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TOTAL TIME for this examination: 1 hour
Maximum time for this Booklet #2 40 minutes
Total marks for Booklet #1: 30 marks
Total marks for Booklet #2: 56 marks
TOTAL MARKS for the examination: 86 marks

Name _________________________ Form________

Teacher (circle one):

Adil, Corray, Hoang (opt 3),Hoang (opt 5), Hunter, Jennings, McClelland, Poulsen,
Wright, Triple 1, Triple 2, Triple 3

Write your name, Form and Teacher’s name in the spaces provided at the top of the page.
Answer ALL questions.
Spend no more than 20 minutes on the Multiple Choice section.
This leaves 40 minutes for the short answer.

Any working should be done in this booklet. Electronic calculators may be used.
Hand in this complete booklet without separation.

Data: Use the value of g = 9.81 m / s2 throughout this examination.

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 1

The diagram below shows a cyclist riding along a flat road.

(a) Complete the sentence.

Choose answers from the box.

chemical elastic gravitational

potential potential potential

As the cyclist accelerates, the ___________________________________ energy store in

the cyclist’s body decreases and the _______________________ energy of

the cyclist increases.


(b) The mass of the cyclist is 80 kg. The speed of the cyclist is 12 m/s.

Calculate the kinetic energy of the cyclist.





Kinetic energy = ______________________


(c) When the cyclist uses the brakes, the bicycle slows down.

This causes the temperature of the brake pads to increase by 50 °C.

The mass of the brake pads is 0.040 kg.
The specific heat capacity of the material of the brake pads is 480 J/kg °C.

Calculate the change in thermal energy of the brake pads.

Use the equation:

change in thermal energy = mass × specific heat capacity × temperature change

(Show your working on the next page)

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 2




Change in thermal energy = ______________________


(d) How is the internal (heat) energy of the particles in the brake pads affected by the
increase in temperature?

Tick one box.



Not affected

(Total 9 marks)

A camera boom is used at a television studio to allow filming from different positions.

Figure 2.1 shows the arm of the boom in three different positions.

Figure 2.1

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 3

(a) In which position will the weight of the camera cause the largest moment about the pivot?

Tick one box.


Give the reason for your answer.



(b) Complete the sentence.

Choose the answer from the box.

decreases does not change increase

When the moment caused by the weight of the camera increases, the moment

caused by the counterweight ____________________ .


(c) The camera has a mass of 5.25 kg

gravitational field strength = 9.81 N/kg

Show that the weight of the camera is 51.5 N.




Weight = ________________________________________

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 4

Figure 2.2 shows the camera boom in a new position, D.

Figure 2.2

(d) Write the equation which links distance, force and moment of a force.


(e) Calculate the moment about the pivot caused by the weight of the camera when the arm
of the boom is in position D.





Moment = ____________________ Nm
(Total 9 marks)
1. A large drone of mass 250 kg is taking off from a runway. It starts from rest and accelerates
along the ground before lifting-off at 60.0 m/s after 12 s. Find:

(a) The acceleration of the drone

Acceleration = …………………. [3]

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 5

(b) The distance travelled by the drone at the end of 12 s

Distance = ………………………… [3]

(c) The distance moved in the twelfth second. (hint: the twelfth second is time interval between
t = 11 and t = 12)

Distance = ……………………… [3]

(d) The kinetic energy of the drone as it is about to take off

Kinetic Energy = ………………………… [3]

(Total 12 marks)

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 6

Q4 Figure 4.1 shows a spring before and during compression.

The arrow F represents one of the two forces involved in compressing the spring.

Figure 4.1

(a) Draw another arrow on Figure 4.1 to represent the second force involved in compressing
the spring.

A student investigated three different springs to compare the spring constants.

The results of the investigation are shown in Figure 4.2.

Figure 3.2

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 7

(b) Which one of the springs has the smallest spring constant?

Tick one box.


Give the reason for your answer.





(Total 4 marks)

Momentum is a vector quantity.

(a) How is a vector quantity different to a scalar quantity?




(b) Name another vector quantity.

_________________________________________________________________ [1]

(c) Give the definition of momentum.



(d) What is the unit of momentum?

(Total 6 Marks)

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 8

The image below shows a student before and after a bungee jump.

The bungee cord has an unstretched length of 20 m.

(a) For safety reasons, it is important that the bungee cord used is appropriate for the
student’s weight.

Give two reasons why.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


(b) The student jumps off the bridge.

Complete the sentences to describe the energy transfers.

Use answers from the box.

elastic potential kinetic sound thermal

gravitational potential

When he is falling, the student's ________________________________________ [1]

energy increases.

When the bungee cord is stretched, the cord stores energy as

___________________________________________ energy. [1]

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 9

(c) At the lowest point in the jump when the student is stationary, the extension of the
bungee cord is 35 metres.The bungee cord behaves like a spring with a spring constant
of 40 N / m.

Calculate the energy stored in the stretched bungee cord.




Energy = __________________________ J
(Total 7 marks)

(a) Fig 7.1 shows an aircraft flying at a constant velocity and at a constant height above the

Fig 7.1

Complete the free body diagram in Fig 7.2 to show and label the other two forces acting
on the aircraft.

Fig 7.2

(Total 2

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 10

The Fig 8.1 shows a climber part way up a cliff.

Fig 8.1

(a) Complete the sentence.

When the climber moves up the cliff, the climber

gains ____________________ potential energy.


(b) The climber weighs 660 N.

(i) Calculate the work the climber must do against gravity, to climb to the top of the cliff.



Work done = _________________________


(ii) It takes the climber 800 seconds to climb to the top of the cliff.
During this time the energy transferred to the climber equals the work done by the

Calculate the power of the climber during the climb.




Power = _________________________ W
(Total 7 marks)

Auckland Grammar School Pre-Q Physics Term 1 Examination 2020 11

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