I wish 2 - копия

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I wish

Once upon a time there was a young lad who was as poor as church mice. He lived in a
small village in the valley. It was a lovely sunny day and the boy was starving. He hadn’t
eaten anything since the previous day. He though, ‘I wish (I / have)1. ……………………………………
fish for dinner.’

There was a stream nearby so he decided to go fishing. He took a fishing rod which he had
made himself and set off. On the way he kept thinking ‘I wish (I / not be) 2.
……………………………. so poor.’ The stream was usually full of fish at this time of the year so the
boy hoped to have decent dinner that night.

After one hour the boy had two small fish in his bucket. However, he decided to stay longer
and catch more so that he could sell some fish at the market and earn enough money for a
pair of new trousers and shoes. His clothes were worn out and faded and his shoes were too
Suddenly he felt a strong pull. ‘I wish (it / be) 3. ……………………. a big one,’ he thought. After a
few attempts the boy managed to pull out a fish. To his great surprise it was a small fish
sparkling in the sun rays. It was a goldfish.

‘I wish (I / catch) 4. ………………………………………….. something bigger than this one,’ he mumbled

to himself. As he wanted to throw the little sea creature into the bucket, he heard the fish
speak, ‘Please, let me go. I will fulfil your three wishes.’ The lad was stunned. He shook his
head in disbelief but the fish was still there with its mouth open pleading for mercy.

‘I wish (he / not get) 5. ………………………………. me. And I wish (the boy / make) 6.
………………………………………. a wise decision, ‘ the fish thought.

‘OK. So I wish (I / have) 7. ……………………………………… a nice house when I am an old man. And I
wish (my parents / not die) 8. …………………………………. And I wish (I / meet) 9.
………………………………….. a pretty girl and marry her,’ the boy uttered the words still breathless
with excitement. ‘Your wish is my command,’ the goldfish replied and gracefully jumped
into the water. ‘I wish (I / ask) 10. ………………………………… for more,’ the boy whispered to

But soon the poor lad didn’t regret letting the goldfish go as all his wishes came true and he
lived happily ever after.

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