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A17 – pp.

554-570, stop at “Settler Colonies in North America”

Modified Cornell Note structure of notes.


1. Columbian Exchange-
a. The Columbian Exchange was a global exchange of plants, animals, foods,
diseases, and technologies between the Americas and the rest of the world
following Columbus’s voyages. This was all during the colonization of the
Americas: it was also named after Christopher Columbus. Products were
exchanged along with ideas between Native Americans and Europe, that
developed out of the “discovery” of the “new world” by Columbus. Technology
that helped transform European and North American life. Exchanged between
old and new worlds
2. Mercantilism –
a. Mercantilism is an economic system that was used to increase a nation’s wealth
by government regulation of all of the nations commercial interests. Their
economic system stated that the country should establish overseas colonies and
that the colonies exist to benefit the home country. This was a favorable balance
of trade & they were able to sell more than buy. It encouraged colonies to sell
raw materials to home nations and for parent nations to sell finished goods back
to colonies, or other nations, the country’s power depended on its wealth. This
was an economic theory that was practiced in Europe from the 16 th to the 18th
century where the country’s power came solely from its wealth An economic
policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by
obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they
bought .
3. Encomienda and repartimiento –
a. In the Encomienda System Spanish settlers were given control over a community
and were allowed to extract wealth and labor as they saw fit, this led to Blatant
abuses. In Encomienda if you claimed the land, the people on the land belonged
to you, its significance was its inspiration to force labor and slavery. It supports
black legend creating a culture of fear.
b. In the Repartimiento system the second system was under more direct
government supervision, but it was still abusive the repartimiento system
replaced the encomienda system in 1550. Native workers were sent to farms to
work and they were paid in “pin” money They were required to complete a
certain amount of work each year. The significance is that those enslaved by
encomienda system were freed thanks to las casas
4. Hacienda system –
a. This is the third system, the Spaniards built large estates and paid peons’ low
wages to work for them
5. insulares, creoles, and mestizos
a. Peninsulares - Spanish or Portuguese official who resided in Latin America for
political and economic again
b. Creoles- A person of European descent who was born in Latin America and lived
there permanently
c. Mestizos- A person of European and Italian decent
6. Castas
a. Groups of mixed-race individuals based on their percentage of their Spanish,
Indian, and African blood

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