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R E A D I NG '
America's address

Look at the picturesof the White House.

What can you see?
What do you know about the White House?Do you
aretrue (/) or false(X)?
think thesesentences
I The White Houseis more than 200 yearsold. /
2 No one livesin the White House. X
3 All the rooms are governmentoffices. X
4 The Oval Office is wherethe Presidentworks.
5 The White Houseis open to the public.
6 There are a lot of things for a presidentto do in
his freetime.

3 Readthe text and checkyour answers.

4 Answerthe questions
I The White Househastwo uses.What arethey?
2 Whereexactlyin the White Housedoesthe
3 Where doeshe work?
4 Where do specialguestsstay?
5 What is in the Oval Office? The White Howse, L600PennsvluaniaAuenwe.
6 What doeseachnew presidentchange? Washington DC, is the most famous address
7 How much doesit costto visit the White House? in America.It is where the United States
8 How many peoplework in the White House? President taorks, but it is also his priuate
9 What can the Presidentdo to relax? bome uhere he liues uith his fa*ib. He has
Find the numbersin the text. What do they refer to? childrenb birthday parties, holiday dinners,
50 - Therearefifly statss. and ueddings in tbis uorld-famous building.
50 i04 million 6,000 132 35 five six 140

First built in 1800,the White Houseis wherethe

Presidentof the United Statesgovernsa country of
50 statesand 304 million people.
He liveswith his family on the secondand third floors.
There arc L6 bedrooms,a living room, a kitchen,and a
dining room. Specialguestsstayin the Queen'sBedroom
or the Lincoln Bedroom.
In the West Wing are the staff offices.The President's
own office,the Oval Office, is also there. It has three
large windows behind the President'sdesk, and there is a
fireplaceat the other end.
Each new presidentchoosesnew curtains, new furniture,
and a specialnew carpet. There are picturesof old
presidentson the wall, and there is the famous desk, a gift
from the British Queen Victoria in 1880.

34 Unit4 . Somewhere
to live
il [anguagework

6 Rskandanswerquestions
aboutthingsin the

White House.
. a cinema
. manyoffices
- . maflybathrooms
. a swimmingpool
- . a library
. anyelevators
. a tenniscourt
. a vegetable
Match a verb with a place.Make sentences.
Youcancookin lhe kitchen.

Verb Place
cook bedroom
sleep office
havea shower dining room
relax livingroom
eat garden
work -kitchen
read bathroom
growvegetables library

Researcha famousbuilding in your country.
Where is it? Is it a governmentbuilding?
A cathedral?A museum?

Tell the other studentsabout it.

>F WRfT|NGI!f! yourhomepllT


The White House is open to visitors. It is free.About 6,000

peoplea day visit. The Presidentmeetsspecialguestsin the East
Room, and he talks to journalistsin the PressRoom.
\bout 150peoplework for the Presidentin the West Wing and
tbr the First Lady in the East Wing. Another 100 peoplelook
after the building day and night.
There are 132rooms, 35 bathrooms,and five kitchens,all on six
t'loors.There are threeelevators't.The StateDining Room is big
enoughfor 140guests.
Outside,gardenersgrow fruit and vegetables.There is also
a tenniscourt, a jogging track, and a swimming pool. Inside
thereis a movie theater'.,a billiard room, a bowling alley,and
a library.As former PresidentReagansaid,
'The White House is like an eight-star hotel!'

elevator(US) = lift * movie theater (US) = cinema

Unit4 . Somewhere
to live 35
4. Answer the questions.
a. The White House has two uses. What are they?
- The White house is used for the president to govern the country, it is also used
for him and his family to live, have parties, dinners and important events with
famous people.
b. Where exactly in the White House does the President live?
- He lives with his family on the second and third floors.
c. Where does he work?
-In the Oval Office, in the West Wing.
d. Where do special guests stay?
- Special guests stay in the Queen's Bedroom or the Lincoln Bedroom.

e. What is in the Oval Office?

- There are three large windows behind the President's desk, and there is a
fireplace at the other end.
f. What does each new president change?
- Each new president chooses new curtains, new furniture, and a special new

g. How much does it cost to visit the White House?

- It is free.
i. How many people work in the White House?
- About 150 people work in the White House
j. What can the president do to relax?
- He can to relax in a tennis court, in the jogging track or in the swimming pool.
Also can goes to the movie theater, or the billiard room, the bowling alley, and
the library.

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