Analyzing The 6 Elements of Fiction: 2. Plot

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Analyzing the 6
Elements of Fiction


See Character
2. Plot
and Setting
boxes below…

1. Characters 4. Point of View 5. Theme

Protagonist: ____________________ Circle One: The central message of the story…

1st person Choose 1 important topic that the
Traits @ the beginning of the Story:
3rd Person author explores in the story:

Traits @ the end of the Story:
In a complete sentence, void of clichés,
Circle One:
personal pronouns, and commands,
Antagonist: ____________________ Present what message does the author want us
to know about that topic? This is the
Past theme! :
Traits @ the beginning of the Story:

Traits @ the end of the Story:

Please illustrate an important

symbol from the story

3. Setting 6. Style

Place: _________________________ What words and phrases contribute to

the author’s style in this piece?

Time Period: ____________________

Mood/ Atmosphere: _____________

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