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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Spring 2020
The feedback you provide to students on your scoring guides or verbally is important and critical in helping students
progress in their learning. Feedback should ALWAYS provide them with information about their strengths and their
weaknesses. How you help them use it is also critical and includes concrete reminders, PLUS the learning
experience to use the feedback.

Students do not automatically use the feedback of what you write or tell them. You will need to have conversations
with them each day to help them reflect on what you shared with them from the day before (meta-cognition). You
can also think of concrete support that may help them to reflect on the feedback. (index card with a reminder, poster,
a string on their finger).

What you are doing in this clinical practice, is what you will be doing the rest of your career. It should become part
of your daily practice and be included in your unit week, though not recorded.

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you encourage

Provide the day and content State the following: students to use the feedback?
1. Oral or written 1. Name a Concrete Way to
2. What you shared Remind them of their feedback
2. A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

Whole Class- I provided written I would provide the rubric to the

feedback for each child in the class students for day 2 of the lesson. The
on a child friendly holistic rubric students will use the feedback by
feedback that was explained to talking to their partner about what
them at the beginning of the they need to improve on today. The
learning for their exit slip. I students and their parents will
displayed the rubric on the determine two things that need to
SmartBoard during the instruction improve on for the lesson for day 2.
time while they were doing their
windmill project. Wow, you are so
Day 1-Science creative. All you used the correct
number of supplies and used
materials appropriately in a creative
manner. I saw many colorful

Student # 1- This child needed Student #1- This student could

concrete feedback, so the child learn more on project-based
friendly rubric was especially learning. I would provide more
helpful for the child. I reviewed the projects for her during center for
rubric verbally with the child to energy unit she is good on hand on
explain what she needs to improve activities. Concrete reminder would
on for competing her response sheet be a support card with step by step
to provide knowledge of renewable guidelines for the next project.
energy resources. I wrote that the
child needs to read the wind energy
hand out that we did before
beginning the pinwheel project and
compete the exit sheet for the next
day. I also wrote that the student
did great job using the correct
number of supplies and used
materials appropriately and
creatively and worked properly.

Student # 2- This child is visual Student # 2- It is evident this

learner. A detailed and holistic student did well with demonstrating
rubric was helpful for this student knowledge of renewable energy
to provide descriptive feedback on resources topic because your
the child’s progress. I wrote that the response sheet was complete with
student did well with demonstrating two hypotheses and the pinwheel
knowledge of renewable energy was working properly. A more
resources topic because your challenging projects will be
response sheet was complete with provided next time for him.
two hypotheses and the pinwheel Providing rubric to the assessment
was working properly. works for him and he doesn’t need
any other reminder would be
Day 2- ELA Whole Class- I provided authentic The students will be provided with
verbal feedback with positive praise verbal feedback of the checklist.
that linked to the lesson’s outcomes The teacher will begin during day 2
for each child in the class by lesson with a focusing statement
conducting student conferencing how to answer open-ended
after the activity. Data was questions to demonstrate
collected through a check list for understanding of a text.
the Henry “Box” Brown’ book

Child # 1- The child was given Child # 1- This student could

verbal and written feedback understand how to answer questions
through in-class student based on text. I would provide more
conferencing. Since the child is a guided reading time to her to teach
visual learner, positive constructive how to find answers from a book.
criticism was helpful for her next For her independent reading time I
day responses. I review the book would provide books with more
report orally first telling what she picture so she can find answers by
did well then what she needs to using picture clues.
improve. I wrote both in short form
to her book report. I wrote that she
answered Henry’s bibliography
correctly with complete sentences
and now, we need to work on
finding facts about him.
Student # 2- It is evident this
Child # 2- This student provided student knows how to find answers
with verbal feedback and I also put from text-based questions and to do
a sticker on his book report. In my book report with at least three
oral feedback I said he completed interesting facts. A more
biograph part correctly, found three challenging book will be provided
interesting facts about Henry and he with at least four interesting facts
also answered how Henry should be about the character. No concrete
remembered. reminder would be needed.

Day 3- Social Study Whole Class- Each student in the I would provide the rubric with
class was provided written written feedback to the students for
feedback on the self-assessment the following day lesson. The
rubric. This rubric was given the students will use the feedback by
students with a happy, neutral, and discussing to with their partner
sad face to determine if they were about what they need to work on
able to accurately trace, describe, next day. The students and their
and name the material. partners will determine what they
need to work on for the following
Child # 1- The child was provided day lesson.
was written feedback that was
orally explained to the student. This Student # 1- This student could
helped the student think meta- understand identifying directions on
cognitively about her learning. I political map. I would provide a
review the rubric verbally with game on a computer that provide
child to explain what she needs to practice during center time for
work on for physical map reading tracing path on a political map
and locating key details. I wrote instead of physical map. Then I
that if she practices with me in the would explain her Henry traveled
after school, she will be able to through the rivers and mountains so
trace Henry’s path from Richmond on the Underground Railroad. Let’s
to Philadelphia on a physical map practice together to trace Henry’s
and describe cardinal directions. path from Richmond to
Philadelphia on a physical map
using cardinal directions and key
detail. Modeling will be great
teaching technic for her. The
Child # 2- The rubric was concrete reminder would be a
purposeful to this child to provide support sheet with cardinal
detail feedback on his progress. I directions.
wrote that the student did very well
with tracing Henry’s path from The student # 2- It is evident this
Richmond to Philadelphia on student demonstrated tracing path
physical map with cardinal on physical map with cardinal
directions and key details. Keep it directions and key details. A more
up. complex paths will be provided
next time for him.
Day 4- Math Whole Class- A checklist was used The students will receive verbal
to determine if students were feedback in group conferences
understanding how to measure based on checklist. I will meet with
liquid volume by solving one step groups of students that struggled
word problems. I provided with one step liquid volume word
immediate oral feedback to the problems. The students will write
students while observing each down PSA steps to solve one step
group to hear their conversations. word problem on a stick note and
keep it on their desk to use day 2
lesson when we solve more
Student # 1- The student benefited Student # 1- This student could
from immediate constructive understand how to measure liquid
feedback during the discussion. I volume using concrete objects. I
told the student that she is would provide real life situation
understanding how to measure word problems letting her to use
liquid volume if it is in a container, these concrete objects to solve the
not solving in one step problem. I problem. The concrete reminder
provided an example and we solved would be a support card with
a measuring problem together. customary unit pictures on it
presented by gallon man.

Child # 2- The child was given Student #2- It is evident this student
authentic verbal feedback understood how to solve liquid
immediately with a positive praise volume one step word problem. He
during the discussion. I told the is ready to move on two step word
student that he did great job helping problems. A more challenging word
your friend providing rationale to problems will be provided next
solve liquid volume one step word time for him. No concrete reminder
problem during the practice time. would be needed.

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