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Human Reproduction Vol.22, No.5 pp. 1310–1319, 2007 doi:10.

Advance Access publication February 20, 2007

The effectiveness of a fertility awareness based method to

avoid pregnancy in relation to a couple’s sexual behaviour
during the fertile time: a prospective longitudinal study

P.Frank-Herrmann1,8†, J.Heil2,†, C.Gnoth3, E.Toledo4, S.Baur5, C.Pyper6, E.Jenetzky7,

T.Strowitzki1 and G.Freundl5
Department of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Fertility Disorders, University of Heidelberg, Voßstrasse 9, 69115 Heidelberg,
Germany, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Heidelberg, Voßstrasse 9, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany,
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cologne and Centre for Family Planning, Endocrinology and
Reproductive Medicine, Rheydter Straße 143, 41515 Grevenbroich, Germany, 4Department of Preventive Medicine and Quality
Management. Hospital Virgen del Camino, C/Irunlarrea 4, E-31008 Pamplona, Spain, 5Section Natural Fertility, German Society for
Gynaecological Endocrinology, Voßstrasse 9, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany, 6National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Department
of Public Health, University of Oxford, Old Road Campus, Oxford, OX3 7LF, Great Britain and 7Institute of Medical Biometry and

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Informatics, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 305, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany
To whom correspondence should be addressed at: Department of Gynaecological Endocrinology and Fertility disorders, University of
Heidelberg, Voßstrasse 9, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany. E-mail:

BACKGROUND: The efficacy of fertility awareness based (FAB) methods of family planning is critically reviewed.
The objective was to investigate the efficacy and the acceptability of the symptothermal method (STM), an FAB
method that uses two indicators of fertility, temperature and cervical secretions observation. This paper will rec-
ommend a more suitable approach to measure the efficacy. METHODS: Since 1985, an ongoing prospective observa-
tional longitudinal cohort study has been conducted in Germany. Women are asked to submit their menstrual cycle
charts that record daily basal body temperature, cervical secretion observations and sexual behaviour. A cohort of 900
women contributed 17 638 cycles that met the inclusion criteria for the effectiveness study. The overall rates of unin-
tended pregnancies and dropout rates have been estimated with survival curves according to the Kaplan–Meier
method. In order to estimate the true method effectiveness, the pregnancy rates have been calculated in relation to
sexual behaviour using the ‘perfect/imperfect-use’ model of Trussell and Grummer-Strawn. RESULTS: After
13 cycles, 1.8 per 100 women of the cohort experienced an unintended pregnancy; 9.2 per 100 women dropped out
because of dissatisfaction with the method; the pregnancy rate was 0.6 per 100 women and per 13 cycles when
there was no unprotected intercourse in the fertile time. CONCLUSIONS: The STM is a highly effective family
planning method, provided the appropriate guidelines are consistently adhered to.

Key words: contraception/efficacy/fertility awareness based methods/natural family planning/symptothermal method

Introduction and second the modification of sexual behaviour either to

Background plan a pregnancy or to use this knowledge to avoid pregnancy.
Fertility awareness based (FAB) methods is a term that When couples use FAB methods of family planning to avoid
includes all family planning methods that are based on the pregnancy, they practise different sexual behaviour during
identification of the fertile time. They are based on the the fertile time. When FAB methods involve sexual abstinence
woman’s observation of physiological signs of the fertile and during the fertile time, this method is called natural family
infertile phases of the menstrual cycle. This knowledge can planning (NFP). When FAB methods involve occasionally
be used to plan or avoid pregnancy. FAB methods depend on using a barrier method during the fertile time, the method is
two key variables: first the accurate identification of the called FAB method with barriers. It must also be recognized
fertile days of a woman’s menstrual cycle (the fertile time) that although many couples state they are practising a FAB
method, sometimes they do not adhere to the guidelines and

The first two authors contributed equally to this work.
unprotected intercourse or other kinds of genital contact

1310 # The Author 2007. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.
All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:
Effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based method

occur during the fertile time. The efficacy of FAB methods to This problem is further confounded by the different ways an
avoid pregnancy has been critically reviewed by several unintended pregnancy is classified. Some prospective studies
authors (Fehring et al., 1994; Frank-Herrmann et al., 1991; ensure the couple’s intention to avoid a pregnancy is recorded
De Leizaola-Cordonnier, 1995; Barbato and Bertolotti, 1988; at the beginning of each menstrual cycle. Other studies are ret-
Hilgers and Stanford, 1998; Howard and Stanford, 1999; rospective and only question the couple’s intention after sexual
Kambic, 1999; The European Natural Family Planning Study intercourse has been recorded during the fertile time.
Groups, 1999; Grimes et al., 2004). Several issues have been The fourth issue is that some new FAB methods are simpli-
identified when attempting to compare the different FAB fied methods that are often used in developing countries and
methods. very relevant for settings where cost of teaching is an issue and
The first is that most FAB methods have evolved concur- where continuation has a higher priority than efficacy (Thapa
rently over the last 40 years in different countries; each has et al., 1990; Jennings and Sinai, 2001; Arevalo et al., 2004).
been lead by pioneers who have developed guidelines for To be able to make an informed choice when selecting a
their respective groups. This has resulted in many cases in a family planning method, couples need to know the efficacy
lack of evidence-based guidelines being developed and of a method when used consistently and imperfectly. Trussell
subsequently modified to conform to best scientific evidence. and Grummer-Strawn are critical about how efficacy has
The second issue is that efficacy rates may vary because they been calculated in previous studies. They argue that previously
are derived from studies done with volunteers and researchers published rates of method and user failure for all contraceptive
from different cultural backgrounds where motivation to avoid methods suffer from methodological errors and are biased
pregnancy and rigour of research methods may vary (World downwards. Trussell and Grummer-Strawn (1990, 1991) rec-

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Health Organization, 1981a,b; Gomes and Congdon, 1988; ommend a new model of calculating perfect and imperfect
Xu et al., 1994; Indian Council of Medical Research Task use pregnancy rates which up to now has rarely been applied.
Force on Natural Family Planning 1996). This is likely to be due to the fact that this approach requires
Third, the methods currently used to calculate the method documentation of all sexual behaviour during each cycle.
effectiveness are questionable. Many investigators have recog-
nized the importance of distinguishing between pregnancies Description of the method
attributable to user failure and method failure (method effec- This paper describes a cohort of couples who used a method
tiveness). The standard procedure up to now was to compute that consisted of recording the cervical secretion pattern,
separate method and use-effectiveness rates (pregnancies changes of basal body temperature and the application of a cal-
divided by exposure). In this procedure, all exposure from culation rule. It is called the symptothermal method (STM) of
perfect and imperfect use is included in denominator of both NFP. The beginning and the end of the fertile time are ident-
method and user failure rates. The common misinterpretation ified by two parameters in order to have double-check system.
is that the resulting method effectiveness rate yields infor- The following two guidelines are given to each couple to
mation about the inherent efficacy of the method. Inherent identify the first fertile day – both guidelines are applied and
method efficacy can be measured only when the numerator the first fertile day is the earliest day identified (Figure 1):
(method failures) is assessed in relation to the proper risk set, (i) Change of cervical secretion: first appearance of cervi-
i.e. the exposure only when the method is used perfectly. For cal secretion.
this reason, method effectiveness rates computed by the stan- (ii) Calculation guideline: the first fertile day is the sixth
dard procedure are biased downwards to an unknown extent day of the cycle (In NFP methodology, this is called
(Trussell and Grummer-Strawn, 1990). the ‘five days rule’ which states that the first five

Figure 1. Determination of the fertile time according to the guidelines of the symptothermal (STM) method.

P.Frank-Herrmann et al.

days of the cycle are infertile days.) or after a woman

Table I. Exclusion criteria and number of participants excluded
has completed 12 cycles of use this guideline is
replaced by a calculation that takes the earliest temp- Category Number Percentage
erature rise in the last 12 cycles and subtracts seven
Participants in the whole database 1599
days to identify the first fertile day (In NFP method- Participants in the effectiveness study 900
ology, this is called the ‘minus eight rule’: earliest Excluded 699 100
temperature rise in the last 12 cycles minus eight Participants excluded by reason
Pregnancy achieving at study entry 356 50.9
days to identify the last infertile day.) Post-pill 125 17.9
The following two guidelines are given to each couple to ident- Irregular cycles (.35 days) 74 10.6
ify the last fertile day—both guidelines are applied and the last Post-partum/breastfeeding 59 8.5
Experienced users 33 4.7
fertile day is the latest day identified (Figure 1): Premenopausal women over 45 years 27 3.9
(i) The evening of the third day after the cervical secretion No sexual partner 12 1.7
peak day (The cervical secretion peak day is only Young women under 19 years 8 1.1
Post-abortum 5 0.7
recognized on the day following peak, when the
secretions have become sticky again.)
(ii) The evening of third higher temperature reading, all NFP were excluded. The reasons for excluding the women and the
three higher than the previous six readings, the last number of women excluded are given in Table I.
one 0.28C higher than the previous six.
These evidence-based guidelines have been developed follow-
Inclusion criteria

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ing extensive research that has been carried out over the last 20
The inclusion criteria are given in Table II in accordance with the
years. They have been adopted widely by FAB groups who recommendations from Tietze and Lewit (1974), Trussell and Kost
teach the STM method (Raith et al., 1999). Detailed guidelines (1987) and Potter (1996). A subcohort of 900 women with 17 638
of the STM methodology are described elsewhere (Arbeits- cycles was selected out of the whole database.
gruppe NFP, 2006). The women had to state that they intended to avoid pregnancy and if
they changed their intention they had to be willing to let the
Objectives investigator know at once in order to have a clear definition of
Our first objective was to analyse the overall use effectiveness unintended pregnancy (discussed later). The women had to be
of the STM method and to determine whether the effectiveness willing to record all sexual behaviour, especially the occasional use
of barrier methods to ensure clarity about the definitions for perfect/
was different for different types of sexual behaviour during the
imperfect-use (discussed later). The couples must not use any contra-
fertile time according to the ‘perfect/imperfect-use model’
ceptive methods other than barrier methods. The study specifically
(Trussell and Grummer-Strawn, 1990). In particular, we only included those couples who were starting to use the STM
specifically wanted to know if those women who only used method and commencing the first STM cycle. To ensure the partici-
the STM without combining with a barrier method during the pants were likely to have normal fertility, the women had to be
fertile time had fewer unintended pregnancies, regarding the between 19 years at entry into the study and less than 46 years at
use-effectiveness rates, than those women who occasionally the end of the study. To ensure the women could become pregnant
used barrier methods during the fertile time. (i.e. were likely to have fertile ovulations), the average cycle length
Our second objective was to investigate the acceptability of of the women had to be between 22 and 35 days (20% of the cycles
the STM method. We therefore reviewed those couples whose of each study participant was allowed to deviate outside this range).
reasons for discontinuing the STM were due to dissatisfaction Only those women with no previous history of infertility were
included. There was no requirement for proven fertility in terms of
with the method or due to difficulties with using the STM.
the women already having a history of being pregnant, in order not
to exclude the younger, potentially more fertile and sexually active
Materials and methods women. In a previous data analysis, we found no significant difference
in unintended pregnancy rate between those with and without proven
The study was conducted by the German NFP study centre in
accordance with the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.
The study centre is an integral part of the German Society of Gynae-
Table II. Inclusion criteria for the effectiveness study
cological Endocrinology and Reproductive Medicine. Its main aim is
to undertake research studies in the field of NFP and to evaluate NFP Inclusion criteria
services. For the last 20 years, the study centre has coordinated this
prospective, observational longitudinal cohort study. Between 1985 Age 19– 45 years
Normal cycle lengths between 22 and 35 days (20% of cycle lengths could
and 2005, the study enrolled 1599 women using the STM in different be outside this range)
situations and collected data from 35 996 menstrual cycles. This data Willing to record family planning intention at the start of each cycle
set has already addressed several questions (Gnoth et al., 1999, 2002, Willing to record sexual behaviour, including sexual intercourse, genital
2003). From this data set, a cohort of 900 women with 17 638 cycles contact, withdrawal, occasional barrier use
met the effectiveness study selection criteria. Agreement not to use any other forms of contraception
No known history of subfertility or infertility
An established luteal phase of at least 10 days hyperthermic phase and at
Exclusion criteria least 3 months following breastfeeding, oral contraception, post-partum,
All couples with a reason of potential sub- and infertility, or not being
Willing to participate in the study for 12 months
exposed to risk of conception or trying for pregnancy with the help of

Effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based method

fertility (Frank-Herrmann et al., 1991). Women who had either All the pregnancy charts were reviewed and confirmed by the scienti-
delivered a child or breastfed or used oral contraceptives were only fic committee of the NFP study centre.
included after 3 months of an established luteal phase, diagnosed by
an elevated temperature phase for at least 10 days. All the women Definition of the unintended pregnancy
were asked to agree to participate for at least 12 cycles. Pregnancies were classified as intended or unintended on the basis of
the statements made by the women before conception. At the end of
Teaching the STM each menstrual cycle, the woman was asked to state if she was plan-
All the women who participated in the study were taught the STM by ning to become pregnant the following cycle. This was documented
accredited teachers from the ‘Arbeitsgruppe NFP’ which was founded in the completed cycle chart. If she forgot to answer this question,
in 1981 with the aim of promoting NFP in Germany. In collaboration and if a pregnancy occurred in the next cycle, it was always classified
with the German NFP study centre, the training and the teaching meth- as an unintended pregnancy. If charts did not reach the study centre in
odology was standardized and adhered to strict guidelines. There were time, the last indicated family planning intention held at the study
comprehensive teaching materials that accompanied the personal centre was used to classify a pregnancy as intended or unintended.
small group teaching sessions (Arbeitsgruppe NFP, 2006).
Data analyses
Statistical analyses were carried out using the SASw package, version
Recruitment of study participants
8. We used the non-parametric model of Kaplan–Meier, the survival
The participants were volunteers who had self-selected to join the
curve or actuarial curve, to estimate the rates of unintended pregnancy,
study following given standardized information about the study by
the drop out due to dissatisfaction and the women lost to follow-up
their STM teachers; all women gave their informed consent. Standar-
(Kaplan and Meier, 1958; Matthews and Farewell, 1996). We
dized admission questionnaires were used to collect relevant data con-
defined the ‘survival’ of a woman as the duration in the study until

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cerning age, parity, family planning history and socio-demographic
she dropped out for the target event (¼ unintended pregnancy).
background. All women were asked to send their cycle charts, after
Other dropouts are censored. The time unit was the menstrual cycle,
each cycle was completed, that recorded basal body temperature,
therefore, the estimated rates correspond to the life table approach
quality of cervical secretions, cycle length, family planning intention
of Tietze and Potter, often used in earlier family planning studies
and sexual behaviour directly to the study centre. Those women,
(Potter, 1966; Tietze and Lewit, 1974). In contrast to the Pearl-index,
whose cycle charts did not reach the study centre, were contacted on
the actuarial curves according to Kaplan–Meier represent a time-
three separate occasions by the study centre via the woman’s personal
related hazard estimation. The results at observation cycle 13 can
teacher. If a woman did not respond to any of the requests for infor-
roughly be compared to the Pearl-index (¼ number of unintended
mation she was then classified as lost to follow-up.
pregnancies per 100 women years, defining 13 cycles to be one
woman year). To compare the actuarial curves of different parameters,
Discontinuation a logrank test was performed. Chi-squared-test was used for categori-
We were specifically investigating the acceptability of the STM. cal data.
Therefore, the most important reasons given for discontinuation The Kaplan–Meier approach was used to calculate the overall
were those due to dissatisfaction with the STM, and/or change to effectiveness rates. Pregnancies due to both method and user failure
other family planning method. were included.
Table III lists all the reasons for discontinuation. In order to calculate the method effectiveness, we used a modified
model of the ‘perfect/imperfect-use’ approach (discussed earlier,
Data collection Trussell and Grummer-Strawn, 1990): pregnancy rates were calcu-
lated according to sexual behaviour: all unintended pregnancies that
The software used to handle the data was a Microsoft Accessw rela-
occurred during a defined mode of sexual behaviour were related to
tional database system called NFP DAT 1.0; it is described in a pre-
all cycles of the corresponding type of sexual behaviour,
vious paper (Gnoth et al., 1999). It has an automated analysis
i. e. unintended pregnancies that occurred in cycles with protected
system that follows-up the participant every 3 months.
intercourse during the fertile time were related to only those cycles
with protected intercourse in the fertile time. According to this
Definition of the pregnancy approach, we defined the following categories of sexual behaviour
The definition of pregnancy was an elevated temperature of longer in the fertile time: only abstinence, only protected intercourse,
than 18 days and clinical pregnancy test confirmed by the researcher. protected and unprotected intercourse, only unprotected intercourse,
coitus interruptus or genital contact.

Table III. Reasons for discontinuation during the effectiveness study

Reasons for discontinuation
To evaluate the overall use-effectiveness as well as the
Desire to get pregnant method-related discontinuation and lost to follow-up, we
Unintended pregnancy studied the following groups:
Discontinuation because the couple was dissatisfied with the method:
discomfort with the method, problems with observing the indicators of (i) Out of the whole cohort of 900 women and 17 638
fertility, feeling of insecurity, finding the fertile time too long, finding it cycles, we calculated the overall use-effectiveness as
difficult to abstain during this time well as the method-related discontinuation, the lost to
Change to other family planning method
The woman does not want to be part of the study any longer; however, she follow-up and the overall duration of study
will continue practising the symptothesmal (STM) method participation.
Medical or surgical reasons (e.g. Hysterectomy) (ii) This whole cohort was divided into two subgroups: 322
Separation from partner
women used only the STM (‘STM only’-group) and
P.Frank-Herrmann et al.

509 women used the STM with occasional use of bar- a univariate point of view, we calculated slightly different
riers in the fertile time (‘STM mix’-group). The ‘STM rates of 1.62 (1/2 0.89) for the STM only-group versus
mix’-group used a barrier method in 53% of their 2.02 (1/2 0.72) for the ‘STM mix’ group at 13 cycles –
cycles. Life table pregnancy rates have been analysed which corresponds approximately to 1 year. At 24 cycles the
separately for these two groups. Sixty-nine women differences were inversed. These differences were not found
did not document their sexual behaviour and were to be statistically significant at any time (Logrank test:
therefore excluded from that analysis. x2 , 0.31, hence P . 0.60).
To analyse the pregnancies according to the modified ‘perfect/ Figure 2 illustrates the overlapping standard errors.
imperfect-use’ model, we formed different categories as
described earlier. Pregnancy rates in relation to sexual behaviour
in the fertile time
Client profile In order to accurately estimate the true method effectiveness
The socio-demographic characteristics of the study population according to the ‘perfect/imperfect-use’ approach, every type
are shown in Table IV More than 60% of the women were of sexual behaviour had to be documented. Charting of
between 19 and 29 years old. Nearly two-thirds of the sexual behaviour occurred in 85% of the cycles; analyses of
women had a medium educational level (German baccalaureate these cycles showed that in more than a third the STM was
or equivalent without a university degree), 52% were nulligra- used with abstinence during the fertile time, which reflects
vidas; about 20% had reached their desired family size and the ‘perfect-use’ scenario and true method effectiveness. For
nearly 60% of the women wanted a further child in the future perfect use, the unintended pregnancy rate was 0.43 per 100

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but not during the year of the study. women and 13 cycles (Table VII).
In contrast, the rate of unintended pregnancies in cycles with
Overall unintended pregnancy rates (use-effectiveness) unprotected intercourse during the fertile time the unintended
For the whole cohort, we calculated an unintended pregnancy pregnancy rate was significantly higher with 7.47 per 13
rate of 1.79 (þ/2 0.52 standard error) per 100 women after cycles (P , 0.00001) and 100 women (Table VII and
13 months of use (Table V); all unintended pregnancies due Figure 3). In 16 of the 22 pregnancy cycles, there was unpro-
to method and user failure were included. There was no differ- tected intercourse in the fertile time.
ence between the learning phase (first 3 months of use) and the
subsequent months of use. Discontinuation
We compared the rates of unintended pregnancies between Discontinuation for dissatisfaction or difficulties with the
the two groups ‘STM only’ and ‘STM mix’ (Table VI). From method, including change to another family planning method
was an important parameter of acceptability. The overall dis-
continuation rate for this category was 9.2 per 100 women at
Table IV. Socio-demographic characteristics of the cohort at study entry 13 cycles of method-use (Table VIII).
(n ¼ 900) The overall rate of lost to follow up was 6.7% after 13 cycles
Feature Categories %
(Table VIII).
Other reasons for discontinuation before cycle 13 given by
Age distribution (n ¼ 900) 19– 24 years 24.7 34% of the couples included: desire to achieve a pregnancy
25– 29 years 38.6
30– 35 years 24.7
(8%); separation from partner (2%); medical reasons (4%)
35– 39 years 8.9 and most frequently (22%) because they wished to discontinue
40– 45 years 3.2 participating in the study, although they wished to continue to
Highest educational level (n ¼ 891) Primary school 11.1
Secondary school 63.5
use the STM.
University degree 25.4
Occupation (n ¼ 880) Working or training 60.0 Study population duration of participation
Housewife 39.0
Unemployed 1.0
Figure 3 shows the study population over time. The study
Marital status (n ¼ 888) Married 35.8 started with 900 women, 322 of them using ‘STM only’ and
Unmarried 62.5 509 of them using ‘STM mix’. 69 women did not document
Divorced 1.7
Religion (n ¼ 885) Catholic 73.8
their sexual behaviour. Figure 4 shows that almost 70% of
Protestant 19.2 the couples participated in the study for at least 12 cycles.
Others 1.0 Less than 25% of the couples remained in the study for
None 6.1
No. of previous pregnancies (n ¼ 856) 0 51.9
longer than 24 cycles. Therefore, the time bias influencing
1– 2 34.7 the pregnancy rates according to the Trussell approach was
3 13.4 not too serious, especially taking into account that all the par-
Family planning intention (n ¼ 838) Spacer 57.4
Limiter 20.6
ticipants who joined the study were new STM users.
Undecided 22.0
Cycle range (n ¼ 900) up to 5 days 55.4
.5 days 44.6 Discussion
Where these numbers do not total 900, the reminder are women for whom We believe that this is a significant prospective cohort study
there is no information. of a clearly defined STM method that has several distinctive
Effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based method

Table V. Overall unintended pregnancy rates per 100 women according to the Kaplan– Meier approach for the whole cohort (n ¼ 900) cut at 24 cycles

Ordinal Women Cumulative Cumulative number Rate (SE) of

cycle exposed number of of unintended unintended
number cycles pregnancies pregnancies

1 900 900 0 0
3 846 2624 0 0
6 740 4945 4 0.52 (0.26)
9 618 6933 10 1.4 (0.44)
12 509 8571 11 1.57 (0.47)
13 434 9005 12 1.79 (0.42)
18 318 10 815 15 2.61 (0.7)
24 229 12 386 15 2.61 (0.7)

SE, standard error (Annotation: after 24 cycles we cut the analysis; i.e. seven unintended pregnancies after this time).

features that has ensured its quality, these include: a large certain method or do not wish to be randomized. In addition
database; relatively low lost to follow-up rate; inclusion of with most family planning methods, it is impossible to blind
the teaching phase; documentation of all sexual behaviour the couples from the allocated method unless comparing
and classification of the pregnancies as intended or unintended certain different hormonal contraceptives or intrauterine
according to the intention before conception. To ensure the devices.

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quality of this study, we have described in depth the recruit- A unique feature of this study was that we have applied
ment, teaching methods and follow-up of the study partici- advanced analytical methods to our data. We used non-
pants, including the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In parametric models to estimate pregnancy rates: we applied
addition, we have clearly defined both ‘pregnancy’ and ‘unin- the Kaplan – Meier survival curve to estimate the total preg-
tended pregnancy’ as well as ‘perfect use’ and ‘imperfect use’ nancy rate and the Trussell approach to calculate the pregnancy
behaviour. Finally, we have described how we analysed the rates according to the proper risk set. Nevertheless, we recog-
data from this large prospective cohort study. nize that these approaches are all influenced to some extent by
While we recognize that critics may argue that this study was the differing risk of conception per cycle (Ecochard, 2006;
not a randomized controlled trial, it should be recognized that Dunson et al., 1999).
very few FAB method studies are randomized controlled trials. The analysis of the efficacy has demonstrated that a STM
The majority are observational studies. This study was a that uses two indicators of fertility—temperature and cervical
prospective cohort study which could be seen to be placed secretion observations to determine the end of the fertile time
from an evidence-based perspective, between the retrospective and cervical secretions plus a calculation to identify the onset
case-control studies and the randomized clinical trials. The of the fertile time—is an effective and acceptable method of
only randomized clinical trials on methods of NFP (Wade family planning. The overall rates of unintended pregnancies
et al., 1981; Medina et al., 1980) are of limited use: they were 1.8% and the drop out rate for dissatisfaction with the
showed huge recruitment problems and retention as well as method was only 9.2 per 100 women after 13 cycles of
having a very strong selection bias (participants had to agree method use.
to expect quite high failure rates while attracted by free We have demonstrated that the STM is significantly more
medical care at study entry), their results are therefore very effective to avoid pregnancies if used consistently and per-
questionable (Grimes et al. 2004). Randomized controlled fectly with couples abstaining from intercourse during the
trials are rarely used to investigate other family planning fertile time: 0.4% pregnancy rate per year. We found similar
methods either because most couples have a preference for a pregnancy rates for couples who occasionally use barrier

Table VI. Overall unintended pregnancy rates per 100 women according to the Kaplan– Meier approach within subcohorts ‘STM only’ (1, bold) and ‘STM
mix’ (2, italic) cut at 24 cycles

Ordinal cycle number Women exposed Cumulative number Rate of unintended pregnancies (SE)
of unplanned

1 2 1 2 1 2

1 322 509 0 0 0 0
3 295 489 0 0 0 0
6 248 448 2 2 0.75(0.53) 0.43(0.31)
9 202 381 4 6 1.62(0.89) 1.4(0.57)
12 165 324 4 7 1.62(0.89) 1.67(0.63)
13 136 280 4 8 1.62(0.89) 2.02(0.72)
18 102 205 6 9 3.33(1.44) 2.45(0.83)
24 66 154 6 9 3.33(1.44) 2.45(0.83)

P.Frank-Herrmann et al.

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Figure 2. Comparison of the rates of unintended pregnancies per 100 women and their standard error between the group ‘STM only’ (B) and the
group ‘STM mix’ (O) at different cycle numbers using the Kaplan– Meier analysis.

methods, mainly condoms, during the fertile time as compared the selection of the study population. The fact that variations
to couples who were abstinent. However, there were very few in study population make it more difficult to interpret the
pregnancies in the two samples. We therefore barely had overall effectiveness of the FAB methods has been discussed
enough statistical power to evaluate the multivariate and in depth (Kambic, 1999).
adjusted effect of barrier methods for avoiding pregnancy. For a contraceptive method to be rated highly efficient as the
The use-effectiveness rates (¼ total unintended pregnancy hormonal pill, it requires a method failure rate of less than one
rates) compare very well with the results of the European pregnancy per 100 women per year. Our method-effectiveness
study and with the interim results of the German database, and of 0.4% can be interpreted as one pregnancy occurring per
with the symptothermal subgroup of the Italian study 3250 cycles (assuming a 13 cycle year). We therefore maintain
(Frank-Herrmann et al., 1991; Barbato and Bertolotti, 1988; that the method effectiveness of the STM investigated in this
The European Natural Family Planning Study Groups, 1999). study is comparable to the method effectiveness of modern
However, the two latter studies were still using the Pearl contraceptive methods like oral contraceptives.
formula as statistical method. The previous International Rice The authors were surprised by the high efficacy during
Fairfield study, that used a NFP-method that preceded the additional barrier method use. We did not find any differences
STM, showed reasonable results for developed countries (Rice in pregnancy rates between STM only users and STM mix
et al., 1981). The markedly high use-effectiveness rates of our users. Obviously, couples with fertility awareness knowledge
data may partly be explained by the motivation of those are more likely to use condoms more consistently in the
couples and their teachers who agreed to participate in the study. fertile time. Most cited NFP studies do not report the quantity
When comparing different methods of family planning, of additional barrier method use, yet we have learnt from the
method effectiveness rates are more frequently quoted than European study that it exists to a certain extent within all com-
the use-effectiveness rates which are strongly dependent on munities that use NFP methods.

Table VII. Rates of unintended pregnancies per 100 women and year according to sexual behaviour during the fertile time

Cycles Unintended pregnancies

n % n % per yeara 95% CI lower limitb 95% CI upper limitb

Abstinence in the fertile time 6022 34.14 2 0.43 0.05 1.55

Protected intercourse in the fertile time 4375 24.80 2 0.59 0.07 2.13
Unprotected intercourse in the fertile time 2353 13.34 14 7.46 4.15 1.23
Unprotected and protected intercourse in the fertile time 1183 6.71 2 2.18 0.27 7.65
Genital contact or coitus interruptus in the fertile time 1080 6.12 1 1.20 0.03 6.50
No documented sexual behaviour 2625 14.88 1 0.49 0.01 2.72
Total 17 638 100 22 1.61 1.01 2.43
Rate per 13 cycles and 100 women, calculated according to the formula 100  (1 2 (1 2 P)13), P ¼ probability per cycle (not displayed).
CI ¼ confidence interval, calculated out of the confidence intervals of the pregnancy rates per cycle (not displayed).

Effectiveness of a fertility awareness-based method

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Figure 3. Rates of unintended pregnancies per 100 women and year with 95% confidence intervals in relation to sexual behaviour during the
fertile time according to a modified ‘perfect/imperfect-use’ approach.

For the risk taking couples who had unprotected intercourse have been carried out in developing countries (Thapa et al.,
during the fertile time, the pregnancy rate increases up to 7.5% 1990, Xu et al., 1994; Arevalo et al., 2004). We believe that
per year. We acknowledge that this is surprisingly low. the social setting and infrastructure to deliver the FAB
However, one has to realize that the median fertile time deter- methods in these countries is very different from that of the
mined by the STM is 13 days a cycle (less days after the first European countries and it is difficult to compare our results
year). The potential fertile time is in fact longer than the directly with these groups. We have therefore only considered
actual physiological fertile time. Therefore, we recognize that studies carried out within the last 25 years within the developed
some of the couples were practising conscious intelligent risk world to compare our results with. There is only a small
taking, i.e. no unprotected intercourse during the few highly number of European effectiveness studies based on cervical
fertile days and intercourse only occurred on days at the secretion as a single indicator method, due to the fact that
margins of the beginning and end of the fertile time that these single indicator methods are not used very frequently in
would be considered to be a relatively low fertile time. The Europe. It is interesting to note that in the WHO five-country
pregnancy rates during the different days of the identified study, the pregnancy rates of the ‘Billings method’ (cervical
fertile time varied a lot according to their interval between secretion ¼ single indicator) was much higher in the two
the day of sexual intercourse and their distance to the estimated industrial countries compared to the developing countries: in
day of ovulation (Gnoth et al., 2003). To summarize, one Ireland with 5.1 pregnancies per 100 women years and 9.4 in
cannot compare the pregnancy rate on possibly fertile days— New Zealand (World Health Organization 1981a,b).
derived from couples who explicitly wanted to avoid a preg- Pregnancy rates can also be biased if the studies include
nancy and therefore practised ‘intelligent risk taking’—with participants who are likely to have very low fertility, for
pregnancy rates derived from intention to get pregnant. example, if they include participants who are fully breast-
In addition, we acknowledge that the pregnancy rates during feeding, or they can be biased downward if they include
the teaching phase which included the first three cycles were
shown to be as low as in the subsequent cycles. We suggest
this may be attributed to the high quality training and supervi-
sion of the local STM teachers as well as the standardized Table VIII. Dropout rates with their SE according to the Kaplan– Meier
analysis, cut at 24 cycles (n ¼ 900 women)
teaching materials (Arbeitsgruppe NFP, 2004).
Our findings suggest that compared to other FAB methods, Ordinal cycle Rate of dropout for Rate of lost to
e.g. the Billings method, the Creighton model or other cervical number dissatisfaction follow-up
secretion methods, a method such as the German STM that uses 1 0.22(0.16) 0.22(0.31)
two indicators of fertility – cervical secretions plus a calculation 3 1.02(0.34) 0.80(0.59)
to identify the onset of the fertile time and basal body tempera- 6 2.4(0.53) 2.47(1.07)
9 4.39(0.74) 3.95(1.39)
ture and cervical secretions observation to determine the end of 12 8.78(1.11) 6.30(1.86)
the fertile time – is an effective and acceptable method of 13 9.20(1.15) 6.73(1.94)
family planning (World Health Organization, 1981a,b and 18 12.18(1.4) 8.57(2.33)
24 16.12(1.74) 10.87(2.92)
1983). In the last two decades, several effectiveness studies
P.Frank-Herrmann et al.

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Figure 4. Quantitative development of the study population over time (the cohorts ‘only’ and ‘mix’ do not sum up to ‘overall’ because of 69
participants who did not report their sexual behaviour, see above).

those cycles from women who are trying to achieve a preg- Acknowledgements
nancy, while excluding all the planned pregnancies from the The authors cordially thank Silvia Heil-Schlehuber, NFP study centre,
unintended pregnancy data. (Hilgers and Stanford, 1998; for her assistance in the follow-up procedures and her valuable
Howard and Stanford, 1999). The Italian STM study had two comments.
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