the handle of the sternum

articulation of the manubrium and the body of the sternum

- articulation of the clavicle and manubrium.

34. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory mechanisms;

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

35. The past history involves all listed except:


history of present disease;

family history;

social history;

allergological history.

36. Spots of skin depigmentation are called:






37. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

38. Increased voice resonance is observed in:


compression atelectasis

pulmonary emphysema



39. Patient W. 64 years has skin changes- visible dilation of small subcutaneous blood vessels.
Estimate these skin changes:







differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

to detect hidden bronchial obstruction (dry wheezing)

differences between dry rales and wet rales

differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

41. Information about heredity refers to :

Life history/ Anamnesis vitae

History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi

Objective examination


42. Kyphoscoliosis-bending of the spine:

go ahead;


in the lateral direction;

to the side and back.

43. The following position of the patient is called passive…

the patient is capable of self-care; there is no restriction on physical activity

a certain position; which the patient takes to relieve suffering

the patient is unable to self-serve; there is no physical activity.

44. In the list of complaints specify those of them which concern not to a category of the main, don‘t
prove expressed organic changes in an organism.

Dyspnoea at walking

Attacks of an asthma

Expectoration of blood

Pains in epigastrium area right after meal

Palpitation at excitement

45. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:



lung tissue


46. Patient С., 34 years, observes a constant dispnoea at rest, especially at night, weakness,
palpitation, thirst, oliguria (insignificant amount of urine). Objectively: sits in armchair, with lean
hands in armrests, frequency of reath 36 per 1 minutes, cyanosis of the lips, sharp features of face;
significant oedema of the lower extremities, loin, forward belly wall – they are symmetric, on cruses
– dense, on femurs – soft (doughy). Note true about general condition of the patient:

Extremely grave



Moderate middle grave



24 in 1 minute

from 14 to 20 in 1 minute

from 10 to 12 in 1 minute

48. The human Constitution is:

The totality of only morphological features of a person

Set of morphological and functional features of a person

A set of only functional features of a person.


organ soreness/ painfulness

the size of the body

the border/edge of the organ

the volume of the organ

mobility of the organ.

50. The complete absence of pigment in the skin is called:




Module part 2
1. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



5-10 min.

20 min.

7 min.

10 min.

3. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is

8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be

Asthenic chest

Rachitic chest

Hypersthenic chest

Emphysema chest

Paralytic chest


the sound "hhh"

the sound of "FFF"

the friction sound of the hair

the sound of snow crunching.

5. Decreased voice resonance is observed in


exudation pleurisy

pulmonary emphysema


Acute pneumothorax

6. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:




Soldered to the skin

Cohesion among themselves

All above-said.

7. Patient N. 45 years female was admitted to the endocrinological department.

During physical examination enlargement of tongue was revealed. Which disease
may cause these changes?



Retrobulbar tumours





organ soreness/ painfulness

the size of the body

the border/edge of the organ

the volume of the organ

mobility of the organ.

9. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above




lung tissue



10. +Set of morphological and functional features of a person

11. “Cobbler chest” also called:





12. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



13. Alpinist climb of mountains on height about 3 km became feel worse, developed
weakness, loss of consciousness, tachycardia. What is reason of this state?





14. Information about heredity refers to :

Life history/ Anamnesis vitae

History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi

Objective examination


15. The place where vesicular respiration occurs is the bronchi:




16. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.



S. Protozoa


All above-listed

17. Direct percussion consists in:

percussion a finger on the body of the patient;

percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

18. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when:





everything is correct.
19. Kyphosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

20. The history of the present disease:

Domestic conditions

21. Pre-obesity is determined if BMI:

30.0 - 34.9;

35.0 - 39.9;

18.5 - 24.9;


25.0 - 29.9.

22. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

23. Slow, tired gait is observed in patients:


with debilitating chronic diseases;



with occlusion of the vessels of the lower extremities.

24. Patient anamnesis:

Results of resort treatment

25. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



in the armpit or rectally


popliteal fossa

in the groin fold

27. The chest is asymmetrical, its right half protrudes. The voice resonance
downward the middle of the scapula is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema



cavity in the lung

28. Determine chemical factors which cause diseases.

Contact with water

Contact with the concentrated sulfuric acid

Contact with physiological solution

Contact with a solution of baking soda

29. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

at the border of the scalp;

1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;

at the root/radix of the nose;

in the lower edge of the orbit;

in the middle of the upper jaw.

30. In the list of complaints specify those of them which concern not to a category
of the main, don‘t prove expressed organic changes in an organism.

Diarrheas up to 8 times per day

Bad sleep

Sudden occurrence of bloody urine without of pain

Fast lost weight (10 kg for 2 months)

Paroxysmal pains in the right hypohondrium, accompanying with a rising of the

temperature up to 37.8 and darkening of urine color (color of beer).

31. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

32. Navicular chest:

has an indentation in the lower part of the sternum;

elongated, narrow, flat;

has a cylindrical shape;

occurs in patients with emphysema of the lungs;

has an indentation in the upper and middle part of the sternum.

33. Suggestion formulation of question:

What do you complain of?

Does stomach pain increase after taking a meal?

What's brought you along today?

What troubles you?

Do you have complaints now?

34. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

35. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:

over the trachea region and its bifurcation

below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line

in the axillary lines

below the axillary lines

the lower part of interscapular.

36. Lordosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

37. The right part of the thorax is protruding, delays in the act of respiration, the
voice resonance is not observed. The respiration is superficial. The respiratory rate
is 32 per min. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema


bronchial asthma

38. Increased voice resonance is observed in:


compression atelectasis

pulmonary emphysema



39. Bronchophony is:

vibration of the chest at the heart apex

vibration of the chest in the area heart base

vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords

the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis

listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

40. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.



differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

to detect hidden bronchial obstruction (dry wheezing)

differences between dry rales and wet rales

differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

42. Determine the characteristic of coma.


Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.

Twilling state.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external
irritant and signals.

Slow inadequate answers

43. Dynamic inspection of the chest includes assessing:

Values of the epigastric/costal angle

Expession of supra-and subclavian fossas

Symmetry of its two halves

Participation of chest muscles in breathing act

Scapulae positions.

44. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

25.0 - 25.9;


≥ 40;

18.5 - 24.9;




36.4°C – 36.8°C

37.0°C – 38.2°C
46. Patient A. 66 years with cardiovascular pathology has specific changes of
fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers)
and nail in form of watch glass. What is pathogenesis of these changes?

Chronic hypoxia

Reduction in output of adrenocortical hormones


Increased consentration of bilirubin


47. The human Constitution is:


under the scapulas

over the trachea

above the side sections of the thorax

on the anterior side of the chest.

49. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



50. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

joints of the lower extremities;

the cerebellum;

vestibular apparatus;

(B) and C)
• 1. The top of lungs apices in front is normally:
• 4 – 6 cm;
• 3 – 4 cm;
• 2 – 5 cm;
• 6 – 8 cm;
• 1 – 2 cm.

• 2. Options normal shape of the chest are all listed, except:

• asthenic;
• normosthenic;
• hypersthenic;
• emphysematous.

• 3. Determine physical factors which cause diseases.

• High pressure action
• Low temperature action (-350С)
• Electric current action
• Exposure of electromagnetic field
• All above-listed

• 4. Choose correct sequence of parts in case report:

• General biographic information, anamnesis of life, complaints, history of present
disease, objective examination, inquiring about all organ and system
• General biographic information, history of present disease, objective
examination, anamnesis of life, inquiring about all organ and system, complaints
• General biographic information, history of present disease, objective
examination, complaints, anamnesis of life, inquiring about all organ and system
• General biographic information, anamnesis of life, history of present disease,
inquiring about all organ and system, objective examination, complaints
• General biographic information, complaints, inquiring about all organ and system,
history of present disease, anamnesis of life, objective examination.


elongated, narrow and flat; the ratio of the anteroposterior and lateral
dimensions is approaching 0.5; the supra-and subclavian fossas are clearly
defined, but are located symmetrically; the epigastric angle is acute, the
slope of ribs is located obliquely; intercostal spaces are wide; the scapulas
are situated asymmetrically; expressed atrophy of the chest muscles.
• paralytic
• Emphysematous
• asthenic
• hypersthenic
• normosthenic

• determination of the vibration of the chest
• listening to bronchial breathing
• listening to whispered speech.

• 7. The upper border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion

• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

• 8. The type of breath can be:

• surface, deep and mixed;
• thoracic, abdominal and mixed;
• rhythmic and non-rhythmic;
• deep, rhythmic, even;
• correctly 1) and 3).

• 9. Barrel-shaped chest is typical for:

• pulmonary tuberculosis
• emphysema of the lungs
• exudation pleurisy
• pneumothorax
• acute bronchitis

• 10. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by

• clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial
deranged (specific) gait, sensible facial expression, and adequate mental
• deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced),
uncertain gait, partial deranged mental state and may be observed in patients
with recurrence of chronic disease, acute diseases, or due to the traumas and
• disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed
facial expression (fear, suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have
forced or passive posture, loss o f weight, edema, and inadequate mental state;

• 11. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic

movement) of normal lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-10 sm
• 14-16 sm
• 5-10 min.
• 20 min.
• 7 min.
• 10 min.


• in the alveoli
• in large bronchi
• in small bronchi
• into the trachea
• in the pleural cavity.

• 14. Bronchophony is:

• vibration of the chest at the heart apex
• vibration of the chest in the area heart base
• vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords
• the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis
• listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

• 15. Signs of hypersthenic form of the chest:

• the epigastric angle is 90°;
• the supra-and subclavian pits are smoothed;
• the ribs are nearly horizontal;
• the rib width of 0.5–1.0 cm, the intercostal space is 2.0 — 2.5 cm;
• the width of the rib 2.0-2.5 cm, intercostal space-0.5-1.0 cm.

• 16. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

• joints of the lower extremities;
• the cerebellum;
• vestibular apparatus;
• (B) and C);
• all of the above.

• 17. Patient anamnesis:

• Results of resort treatment

• 18. Patient F. 38 years has specific changes of fingers and nails - clubbing
of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers) and nail in form of
watch glass. What is typical reason of these changes?
• Endocrine disease
• Chronic liver disease
• Chronic cardiac disease
• Chronic intestinal pathology
• Haemolytic jaundice
• 19. Kyphoscoliosis-bending of the spine:
• go ahead;
• back;
• in the lateral direction;
• to the side and back.

• 20. Normally bronchophonia:

• listened to clearly;
• very weakly listened to;
• not listened to;
• correct A) and B);
• (B) and C).

• 21. Patient С., 34 years, observes a constant dispnoea at rest, especially at

night, weakness, palpitation, thirst, oliguria (insignificant amount of urine).
Objectively: sits in armchair, with lean hands in armrests, frequency of
reath 36 per 1 minutes, cyanosis of the lips, sharp features of face;
significant oedema of the lower extremities, loin, forward belly wall – they
are symmetric, on cruses – dense, on femurs – soft (doughy). Note true
about general condition of the patient:
• Extremely grave
• Good

• 22. Determine the characteristic of coma.

• Unconsciousness.
• Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.
• Twilling state.
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on
external irritant and signals.
• Slow inadequate answers

• 23. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to

transverse size is 8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What
diagnosis can be supposed?
• Asthenic chest
• Rachitic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Emphysema chest
• Paralytic chest

• 24. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

• at the border of the scalp;
• 1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;
• at the root/radix of the nose;
• in the lower edge of the orbit;
• in the middle of the upper jaw.
• 25. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic
movement. of normal lungs by Lin. axillaris media dextr. et sin.:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 14-16 sm


• 36.9°C-37.8°C
• 36.4°C – 36.8°C
• 37.0°C – 38.2°C

• 27. Indirect percussion consists in:

• percussion a finger on the body of the patient;
• percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

• 28. The forced position of the patient is that:

• Position which the doctor recommended for a quicker recovery
• Position which the patient assumes due to the progressiveness of the disease
• Position which the patient cannot change independently
• Position which the patient assumes to reduce the occurrence of the illness
(dyspnoea, cough, pain etc.)
• Position with the patient assumes due to immobilization of the extremities. (The
use of skeletal traction, splints etc).

• 29. Syndrome is:

• combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;
• abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• summarize clinical examinations.

• 30. Lateral curvature of the spine is observed in:

• lordosis
• scoliosis
• kyphosis
• rachitis
• kyphoscoliosis

• 31. Louis' angle is:

• the angle of connection of the body and the handle of the sternum;
• the angle of the scapule to the chest;
• the angle of the clavicle and sternum;
• epigastric angle; E
• all answers are not correct.
• 32. Excessive pilosis/hairiness is called:
• vitiligo;
• albinism;
• hirsutism;
• hypertrichosis;
• nevus.

• 33. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

• 25.0 - 25.9;
• 34.9;
• ≥ 40;
• 18.5 - 24.9;
• ≤18.5.

• 34. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is

sitting resting his hands on the edge of the bed. The voice resonance over
the lungs is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Bronchial asthma
• Kussmaul respiration
• atelectasis
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration

• 35. Thickening of the nails occurs when:

• myxedema;
• heart defects;
• acromegaly;
• anemia;
• all listed diseases.

• 36. The patient has dyspnea and cyanosis. The right half of the chest
protrudes, delays in the act of respiration. The voice resonance is
decreased downward the middle of the scapula. What diagnosis can be
• Hydrothorax, pneumothorax
• Cavity in the lung
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Atelectasis
• Pneumonia

• 37. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.

• Virus
• Microbe
• S. Protozoa
• Rickettsia
• All above-listed
• 38. Where appears crepitation:
• in the small bronchi:
• in the large bronchiin;
• in the alveoli;
• in the pleural cavity

• 39. Patient W. 64 years has skin changes- visible dilation of small

subcutaneous blood vessels. Estimate these skin changes:
• Teleangioectasia
• Hyperpigmentation
• Petechia
• Urticaria
• Vitiligo

• 40. Bronchial breathing is sounded:

• At inhalation
• At exhalation
• At inhalation and 1/3 of exhalation
• During breathing in and out
• At inhalation and at first 2/3 of exhalation

• 41. The diseases caused by negative interrelation of medical staff and

patients are called:
• Social
• Iatrogenic
• Somatogenic
• Professional
• Psychogenic

• 42. "Puerile respiration":

• physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• stenotic respiration.


• 24 in 1 minute
• from 14 to 20 in 1 minute
• from 10 to 12 in 1 minute


• differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing
• detection of hidden bronchial obstruction
• differences between dry rales and wet rales
• differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise
• better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

• 45. Determine characteristic of asthenic habitus from the physiological

point of view.
• Prevalence of the transversal sizes of a thorax
• Right epigastric angle
• Significant prevalence of the transversal sizes of a body above longitudinal
• Significant prevalence ratio of extremities to trunk
• Significant prevalence ratio of abdomen to thorax

• 46. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the
• 1-2sm
• 3-4 sm
• 5-6 sm
• 7-8 sm
• 9-10 sm.

• 47. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:
• Size
• Tenderness
• Consistency
• Soldered to the skin
• Cohesion among themselves
• All above-said.

• 48. Bronchial respiration occurs when air passes through:

• the glottis;
• large bronchi;
• small bronchi;
• bronchioles;
• the alveoli.

• 49. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a
passport part in admission office of the case record of patient D. 54 years,
which hospitalize in connection with essential hypertension. At this time
has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints to dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has
lost consciousness, has fallen, cramps have begun. What medical and
deontological tactics?
• Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently
call a doctor.
• Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.
• Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call
a doctor.
• The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.
• All above variants are allowable

• 50. Using comparative percussion determine:

• the upper border of the lungs
• percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• lower border of the lungs
• mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• width of the Kroenig's area

• 1. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:

• 2.0-3.8 mmol | l
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | l
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | l
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | l
• 10.6-12.9 mmol | l

• 2. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%.:

• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 80-85

• 3. The past history involves all listed except:

• habits;
• history of present disease;
• family history;
• social history;
• allergological history.

• 4. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical

• normosthenic chest;
• hypersthenic chest;
• asthenic chest;
• there is no correct answer.
• 5. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the
respiratory system is:
• computer tomography;
• ultrasound examination;
• bronchoscopy;
• Chest X-ray

• 6. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:

• dry pleurisy;
• emphysema;
• bronchitis;
• pneumonia;
• the attack of bronchial asthma

• 7. To determine the protein function of the liver is used:

• determination of the content of total protein in serum
• determination of protein fractions
• protein sediment tests
• determination of prothrombin index
• all of the above methods

• 8. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l.:

• 100-110
• 110-120
• 120-140
• 130-160
• 150-160

• 9. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:

• 1: 1
• 1: 2
• 1: 3
• 3: 1
• 5: 1

• 10. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:

• the science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis
• the study of the physical structure of organisms;
• the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

• 11. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• left atrium
• pulmonary trunk
• right ventricle
• right atrium
• left ventricle

• 12. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:

• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 0.11-0.13 sec.

• 13. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:


• 14. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:

• at the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• on the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• in the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• in the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.

• 15. “Cobbler chest” also called:

• emphysematous;
• paralytic;
• rachitic;
• funnel

• 16. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:

• 40-80mm water column
• 50-90mm water column
• 60-100mm water column
• 70-110mm water column
• 80-120mm water column

• 17. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease:

• diffuse;
• on the face;
• acrocyanosis;
• in the lower extremities;
• in some parts of the body.

• 18. Renal edema starts from:

• Face
• legs
• ascites
• everything is correct
• everything is wrong

• 19. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:

• 45-46g | l
• 65-85g | l
• 85-105g | l
• 105-125g | l
• 125-145g | l

• 20. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except:

• the aorta
• inferior vena cava
• pulmonary trunk
• superior vena cava

• 21. Harsh breathing:

• short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the
expiration is usually normal;
• deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are
• inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones.

• 22. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:

• pulmonary tumor (airless tissue.;
• when fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid.:
• pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax.
• compressive atelectasis.

• 23. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in:

• standing position;
• sitting position;
• lying position;
• does not matter.

• 24. Using comparative percussion determine:

• the upper border of the lungs
• percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• lower border of the lungs
• mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• width of the Kroenig's area

• 25. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard:

• dull sound
• sound box
• pulmonary sound
• dullness of sound
• tympanic sound.

• 26. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l.:

• 12
• 18
• 40
• 110
• 145

• 27. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%.:

• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 10-12

• 28. The best auscultatory areas (points. for a pulmonary valve:

• apical impulse
• the base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• the Erbs point

• 29. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 10-th rib

• 30. Purpura (hemopurpura. is:

• small pointed hemorrhages;
• large black and blue spots;
• red spots of different size;
• a swelling from gross bleeding.

• 31. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia., patient is

exited, has pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even
aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state;
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma.
• 32. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 16-18 cm

• 33. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over:

• heart
• liver
• lungs
• spleen
• kidneyend

• 34. Syndrome is:

• combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another;
• abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• summarize clinical examinations.

• 35. Normal systolic blood pressure is:

• 100-110mm Hg
• 100-120mm Hg
• 100-130 mm hg.
• 100-139mmHg
• 100-150mm Hg

• 36. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:

• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 9:10:11 +-1cm

• 37. Vitiligo is:

• symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;
• the redness located on checks;
• cyanotic color of the skin;
• yellow color of the skin.

• 38. Normal albumin from the total protein:

• 26.3-38.8%
• 40.3-55.3%
• 56.3-68.8%
• 70.3-83.3%
• 83.3-93.8%
• 39. Anasarca - is:
• edema on the legs;
• edema on the lower back;
• edema on the neck;
• abdominal hydrops;
• edema of the all body.

• 40. In healthy people GFR level is:

• 20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 155-160 mL/min/1.73 m2

• 41. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:

• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 10 liters

• 42. "Puerile respiration":

• physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• stenotic respiration.

• 43. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1

• 0
• up to 10
• up to 100
• up to 2000
• up to 10,000

• 44. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO. is established with BP:

• systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher
• systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg
• systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg
• systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.
• systolic blood pressure above, Diastolic pressure of 95

• 45. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm.:

• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 9-10
• 11-13

• 46. How also called vesicular breathing:

• bronchial;
• amphoric;
• alveolar;
• laryngotracheal;
• metallic.

• 47. Pigeon chest is typical for:

• emphysema of the lungs;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• pneumosclerosis;
• rachitis

• 48. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic

movement. of normal lungs by Lin. axillaris media dextr. et sin.:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 14-16 sm

• 49. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:

• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 3.9-4.6

• 50. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.., determined in
a glass test tube:
• 3-8
• 5-10
• 11-12
• 4.15-20
• 5.20-22
• 1. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal
lungs by Line axillaris media dextra et sinistra.
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 2. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:
• The science atbout methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;
• The study of the physical structure of organisms
• The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.
• 3. "Puerile respiration"
• Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration
• Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing
• Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• 4. “Cobbler chest” also called
• Emphysematous
• Paralytic
• Rachitic;
• Funnel
• 5. Serum creatinine in healthy does not exceed (mmol.l):
• 12
• 18
• 40
• 110
• 6. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 7. Harsh breathing
• Short jerky inspiration efforts interrupted by short pauses between them the expiration is
usually normal
• Deeper vesicular breathing during which the inspiration and expiration phases are
• Inspiratory sounds last longer than expiratory ones
• Emphysema
• 8. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has
pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma
• 9. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• Left atrium
• Pulmonary trunk
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 10. Anasarca - is:
• Edema on the legs
• Edema on the lower back
• Edema on the neck
• Edema of the all body
• 11. Normally, the content of total protein in serum is:
• 45-46g | l
• 65-85g | l
• 85-105g | l
• 105-125g | l
• 12. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 13. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:
• Up to 10
• Up to 10,000
• Up to 100
• Up to 2000
• 14. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales
• Emphysema;
• Bronchitis
• Pneumonia
• The attack of bronchial asthma
• 15. The past history involves all listed except:
• Habits;
• History of present disease;
• Family history;
• Social history;
• 16. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial
• Amphoric
• Alveolar
• Laryngotracheal
• 17. Normal systolic blood pressure is
• 100-110mm Hg
• 100-120mm Hg
• 100-130 mm hg
• 100-139mmHg
• 18. Dullness sound can be coursed by all except:
• Pulmonary tumor (airless tissue)
• When fluid occupies the pleural space (over fluid)
• Pleural accumulation of serous blood (hemothorax)
• Compressive atelectasis
• 19. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 20. Arterial hypertension (according to WHO) is established with BP:
• Systolic 140mm Hg and higher, diastolic-90mm Hg and higher
• Systolic 130-139 mm Hg, diastolic 85-89mm Hg
• Systolic 100-139mm Hg, diastolic 60-85mm Hg
• Systolic below 100mm Hg, diastolic below 60mm Hg.
• 21. When percussion of the abdomen in a healthy person is heard
• Dull sound
• Sound box
• Dullness of sound
• Tympanic sound
• 22. Normal albumin from the total protein:
• 26.3-38.8%
• 40.3-55.3%
• 56.3-68.8%
• 70.3-83.3%
• 23. Renal edema starts from
• Face
• Legs
• Ascites
• Everything is correct
• 24. The duration of the QRS complex is normal
• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 25. Blood hemoglobin in women (g / l):
• 100-110
• 110-120
• 120-140
• 130-160
• 26. Character of cyanosis in cardiovascular disease
• Diffuse
• On the face
• Acrocyanosis
• In the lower extremities
• 27. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:
• 2.0-3.8 mmol | l
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | l
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | l
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | l
• 28. Vitiligo is
• Symmetrical white spots on the face, trunk, limbs;
• The redness located on checks;
• Cyanotic color of the skin
• Yellow color of the skin
• 29. Syndrome is:
• Combination of symptoms that are interrelated and give rise to one another
• Abnormal phenomena as pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, etc, occurring in sick
• Summarize clinical examinations
• Dry pleurisy
• 30. In healthy people GFR level is
• 20-40 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 mL/min/1.73m2
• 90 to 120 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 mL/min/1.73 m2
• 31. Pigeon chest is typical for
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Pneumosclerosis
• Rachitis
• 32. Patients with grave diseases should be percussed in
• Standing position
• Sitting position;
• Lying position;
• Does not matter.
• 33. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than:
• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 34. The transverse length of relative cardiac dullness is (cm)
• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 11-13
• 35. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 36. The extent to which venous pressure varies in healthy individuals:
• 40-80mm water column
• 50-90mm water column
• 60-100mm water column
• 70-110mm water column
• 37. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):
• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 38. The ratio of daytime diuresis to night:
• 1: 1
• 1: 2
• 1: 3
• 3: 1
• 39. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:
• Small pointed hemorrhages
• Large black and blue spots
• Red spots of different size
• A swelling from gross bleeding.
• 40. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve:
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 41. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint
• 42. The vascular bundle consists of the following vessels, except
• The aorta
• Inferior vena cava
• Pulmonary trunk
• Superior vena cava
• 43. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over
• Heart
• Liver
• Lungs
• Spleen
• 44. To determine the protein function of the liver is used
• Determination of the content of total protein in serum
• Determination of protein fractions
• Protein sediment tests
• All of the above methods
• 45. The normal time of blood clotting by Lee-White (in min.), determined in a glass test
• 3-8
• 5-10
• 11-12
• 4.15-20
• 46. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 47. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method
• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 48. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory
system is
• Computer tomography
• Ultrasound examination;
• Bronchoscopy
• Chest X-ray
• 49. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:
• Normosthenic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Asthenic chest
• There is no correct answer
• 50. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:

• The best auscultatory areas (points) for a tricuspid valves

• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 2. Diastolic trembling ("cat purring") on apex of the heart palpated in case of:
• Insufficiency the aortic valve;
• Aortic stenosis
• Mitral stenosis
• Insufficiency left atrioventricular valve;
• 3. The distance of the liver in the right anterior axillary line is normally is
• 6-8 cm
• 8-9 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 4. A boxed sound above the lungs indicates:
• Reducing the airiness of the lung tissue
• Accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity
• The formation of a cavity in the lung
• Increased airiness of lung tissue
• 5. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:
• 500ml
• 1000ml
• 2 liters
• 5 liters
• 6. How many urine samples are collected for Zimnitsky analysis:
• 2
• 4
• 5
• 8
• 7. Melena may indicate:
• Botkin's disease
• Hemorrhoids
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Bleeding from the veins of the esophagus
• 8. What is the sequence of examination of pulse rate:
• Synchronicity, rhythm, frequency, voltage, filling
• Rhythm, frequency, synchronicity, content, stress
• The frequency, rhythm, synchronicity, content, stress
• Filling, strain, frequency, rhythm, synchronicity
• 9. Deficiency of pulse is
• A disharmony between a heart rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery
• A disharmony between a breath rate and a number of pulse waves on periphery
• A disharmony between a heart rate and breath rate
• All answers are correct
• 10. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined:
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 11. The distance of the in the right midclavicular line is normally:
• 6-8 cm
• 8-9 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 9-11 cm
• 12. Pulse pressure is normal:
• 35-45mmHg
• 40-50mm Hg
• 45-55mmHg
• 50-60mmHg
• 13. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is
• Magnetic resonance imaging
• Radiography;
• Computer tomography;
• Pulmonary angiography.
• 14. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis
• Bright red;
• Dark brown
• Black
• With the content of food.
• 15. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line
• 1 – 2 cm
• 2 – 3 cm
• 4 – 6 cm
• 6 – 8 cm.
• 16. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 17. Laboratory examination includes all listed except
• Blood analysis
• Sonography
• Urine analysis
• Sputum analysis
• 18. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).
• 19. Enlarged superciliary arches, zygomatic bones, ears, auricles nose, lips, tongue,
growth and putting forward of low jaw (prognotism) is also called
• Facies in patients with Cushing’s syndrome
• Facies Hyppocratica
• Facies as a “wax-doll”
• Facies acromegalica.
• 20. Vomiting that arose through 4-6 hours after eating is a consequence of:
• Ulcer or cancer of cardiac part of the stomach acute gastritis;
• Ulcer or cancer of the stomach body
• Ulcer of the pylorus or duodenum
• Cecum
• 21. The resonant sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above the:
• Heart
• Spleen
• Lung tissue
• Muscles
• 22. Where the apical impulse is normally defined:
• On the parasternal line
• 1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line
• 1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line
• On the midaxillary line
• 23. With the feces of a healthy person stands out
• Free bilirubin
• Associated bilirubin
• Urobilin
• Urobilinogen
• 24. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of erythrocytes in 1 ml
• Up to 10
• Up to 100
• Up to 1000
• Up to 10,000
• 25. The vertical electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:
• 26. Glycosuria is often typical for:
• Misuse of sweet food;
• Emotional turmoil
• Diabetes;
• Glomerulonephritis
• 27. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic movement) of normal
lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-10 sm
• 28. The content of total protein in serum 106g | l, this:
• Hypoproteinemia
• Dysproteinemia
• Hypergammaglobulinemia
• Hyperproteinemia
• 29. Specify the localization of the upper border of the relative dullness of the heart
• 2nd rib
• 2nd intercostal space
• 3rd rib
• 4th rib
• 30. Prothrombin is synthesized with the participation of the vitamin:
• A
• K
• C
• B1
• 31. What is early sign of pancreatic insufficiency
• The presence stercobilin in the stool
• Steatorrhea
• Black feces
• The presence of urobilin in the stool
• 32. Normally, the prothrombin index is:
• 20-40%
• 40-60%
• 60-80%
• 80-100%
• 33. S2 consists of:
• One component
• Two components;
• Three components
• Four components
• 34. Grade III hypertension established at the level:
• 120-129 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 80-84 DBP (mm Hg)
• 130-139 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 85-89 DBP (mm Hg)
• 140-159 SBP (mm Hg) and/or 90-99 DBP (mm Hg)
• 180 SBP (mm Hg) and/or > 110 DBP (mm Hg)
• 35. In what lead T wave is always normally negative
• I standard lead;
• II standard lead
• III standard lead
• 36. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads:
• 37. Prothrombin is synthesized only in:
• Spleen
• Kidney
• Pancreas
• Liver
• 38. Satisfactory patient ’s condition (status morboacili) is characterized by
• Clear consciousness, active or active with restriction posture, free or partial deranged
(specific) gait, sensible facial expression, and adequate mental reaction;
• Deranged consciousness, alteration of facial expression and posture (forced), uncertain
gait, partial deranged mental state and may be observed in patients with recurrence of
chronic disease, acute diseases, or due to the traumas and poisoning
• Disorders of practically all clinical features: deranged consciousness, changed facial
expression (fear, suffer, hopelessness, indifference). The patients have forced or
passive posture, loss o f weight, edema, and inadequate mental state;
• Edema, and inadequate mental state;
• 39. 16.The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l):
• 1-2
• 2-3
• 4-9
• 9-10
• 40. Projections of the tricuspid valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint
• 41. What method of examination has the greatest value in diagnosis of gallstone
• Questioning
• Palpation
• Cholecystography;
• Irrigoscopy
• 42. Excretory anuria
• Violation of urine formation by kidneys
• Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract
• Daily urine output less than 500 ml
• Urinary excretion of acetone
• 43. From what of the intestines segment begins deep palpation by Obraztsov-
• Cecum
• The transverse colon
• Appendix cecum
• The sigmoid colon
• 44. In the urine of men leukocytes
• Not contained
• 1-2 in sight
• 5-6 in sight
• 6-8 in sight
• 45. The pulse rate corresponds to the heart rate and is equal to
• 50-70 per minute
• 55-75 per minute
• 60-90 per minute
• 68-89 per minute
• 46. P wave on the ECG is:
• Ventricular excitation
• Excitation of interventricular septum
• Atrial excitation;
• Ventricular repolarizatio
• 47. What is normal heart rate
• 40 - 60 per 1 min
• 90 - 120 per 1 min
• 60 - 80 per 1 min;
• 120-240 per 1 min
• 48. Displacement left border of cardiac dullness to the left can occur in case of:
• Hypertrophy of the right atrium
• Hypertrophy of the left atrium
• Hypertrophy of the right and left atrium
• Hypertrophy and dilatation of left ventricular
• 49. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a mitral valve
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 50. What is the cardialgia
• Pain in the liver
• Heart pain;
• Feeling of "disruptions" in the heart
• Muscle pain
• 1. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial
• Amphoric
• Alveolar
• Laryngotracheal
• 2. In which intercostal space the width of the vascular bundle is normally determined
• 2
• 3
• 4
• 5
• 3. Oligouria is a daily diuresis less than:
• 500ml
• 1000ml
• 2 liters
• 5 liters
• 4. What part of the heart represents the left border of relative dullness:
• Left atrium
• Pulmonary trunk
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 5. In what lead T wave is always normally negative
• I standard lead
• II standard lead KO
• III standard lead
• 6. Decreasing of both heart sounds typical for
• Aortic heart defects
• Mitral heart defects
• Myocarditis
• Hypertension
• 7. Normal Diastolic blood pressure is
• 60-70mmHg
• 60-80mm Hg
• 60-89mm Hg
• 60-100mm Hg
• 8. Excretory anuria
• Violation of urine formation by kidneys;
• Lack of urine because of constraints in the urinary tract
• Daily urine output less than 500 ml
• Urinary excretion of acetone.
• 9. The Hippocratic face is a sign of
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Nephritis
• Heart failure
• Peritonitis;
• 10. With the feces of a healthy person stands out:
• Free bilirubin
• Associated bilirubin
• Urobilin
• Stercobilin
• 11. What percussion sound is determined above the zone of absolute dullness of the
• Pulmonary
• Boxed
• Dull
• Tympanic
• 12. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when
• Obesity
• Hydrothorax
• Pneumothorax
• Emphysema
• 13. Laboratory examination includes all listed except:
• Blood analysis
• Sonography
• Urine analysis
• Sputum analysis
• 14. Respiratory excursion of the lower border of leftt lung by scapular line:
• 1 – 2 cm
• 2 – 3 cm
• 4 – 6 cm
• 6 – 8 cm
• 15. Xanthelasma is determined by:
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Mitral stenosis
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Biliary cirrhosis
• 16. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 17. To distinguish small focuses in pulmonary tissue more sensitive is
• Magnetic resonance imaging
• Radiography
• Computer tomography
• Pulmonary angiography
• 18. The horizontal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads
• 19. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal
• Vocal fremitus
• Weakened vesicular respiration
• Painful areas
• Stiffness of the intercostal spaces
• 20. Epigastric pulsation, more clearly visible in the standing position and inhalation,
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the left atrium;
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the right ventricle of the heart
• Hypertrophy and dilation of the left ventricle of the heart
• Abdominal aortic aneurysm;
• 21. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. Scapularis
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 10-th rib
• 22. The symptom of "Digiti hippocratici" is observed in patients with:
• Bronchial asthma
• Bronchiectasis
• Focal pneumonia
• Acute bronchitis
• 23. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 24. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 25. To determine the protein function of the liver is used
• Determination of the content of total protein in serum
• Determination of protein fractions
• Protein sediment tests
• All of the above methods
• 26. The orthopnea position relieves the condition by reducing
• Pain in the heart
• Interruptions in the work of the heart
• Lower extremity edema;
• Shortness of breath;
• 27. Normal value of Lymphocytes:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %)
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %)
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %)
• 28. Purpura (hemopurpura) is
• Small pointed hemorrhages
• Large black and blue spots
• Red spots of different size
• A swelling from gross bleeding
• 29. Pigeon chest is typical for
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Pneumosclerosis
• Rachitis
• 30. Unequal pulse often typical for:
• Hole aortic stenosis;
• Myocarditis
• Atrial fibrillation
• Exudative pericarditis
• 31. Tendency to diarrhea typical for
• Duodenal ulcer disease intestine
• Erosive duodenitis
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Chronic gastritis with increased gastric acidity juice
• 32. Renal edema starts from:
• Face
• Legs
• Ascites
• Everything is correct
• 33. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 34. ECG heart rate (HR) formula is
• 60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 600 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 60 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(big squares)
• 30 (seconds in 1 minutes)/R-R(sec)
• 35. The method of palpation of the chest does not reveal
• Vocal fremitus
• Weakened vesicular respiration
• Painful areas
• Stiffness of the intercostal spaces
• 36. Where the apical impulse is normally defined
• On the parasternal line
• 1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line
• On the midclavicular line
• 1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line
• 37. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:
• 1-2sm
• 3-4 sm
• 5-6 sm
• 7-8 sm
• 38. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 39. The best auscultatory areas (points) for a pulmonary valve
• Apical impulse
• The base of the xiphoid process
• 2 intercostal space to the left of the sternum
• 2 intercostal space to the right of the sternum
• 40. Xanthelasma is determined by:
• Chronic pancreatitis
• Mitral stenosis
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Biliary cirrhosis
• 41. The normal electrical axis of the heart in standard leads
• 42. The normal number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood (x109 / l)
• 1-2
• 2-3
• 4-9
• 9-10
• 43. What kind of blood is typical for hemoptysis
• Bright red;
• Dark brown
• Black
• With the content of food
• 44. The indicator of liver pigment function is the content in the serum
• Cholesterol
• Total protein and protein fractions
• Fibrinogen
• Bilirubin and its fractions
• 45. Causes of physiological weakening of vesicular breath
• Poor development of the chest muscles
• Performing heavy physical exertion
• Excessive development of muscles and fatty tissue
• Children's age
• 46. Nocturia is
• Daily diuresis more than 1 liter
• Daily diuresis less than 1 liter
• The prevalence of nocturnal diuresis over daytime
• The prevalence of daytime diuresis over night
• 47. Percussion tympanic sound is detected over the area
• Liver
• Stomach
• Lungs
• Spleen
• 48. Right border of the relative cardiac dullness is formed by
• Right atrium
• Left atrium
• Right ventricle
• Left ventricle
• 49. Polyuria is an increase in daily diuresis of more than
• 1 liter
• 2 liters
• 3 liters
• 5 liters
• 50. The right border of relative cardiac dullness is normal:
• On the right edge of the sternum
• On the left edge of the sternum
• 1 cm laterally of the right edge of the sternum
• 2cm laterally from the right edge of the sternum

skipped question

• 1. Increasing area of absolute cardiac dullness observed in case of:

• Left-sided pneumothorax;
• Emphysema;
• Attack of bronchial asthma;
• Hydropericarditis.
• 2. Normal value of eosinophils:
• 0.02-0.3 x 109 /1(0.5-5 %);
• 0-0.065 x 109 /1 (0-1 %);
• 1.2-3.0 x 109 /1(19-37%);
• 0.09-0.60 x 109 /1 (3-11 %).
• 3. What means the large number of red blood cells in the gastric contents
• Duodenal ulcer;
• Gastritis;
• Stenosis;
• Gastric cancer
• 4. What lung pathology is characterized by dry rales:
• Dry pleurisy;
• Emphysema;
• Bronchitis;
• The attack of bronchial asthma
• 5. The appearance of "Melena" Is characteristic:
• Gastric bleeding;
• Long-term administration of calcium preparations;
• Bleeding from the sigmoid colon;
• Dysentery;
• 6. Heartburn (pyrosis) is
• As a sensation of “sticking” Or obstruction of the passage of food through the mouth,
pharynx, or esophagus;
• A specific burning sensation behind the sternum associated with regurgitation of gastric
contents into the inferior portion of the esophagus;
• Return of the part of swallowed food into the mouth due to backward movement of
esophagus and stomach with open cardia without contraction of diaphragm and
abdominal muscles;
• Reflex act associated with irritation of the vagus nerve;
• 7. Using comparative percussion determine:
• The upper border of the lungs
• Percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• Lower border of the lungs
• Mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• 8. An alternating pulse is:
• Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;
• A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;
• Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;
• Unequal pulse wave interval
• 9. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:
• Over the trachea region and its bifurcation
• Below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line
• In the axillary lines
• Below the axillary lines
• 10. By using what method can be examine in vivo the morphology of the liver:
• Scan;
• Biopsy;
• Laparoscopy;
• Splenoportography.
• 11. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris Media dextra et sinistra
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 12. Edema of cardiac origin:
• Blue, cold, dense
• Pale, warm, soft
• Blue, warm, soft;
• Pale, cold, dense
• 13. Disorientation in surroundings, loss of memory (amnesia), patient is exited, has
pathologically high spirits, is anxious, sometimes even aggressive, all that is signs of:
• Twilight state;
• Delirium;
• Stupor;
• Coma.
• 14. The duration of the p wave is normal:
• 0.06-0.07 sec
• 0.07-0.08 sec
• 0,08-0,09 sec
• 0.08-0.1 sec
• 15. The size of liver according to M.G. Kurlov method:
• 9:8:7 +-1cm
• 11:8:7 +-1cm
• 9:9:7 +-1cm
• 12:10:9 +-1cm
• 16. Inspiratory dyspnea is typical for:
• Bronchial asthma;
• Bronchiolitis;
• Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease;
• Tracheal tumors.
• 17. Projections of the mitral valve on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.
• 18. Resistant apical beat indicates:
• Insufficiency of the mitral valve;
• Aortic insufficiency;
• Aortic stenosis;
• Left ventricular hypertrophy;
• 19. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. axillaris anterior dextra et
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 20. Orthopnoe position is:
• Sitting position, facilitating shortness of breath;
• Sitting, relieving pain;
• Prone position, relieving pain;
• Standing, stopping hiccups.
• 21. The properties of the apical impulse are determined by:
• Left ventricle
• Right atrium
• Aortic arch
• Left atrium
• 22. Puerile respiration":
• A)Physiological intensification of vesicular breathing
• B)Pathologically decreased vesicular respiration;
• C)Physiological intensification of bronchial breathing;
• D)Pathologically decreased bronchial breathing;
• 23. Hemorrhagic syndrome in liver diseases is a consequence of:
• Hhyperbilirubinemia;
• Hepatocellular failure syndrome
• Hyperestrogenemia;
• Hypoalbuminemia;
• 24. The normal number of eosinophils in the blood test (%):
• 0-0,1
• 0.5-5.0
• 6-8
• 8-10
• 25. The distance of the liver in the right parasternal line is normally :
• 6-8 cm
• 8-10 cm
• 10-12 cm
• 13-15 cm
• 26. Aortic valves are projected on the anterior chest wall:
• At the 3-rd costosternal joint;
• On the sternum midway between the 3-rd left and 5-th right costosternal joints;
• In the 2-nd intercostal space, to the left of the sternum;
• In the middle of the sternum at the level of the 3-rd costosternal joint.
• 27. The duration of the QRS complex is normal:
• 0.01-0.02 sec
• 0.03-0.04 sec
• 0.05-0.06sec
• 0.06-0.1 sec
• 28. In healthy people gfr level is:
• 20-40 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 40-60 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 90 to 120 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 130-150 ml/min/1.73 m2
• 29. Purpura (hemopurpura) is:
• Small pointed hemorrhages;
• Large black and blue spots;
• Red spots of different size;
• A swelling from gross bleeding.
• 30. Normal cholesterol content in blood serum is:
• 2.0-3.8 mmol | 1
• 3.9-5.2 mmol | 1
• 5.6-8.2 mmol | 1
• 8.3-10.5 mmol | 1
• 31. The normal number of segmented nuclear leukocytes (%):
• 30-35
• 35-40
• 47-72
• 75-80
• 32. How also called vesicular breathing:
• Bronchial;
• Amphoric;
• Alveolar;
• Laryngotracheal;
• 33. Chronic tonsillitis, tuberculosis, infectious mononucleosis, chronic lympholeucosis,
lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma may lead to increased:
• Occipital lymph nodes;
• Cervical lymph nodes;
• Axillary lymph nodes;
• Cubital (local) lymph nodes.
• 34. In the Nechiporenko analysis of urine normal content of leukocytes in 1 ml:
• Up to 10
• Up to 100
• Up to 2000
• Up to 10,000
• 35. Normal albumin-globulin ratio is:
• 0.3-1.1
• 1.2-2
• 2.1-2.9
• 3.0-3.8
• 36. Where the primary urine is formed:
• In glomerulus;
• In the proximal tubules;
• In the distal tubules;
• In the loop of the nephron;
• 37. The past history involves all listed except:
• Habits;
• History of present disease;
• Family history;
• Social history;
• 38. A decrease in the volume of one half of the chest is not observed when:
• Obstructive atelectasis;
• Cirrhosis of the lung;
• Emphysema of the lungs
• Pulmonectomy.
• 39. Auscultation point of left atrioventricular valve located in:
• Heart apex;
• 2nd intercostal space to the right of the sternum;
• To the left of the sternum at the 3rd costosternal articulation
• 2nd intercostal space to the left of the sternum;
• 40. Moderate expressed visible interspaces, epigastric angle near 90° typical for:
• Normosthenic chest;
• Hypersthenic chest;
• Asthenic chest;
• There is no correct answer.
• 41. Prapedeutics to internal discases is:
• Science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;
• The study of the physical structure of organisms;
• The study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• The study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.
• 42. ."Moon-shaped" Face is observed when:
• Myxedema;
• Acute glomerulonephritis
• Bronchial asthma;
• Itsenko-cushing disease.
• 43. Skin with thyrotoxicosis:
• Soft, hot, wet, hyperemic, warm hands;
• Rough, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;
• Soft, cold, dry, pale, cold hands;
• Thickened, hot, moist, hyperemic, warm hands.
• 44. Characteristic of cardiac edema
• Appear in the morning on the face;
• Swelling of one leg with local cyanosis;
• Swelling of the legs and feet at the end of the working day;
• Swelling of the eyelids, accompanied by itching.
• 45. The size (width)of the vascular bundle is (cm):
• 1-2
• 3-4
• 5-6
• 7-8
• 46. Pulsus paradoxus” Is:
• Alternation of pulse waves of large and small filling;
• A decrease or disappearance of the inhalation pulse waves;
• Discrepancy between the number of pulse waves and the number of heartbeats;
• Unequal intervals between pulse waves.
• 47. Indicate the type of temperature curve, if the patient has fever within 38.0–38.8º for 1
• Febris continua;
• Febris remitens;
• Febris intermittens;
• Febris hectica;
• 48. Sings of stage iii hypertension:
• No objective signs of organic changes;
• At least one of the following signs of organ involvement without symptoms or
• Both symptoms and signs have appeared as result of organ damage;
• Signs of a absence of consciousness and / or failure of organs.
• 49. The routine method for assessing the patients with disorders of the respiratory
system is:
• Computer tomography;
• Ultrasound examination;
• Bronchoscopy;
• Chest x-ray
• 50. What color index values indicate the normochromia:
• Less than 0.8;
• 1.2-1.5;
• More than 1.1;
• 0.85-1.1.

• 1. Specify the method that determines vocal fremitus / Tactile fremitus:

• auscultation
• inquiry
• percussion
• palpation
• inspection.

• 2. The following position of the patient is called passive…

• the patient is capable of self-care; there is no restriction on physical activity
• a certain position; which the patient takes to relieve suffering
• the patient is unable to self-serve; there is no physical activity.

• 3. Under the direction of the nurse the student of the 2nd rate draw a
passport part in admission office of the case record of patient D. 54 years,
which hospitalize in connection with essential hypertension. At this time
has hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints to dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly including patient has
lost consciousness, has fallen, cramps have begun. What medical and
deontological tactics?
• Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently
call a doctor.
• Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.
• Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call
a doctor.
• The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.
• All above variants are allowable

• 4. What doesn't apply to topographic percussion:

• To percute in the intercostal spaces
• Start percussion from the anterior side of the chest
• To percute strictly on the symmetric parts of the chest
• Use only quiet percussion

• 5. Diminished one part of the chest is observed in:

• Exudation pleurisy
• pneumothorax
• bronchopneumonia
• pneumosclerosis
• pulmonary emphysema

• 6. Patient C. 35 years with herpes labialis – elevanted above mucous

membrane small lesions 0.5-1 cm in size filled transparent fluid. Estimate
these changes:
• Petechia
• Urticaria
• Vesicles
• Teleangioectasia
• Vitiligo

• 7. Determination of the lower border of the left lung start on the

topographic line
• parasternal line;
• anterior median;
• mid-clavicular line;
• anterior axillary;
• sternal.

• 8. Patient anamnesis:
• Results of resort treatment
• Labour activity in the past
• Home address
• Features of the beginning of disease
• Results of previous treatment

• 9. Normally bronchophonia:
• listened to clearly;
• very weakly listened to;
• not listened to;
• correct A) and B);
• (B) and C).

• 10. Specify the method by which bronchophony is determined:

• auscultation
• inquiry
• percussion
• palpation
• inspection

• 11. Krönig’s area determined by the change of percussion sound:

• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic.

• 12. NAME THE FOLLOWING CHEST SHAPE: wide but short chest, the ratio
of the anteroposterior size to the lateral size is about 1.0, the
supraclavicular fossa is smoothed, the epigastric angle is obtuse, the slope
of ribs is almost horizontal, intercostal spaces are narrow, their retraction
during breathing is not noted, the shoulder blades fit snugly to the chest.
• paralytic
• emphysematous
• asthenic
• hypersthenic
• Normosthenic.


• in the alveoli
• in large bronchi
• in small bronchi
• into the trachea
• in the pleural cavity.

• 14. Patient N. 45 years female was admitted to the endocrinological

department. During physical examination enlargement of tongue was
revealed. Which disease may cause these changes?
• Anaemia
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Retrobulbar tumours
• Acromegaly
• Uraemia

• 15. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is

determined above the:
• heart
• spleen
• lung tissue
• muscles
• intestinesend

• 16. The projection of the maxillary sinuses is located:

• in the lower edge of the orbit;
• in fossa canina;
• under the zygomatic bones;
• at the border of the scalp;
• at the root of the chest.

• 17. Direct percussion consists in:

• percussion a finger on the body of the patient;
• percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

• 18. The lower border of the lung is determined by changing the percussion
• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic

• 19. What is bedsore?

• Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure
• Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating
• Infection of the skin
• Ulcer after the sunburn
• Ulcer after the acid affection

• 20. The human Constitution is:

• The totality of only morphological features of a person
• Set of morphological and functional features of a person
• A set of only functional features of a person.

• 21. The following forms of the chest are distinguished in healthy people:
• normosthenic, asthenic;
• emphysematous;
• hypersthenic;
• paralytic;
• emphysematous, hypersthenic.

• 22. Obesity grade I is determined if the BMI:

• ≥40.0;
• 30.0 - 34.9;
• 25.0 - 29.9;
• 35.0 - 39.9;
• 18.5 - 24.9.

• 23. The left part of the thorax delays in the act of respiration, the voice
resonance is increased along the paravertebral, scapular, posterior-, mid-,
and anterior axillary lines downwards the fifth interspace. What diagnosis
can be supposed?
• atelectasis
• hydrothorax
• pneumothorax
• Cavity in the lung
• 24. Determine the characteristic of stupor.
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, adequate reaction on
external irritant and signals.
• Twilling state./ Twilight
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on
external irritant and signals.
• Absence of reaction

• 25. The forced position of the patient is that:

• Position which the doctor recommended for a quicker recovery
• Position which the patient assumes due to the progressiveness of the disease
• Position which the patient cannot change independently
• Position which the patient assumes to reduce the occurrence of the illness
(dyspnoea, cough, pain etc.)
• Position with the patient assumes due to immobilization of the extremities. (The
use of skeletal traction, splints etc).

• 26. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.

• Virus
• Microbe
• S. Protozoa
• Rickettsia
• All above-listed

• 27. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to

transverse size is 8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What
diagnosis can be supposed?
• Asthenic chest
• Rachitic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Emphysema chest
• Paralytic chest

• 28. Under the direction of the nurse second year student drew a passport
part in admission office of the case record of patient D. 54 years, which
hospitalize in connection with essential hypertension. At this time has
hardly come the man of 65 years old in the office. He was pale, with
complaints of dizziness, sharp weakness. Suddenly this patient has lost
consciousness, has fallen, cramps have begun. What is medical and
deontological tactics in this case?
• Nurse should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The student should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently
call a doctor.
• Firstly he must finish registration of the case record.
• Student should begin immediately external cardiac massage and artificial breath
(on the floor). The nurse should transfer patient D. in other room and urgently call
a doctor.
• The nurse should call the doctor immediately and wait his orders.
• All above variants are allowable


• turbulence of the airflow when passing through the glottis
• air turbulence when passing through the bronchi
• the presence of viscous sputum in the trachea and large bronchi
• oscillation of the wall of the alveoli during their expansion and decline
• friction of the pleural layers during respiration

• organ soreness/ painfulness
• the size of the body
• the border/edge of the organ
• the volume of the organ
• mobility of the organ.

• 31. Scoliosis is a bend in the spine:

• forward;
• back;
• in lateral directions;
• to the side and backwards.

• 32. Decreased voice resonance is observed in

• hydrothorax
• exudation pleurisy
• pulmonary emphysema
• pneumothorax
• Acute pneumothorax

• 33. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is

sitting resting his hands on the edge of the bed. The voice resonance over
the lungs is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Bronchial asthma
• Kussmaul respiration
• atelectasis
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration

• 34. Unconsciousness with absence of response to external stimuli,

absence of reflexes, deranged vital function it is:
• Cloudiness;
• Stupor;
• Sopor;
• Coma.

• 35. Barrel-shaped chest is typical for:

• pulmonary tuberculosis
• emphysema of the lungs
• exudation pleurisy
• pneumothorax
• acute bronchitis


• the sound "hhh"
• the sound of "FFF"
• the friction sound of the hair
• the sound of snow crunching.

• 37. Patient M. 44 years female was admitted to the hospital. During physical
examination decreased turgor of skin was revealed. Which condition may
cause this change?
• Dehydration
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Hyperhydration
• Myxoedema
• Acromegaly

• 38. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

• at the border of the scalp;
• 1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;
• at the root/radix of the nose;
• in the lower edge of the orbit;
• in the middle of the upper jaw.

• 39. There should not be elements of answers ("help") in the questions, set
to the patient i.e. suggestion as it is easy to run into a mistake – to assume
disease which is not present at the patient actually. In the list of questions
resulted below specify. Correct formulation of question:
• Do you complain of a pain somewhere or do you haven‘t got any pains?
• What troubles you?
• Do you have dyspnoea at walking even on plane surface place?
• Do you test compressing pains in the precordial area at walking because of
• Do you have prickle pain in the right hypochondrium?


• laboratory
• instrumental
• inspection; palpation; percussion; auscultation.

• 41. Comparative lung percussion is used to determine:

• border of Krenig’s fields;
• lesions in the lung;
• respiratory excursion of the lower edge of the lungs;
• the borders of the lung;
• all of the above.

• 42. General biographic information:

• Results early the carried out researches
• Intolerance (unusual reactions) medicine (es)
• Transferred diseases during life
• Other operations patient had
• Features of development at children's and youthful age

• 43. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

• the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis
• the study of the physical structure of organisms;
• the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory
• the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

• 44. Navicular chest:

• has an indentation in the lower part of the sternum;
• elongated, narrow, flat;
• has a cylindrical shape;
• occurs in patients with emphysema of the lungs;
• has an indentation in the upper and middle part of the sternum.


• the sound "hhh"
• the sound of "FFF"
• the friction sound of the hair
• the sound of snow crunching.

• 46. Active respiratory mobility of the lower border (diaphragmatic

movement of normal lungs by Lin. axillaris media dextr. et sin.:
• 4-6 sm
• 3-5 sm
• 5-8 sm
• 6-8 sm
• 14-16 sm
• 47. During inspection of a 35-year old patient with chronic bronchitis, the
doctor estimated his position in the bed as active. What does this mean?
• The patient may assume any position he wishes
• The patient assumes the position which reduces pain, dyspnoea and cough
• The patient often needs to change his position to alleviate his condition
• The patient intentionally assumes the position which alleviates expectoration of
• The patient sits with his legs drawn (bended) towards himself.

• 48. Information about heredity refers to :

• Life history/ Anamnesis vitae
• History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi
• Objective examination
• Complaints

• 49. Patient V. 22 years has specific changes of nails - altered forms as

curved inside. How is called these changes?
• Watch glass nails
• Koilonychias
• Symptome of ―thimble
• Striae
• Hirsutism.

• 50. The place where the bronchial respiration occurs is the bronchi:
• Yes;
• no;
Abdul Hanan Amjad - Module results
Module-1; Exam date: 0000-00-00 00:00:00; total question: 50
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Total questions: 50; Correctly answered: 9;

Percentage of correct: 18.0%; Skipped question: 0; Assessment: low

skipped question

• 1. Patient С. 45 years with cardiovascular pathology has cyanosis of the lips, significant
symmetrical oedema of the lower extremities. What type of oedema does patient have?
• General
• Local
• Hydrothorax
• Anasarca
• Ascites
• 2. Spots of skin depigmentation are called:
• vitiligo;
• albinism;
• hirsutism;
• hypertrichosis;
• nevus

• 3. Where the apical impulse is normally defined:
• on the parasternal line
• 1.5 cm outside from the midclavicular line
• on the midclavicular line
• 1.5 cm inside from the midclavicular line
• on the midaxillary line
• 4. The patient has an attack of dyspnea. His position is forced; he is sitting resting his
hands on the edge of the bed. The voice resonance over the lungs is weak. What
diagnosis can be supposed?
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Bronchial asthma
• Kussmaul respiration
• atelectasis
• Cheyne-Stokes respiration
• 5. Information about past illnesses refers to:
• Complaints of the patient
• The history of life
• History of the disease
• General history
• 6. Percussion resonant and clear sound is defined over:
• heart
• liver
• lungs
• spleen
• kidneyend
• 7. NAME THE FOLLOWING SHAPE OF THE CHEST: transverssal and anteroposterior
size of the chest is expanded, short neck, the ratio of the anteroposterior size to the
lateral size is about 1.0, the supraclavicular fossa is smoothed, the epigastric angle is
obtuse, the slope of ribs is horizontal, intercostal spaces are wide, and when breathing in
the posterior parts, their retraction is noted, the shoulder blades fit snugly to the chest.
• paralytic
• emphysematous
• asthenic
• hypersthenic
• normosthenic
• 8. Indirect percussion consists in:
• percussion a finger on the body of the patient;
• percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.
• 9. Patient С., 34 years, observes a constant dispnoea at rest, especially at night,
weakness, palpitation, thirst, oliguria (insignificant amount of urine). Objectively: sits in
armchair, with lean hands in armrests, frequency of breath 36 per 1 minutes, cyanosis of
the lips, sharp features of face. Note true about position of the patient
• Active
• Passive
• Forced
• 10. The chest is asymmetrical, its right half protrudes. The voice resonance downward
the middle of the scapula is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Hydrothorax, pneumothorax
• Pulmonary emphysema
• atelectasis
• pneumonia
• cavity in the lung
• the sound "hhh"
• the sound of "FFF"
• the friction sound of the hair
• the sound of snow crunching.
• 12. Patient A. 66 years with cardiovascular pathology has specific changes of fingers
and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers) and nail in
form of watch glass. What is pathogenesis of these changes?
• Chronic hypoxia
• Reduction in output of adrenocortical hormones
• Anaemia
• Increased consentration of bilirubin
• Myxoedema
• 13. Krönig’s area determined by the change of percussion sound:
• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic.
• 14. Signs of normosthenic form of the chest:
• epigastric angle is 90°;
• supraclavicular pits are well expressed, subclavian-smoothed;
• the width of the rib 2.5-3.0 cm, intercostal space-0.5-1.0 cm;
• the epigastric angle is less than 90°;
• the width of the rib 1.5 cm, intercostal space - 1 cm.
• 15. In healthy people, the upper borders of the lungs are above the clavicles:
• 1-2sm
• 3-4 sm
• 5-6 sm
• 7-8 sm
• 9-10 sm.
• 16. Information about heredity refers to :
• Life history/ Anamnesis vitae
• History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi
• Objective examination
• Complaints
• 17. Using comparative percussion determine:
• the upper border of the lungs
• percussion sounds on symmetrical parts of the chest
• lower border of the lungs
• mobility of the lower border of the lungs
• width of the Kroenig's area
• 18. Louis' angle is:
• the angle of connection of the body and the handle of the sternum;
• the angle of the scapule to the chest;
• the angle of the clavicle and sternum;
• epigastric angle
• all answers are not correct.
• 19. Comparative lung percussion is used to determine:
• border of Krenig’s fields;
• lesions in the lung;
• respiratory excursion of the lower edge of the lungs;
• the borders of the lung;
• all of the above.
• 20. Using a static inspection of the chest, you can determine ... .
• type of breathing
• the location of the clavicle, the state of the intercostal spaces
• Symmetry of the participation of the chest halves in the act of breathing
• participation of auxiliary muscles in breathing
• 21. Krönig’s area determined by the change of percussion sound:
• from resonant pulmonary to dull
• from resonant pulmonary to blunted
• from blunted to resonant
• from dull to resonant pulmonary
• from resonant pulmonary to tympanic.
• deep breathing with your nose
• deep breathing with open or half-open mouth
• in the bronchi
• in the alveoli.
• 24. The method of palpation of the chest does not determine:
• the symmetry of the respiratory movements;
• chest resistance;
• painful places;
• vocal fremitus;
• wet ringing wheezing.
• 25. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:
• over the trachea region and its bifurcation
• below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line
• in the axillary lines
• below the axillary lines
• the lower part of interscapular.
• 26. The past history involves all listed except:
• habits;
• history of present disease;
• family history;
• social history;
• allergological history
• 27. Patient M. 44 years female was admitted to the hospital. During physical
examination decreased turgor of skin was revealed. Which condition may cause this
• Dehydration
• Thyrotoxicosis
• Hyperhydration
• Myxoedema
• Acromegaly
• 28. The patient has dyspnea and cyanosis. The right half of the chest protrudes, delays
in the act of respiration. The voice resonance is decreased downward the middle of the
scapula. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Hydrothorax, pneumothorax
• Cavity in the lung
• Pulmonary emphysema
• Atelectasis
• Pneumonia
• 29. Man's type hair covering in women is called:
• vitiligo;
• albinism;
• hirsutism;
• hypertrichosis;
• nevus.
• 30. Determine psychogenic factors which cause diseases.
• Stress
• Book reading
• Adequate psychological and emotional loading
• Joy
• Physiological sleep
• 31. “Cobbler chest” also called:
• emphysematous;
• paralytic;
• rachitic;
• funnel
• 32. What is bedsore?
• Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure
• Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating
• Infection of the skin
• Ulcer after the sunburn
• Ulcer after the acid affection
• 33. The diseases caused by negative interrelation of medical staff and patients are
• Social
• Iatrogenic
• Somatogenic
• Professional
• Psychogenic
• 34. Specify the method by which bronchophony is determined:
• auscultation
• inquiry
• percussion
• palpation
• inspection
• 35. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is 8.0.
The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be supposed?
• Asthenic chest
• Rachitic chest
• Hypersthenic chest
• Emphysema chest
• Paralytic chest
• shortness of breath on inhalation
• breathing is heard throughout the inhalation and exhalation
• the sound is similar to the breath heard over the larynx
• breathing very rough timbre; resembles the sound of " HHH"
• breathing has a soft timbre; resembles the sound of "F"
• 37. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.
• Virus
• Microbe
• S. Protozoa
• Rickettsia
• All above-listed
• 38. The complete absence of pigment in the skin is called:
• vitiligo;
• albinism;
• hirsutism;
• hypertrichosis;
• nevus.
• 39. Pigeon chest is typical for:
• emphysema of the lungs;
• rheumatoid arthritis;
• pneumosclerosis;
• rachitis
• determination of the vibration of the chest
• listening to bronchial breathing
• listening to whispered speech.
• 41. General biographic information:
• Results early the carried out researches
• Intolerance (unusual reactions) medicine (es)
• Transferred diseases during life
• Other operations patient had
• Features of development at children's and youthful age
• 42. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:
• joints of the lower extremities;
• the cerebellum;
• vestibular apparatus;
• (B) and C);
• all of the above.
• 43. Determine chemical factors which cause diseases.
• Contact with water
• Contact with the concentrated sulfuric acid
• Contact with physiological solution
• Contact with a solution of baking soda
• 44. Patient F. 38 years has specific changes of fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers
(bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers) and nail in form of watch glass. What is typical
reason of these changes?
• Endocrine disease
• Chronic liver disease
• Chronic cardiac disease
• Chronic intestinal pathology
• Haemolytic jaundice
• diffuse character; grey skin tone
• distal localization (acrocyanosis); cyanotic tinge/shade/colour of the skin
• none of the listed characteristics.
• 46. Kyphosis is a bend in the spine:
• forward;
• back;
• in the lateral direction;
• to the side and backwards.
• 47. Determine the characteristic of clear consciousness at the healthy person from the
physiological point of view.
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, adequate reaction on external
irritant and signals.
• Twilling state.
• Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external
irritant and signals.
• Absence of reaction
• Any listed variants
• laboratory
• instrumental
• inspection; palpation; percussion; auscultation.
• 49. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:
• 6-th rib
• 7-th rib
• 8-th rib
• 9-th rib
• 10-th rib.
• 50. The method of palpation of the chest does not determine:
• the symmetry of the respiratory movements;
• chest resistance;
• painful places;
• vocal fremitus;
• wet ringing wheezing.
Test System1

• .
Module part 2
1. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



5-10 min.

20 min.

7 min.

10 min.

3. The chest is ball-shaped. The ratio of anterior-posterior size to transverse size is

8.0. The area of the costal cartilages is thickened. What diagnosis can be

Asthenic chest

Rachitic chest

Hypersthenic chest

Emphysema chest

Paralytic chest


the sound "hhh"

the sound of "FFF"

the friction sound of the hair

the sound of snow crunching.

5. Decreased voice resonance is observed in


exudation pleurisy

pulmonary emphysema


Acute pneumothorax

6. When the lymph nodes are palpated, they are assessed:




Soldered to the skin

Cohesion among themselves

All above-said.

7. Patient N. 45 years female was admitted to the endocrinological department.

During physical examination enlargement of tongue was revealed. Which disease
may cause these changes?



Retrobulbar tumours





organ soreness/ painfulness

the size of the body

the border/edge of the organ

the volume of the organ

mobility of the organ.

9. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above




lung tissue



10. +Set of morphological and functional features of a person

11. “Cobbler chest” also called:





12. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



13. Alpinist climb of mountains on height about 3 km became feel worse, developed
weakness, loss of consciousness, tachycardia. What is reason of this state?





14. Information about heredity refers to :

Life history/ Anamnesis vitae

History of present desease/ Anamnesis morbi

Objective examination


15. The place where vesicular respiration occurs is the bronchi:




16. Determine biological factors which cause diseases.



S. Protozoa


All above-listed

17. Direct percussion consists in:

percussion a finger on the body of the patient;

percussion a plessimeter attached to the body of the patient.

18. Physiological weakening of vesicular breathing is determined when:





everything is correct.
19. Kyphosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

20. The history of the present disease:

Domestic conditions

21. Pre-obesity is determined if BMI:

30.0 - 34.9;

35.0 - 39.9;

18.5 - 24.9;


25.0 - 29.9.

22. Propedeutics to internal diseases is:

the science about methods of clinical examination of the patient and diagnosis basing;

the study of the physical structure of organisms;

the study of the normal functioning of the body and the underlying regulatory

the study of disease—the causes, course, progression and resolution thereof.

23. Slow, tired gait is observed in patients:


with debilitating chronic diseases;



with occlusion of the vessels of the lower extremities.

24. Patient anamnesis:

Results of resort treatment

25. What is bedsore?

Affection of tissue, which developed under the pressure

Affection of tissue, which developed under the beating

Infection of the skin

Ulcer after the sunburn

Ulcer after the acid affection



in the armpit or rectally


popliteal fossa

in the groin fold

27. The chest is asymmetrical, its right half protrudes. The voice resonance
downward the middle of the scapula is weak. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema



cavity in the lung

28. Determine chemical factors which cause diseases.

Contact with water

Contact with the concentrated sulfuric acid

Contact with physiological solution

Contact with a solution of baking soda

29. The projection of the cells of ethmoid bone is located:

at the border of the scalp;

1.0-1.5 cm above the upper medial edge of the orbit;

at the root/radix of the nose;

in the lower edge of the orbit;

in the middle of the upper jaw.

30. In the list of complaints specify those of them which concern not to a category
of the main, don‘t prove expressed organic changes in an organism.

Diarrheas up to 8 times per day

Bad sleep

Sudden occurrence of bloody urine without of pain

Fast lost weight (10 kg for 2 months)

Paroxysmal pains in the right hypohondrium, accompanying with a rising of the

temperature up to 37.8 and darkening of urine color (color of beer).

31. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

32. Navicular chest:

has an indentation in the lower part of the sternum;

elongated, narrow, flat;

has a cylindrical shape;

occurs in patients with emphysema of the lungs;

has an indentation in the upper and middle part of the sternum.

33. Suggestion formulation of question:

What do you complain of?

Does stomach pain increase after taking a meal?

What's brought you along today?

What troubles you?

Do you have complaints now?

34. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextra:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.

35. Bronchial breathing in a healthy person is heard:

over the trachea region and its bifurcation

below 2 ribs on the left lateral to the parasternal line

in the axillary lines

below the axillary lines

the lower part of interscapular.

36. Lordosis is a bend in the spine:



in the lateral direction;

to the side and backwards.

37. The right part of the thorax is protruding, delays in the act of respiration, the
voice resonance is not observed. The respiration is superficial. The respiratory rate
is 32 per min. What diagnosis can be supposed?

Hydrothorax, pneumothorax

Pulmonary emphysema


bronchial asthma

38. Increased voice resonance is observed in:


compression atelectasis

pulmonary emphysema



39. Bronchophony is:

vibration of the chest at the heart apex

vibration of the chest in the area heart base

vibration of thorax caused by vibration of the vocal cords

the main respiratory noise that occurs when air passes through the glottis

listening to whispered speech on the surface of the chest

40. The position of the lower border of the lungs by Lin. medioclavicularis dextr.:

6-th rib

7-th rib

8-th rib

9-th rib

10-th rib.



differences between pleural friction noise and crepitation and wheezing

to detect hidden bronchial obstruction (dry wheezing)

differences between dry rales and wet rales

differences between wheezing and crepitation or pleural friction noise

better listening to pathological bronchial breathing.

42. Determine the characteristic of coma.


Pathological deep sleep from which patient wake up only for short periods.

Twilling state.

Correct display of the reality in a brain of the person, the slowed answer on external
irritant and signals.

Slow inadequate answers

43. Dynamic inspection of the chest includes assessing:

Values of the epigastric/costal angle

Expession of supra-and subclavian fossas

Symmetry of its two halves

Participation of chest muscles in breathing act

Scapulae positions.

44. Grade III obesity is determined if the BMI is:

25.0 - 25.9;


≥ 40;

18.5 - 24.9;




36.4°C – 36.8°C

37.0°C – 38.2°C
46. Patient A. 66 years with cardiovascular pathology has specific changes of
fingers and nails - clubbing of the fingers (bulbous swelling of the tip of the fingers)
and nail in form of watch glass. What is pathogenesis of these changes?

Chronic hypoxia

Reduction in output of adrenocortical hormones


Increased consentration of bilirubin


47. The human Constitution is:


under the scapulas

over the trachea

above the side sections of the thorax

on the anterior side of the chest.

49. The tympanic sound of the percussion of a healthy person is determined above



lung tissue



50. A wobbly gait is characteristic of defeat:

joints of the lower extremities;

the cerebellum;

vestibular apparatus;

(B) and C)

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