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Esme Anggeriyane, Ns., M. Kep

Learning Outcome
1. Students are able to memorize the
vocabularies ofHospital
2. Students are able to describe what
different hospital departments/wards do.
3. Students are able to speak by confident
 Ward : Ruangan
 Surgical ward : R. Bedah
 Medical ward : R. Penyakit Dalam
 Maternity ward : R. Nifas
 Pulmonology ward : R. Paru
 Orthopedic ward : R. Bedah tulang
 Gynecological ward : R. Kandungan
 Geriatric ward : R. Lansia
 Pediatric ward : R. Anak
 Perinatology ward : R. Bayi
 Dermatologic ward : R. Kulit
 E. N. T ward : R. THT
 Long stay ward : R. Rawat inap
 Delivery Room : R. Bersalin/ VK
 Recovery Room : R. Pemulihan
 Emergency Room : IGD
 Anesthetic Room : R. Pembiusan
 Admission Room : R. Pendaftaran
 Antenatal Clinic : Klinik ANC
 Post natal Clinic : Klinik Post natal
 Body Death Room : Kamar Jenazah
 Psychiatric Unit : Unit kejiwaan
 Intensive care unit : Unit perawatan intensif
 Infectious Disease Unit: Unit penyakit
 Cardio Vascular Care Unit/ ICCU:
 Operating Theater : Kamar operasi
 Dispensary/ Pharmacy : Apotek
 Laboratory : Laboratorium
 Doctor’s Longue : R. Istirahat dokter
 Midwife’s Longue : R. Istirahat bidan
 Nurse’s Longue :R. Istirahat perawat
 Information Center : Pusat informasi
 Nurse Station : R. kerja perawat
 Dentistry Clinic : K. Gigi
 Pediatric Clinic : K. Anak
 Obstetric Clinic : K. Kandungan
 Surgical Clinic : K. Bedah
 E.N.T Clinic : K. THT
 Out patient clinic : Klinik rawat jalan
 Nursing Home : Panti jompo
 Laundry Department : I. Laundri
 Nutrient Department : I. Gizi
 Out patient Department : IRJA
 Long Stay Department : IRNA
 Occupational Therapy Department:
 Physiotherapy Department:
 X-ray department :
 Central Sterile Supply Department:
Task 1
 Tell your friends what department you
would like to work in! Why? And which
one would you not like to work in?
 You may choose one of the hospital
departments above!
Next Meeting
1. Preposition of movement.
2. Describing where things are.

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