TH - Sounds

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Th – Sounds

We’re going to learn how to make the two th sounds

This sound doesn’t exit in portuguese, but we, english students, need to learn.

We have two types of sounds – voiced (vozeado) vibra a garganta /ð/ and /θ/ voiceless

I’m going to start to voiceless sounds

1-Língua (first you need to put your tongue between your teeth)
2-Now, coloca e faz um sopro ( now, put your tongue between your teeth and blow. (a
garganta não pode tremer).
– Thanks / Three/ Think

We have the sound of th at the end of words: Bath/ Something

Now, the voiced sounds

1-Língua (first you need to put your tongue between your teeth)
2- now you will produce the sound in your throat
-That / this / They / Brother/ then

Now, I will show ten words we pronounce wrong

The – Two pronunciation
The- dhã – the other word has an initial consonant sound – The girl is crying
Dhi – the other word has an initial vowel sound – The egg is rotten

Of – ãv- Because of you

She’s the best teacher of all teachers

To – não é tcho / tchia/

I’m going to rio next week ( sai o vento)
A – ã/ ei – I bought a car / she’s got a boyfriend

Is – two mistakes
Não é I – mais puxado para o E
Não é S – é z
He is bold
She’s beautiful
It is
It’s- s

It – e/ eat i / It’s a nice dress

In – mesmo problema – I’m in the car ( sobe a língua para o n)

On – Ón – (She’s on the bus)

With – faz um bico (wi) – He’s impossible to work with / She’s live with her sister

Was – Was fraco ou forte – I was hear

Ouvir novamente / procurar os fonemas / falar da pronúncia perfeita (vídeo save me


- They take the same mouth position is unvoiced meaning only air passes through the
mouth and is voiced meaning you make a sound with the vocal cords

Ed –
We have 3 groups of verbs

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