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      ELAR Lesson Plan

Candidate’s Name: Carolina Perez

Lesson Title:  Researching Planets

Lesson Goal/Topic : Students will be able to generate questions, follow a research plan, gather relevant
information to answer questions, and demonstrate understanding of information through a written report
and drawn picture.

Objectives  (edTPA requirement)

1.13A_generate questions for formal and informal inquiry
1.13B_develop and follow a research plan
1.13C_identify and gather relevant sources and information to answer the questions
1.13D_demonstrate understanding of information gathered
1.13E_use an appropriate mode of delivery, whether written, oral, or multimodal, to present

Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs  (edTPA requirement)

I will be choosing the books the students will be using for their research project. This way I know
the students are receiving material that is at their level and will not frustrate them to quit. We will have
pre-made questions that I want the students to look for while also creating a list of possible third
questions the students can pick from. This will eliminate the possibility of any students being stuck on
creating questions without assistance. I will also be working in my small group table with those I know
will need assistance with the project. This area will also be used when we are in our writing workshop
meetings to correct spelling or punctuation before they turn in their final draft and present.

Knowledge of Students to Inform Teaching and Learning (edTPA requirement)

My class is very inquisitive and love to ask questions when we are going over something they
have never encountered before. Researching a planet is an opportunity for them to practice this skill and
characteristic. I know which students struggle with writing and motivation to finish an assignment,
which is why I will have a small group in the back when it is time to write down their information. They
will have the opportunity to fix mistakes that happen during my writing workshop days that will take
place before they have to turn in their final drafts. Along with this last check-in, they will have a research
plan to follow to make sure they have the necessary parts needed for their research project to be complete

Materials, Resources, Instructional Strategies (edTPA requirement)

 Library books
 Notebooks
 Pencils
 Paper
 Crayons
Procedures (edTPA requirement)

TIME Lesson Purpose Teacher Action Student Action

Segment Justify your instructional What will the you be saying, doing, writing? What will the students be saying,
choices. How will this impact How will you monitor and adjust? doing, writing, reading?
student learning?

We will have a whole Teacher will ask “What are the Students will be sitting
class introduction to planets? Can you name some at the meeting carpet in
the planets in our planets for me? Who studies their assigned spots and
solar system. This is planets?” to establish real-life following instruction
to grab their connections to the lesson. procedures.
attention and get
them excited for the

This is used to The teacher will then begin

10 Open answer some of the showing a short grade
min questions the appropriate video about
teacher asked in the planets.
opening and to point
out some facts the
students had not
thought of.

Students creating Teacher will begin to ask Students will generate

questions is done so students for questions they questions they have
they can have have on planets and or specific over planets.
ownership over the planets. The questions will be
project and a chance written down on a document
to take learning into shown on a power point for
their own hands. later use.

The research plan is The teacher will explain that to The students will check
shown and do a research project there are off what parts of the
introduced so that necessary steps to take. The research plan they have
30 Active the students are research plan will then be already done as a class.
min Learning aware that there is introduced to the class and
an order to doing a goes in this order:
research project. It 1. Find a topic
also allows them to 2. Create questions
see what they will be 3. Research Credible
expected to do in the Sources
following days. 4. Write Draft
5. Writing Workshop
6. Draw Illustrations
7. Publish Final Draft

They are being called The teacher has picked out Students will be sent
at random so the planet books that are grade back to their desks by
process of picking appropriate and set them on groups. They will then
their planet is fair to the floor for the students to be called randomly to
every student. This choose from. She will call on choose a book about
also allows them to the students randomly by their planets chosen by the
number sticks.
take ownership of teacher. These books
what they will be are grade appropriate,
researching. and students will still
get teacher assistance if
needed during the
research phase.

This is done in order The teacher will call them by Students will then be
to engage all groups to come back without called back to the
students on the topic their books. carpet without their
they will be books.
researching and to
push them to take The teacher will ask the class The students will have
initiative of their own to share something they the opportunity to
learning by thinking already know about their answer questions over
10 Close of what they want to planet with the class. She will their specific planet and
min find out at the end of then ask the entire class to talk to their classmates
the project. turn and talk to their shoulder about questions they
partner about something they want answered about
want to find out about their their planet.

Identifying and Supporting Academic Language (edTPA requirement)

● Planets
● Research
● Information
● Relevant sources
● Non-fiction

Assessment to Monitor and Support Student Learning (edTPA requirement)

Students will be assessed formally by what they turn in for their final draft on their planet. They
will be following a research plan created by the teacher to follow the proper steps when creating a research
project, this way they have all the necessary parts that will be graded. We will also have writing
workshop days dedicated to assisting in spelling and punctuation. Before they sign up for writing
workshop they are told they need to have their intro, three questions, and illustrations done on their draft.
They will have a checklist posted in front of the class reminding them of what they need in order for them
to receive full points for their research project. If they do not have these three things in their final draft,
they will get points deducted. This keeps them accountable for their grade and work being accomplished
the desired way.

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