Eneral: Oral Health Care During Pregnancy

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G eneral Sept 2013

Oral health care during pregnancy

A Review
Department of Public Health Dentistry
Department of Orthodontics
Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal, India
Dr. Nishu Singla
Dr. Ritesh Singla

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Pregnancy is not a reason to defer routine dental care or treatment.
Delay in necessary treatment could cause unforeseen harm to the
mother and possibly to the fetus. Appropriate and timely dental
care can lead to improved pregnancy outcomes as well as greater Pregnancy is a unique period in a woman’s lifetime.
comfort for the woman. The treatment of periodontitis, as well Good oral health during pregnancy is important to the
as the use of local anesthetics, amalgams, and x-ray scans, does overall health of both the expectant mother and her
not pose an increased risk to the developing fetus and is, in fact, baby. Oral health care should be part of comprehensive
important in contributing to maintaining optimal health for mother prenatal care for all women and every general medical
and baby. Several organizations have undertaken efforts to promote practitioner should consider referral of a newly
oral health during pregnancy. The National Center for Education pregnant woman to a dentist as routine. The aim of
in Maternal and Child Health published Bright Futures in Practice:
this paper is to provide and distribute information to
Oral Health1 (supported by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau) to
promote and improve the health and well-being of pregnant women
dentist about the importance of maintaining oral health
and infants. The intent of this paper is to provide the relevant during pregnancy.
information on the oral health problems of the pregnant women. Key Words: Pregnancy, Oral health.
This article can assist oral care professionals in the implementation
of oral health care and to achieve and maintain an optimal oral
condition in pregnant women.
supine position are at risk for aortic and venal canal compression by
the gravid uterus. Thus, avoiding the flat supine position, particularly
Normal changes during pregnancy in a dental chair, by displacing the uterus laterally is important.2

Cardiovascular changes Respiratory changes

Maternal cardiovascular response to pregnancy involves enormous As pregnancy progresses, the enlarging uterus assumes a
changes. During gestation, plasma volume and cardiac output more important role in the alteration of respiratory functions.
increase, peripheral vascular resistance decreases, and there is a Conformational changes in the chest (e.g., rise in the diaphragm)
modest decline in mean blood pressure during mid-gestation. Due may affect sleep patterns. Shortness of breath reflects increased
to the enlarging uterus from about mid-pregnancy, women in the respiratory drive and airway edema.3 Total lung volume and lung

64 GUIDENT  |  Your Guide on the path of Dentistry

Sept 2013

capacities are not greatly changed by pregnancy; changes are

a semi-seated position or a pillow should be placed underneath the
primarily limited to the functional residual capacity (FRC), which is right side of the body to allow left lateral uterine displacement off
decreased 15-20% in the woman at term, and tidal volume, which the vena cava. This positioning is generally comfortable and will
is increased 30-40%. help avoid hypotension, nausea, and aspiration.8,9

Gastroesophageal changes
Pregnancy is also associated with pressure on the stomach caused Dental Conditions and
by the enlarged uterus. Heartburn, nausea and vomiting and rapid Considerations
satiety (feeling of fullness) are common. Heartburn is primarily a
result of decreased gastroesophageal junction tone and increased Tooth Decay
gastric reflux. Stomach acid refluxed up through the esophagus and Tooth decay is a chronic bacterial disease that can affect all people
into the oral cavity is a concern because excessive vomiting can across all age groups. Pregnancy impacts oral health in several
result in enamel erosion.4 ways. Changes in the woman’s diet and oral hygiene practices
during pregnancy can result in an increase in tooth decay. In
Hematologic changes addition, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy can cause extensive
Common hematologic changes during pregnancy include a mild erosion of the tooth surface and lead to deteriorating oral health
decrease in mean platelet count (gestational thrombocytopenia), status. Treatment of tooth decay in pregnant women cannot only
mild increases in mean white blood cell counts, and increased iron improve the overall health of the mother but also helps decrease
demands secondary to increased erythropoiesis which requires the transmission of dental caries causing bacteria from the mother
iron supplementation to maintain hemoglobin level and avoid to the infant.10 Children whose mothers have poor oral health and
depletion.5 high levels of oral bacteria are at greater risk for developing dental
caries or tooth decay, as compared with children whose mothers
have good oral health and lower levels of oral bacteria.11
Medical Conditions and Dental
Treatment Considerations Pregnancy gingivitis
Periodontal treatment is very important during pregnancy. The
Hypertensive Disorders and Pregnancy hormones that are released in the pregnant woman’s body make her
Hypertensive disorders, including both preexisting or chronic more susceptible to plaque and in turn gum bleeding12,13 (condition
hypertension and gestational hypertension, occur in 12–22% known as pregnancy gingivitis). Many pregnant women mistakenly
of pregnant women. Oral health professionals should be aware think that gum bleeding is normal during pregnancy and they do
of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy. Uncontrolled severe not seek dental care.10 The dentist has to inform the pregnant
hypertension may increase the risk of bleeding during dental woman and give her instructions on how to improve her oral health.
procedures. Prenatal care providers should be consulted before Furthermore, if necessary, more frequent visits to the dentist should
initiating dental procedures in women with hypertension to classify be scheduled.
the type and severity of hypertension and to rule out preeclampsia
if indicated.6 Pregnancy epulis
A periodontal lesion characteristic during pregnancy is the pregnancy
Diabetes and Pregnancy epulis. The lesion is estimated to affect 0.2-5% of pregnant women
It is usually diagnosed after 24 weeks of gestation. Any inflammatory and is more common in the maxillary gingiva. It is a form of
process, including acute and chronic periodontal infection, can pyogenic granuloma that is hormone related. Lesions may regress
make diabetes control more difficult. Poorly controlled diabetes is spontaneously after birth. If not, they should be surgically removed.
associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preeclampsia, If they are bleeding excessively and cause trouble in mastication
congenital anomalies, and large-for gestational age newborns.7 they may be removed with safety during pregnancy.14
Meticulous control to avoid or minimize dental infection is important
for pregnant women with diabetes. Controlling all sources of acute Role of the Dentist
or chronic inflammation helps control diabetes.
XX Explain the importance of oral hygiene and oral health care.
Risk of Aspiration and Positioning During Pregnancy XX Explain that oral health care during pregnancy is safe and effective
and that it is essential for the pregnant woman and the fetus.
Pregnant women have delayed gastric emptying and are considered
to always have a “full stomach.” Thus, they are at increased risk for XX Tell women that diagnosis (including necessary dental X-rays15) and
aspiration. After 20 weeks gestation, they should be maintained in treatment for conditions requiring immediate attention are safe during
the first trimester of pregnancy.

Your Guide on the path of Dentistry 65
G eneral
XX Inform women that necessary treatment can be provided throughout Conclusion
Sept 2013

pregnancy; however, the period between the 14th and the 20th week
of pregnancy is the best time to provide treatment.16 Advise women Oral health care in pregnancy is often avoided and misunderstood
that delaying necessary treatment could result in significant risk to the by dentists, physicians and pregnant women because of the lack of
mother and indirectly to the fetus. information or perceptions about the safety and importance of dental
XX Educate women and encourage behaviors that support good oral treatment during pregnancy. Prevention, diagnosis and treatment
health: Brushing teeth twice daily with fluoridated toothpaste, of oral diseases, including needed dental radiographs and use of
especially before bedtime, and flossing daily. Taking prenatal vitamins, local anesthesia, are highly beneficial and can be undertaken during
including folic acid to reduce the risk of birth defects such as cleft lip pregnancy with no additional fetal or maternal risk when compared
and palate, and eating foods high in protein, calcium, phosphorus and to the risk of not providing care. Good oral health and control of oral
vitamins A, C and D. Chewing xylitol-containing gum or other xylitol- disease protects a woman’s health and quality of life and has the
containing products, two to three times a day, after eating. potential to reduce the transmission of pathogenic bacteria from
XX Position Pregnant Women Appropriately During Treatment: Keep the mothers to their children.
head at a higher level than the feet. Place a small pillow under the
right hip, or have women turn slightly to the left to avoid dizziness References
or nausea.
1. Casamassimo P, ed. (1996). Bright Futures in Practice: Oral Health.
XX Consult with the prenatal care health professional when considering Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child
the following: Deferring treatment because of pregnancy, Co-morbid Health. Accessed on June 12, 2013 at: http://www.brightfutures.org/
conditions or medication use (e.g., diabetes, hypertension, heparin oralhealth/pdf/index.html.
use) that may affect management of oral problems, Intravenous
2. Duvekot JJ, Peeters LLH. Maternal cardiovascular hemodynamic
sedation or general anesthesia to complete dental procedures.
adaptation to pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol Surv. December 1994;49(12)
XX Use the Following When Clinically Indicated: X-rays with thyroid collar, Supplement:S1.
and abdominal apron, Local anesthetic with epinephrine, Appropriate
3. Toppozada H, Michaeals L, Toppozada M, et al. The human respiratory
analgesics and/or antibiotics.17 (Refer Table 1), Dental amalgam with
nasal mucosa in pregnancy. An electron microscopic and histochemical
proper isolation and high-speed evacuation.18,19
study. J Laryngol Otol. 1982;96:613-626.
More references are available on request

Table 1: Acceptable and Unacceptable Drugs for Pregnant Women

These drugs may be used These drugs should NOT be
FDA Category FDA Category
during pregnancy. used during pregnancy.
Penicillin B Tetracyclines B
Amoxicilln B Erythromycin in the estolate form C
Cephalosporins B Quinolines C
Clindamycin B Clarithrimycin
Erythromycin (extolate form) B
Acetaminophen C Aspirin C
Acetaminophen with codeine C
After 1st trimester for 24 to 72
hrs only B
Ibuprofen B

66 GUIDENT  |  Your Guide on the path of Dentistry

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