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l§ql{) t llry,qsfu1!§(;l Seec.r¡r(rrrors, l_rcn nr Enr.nor.2017

-3.{. I -2,-.'1-o¿rd Factrtrt f'o r Perrn a nent [_oarls. 7.

Trpe oiLoad. l'oundation l'tp."" ancl Load Factor

\1ethi¡d L,sed to CaIcul¿rtr- [)r¡,,tndr¿i!¡ \'farimum lUinimuln
DC: Component and Attachments .25 0.90
DC. Strength IV onl) .50 0.90
l)11: Dorl ndra-c Piles. cr Tomlinson N{ethod 40 4.25
Piles, i Method 05 0.30
Drilled shafls, O'Neill and Lqese (2010) Method 25 0.35
1)trl': Wearing Surf'aces and Utilities 50 0.65
LÍ{., Horizontal Earth Pressure
a Active 50 0.90
a At-Rest 35 0.90
a AEP for anchored walls 35 N1A
É-1.: Locked-in C-onstructiorr Strcsses
.00 1.00
EV: Yertical Earth Pressure
¡ Overall Stability I.0i) \'\
¡ Retaining Walls and Abutments l.l5 I .()0
. Rigid Buned Structure I .30 0.90
. Rigid Frames 1.35 0.90
o Flexible Buried Structures
o Metal Box culverts, structural Piate culverts w.ith Deep Comrgations, and 1"50 0.90
Fiberglass Culverts 1.30 090
o ThermoplasticCulverts 1.v-) 0.90
o All others
L5: Earth Surchargc I.50 0.7,i

Table -1.4.1-3- Lo¿d Factors for Permanent [-oads Due to Superirnposed Deformations.

Bridge C omponent ts ('R, -t11

Sr-lperstrLlctures Segrnental 1 .1) See 7¡, lirr /lC- 'table l.-1.1-2
( retü SLIh<[rUettLre. )Unf ()11 i n J Seunlcnitil
Superstmctures (see,r. I 2.-+. 3. l l.5 )
C'oncrete Superstructures,non-scgrnental 10 1.0
Substructures supporting non-segmental Superstrucfures
r using L 0.5 0.s
. Llsing leffec¡t,,e 1.0 i.0
Steel SuhstrtLctures 1.0 1.0

I':rble -3.J. l-.1- l-o¿d ['actors for Lire [-oad for serrice III I-oad ( ombinafion, ¡r,r

C-orrporLent '{ tL
Prcstressed concret. c()mponen¡s rlcsigneii usin-t the rcnne.isúr-,oter-,.,r 1.0
time-depentleni i()sses as specilicd in Aniclc ,s.9.5.4 in conjunction rr irh
l&¡U¡¡U¡ggg oirhe elastrc gain
All other prestres;cd concrete componcnrs 0.8

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