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Name____________________________________ Date___________________

Directions: Define and use each of the Project Adventure terms in complete sentences. Each definition MUST
be in complete sentences and fully developed thoughts.

1. Carabiner - A carabiner is a specialized type of shackle, a metal loop with a spring-loaded gate used to
quickly and reversibly connect components, most notably in safety-critical systems.
a. The carabiner had to be tightened before the climb.
2. Sheriff - The sheriff is the person that made sure everyone has their helmets on and the helmets on the
ground are right side up.
a. Camila was the sheriff in class.
3. Waist Harness - A waist harness is a harness worn during climbing.
a. I wore a waist harness when climbing the rock wall.
4. Chest Harness -
5. Figure 8 Knot - The figure-eight knot or figure-of-eight knot is a type of stopper knot.
a. The class practiced tying figure 8 knots.
6. Retraceable Figure 8 Knot - The retraceable figure 8 knot is a stronger reinforced version of the figure
8 knot.
a. I tied a retractable figure 8 knot to secure my harness.
7. Double Half Fisherman Knot - The fisherman's knot is a bend with a symmetrical structure consisting
of two overhand knots, each tied around the standing part of the other.
a. I used the double half fisherman knot
8. Primary Belay - A primary belay is a person who regulates the slack of the climbing rope.
a. I was primary belay during Britney’s climb.
9. Secondary Belay - The secondary belay assists the primary belay in belaying.
a. Saoirse was my secondary belay.
10. Anchor - The anchor holds down the primary belay to make sure when lowering the climber they stay
on the ground.
a. Blessing was Saoirse’s anchor.
11. “Critical Eye” -
12. S.T.A.R. Goals -

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