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Warriors of Middle-earth, One-page Summary FP is Free People’s player SP is Shadow Armies player v1.

8 2017-04-27
FP The Dead Men of Dunharrow, The Eagles of the Misty Mountains, The Ents of Fangorn. Faction Dice Results Note: Play/Draw only apply to Faction Event decks (and not from base game decks).
SP The Corsairs of Umbar, The Hillmen of Dunland (Dunlendings), The Broods of Shelob (Spiders).
Recruit Recruit Play / Draw Play / Draw Play / Recruit Draw / Recruit

Activate Factions Use a Muster or Recruit result. Dead Men (2 figures to Erech, Strider/Aragorn must
be in or adjacent to Erech; including across mountains), Eagles (2 figures to Eagles’ Eyrie, Gandalf the FP Die
White is in play, or Fellowship last known position is not Rivendell), Ents (2 figures to Fangorn,
Saruman must be in play and a Companion in Fangorn), Corsairs (2 figures to Umbar, Southrons & SP Die
Easterlings “At War”), Dunlendings (4 figures, 2 to each Dunland region if free, Saruman must be in Recruit Recruit / Play / Draw Eye of Sauron Play / Draw Play / Recruit Draw / Recruit

play), Spiders (2 figures, 1 to Dol Guldur and 1 to Minas Morgul, if Fellowships last known position is ● All FP Faction movement is by Faction Event cards only. SP Faction movement is by Faction Event
not Rivendell). Remove Faction die if no Faction in play at start of turn. cards and also these figures can be moved along with a Shadow Army in the same region.
Recruit Factions Use a Recruit result. Dead Men (1 figure to Army of Dead location), Eagles (1 figure ● Regular Army units can always move into or through regions containing Faction figures alone.
to Eagles’ Eyrie), Ents (1 figure to Fangorn, or Old Forest if activated by Father of Trees), Corsairs (1 ● All FP/SP Faction attacks are only ever initiated by Faction Event cards for that Faction, but Factions
figure to Umbar, even if under siege), Dunlendings (2 figures, 1 to each Dunland region, but only can also be involved in battles by the use of Call to Battle cards played during combat rounds.
those that are free), Spiders (2 figures, 1 to Dol Guldur and 1 to Minas Morgul, even if conquered). Call to Battle cards Use instead of Combat Cards if conditions are met. ● Events that prevent Combat
Faction elimination Remove all of that Faction immediately. An eliminated Faction can never come cards (e.g. Swarm of Bats) also prevent Call to Battle cards. ● The Witch-King’s Sorcerer ability does
back into play. Dead Men (if all Dead Men are eliminated, or if Strider/Aragorn leaves the Dead Men), not apply to Call to Battle cards. ● Can reuse Call to Battle cards every round.
Eagles (if no Eagles are on the board at any time), Ents (if no Ents are in Fangorn or if no Companions Dead Men Call to Battle if a Dead Men is in same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army.
are in Fangorn at any time), Corsairs (if Umbar is conquered), Dunlendings (if no Dunlendings are on 2 The King of the Dead Eliminate 1 Dead Men. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4.
the board at any time), Spiders (if no Spiders are on the board at any time). 8 The Terror of the Dead At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Dead Men to end the battle.
Eagles Call to Battle if an Eagle is within 4 regions of the defending Army (ignore impassable regions).
Move Faction figures FP Factions never move with Army units. All SP Factions may move with Army 1 Out of the High Airs Move 1+ in range to defender. Eliminate 1 Eagle to cancel all Nazgûl Leadership.
units. Dunlendings/Spiders may advance, but must retreat, and are eliminated if that Army is 7 Speeding on a Gathering Wind Move 1+ in range to defender. After, 1 die/Eagle. 1=kill Eagle. 6=1 hit.
eliminated. Corsairs may advance, and may retreat (i.e. retreat is optional), but only to Allowed Ents Call to Battle if an Ent is in same region as, or adjacent to, the defending Army.
regions (any coastal, any Gondor except Erech, plus Osgiliath). Note: Faction figures do not give 2 With Doom We Come Eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood. Pre-Combat, roll an additional attack 3@4.
control of a region to a player, and do not affect the Political Track (can cross borders without effect). 8 The Forest is Rising At end of this round, you may eliminate 1 Ent from the Entwood to end the battle.
Move Move into or through Retreat with Advance with Eliminated Stacking Corsairs Call to Battle if a Corsair in same region as the Shadow Army (and not under siege).
with Army? Enemy Army? Army? Army? with Army? Limit 7 Bourne up on the Wind After casualties, eliminate 1 Corsair, bring 2 Army units from adjacent regions.
Dead Men No No No No No No limit . 8 The Last Stroke of Doom Only if Shadow + Corsairs are besieging. Eliminate 1 Corsair to extend siege.
Eagles No Yes No No No No limit Dunlendings Call to Battle if a Dunlending is in same region as the Shadow Army (and not under siege).
Ents No No No No No No limit . ● If Armed by Saruman and a Dunlending Call to Battle is used ► +1 Combat Strength per Dunlending.
Corsairs Yes Only if alone Optional Optional No 5 6 Fierce Folk Before removing casualties, may eliminate 1+ Dunlending and cancel 1 hit for each.
Dunlendings Yes No Must Optional Yes 3.. . . 2 Old Hatred Pre-Combat, roll 1 die/Dunlending. 1=kill 1 Dunlending. 6=1 hit.
Spiders Yes No Must Optional Yes No limit or as Army units Spiders Call to Battle if a Spider is in same region as the Shadow Army (including if under siege).
● Spiders have no stacking limit unless Huge and Horrible in play (stack like normal Army units if so). ● If Huge and Horrible and a Spider Call to Battle is used ► +1 Combat Strength per Spider.
● Eagles have no movement restrictions. Only Eagles and Nazgûl can cross impassable borders. 7 Webs of Shadow After Leader re-roll, if you hit more (incl pre-combat hits), eliminate 1 Spider  1 hit.
● Moving Corsairs can move up to 4 regions anywhere within their Allowed regions (any coastal, 2 Hideous Speed Pre-Combat, roll 1 die/Spider. 1-2=kill 1 Spider. 5-6=kill 1 FP Leader/Level 1 Companion.
any Gondor except Erech, and Osgiliath), including moving through or stopping at regions containing C Armed by Saruman [on table, if Isengard At War]. Dunlendings with the FSP are Shadow Army units only for Hunt.
Free Peoples Armies. Shadow Army +1 Combat Strength only if Dunlendings Call to Battle used, plus can take as casualties for Ents attacks.
● Transporting Corsairs (using Ships of Great Draught) may a) carry up to 2 Armies up to 4 regions A Huge and Horrible [on table, if Sauron At War]. Spiders with the FSP are Shadow Army units only for Hunt. Shadow
each, or b) carry 1 Army up to 2 regions and attack an adjacent region (may merge with Shadow Army Army +1 Combat Strength only if Spiders Call to Battle used.
FP can force “Armed by Saruman” or “Huge and Horrible” to be discarded by using a Will of the West Action Die result.
there before attacking). When transporting, each Corsairs figure may carry up to 2 normal Army units
and unlimited Minions/Nazgûl. FAQ Swift Boats (when a card moved Fellowship, die does not go into Hunt Box), Strongly Guarded (note that this
● Dead Men always move as a single group, and Strider/Aragorn must always be with them. affects Factions, not Army units, and also any Shadow controlled Stronghold, so includes any conquered Free
Strongholds, not just Shadow Strongholds!), Not on Anybody’s Side (does not affect Dead Men). Corsairs may not
● Dunlendings can enter/move through empty unconquered FP Town / City, but not Strongholds.
pass impassable borders, so may not enter North Ered Luin due to impassable border Forlindon / North Ered Luin).
● Spiders cannot enter/move through empty unconquered FP Town / City / Strongholds. War of the Ring Guild and online games / tournaments: https://boardgamegeek.com/guild/1733

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