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The American Association of Pelroleum Geologists Bulletin

V. 64, No. 6 (June 1980) P. 916-926, 13 Figs.. 4 Tables

Time and Temperature in Petroieum Formation: Application of

Lopatin's iMethod to Petroieum Exploration^

AlMtract N. V. Lopatin in the Soviet Union has devel- conditions under which hydrocarbons could be
oped a method for taking t)oth time and temperature generated and preserved.
into account as factors in thermal maturation of kero-
gen. Lopatin's time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) CONSTRUCTION OF GEOLOGIC MODEL
values correlate with the thermal regimes correspond-
ing to generation and preservation of hydrocarbons. Implementation of Lopatin's method begins
Because such information Is potentially of great Inter- with a reconstruction of the depositional and tec-
est for oil exploration, a calibration and evaluation have
tjeen made of Lopatin's method. Within the limitations tonic history of the geologic section of interest.
of the data presently available the following statements This is best accomplished by plotting depth of
can be made: burial versus geologic age, as shown in the hypo-
1. The rate of the chemical reactions involved in thetical example in Figure 1. It should be remem-
thermal maturation of organic material appears to dou- bered that such reconstructions are not geologic
ble with every I C C (18°F) rise In temperature.
2. Threshold values of Lopatin's time-temperature cross-sections. In the example in Figure 1 a Low-
index of maturity (TTI) are: er Cretaceous sediment was deposited 125 m.y.
B.P. at the sedimentary surface (depth = 0).
15 Onset of oil generation Since its deposition the sediment has had the
75 Peak oil generation time-depth history shown by the sohd line in Fig-
160 End oil generation
~500 40° oil preservation deadline
ure 1, moving from left to right. Its history con-
~ 1,000 50° oil preservation deadline sisted of continual deposition at varying rates un-
~ 1,500 Wet gas preservation deadline til 80 m.y.B.P., at which time a brief (2 m.y.)
>65,000 Dry gas preservation deadline uplift occurred in which the sediment was raised
from a depth of 7,000 ft (2,134 m) to 6,000 ft
3. TTI values calculated from Lopatin reconstruc- (1,829 m). UpUft was followed by renewed subsi-
tions consistently agree with other maturation parame- dence until a depositional hiatus was reached at
ters commonly used by petroleum geochemlsts. 20 m.y.B.P. The hiatus persisted until 6 m.y.B.P.,
Potential applications of Lopatin's method for oil ex- when subsidence commenced again. The sedi-
ploration include timing of oil generation, calculation of
volume of hydrocarbons generated within a basin, and ment is at present (time = 0 m.y.B.P.) at a depth
determination of economic deadlines. of 10,500 ft (3,200 m). The line in Figure 1 thus
It has been generally established in recent years
that both time and temperature are important (g)Copyriglit 1980. The American Association of Petroleum Geologists. All
rights reserved.
factors in the process of oil generation and in the A APG grants permission for a single photocopy of this article for research
subsequent cracking of oil to methane. In 1971, purposes. Other photocopying not allowed hy the 1978 Copyright Law is
N. V. Lopatin in the Soviet Union published a prohibited. For more than one photocopy of this article, users should send
paper which described a simple method by which request, article identification number (see below), and $3.00 per copy to
Copyright Clearance Center, I n c . 21 Congress St., Salem, MA. 01970.
the effects of both time and temperature could be
considered in calculating the thermal maturity of
organic material in sediments. He developed a
"time-temperature index" of maturity (TTI) to • Manuscript received, July 13, 1979; accepted, November 5,
quantify lus method. 1979.
2Chevron Oil Field Research Co., La Habra, California
Lopatin's original work was greeted with some 90631. Present address: Department of Chemistry and
enthusiasm and much criticism. Some of the Geochemistry, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado
problems which surfaced could be attributed to 80401.
1 thank Chevron Oil Field Research Co. for support of this
the poor quality of the data with which Lopatin work and for permission to publish the findings. Among the
originally calibrated his model (Neruchev and many geologists who helped in the development of the methods
Parparova, 1972; Golitsyn, 1973; Karpov et al, I particularly thank Boone Warner, Jack Nelson, and Ed DeFeu
1975). Despite these technical details, Lopatin's of Chevron U.S.A., Denver, and Don Kushnir, Dean Bamum,
basic idea has merit. It was therefore decided to Denny Jizba, and Bob Jones of COFRC for stimulating
discussions and many new ideas. Tom Edison and Dave Baskin
attempt to coordinate Lopatin's method with performed the TAI analyses.
other parameters which relate to oil generation to Article Identification Nundber
devise a model which could predict the thermal 0149-1423/80/B006-0005$03.00/0

Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation 917

FIG. 1—Depositional and tectonic history of a Lower FIG. 2—Depositional and tectonic history of several
Cretaceous sediment. sedimentary horizons.

FIG. 3—Complex subsurface temperature grid. FIG. 4—Illustration of section thinning by erosion.

traces the depth-time relation for the sediment. must be specified for every depth throughout the
Any shallower strata, such as those shown in Fig- geologic past. The simplest way to do this is to
ure 2, will have depth-time lines subparallel with compute the present-day geothermal gradient and
the first line, commencing with their deposition. assume that both the gradient and the surface
A set of these lines, as in Figure 2, forms temperature have been constant throughout the
Lopatin's geologic reconstruction. Except in cer- time interval covered by the reconstruction;
tain situations (to be dealt with later in the sec- therefore, the temperature grid is simply a series
tion entitled "Special Cases") the depth-time line of equally spaced lines of constant depth. A 10°C
segments for the various horizons will always be spacing is convenient.
parallel. Figure 3 shows a more comphcated situation,
The geologic reconstruction is based on the in which there is a break in the present-day geo-
best information available. Some reconstructions thermal gradient. The upper part of the section,
will be easy to make with a high level of confi- which is mainly sand, has a low gradient, but the
dence, particularly where deposition has been lower shaly part has a high gradient. If it is as-
continuous. For sediments which have had com- sumed that the geothermal gradient is related to
plex histories, however, the reconstruction may lithology, the geothermal gradient prior to 88 m.y.
represent only a best guess. B.P. must have been high for the entire section,
The second aspect of the geologic model is the for only shales were present. The low gradient
temperature grid. The subsurface temperature came into existence after 88 m.y.B.P., when depo-
918 Douglas W. Waples

sition of sand began. The isotherms (dashed lines) Table 1. Temperature Factors
in Figure 3 thus represent the subsurface temper- for Different Temperature Intervals
atures as a function of geologic time.
There is no theoretical limit to the complexity
which can be introduced into the temperature his- Temperature Index Temperature
tory of a section. However, most data necessary Interval Value Factor
for a highly sophisticated temperature reconstruc- (°C) n 7
tion wiU simply not be available.
Lopatin's method can be applied to any geo- _-7
30- 40 -7
logic model, regardless of the model's crudeness _-6
or complexity. A well thought out, detailed recon- 40- 50 -6
struction will obviously yield more rehable results 50- 60 -5
than one which is based largely on guesswork. 60- 70 -4
These hmitations should be borne in mind in any 70- 80 -3 ^-3

subsequent interpretation of Lopatin data. How- 80- 90 -2 -2

ever, even a very crude or approximate model 90-100 -1 J.-1

may be able to answer important questions about 100-110 0

hydrocarbon generation or preservation.
110-120 1
130-140 3
Although many geologic models can be con- _4
structed in a strai^tforward manner, there are 140-150 4
some situations in which caution is advisable, or 150-160 5
where special techniques are necessary. When .. ..' m ,m
uplift and erosion occur, some section is lost.
TTius although the horizon Unes remain parallel ' Data not available.
after such an event, the distance between them
will be reduced, as illustrated in Figure 4. dence of maturity oil temperature. He assumed
Another problem can arise when the section that the rate of maturation increased by a factor r
under examination is cut by a fault. Such sections for every 10°C rise in reaction temperature. Thus
above and below the fault may have had different for any temperature interval the temperature fac-
thermal histories. It is thus necessary to make two tor y = r°, where n is the appropriate index value
different geologic reconstructions for the two dif- given in Table 1.
ferent sides of the fault and combine them to ob- For his time factor Lopatin used the length Of
tain the complete reconstruction for the section. time (in m.y.) that the sediment spent in each
temperature interval. The maturity added in any
THEORY OF LOPATIN'S METHOD temperature interval i is given by AMaturityi =
Lopatin and many others believe that two fac- (ATi)(r"i), where ATi is the length of time spent by
tors, time and temperature, are important in oil the sediment in the temperature interval i. Be-
generation and destruction. These two factors are cause maturation effects on the organic material
interchangeable: a high temperature acting for a are additive, the total maturity (or TTI) of a given
short time can have the same maturation effect as sediment is given by the sum of the maturities
a low temperature acting over a long time. Lopa- acquired in each interval. Thiis
tin assumed that the dependence of maturity on nmax
time is linear—doubling the cooking time at a
constant temperature doubles the maturity.
Chemical reaction rate theory predicts that the nmin
temperature dependence of maturity will be expo- where nmax and nmin are the n-values of the
nential. To take into account this relation be- highest and lowest temperature intervals encoun-
tween reaction rate and temperature, Lopatin di- tered. If Lopatin's idea is correct, the TTI value
vided the temperature profile into ICC intervals should correlate with data obtained using other
and drew the isotherms, as in Figure 3. methods for evaluating the thermal maturity of
He then chose the 100 to 110°C interval as the organic material.
base interval and assigned to it an index value of The present work attempted first to choose a
n = 0. The other intervals were assigned index value for r, and second to estabhsh a correlation
values as shown in Table 1. Lopatin then defined between TTI and vitrinite reflectance and ther-
a y factor, which reflects the exponential depen- mal alteration index (TAI) measurements.
Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation 919

Table 2. Interconveision of Thermal Alteration between measured and calculated maturities are
Index (TAl) and Vitrinite Reflectance Values (Rg) f>oor at the extreme values of r, but are generally
good for values of r between 1.6 and 2.5. The plot
TAI TAl of TTI versus Ro for r = 2 is shown in Figure 5.
Ro Ro
There is significant scatter in the data, prob-
ably due to two main factors: error in TAI or Ro
0.30 2.0 1.26 3.15 measurements, and error in the geologic models
0.34 2.1 1.30 3.2 used. Because of the large number of samples,
0.38 2.2 1.33 3.25 however, the average TTI-Ro line (as shown in
0.40 2.25 1.36 3.3 Fig. 5) is probably satisfactory.
0.42 2.3 1.39 3.35
As there was no strong evidence indicating a
0.44 2.35 1.42 3.4
0.46 2.4 1.46 3.45
better choice for r, a value of 2 (representing dou-
0.48 2.45 1.50 3.5 bling of the reaction rate with every 10°C temper-
0.50 2.5 1.62 3.55 ature rise) was selected. All further discussions in
0.55 2.55 1.75 3.6 this paper assume that r = 2.
0.60 2.6 1.87 3.65
0.65 2.65 2.0 3.7
0.70 2.7 2.25 3.75
0.77 2.75 2.5 3.8 00,000:
0.85 2.8 2.75 3.85 •\ •
0.93 2.85 3.0 3.9
1.00 2.9 3.25 3.95 \
1.07 2.95 3.5 4.0 L •
1.15 3.0 4.0 4.0 10,000: \ *,
1.19 3.05 4.5 4.0
1.22 3.1 5.0 4.0 T«
• \ •*
i •»

\ •
The Arrhenius equation states that the rates of .•\»o
chemical reactions approximately double for ev-
ery 10°C rise in temperature. Lopatin himself ac-
cepted this rule, and thus selected 2 for r. Other
workers, however, have disputed this choice (Ner-
uchev and Parparova, 1972; Golitsyn, 1973). Be- "
cause of the complexity of the chemical reactions
actually involved and the broad temperature

. isJ
ranges over which these reactions occur, it is not
possible to make a sound theoretical prediction
10: wR
about the best value for r. It was therefore decid-
^ 'vB*
ed to try to evaluate r empirically by looking at a " Sua •
large quantity of TAI and vitrinite reflectance •^
(Ro) data and choosing the r value which gave the *%/•
1: ••
best correlation between calculated and measured • •
maturities. %ti •
Thermal maturity data for 402 samples from 31 ~ »•
- •• 1
worldwide wells were tabulated. The sediments -
sampled ranged in age from early Paleozoic to •t
Quaternary, and thus represent a broad time in- 1• •1
terval. Maturities were measured by either TAI or - ••«•>
Ro. To compare TTI values with a single maturity «
parameter, TAI values were converted to their Ro •
equivalent according to the scale in Table 2. The
range of reflectance values of the samples is M i l 1 1 1—1 i i i i i r f 1—1 1
about 0.4 to 6.
To test empirically for the most appropriate
value of r, TTI was plotted versus Ro for various FIG. 5—^Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) ver-
values of r, ranging from 1.0 to 10.0. Correlations sus vitrinite reflectance (Ro) for r = 2.
920 Douglas W. Waples

Table 3. Calculation of Present TTI Values for Geologic Model (Fig. 6)

Temp. Interval A Time* Interval Total

r" (m.y.) TTI TTI
Horizon A
20- 30 2' 15 0.06 0.06
30- 40 5 0.04 0.10
40- 50
T" 5 0.08 0.18
50- 60 T' 10 0.31 0.49
60- 70 3.5 0.22 0.71
70- 80
r" (3.5+6.5) 1.25 1.96
80- 90
r^ (4.5+37.5) 10.5 12.5
r= 10.5 5.3 17.8
1 24 24.0 41.8

Horizon B
20- 30
30- 40
r« 3.5
40- 50
T' (5 + 38) 0.67 0.73
50- 60 T' 12.5 0.39 1.12
60- 70 T" 24.5 1.53 2.65

Horizon C
20- 30 T" 10.5 0.17 0.17
30- 40 f 29.5 0.22 0.39

* AT for a particular interval is merely the age at which the sediment enters that interval, minus the age at which
it enters the next interval.

CALCULATION OF TTI calculated from our geologic models. Results of

The principles involved in calculating TTI val- *«se correlations, which are based on the previ-
ues have been explained in the foregoing; here we «"sly mentioned statistical analysis of 402 sam-
shall go t h r o u ^ a specific example. Figure 6 ples from 31 worldwide reconstructions, are given
shows a geologic model having three sediment ' ° Table 4. ^ , ^ ,^^^
horizons (A, B, and C) and a moderately complex Table 5 shows R<« TAI and TTI values for sev-
temperature grid. The calculation for each hori- eral important stages of o J generation and preser-
zon is given in Table 3. Computer calculation of ^^tion. The boundanes of the oil generation win-
TTI values is feasible. dow are very similar to those proposed by Dow
It is also possible to calculate the TTI value at (1^77) and many others. The oil preservation lim-
any time in the past in the same way. Suppose we
are interested in the TTI value of horizon A 60 •fin tAr\ i?n inn
nn t^rt Aft ?n n

m.y. ago (represented by point P in Fig. 6). The

calculations are carried out in a manner analo- >"•=
gous to that done previously but stop 60 m.y.B.P. «<>••:
instead of at the present. The calculated TTI ="•'
value for point P in Figure 6 is 5.9. «"=
ecc -
Lopatin (1971) originally proposed that definite so-c
TTI values correspond to the different stages in ,oo^;.
the process of oil generation. The specific values „^,,
that he chose, however, appear to be incorrect
because of errors in his original geologic recon-
struction. A new scale of TTI versus vitrinite re-
flectance (Ro) has therefore been constructed by
comparing measured Ro values with TTI values FIG. 6—Geologic model for horizons A, B, and C.
Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation 921

its are based upon unpubUshed Chevron data. representing a variety of ages and Uthologies. The
These correlations effectively define the TTI correlations of TTI with TAI, vitrinite reflec-
range in which oil generation occurs (15 to 160); tance, bitumen/organic carbon ratio (Bit/Corg),
the highest TTI values at which oils of 40 and 50° carbon preference index (CPI), kerogen hydro-
API will be preserved (approximately 500 and gen/carbon (H/C) ratio, percent expandable
1,000, respectively); and the highest TTI values at clays, and gravity (API) are presented graphically
which wet gas can be preserved (1,500). Dry gas is in Figures 7 through 11. Results from each of
produced in the Union of California 1-33 Bruner, these relations lead to the same conclusion: TTI
Beckham County, Oklahoma, from a horizon is a valid measure of thermal maturity of organic
having a TTI of about 65,000, but it has not yet material.
been established that this is the maximum possi-
ble TTI at which methane is still stable. Bltmneii/Orgaiiic Carbon Ratios
CORRELATION OF TU WITH OTHER It is generally accepted among organic geo-
GEOCHEMICAL DATA chemists that Bit/Corg ratios should show an in-
crease within the oil-generation window. In actual
Calculated TTI values were compared with practice, however, Siis increase is not always
measured data from many worldwide samples clearly visible, because such factors as migration
and kerogen type may strongly affect the bitumen
Table 4. Correlation of Time-Temperature Index content. When a large number of samples is ana-
of Maturity (TTI) with Vitrinite Reflectance (RQ) lyzed statistically, however, a maximum in the av-
erage Bit/Corg ratio should be visible within the
TTI TTI generative window.
Ro Ro
Figure 7 shows a plot of TTI versus Bit/Corg
where each point represents the average of up to
0.30 <1 1.36 180 46 individual pieces of data. A visible maximum
0.40 <1 1.39 200 where the ratio is about two times that of the
0.50 3 1.46 260 baseUne is apparent between TTI = 25 and TTI
0.55 7 1.50 300 = 200. This region corresponds rather well to the
0.60 10 1.62 370 oil generative window (TTI = 15 to 160) as de-
0.65 15 1.75 500
0.70 20
termined from TAI and Ro data.
1.87 650
0.77 30 2.00 900
0.85 40 2.25 1,600 Carbon Preference Index
0.93 56 2.50 2,700 It is generally accepted that CPI values de-
1.00 75 2.75 4,000 crease with increasing thermal maturity. The data
1.07 92 3.00 6,000 in Figure 8 bear out the truth of that statement.
1.15 110 3.25 9,000
1.19 120 3.50 12,000
CPI values for immature samples range from low
1.22 130 4.00 23,000 to very high, but among the more mature samples
1.26 140 4.50 42,000 very high values are conspicuously absent. The
1.30 160 5.00 85,000 maximum CPI value possible for a given TTI
value decreases as TTI increases, as shown by the

Table 5. Correlation of TTI with Important Stages of Oil Generation and Preservation


Onset of oil generation 15 0.65 2.65

Peak oil generation 75 1.00 2.9
End of oil generation 160 1.30 3.2
Upper TTI limit for occurrence of oil
with API gravity <40° -500 1.75 3.6
Upper TTI limit for occurrence of oil
with API gravity <50° -1,000 2.0 3.7
Upper TTI limit for occurrence of wet gas -1,500 2.2 3.75
Last known occurrence of dry gas 65,000 4.8 >4.0
Liquid sulfur in Lone Star Baden 1
(below dry gas limit) 972,000 >5.0 >4.0
922 Douglas W. Waples

I.OOO.OOOn Kerogen H/C Ratios

(7) Figure 9 shows a plot of TTI versus average
kerogen H / C ratios, with each point representing
up to 49 individual samples. Again TTI directly
reflects thermal maturity, for the average H / C
100,000- ratios decrease with increasing TTI values.

(61 Percent Expandable Clays

Although the transformation of montmorillon-
ite (expandable clay) to illite (nonexpandable
clay) has often been thought to be associated with
a definite subsurface temperature, the M ^ I
transformation may actually be a kinetically con-
• (32)
trolled process. It therefore should be possible to
apply Lopatin's method to clay transformations
in the same manner in which it is applied to cata-
1,000 genesis of organic material.

TTI 100,000:






(25) 100:


FIG. 7—Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) ver-
sus ratio of bitumen/organic carbon (Bit/Corg)-

envelope Une in Figure 8. According to these

data, bitumens associated with kerogens within
the oil generative window can have CPI values of
up to 1.75 (at TTI = 15) or 1.2 (at TTI = 160).
TTius although a decrease in maximum CPI corre-
lates with oil generation, the actual CPI's of new-
ly generated bitumens do not necessarily reach
tike low values normally found in crude oils (CPI
< I . l ) , indicating that thermal maturity is only CPI
one of the possible factors which can strongly in-
fluence n-paraffin distributions (Tissot et al, FIG. 8—Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) ver-
1977). sus carbon preference index (CPI).
Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation 923

ted versus oil gravity in Figure 11. Most oUs, in-

cluding all those of low gravity « 3 0 ° API), show
TTI values of <160; that is, these oils are found
within or structurally above the oil generation
window. A few of the lighter oils (API gravity
>40°) were recovered from horizons having TTI
values >160; that is, from reservoirs which have
been subjected to additional thermal maturation






— I 1 '—I 1 "-1 1 1

0 .2 .4 .6 JB 1.0 1.2 1.4 1,000:

FIG. 9—Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) ver-

sus kerogen hydrogen/carbon ratios (H/C).

To this end a plot was made of TTI versus per- 100:

cent expandable clay layers (Fig. 10). There is a
strong correlation between the maximum percent
expandable layers and the TTI, as shown by the
solid line. Samples lying significantly left of the
line in the thermally immature region probably
represent material which contained less than
l()b% expandable layers when it was originally
About 50% of the interlayer water has already
been lost from between the layers before the on-
set of oil generation, and another 25% prior to
peak oil generation. The quantity of expelled in-
terlayer water available for transport of newly
generated oil is therefore much smaller (except
perhaps in supemormally pressured regimes) than
some workers have estimated. This observation
should be important in future studies of the -I r
mechanism of primary migration. 40 60
API Gravity of Oils LAYERS

API gravity data were available for 57 world- FIG. 10—Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI)
wide oils from reconstructed sections. TTI is plot- versus % expandable layers in mixed-layer clays.
924 Douglas W. Waples

gas is produced from the Union of California 1-

33 Bruner well in Beckham County, Oklahoma, at
a TTI of about 65,000. The Lone Star 1 Baden
well in Washita County, Oklahoma, struck liquid
sulfur at a TTI of 972,000, indicating that the dry
gas deadUne probably lies at a TTI value between
65,000 and 972,000. It is interesting that the Socal
1 James dry gas discovery in Wlieeler County,
Texas, the world's deepest producer at 22,918 to
23,938 ft (6,985 to 7,296 m), is at a TTI of only


TTI values obtained by application of
Lopatin's method can be useful in several ways
for oil exploration. If we are concerned with how
deep we can expect to find preserved accumula-
tions of oil, wet gas, or dry gas, we need only
calculate the present-day TTI values of the sus-
pected reservoirs and find the TTI regime into
which they fall. For example, suppose it is expect-
ed that a certain reservoir rock will be encoun-
tered at 12,000 ft (3,758 m) in a proposed well.
Can oil or gas be expected, and if oil, of what
Suppose that we calculate a TTI of 1,2(X) for
the reservoir formation. This means that the res-
ervoir has a higher TTI value than that at which a
FIG. 11—Time-temperature index of maturity (TTI) 50° oil can be preserved (1,000 from Table 5). We
versus oil gravity (API). would predict from the TTI calibrations that the
reservoir lies beond the oil deadUne, and could
after oil generation. Because oil gravity is general- therefore contain only wet or dry gas. As stated
ly conceded to be at least in part related to ther- previously, the confidence level of this interpreta-
mal maturity, it is significant that low-gravity tion would depend upon the quaUty of the geo-
(immature) oils are not found associated with logic model.
liigh TTI values. A second way in which TTI values can assist in
From these limited data it is possible to esti- oil exploration is in answering the question of
mate tentative "deadlines" for the preservation of
oils of a certain API gravity. The solid line in
Figure 11 approximately indicates the upper TTI
value at which a given gravity of oil can be pre-
served. Thus the maximum TTI value for finding
a 40° oil would be about 500, and for a 50° oil,
about 1,0(X). These numbers should, however, be
viewed cautiously as merely the best extrapola-
tions possible at present on the basis of our limit-
ed data.

Natural Gas
Data from 36 natural gas localities were avail-
able. Although the data are too sparse to allow an PRESENT-DAY TTI OF
accurate calculation of the maximum TTI value CONTOUR OF ONSET OF
at which wet gas ( > 5 % C2+) can be preserved, a OIL GENERATION

TTI value of about 1,500 might be a reasonable

estimate for the wet-gas deadline.
The dry-gas deadline (below which methane
will not be found) could not be exactly de- FIG, 12—Present-day TTI values of organically rich
termined, but appears to he at TTI >65,0(X). Dry shale in hypothetical basin.
Time and Temperature in Petroleum Formation 925


FIG. 13—Iso-TTI lines on geologic model.

whether or not the thermal maturity necessary for tion throughout the geologic past. The shaded re-
hydrocarbon generation has occurred in a region. gion in Figure 13 indicates the generative
For example, an organically rich shale has been window. Let us suppose that one particular for-
found in a basin, and we want to know whether mation, indicated as "Oil Source Rock" in Figure
this shale has reached thermal maturity. By mak- 13, is the only plausible oil source rock (OSR) for
ing time-depth reconstructions for several points this region. We can determine when in the geo-
in the basin, we can calculate present TTI values logic past the OSR generated oil by inspection of
for the shale at these points, as shown in the hy- Figure 13. The OSR entered the generative win-
pothetical example in Figure 12. By contouring dow 181 m.y.B.P. and ceased generating 120 m.y.
the TTI values we can get an idea of the areal B.P. The region in which the time-depth con(fi-
extent of rich shale which has entered the genera- tions are appropriate for oil generation in the
tive window. In the example in Figure 12 the gen- OSR is shown in Figure 13 in black. As we now
erative area (within the TTI = 15 contours) rep- know the time span during which oil generation
resents only a small part of the total basin; hence occurred (from 181 to 120 m.y.B.P.), we can begin
only a small fraction of the rich shale could have to answer important questions about the timing
begun to generate oil. Thus the exploration risk in of oil generation and trap formation. Suppose
prospects adjacent to this basin would be consid- that the only structural traps in the region were
erably higher than if the whole basin had akeady created during the uplift lasting from 100 to 90
reached tiiermal maturity. m.y.B.P. Because trap formation occurred at least
A third appUcation of TTI data in exploration 20 m.y. subsequent to the end of oil generation,
is in answering questions about timing of genera- the probability is low that this oil could have been
tion. Figure 13 shows a geologic model in which captured by these local traps. It is more likely that
TTI values of 15 and 160 have been located on by the time these traps were formed the oil had
each of several horizons. If we contour iso-TTI already migrated out of the region because there
values on this model we have two lines which del- was no barrier to its movement.
imit the oil-generative window for the entire sec- This Ust of potential applications of Lopatin's
926 Douglas W. Waples

method is doubtless incomplete, for the method is the more obvious possibilities are quantitative ba-
very versatile. Creative geologists will certainly sin analysis, comparison of timing of oil genera-
discover new ways to use TTI data to answer spe- tion with trap formation, and determination of
cific questions important in their own particular economic basement. Further applications will un-
exploration areas. doubtedly be discovered by exploration geologists
as Lopatin's method begins to be employed rou-
This study has verified that the maturation of
organic material in sediments depends upon both
time and temperature. There is good correlation REFERENCES CITED
between calculated TTI values and measured Dow, W. G., 1977, Kerogen studies and geological in-
geochemical-maturity parameters. A scale corre- terpretations: Jour. Geochem. Exploration, v. 7, p.
lating TTI values with TAI and Ro data has been 79-99.
constructed. Golitsyn, M. V., 1973, The duration of the process of
TTI values corresponding to the oil generative coal metamorphism (in Russian): Akad. Nauk SSSR
region have been determined. Using these TTI Izv. Ser. Geol., no. 8, p. 90-97.
values it is possible to predict wheSier a given Karpov, P. A., et al, 1975, Quantitative evaluation of
temperature and geologic time as factors in the coali-
sediment has reached thermal maturity and, if so, fication of dispersed coaly remains and the possibility
at what time in the geologic past. of its application to petroleum geology (in Russian):
TTI values corresponding to deadlines for pres- Akad. Nauk SSSR Izv. Ser. Geol., no. 3, p. 103-113.
ervation of various kinds of hydrocarbon deposits Lopatin, N. V., 1971, Temperature and geologic time as
have also been determined. These TTI values ef- factors in coalification (in Russian): Akad. Nauk
fectively delimit the depth limits in each area at SSSR Izv. Ser. Geol., no. 3, p. 95-106.
which oil, wet gas, and dry gas can be expected. Neruchev, S. G., and G. M. Parparova, 1972, The role
TTI values calculated from Lopatin recon- of geologic time in the process of the metamorphism
structions agree consistently with other parame- of coal and dispersed organic material in rocks (in
Russian): Akad. Nauk SSSR Sibirsk. Otdeleniye
ters commonly employed by petroleum geochem- Geologia i Geofizika, no. 10, p. 3-10.
ists in estimating thermal maturity of organic Tissot, B., et al, 1977, Alakanes as geochemical fossils—
material. indicators of geological environments (in French), in
Potential application of Lopatin's method for Advances in Organic Geochemistry 1975: Madrid,
petroleum exploration is considerable. Among ENADISMAp. 117-154.

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