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CHS Portfolio

Extracurricular Experience

Describe the activities you have participated in. These might include sports, ASB, clubs, theater,
church groups, or other organized activities outside of regular school hours.
The activity I have done is and I am still doing is school Tennis.

On average, how many hours do you dedicate to your extracurricular life each week or month?
On average I spend 2 hours practicing this sport after school and I do it every day except
for Wednesdays, the weekends, and when it rains. I do it from the mids of February all the
way to the end of April.

Have you enjoyed your extracurricular experiences so far? Why or why not?
I have enjoyed it and I still enjoy it very much because each day its something new, and I
get to go out of my social circle and talk to more people than I probably haven’t talked to
before. Plus it distresses me because it’s just really fun to play.

What kinds of soft skills, academic skills, and/or specialized training have you needed to use to
participate fully in these experiences?
I have practiced responsibility because I have to take care of my racket or lock the gate
after practice if I stay longer. It helps me keep my grades up at least to a 3.5 GPA which is
B’s and A’s so that I could play all season and it helps me stay motivated every day.

How might these skills be used in a career or college environment?

Well, responsibility is used in every job that you do because you need to be on time, or you
might have to close up the store/ restaurant. Keeping good grades and playing a sport looks
good on our transcript and it can get us into a new college. Last staying motivated can be
actually doing work and staying focused.

What have learned about yourself so far by participating in extracurricular activities?

I never knew that I would enjoy this sport or that I would be good at it but I proved myself
wrong because I really enjoy along with the people who play and its taught me to be a little
more social.
CHS Portfolio


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