Annexed Phase 3

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Energía Eólica

Rubric Phase 3 - Identify and evaluate a wind project in the world

presented to
Cesar Augusto Guarín

presented by:
Angie Magali Vargas Code:1052411044
Yeimy Stphania Montano Code:
Ricardo Andres Moreno Code: C
Cristian Camilo Pinzón Code:
Jenny Marley Gómez Code:

Group: 358052_1

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

School of Agricultural, Livestock and Environmental Sciences
Bogotá D.C
Project evaluation format


study explores different methodologies of valuation of wind power generation
projects in Colombia. Initially it is valued based on discounted cash flows,
then the real options approach is applied, estimating its extended value,
including a real expansion option. To estimate volatility, a fundamental
parameter of the valuation of the real option, the processes that the variables
with high incidence on it are simulated, such as the price of energy and winds.
It is concluded that these projects would not be financially viable using
traditional valuation methods, but with the focus on real options - even
Summary of considering the current tax incentives and of another kind such as emission
the article reduction certificates, which takes into account the existing flexibility.

Wind energy nuisance has localized and reversible effects, which can often be
overcome by technical solutions with no influence on the energy source. It
does not represent a serious danger to the environment unlike traditional forms
of energy, the risks of which can be general, permanent and expensive in their
extraction. Currently, the limit of the carrying capacity of ecosystems to
regenerate from man-made pollution is being reached. A third of the total
pollution generated worldwide comes from the electricity production process,
therefore, the development of renewable energy sources is desirable and

The purpose of the article is based on advantages and disadvantages of the

development of wind energy in Colombia from a social, economic and
environmental point of view, through the analysis of the ecological project
Purpose of that exists in Colombia, identifying the current market. Where you can
the article identify the key factors of competitiveness and completion of activities. We
also aim to implement generation methods that meet the demand of society,
that do not pollute the environment and that make good use of renewable
natural resources.
 Geographic location.
 Wind speed (if referenced).
 Amount of energy produced in megawatts.
Aeropuerto Ernesto Cortissoz – departamento del atlántico
Coordenadas Longitude 74°36’W Latitudes 10°53’N Altitude 30m
The Ernesto Cortissoz airport is located in the municipality of Soledad
Atlántico, 7 km from the center of Barranquilla, and comprises a runway with
Main a length of 3001 m and a width of 45 m.
characteristics The airport is 34 minutes from the Soledad Municipality, it has unpopulated
of the wind Ha which makes it optimal for the installation of the wind energy source
Winds with intensities greater than 5 m / s and reaching average values close
to 8 m / s are they watch from noon extending even into the early morning
hours of the next day.

For the period between December and April, densities of wind power between
343 and 512 W / m2 in Bolivar and Atlántico departments.
in October and November the density values of wind power values are kept
between 125-216 W / m2 in the Atlantic

• It has disadvantages because this region presents the phenomenon of the girl,
which leads to months with floods and advantages on the one hand with the
phenomenon of the boy, when presenting strong winds, but equally in both
things they present great affectations.
• Friendly with the environment, use of renewable resources, generates wealth
and employment, it does not pollute, it is inexhaustible, it is energy that is
renewed, it reduces the use of fossil fuels, it is clean and safe energy, it is
compact with other activities, it is a very cheap energy, little impact on the
ground and wind energy does not alter the aquifers. It is sustainable since no
more resource than the capacity it has for its renewal is exploited and as the
only natural resource required is the wind which is inexhaustible

• Because it is close to the waters of the Caribbean Sea, this means that there
are no problems of ending or calming the wind, its processes would be

• It is an energy that cannot be stored. The force of the wind is very variable,
the wind turbines emit sound, the development of the Project is progressive
and in the long term, danger to the fauna of birds in that area and needs to be
Positive and Starting with the positive impacts, it is important to highlight that the
negative project is sustainable in all aspects and impacts nationally and even
impacts of the internationally, causing more municipal departments and companies to join in
project the implementation of projects like this, taking into account the part of the
approaches of real options taking into account that it helps to minimize
negative impacts on the environment such as mitigating climate change, and
so on, responsibly taking advantage of the raw material that it provides us
Another aspect that cannot be missed is that a project that takes science,
technology and innovation into account is being implemented, as it supports
and encourages "Renewable Energies".

Wind energy will stop the exhaustion of fossil fuels helping to prevent climate

In the negative impacts we find:

• They affect the environment, and their negative effects are resented by the
soil, flora and fauna of the place where they settle.
• Lack of investment for Project Development.
The generation of electricity from the wind does not produce toxic gases or
contribute to the greenhouse effect; nor does it generate dangerous by-
products. But some of its effects require attention.
Wind farms, like any human work, affect the environment, and their negative
effects are resented by the soil, flora and fauna of the place where they are
installed. However, these problems can be managed and minimized through
adequate planning, which must consider that the protected natural zones or

• Wind farms occupy large spaces and they are located in natural landscapes
transforming the natural landscape, harming migratory or landscape birds,
fertile soils and / or desolate communities.

Four main problems produced by turbines are considered: collision, avoidance

displacements, barrier effect and habitat loss. Collision with the turbine blades
causes mortality and injury to birds and bats.
According to a study, the winds in Colombia are among the best in South
America. Regions in where they have been investigated, as is the case of La
Guajira, they have been classified class 7 winds (about 10 m per sec. (m / s)).
The only other region with this classification in Latin America is Patagonia in
Chile and in the country of Argentina. Colombia has an estimated wind power
potential of 21GW only in the La Guajira department (enough to satisfy
Technical almost 2 times the demand national energy). However, in Colombia it has only
consideration been installed 19.5MW in wind power, exploiting 0.4% of its theoretical
s (comments potential. Is capacity is mainly used by the Jepirachí Park, carried out by
from the work Public companies of Medellín (EPM) under Carbón Finance, a mechanism
team) attached to the World Bank. There are also various purposes under
consideration, including a 200MW wind farm in Ipapure, which makes it
favorable for decontamination by conventional sources.

• Wind energy projects are subject to valuation including real options, because
it is possible to carry them out in stages and the high volatility that
characterizes winds and energy prices



I am going to develop the Wind Energy project in the San Andrés islands, since it has good winds
for the installation of wind farms.
The island's climate is warm, ranging from 26 ° C to 29 ° C where two seasons, summer and
winter, predominate. The winds help a little to relieve the heat, generally blowing from the east,
and when storms occur in the Caribbean the winds blow strongly from the northeast. In general
during the year the rains are defined by a dry and a rainy season. The first has a variable duration
that can reach five consecutive months, while the following months are rainy, with strong winds,
mainly the second week of June.

The coordinates are:

Longitude: 81 ° 42′02 ″ west,
Latitude: 12 ° 35′04 ″ N
Altitude: above sea level: 3 m
Climate: The island's climate is warm, ranging from 27 ° C to 30 ° C

Wind energy does not pollute, is inexhaustible and slows the depletion of fossil fuels, helping to
prevent climate change. Generating electrical energy without a combustion process or a thermal
transformation stage supposes, from the environmental point of view, a very favorable procedure
for being clean, free of contamination problems, etc. The negative impacts caused by fuels during
their extraction, transformation, transport and combustion are radically suppressed, which
benefits the atmosphere, the soil, the water, the fauna, the vegetation, etc
The main disadvantage of wind power is that there is an inability to control the wind. As it is a
less predictable energy, it cannot be used as the only source of electricity generation. To save the
moments when there is not enough wind available for the production of wind energy, a backup of
conventional energies and the rest of renewables is available.
The generation of electricity from the wind does not produce toxic gases or contribute to the
greenhouse effect; nor does it generate dangerous by-products. Erosion as a consequence of the
construction work of a wind farm is natural.
Four main problems produced by turbines are considered: collision, avoidance displacements,
barrier effect and habitat loss. Collision with the turbine blades causes mortality and injury to
birds and bats.
Technical considerations (comments from the work team)
Aggressive national government policies are needed to encourage this type of project with
regulations that decrease and subsidize the value of both the purchase of equipment and the value
of infrastructure and the implementation of projects (technologies). Considering the Kyoto
protocol where the importance of highlighting that wind energy is an excellent choice for the
implementation of gas mitigation policies that are responsible for climate change, as a result of
burning fossil fuels, was mentioned.

Capitulo 4 (s.f) Distribución horaria de la velocidad del viento en zonas con mayor aprovechamiento de
potencial eólico. Recuperado de:. (s.f.). Recuperado el 13 de 03 de 2020, de
Ideam (s.f)Atlas de vientos de Colombia. (s.f.). Recuperado el 15 de 03 de 2020, de

Maya Ochoa, C., Hernández Betancur, J. D., & Gallego Múnera, Ó. M. (2012). La Valoración De Proyectos
De Energía Eólica en Colombia Bajo El Enfoque De Opciones Reales. Cuadernos de
Administración, 25(44), 193–231. (s.f.). Recuperado el 17 de 03 de 2020, de

Moreno Cortes (2013) Energía eólica: ventajas y desventajas de su utilización en Colombia. Recuperado
de. (s.f.). Obtenido de

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