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Child Observation Log

Name: Lea Fabrizzi

CHILD Day of the WEEK with Content: Strengths Additional Thoughts:
DATE and/or (observed learning style,
(choose 1 or 2 days per Weaknesses S/E) You may now add
week depending on days Name the content area and some personal interpretation
in the field) state only what you here.
observed (hear and see)
Observation 1- NOTE:
Child 1 Th- 2/6 ELA - Reading fluency: I was very impressed by the
When practicing reading student during this time. This
fluency, the student was is lesson took place right
able to read with 78% after the student had a
accuracy based on the meltdown and he was able to
passage provided. The calm himself down enough
student stumbled over to still take his turn to read
several words and skipped the passage and get a decent
over three words in the score. I was also impressed
passage. When given his to see that regardless of his
reading results, he asked to morning choices, he chose to
retry the passage and got a read again to improve his
new accuracy of 98%. skills. Overall, when the
When asked to explain his student takes his time during
new percentage, he reading, he is a strong reader.
explained that he took his
time reading and used
context clues to help him
identify words that he was
unsure of.
Child 1 Th- 2/6 Math – Due to behaviors, Although there was no actual
no math lesson took place learning going on at this
during this time. Math time, it gave me the
takes place after lunch. opportunity to gain
When they came back, the knowledge on student
students were asked to get behavior and his triggers.
on their iPads and told to When interacting with
get onto Prodigy. Instead certain students in the
of getting on his iPad, the classroom, the student
student ran around the seemed to react easily by
room and participated in throwing chairs, desks, and
fights during this time as the classroom easel. The
the teacher and student student was triggered by
candidate tried to eliminate jokes about his mom (yo
the fighting in the mama jokes) from his peers
classroom. and being asked to do
something in the classroom.
It also did not help that other
students’ behaviors were
taking place at this time.
Child 2 Th- 2/6 ELA - Reading fluency: The student is very capable
When given a reading of learning and has potential
passage, the student was to be a very good student.
able to read the passage but When reading or
got assistance from the participating in a lesson, the
teacher and her peers. Out student easily loses focuses
of two paragraphs, the and gets distracted. The
student misread 8 words student seems to read with
and scored a 68% little confidence and gets
accuracy. When getting her embarrassed in front of her
results back, the student peers. When embarrassed,
got upset, but tried reading she makes a rude comment
again. When reading again, to a peer to disrupt and put
she was able to finger an end to the lesson. Once
stretch her words for extra getting praise from the
assistance. She improved teacher on her improvement,
to a 70% reading accuracy the student claimed, “reading
after reading through the is dumb,” but she seemed
passage the second time happy to have improved.
and got praised by the
teacher for her
improvement and using her
finger stretching strategy to
help sound out words.
Child 2 Th- 2/6 Math - Due to behaviors, Coming back from lunch, the
no math lesson took place student already seemed in a
during this time. Math bad mood and came into the
takes place after lunch. classroom ready to start a
When they came back, the fight. As soon as she saw
students were asked to get other students reacting, the
on their iPads and told to student engaged in poor
get onto Prodigy. The behaviors as well by
student decided to not get instigating other students that
on her iPad and threw it are easily triggered. When
back on the cart. Instead, chased around the classroom,
the student decided to start she screamed, “what are you
throwing objects around going to do to me little boy?”
the room and instigated her
peers. When not given her
way and the door was shut,
she tried to escape from the
classroom and threw a
tantrum to get out.
Observation 2: Starting
new placement
Child 1 02/20 ELA- Phonics: The When the student was
student is able to answer participating in the lesson,
with the whole class when she seemed to enjoy
given a phonics task but participating when there was
has the tendency to answer physical movement involved.
incorrectly. When asked to The student seemed
identify the rhyming interesting in learning
words, the student was not phonics but struggled to
able to identify the words grasp the harder concepts.
that rhyme in the grouping. Once the teacher told her to
When asked to sound out listen before she answered,
words or change the sound, the student was more capable
the student was able to of working through her
understand the letters get phonics practice.
added or taken away but
struggled to form the
Child 1 02/20 Math- fractions as part of When the student learned
a whole: The student fractions as a whole, she was
understands unit fractions so excited to see that math
and how to shade parts of a had “coloring” (shading).
whole but struggles to The student gets very excited
write out the actual to learn new math concepts.
fractions after shading or The student enjoys working
looking at the shaded with fractions and can’t wait
figure. Working with the to show her teachers how
class, the student was able hard she worked when
to answer direct questions. working with the I.S. The
When working in small student seems to enjoy math
groups, the student got in general but is takes a
extra assistance from the liking to fractions and enjoys
I.S. While working learning through “pizza
independently on the exit fractions.”
slip, the student was able to
do the correct shading, but
forgot to do the fractions.
Child 2 02/20 ELA- Phonics: The The student is very engaged
student is consistently during phonics. He enjoys
participating throughout the challenge of changing the
phonics and is always words or sounds and is
doing the hand motions always actively participating.
with the teacher. He always The student likes modeling
is doing his finger for his peer next him what to
stretching and hand do. The student enjoys
motions. When it is time to working with phonics but
say an answer, he is always struggles with the rest of the
able to answer with the class to identify sound
class. The student is able groupings based on the
understand when a letter or words provided.
sound is taken away and
able to change the word.
Child 2 02/20 Math- fractions as part of When working with fractions
a whole: The student was as part of a whole, the
able to comprehend student seemed to really
fractions as part of a enjoy working on math. The
whole. When working as a student was always the first
whole class, he was always to raise his hand to
raising his hand to go up to demonstrate that he got the
the board. When given the question done and that he did
opportunity to work in a so correctly. When working
small group setting, him in small group, him and his
and his peer finished very peer were able to complete
quickly only asking for the activity quickly. The
help with one question student seemed eager and
from the YSU tech student. engaged throughout the
When completing the exit lesson and was ready to
slip, the student answered advance to the next lesson
all of them correctly. for fractions.
Observation 3
Child 1 02/28 ELA- Asking and During the lesson, I realized
answering questions: The that the student works best
class was working on and stays on task when
asking and answering working with the I.S. in
questions this week. When small groups. When filling
working on this reading out the graphic organizer, the
standard, the student was I.S. gave the student a
able to participate in the question, and went back with
activity overall, but did not her through the text to help
understand the concept of her find the answer or the
generating before, during, key details that helped her
and after questions and find the answer. To support
although she wanted to the student asking questions,
answer questions, she the student received
answered them incorrectly. prompting but was asked to
When prompted and put the questions together
supported by a teacher, the herself.
student was able to ask and
answer questions. When
given the packet and exit
slip, the student worked
with the I.S. to complete
each activity. When given
the exit slip, the student
worked with the I.S. to
complete the exit slip.
Child 1 O2/28 Math- Fractions using When working with fractions
part of a set: When as part of a set, the student
working with parts of a set did not understand the
with fractions, the student concept after learning
started off confused with fractions using parts of a
parts of a set and parts of a whole. When the student was
whole when working with getting frustrated, she gave
this concept. When up on the concept and started
working as a whole class, to play in her desk. When the
the student was able to sit teacher saw there was still a
through the lesson only lot of confusion working
losing focus once. When with fractions, the teacher
doing it in small groups, brought out the pizza
the student worked with manipulative. Although the
the I.S. to complete the student still struggles, she is
parts of a whole activity a hands-on learner and using
sheet in the book. the manipulative really has
helped her better understand
fractions as general.
Child 2 02/28 ELA- Asking and The student is a strong
answering questions: learner and is always
When working on asking participating in the lesson.
and answering questions, The student is a very curious
the student was able to learner and always wants to
answer questions very well ask and answer questions
but struggled to generate throughout the lesson. Since
his own questions about the student is at grade level,
text. When asking before he tends to finish early and
questions, the student was needs reminded to not take
able to generate at least one control of the whole
before question, 1 during conversation. When he
question, and multiple after finishes early, he helps his
reading questions. The peers or goes on a learning
student worked hard website used in everyday
throughout the lesson and instruction.
was able to complete the
graphic organizer with
little support from the
Child 2 02/28 Math- Fractions using When working with the
part of a set: The student student with fractions as part
was able to comprehend of a whole, the student
fractions as part of a set. worked hard and did not
When working as a class, need additional visuals or
the student consistently had support during learning.
his hand raised to ask and Although the student likes
answer the questions working in small groups, he
displayed on the board. preferred to work alone to
When working complete his work quickly.
independently, the student When given the assessment,
was able to complete his the student was able to
fraction questions with complete the exit slip quickly
little struggle only missing for his teacher to check.
one question. In small
groups, he needed his
memory refreshed on the
differ types of fractions but
was able to complete his
group work and exit slip
with 100%’s.
Observation 4
Child 1 M- 3/2 LA-Authors perspective: When the student was
During the EL A block focused throughout the
today, the students learned lesson, she was able to
about author’s perspective. participate and answer
The student learned about questions about the text but
clue words to go with not about the authors
authors perspective, and purpose. The student put her
that the authors perspective head in her desk multiple
is what they think and what times throughout the lesson
they feel. instead of paying attention.
The student struggled to She also had a tendency of
comprehend what the copying her peers with her
authors perspective is. The and her actions.
student was able to tell if
the author enjoyed the text,
but she could not find the
details in the text to
support her answer and
M- 3/2 Math- fractions review: The student was able to
The student was able to focus during the majority of
answer questions about the lesson, but when she saw
parts of whole but is not as one of her peers standing to
fluent working with parts work, she wanted to do the
of a set. When doing the same and started to get off
review with the class, the task. The student is more
student was able to answer interested in math and
direct questions. When curious about learning
doing the turn and talk, the fractions. When she gets
student worked with her confused, she gets frustrated
partner and the YSU but always asks for help and
student to answer the support if needed and takes
questions on comparing constructive criticism well
fractions, the student when getting support from
understood less than and the teachers in the room.
greater than, but struggled
to correctly answer the
equal to questions. When
given the exit slip, the
student correctly answered
3 out of 6 questions.

LA-Authors perspective: The student is considered to

The student was able to be an on-level learner but
comprehend authors struggles with efficiency.
perspective with little The student is able to
struggle. The student comprehend author’s
understands that an perspective and can explain
author’s perspective is his answer and reasoning in
what the author thinks or detail. The student struggles
feels about a text. When to sit down during the lesson
reading the passage, the and has to move around
student was able to notice while working. The student
clue words during read to is also good at being a friend
help him determine the and helping his peers next to
authors perspective of the him understand the purpose
text. When given the exit of authors purpose.
slip, the student was able to
correctly fill out the chart
on the authors perspective
and use details from the
story to explain his
Child 2 M-3/2 Math- fractions review: The student is able to
The student understands understand fractions and how
working with fractions, to compare them. The
unit fractions, parts of a student actively participates
whole, parts of a set, and is in math with little struggle.
able to compare contrast When the student sees his
fractions. When working in peers struggling with the
small groups when math lesson, he will offer to
working with fractions, the help the when he is finished.
student is always asking to Although the student gets
work alone and asks for some concepts confused,
support when it is needed. overall he is very strong
Compared to some students when working with fractions
in the class, Marcus works and comparing them.
very quickly in math and
has extra time to get on
MathFactCafes to prepare
for multiplication mastery.
When given the fraction
exit slip, the student was
able to get 4 out 6 correct.
Observation 5
Child 1 Th- 3/12 ELA- Parts of a story, The student enjoyed
drama or poem: When participating in the readers
working on parts of a story, theater in order to learn parts
the student was an active of a story. Even though the
participant in the learning student struggled to read
process. The student was some of her lines, she looked
able to read her line excited to have such a big
throughout the readers part in the play and did not
theater with assistance seem nervous to speak in
from the intervention front of her peers. The
specialists. To make it student received extra
easier for her to know assistance on answering
which part she was questions and completing the
reading, all of her lines exit slip on parts of a story,
were highlighted. The poem, or drama.
student stumbled over
some of her lines but was
able to process the
different parts of each of
line. The student then was
able to answer questions
about the story and parts of
the play afterwards with
assistance from the
intervention specialist.
Th-3/12 Math- Angles: The student Although the student enjoyed
struggled to comprehend the opportunity to learn
the concept of angles. The angles through geoboards, it
student was not able to use did not help her understand
the geoboards to learn the concept of angles. When
right, acute, and obtuse working as a class, the
angles. When doing it as a student wanted to play or
group, the student got talk more than learn. When
assistance from her peers, the whole class went around
the intervention specialists, the class to identify a right
and the TEC student. When angle, the student went last
given a worksheet, the to get a better understanding
student was not able to and visual of what a right
determine if the angle was angle is.
right, obtuse, or acute.
Child 2 Th- 3/12 ELA- Parts of a story, The student seemed to enjoy
drama or poem: The doing a reader’s theater to
student seemed to catch learn about parts of a story,
onto learning parts of a drama, or poem. The student
story, poem, or drama was able to read his lines
easily. He did not fluently when the play was
understand that unlike a being performed. Although
story, poems have stanzas there was some confusion
and plays have lines to be throughout the lesson, the
read. During the readers student was still able to learn
theater, the student read his about parts of a story, poem,
lines fluently and and drama through an
accurately. Throughout the engaging experience.
readers theater, he did get
confused at times at which
lines where his but did a
great job with his reading.
When completing the exit
slip on the readers theater,
the student answered both
questions correctly.
Child 2 Th- 3/12 Math- Angles: The student The student seemed to enjoy
caught onto angles quickly. learning angles. He loved
When going around the being able to use
classroom, the student was manipulatives in order to
the first student to learn and was engaged
volunteer to find a right throughout the entire lesson.
angle in the classroom. The student was able to
When using the geoboards, understand right angles
the student was able to easily through mirror
compare the right angles to instruction, modeling, and
the right angle of an index practice. Once the student
card as well as help his was confident in himself and
partner. When completing his ability to identify the
the worksheet and the exit right angle, he went around
slip, the student was able to helping his classmates.
work in a small group to
complete the worksheet
with only missing one
question and completing
the exit slip with a 100%.

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