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Learn Intraday trading

 Introduction
 Opening a demat and trading account
 First stages of calculations
 Mistakes traders make
 Making the pivot table
 Adding columns to pivot table
 Using the pivot table
 Selecting scripts
Contents contd….
 Buy or Sell
 Ideal time to enter trade
 Stop Loss
 During Market Hours
 It had been a long
time since I could
afford to get up lazily.
After all I did not
have to commute to
office – saving
precious travel time –
as now I would be
working from home.
I had decided to take a week
off – to start DAY TRADING !
All money shows on TV,
investment and financial
pages of newspapers painted
a rosy picture of stock trading.
Money was there for the asking !
It did not matter if the stock
market was rising or falling –
in DAY TRADING money was
sure to be made.
Was as easy as plucking money
off the money tree
All said and done, I got up earlier than usual –
the excitement of my first day, in day trading,
had pulled me out of bed.
I had opened a trading demat account, had
signed up with separate leading “SURE TIPS”
analysts – in fact was all ready.
Ready to board the money train.
The day had come and I started the first day with

I consoled myself “ It was my first day” – and that
was one of my MAJOR mistakes.
Do not console yourself.
Its your hard earned money – a loss is a loss.
“Its your money” – is a favourite phrase I use
even today with my clients – take good care of
it. Anyway more on that later.
Day after day I made losses and then -
WHAMMY – I ended one day with PROFITS!
I was on cloud 9
I believed I had now understood the trading style
of my analysts – and promptly sat down to
calculate how much I could earn – if I made the
same amount of profits each day.
Had I taken my head out of the sand, I should
have realised that this days profit did not even
cover 1/10 th of my previous days losses.
I would not have been that ecstatic.
However, this continued for quite some
time – several BAD days followed by a
profitable day.
Finally I was down to a tenth of my original

Loser !
That was it ! I was through with all analysts “sure
shot calls”. I had to learn to make my own
And that, my friends was the turning point. With a
lot of research and some more losses – I did it.
I was able to initiate my own successful calls
using my own calculations. Learnt to enter and
exit with profits.
I can confidently say that ever after that my “loss”
days were tremendously reduced. The end of
each trading day saw me pocketing PROFITS.
My close friends started relying on my tips
for their trades. Soon, friends of friends
approached me to share my tips with
them – even if at a cost.
Rozpaisavasool was born.

As more friends of friends of friends
approached me I realised that there were
loads of traders suffering the same fate
as I had earlier by using analysts calls.
That’s when Rozpaisavasool made itself
accessible to the public at large.
I had no hesitation in sharing my tips –
after all it was not my money that the
clients were profiteering from. It was
money from the market – available to all.
Sharing the “how to” trade is the next step
towards creating a more informed trader
Please go through all chapters to maximise
your learning.
Opening a demat and
trading account
Having decided to become a trader the first step
would be to get yourself a trading/demat account.
You may opt for a bank or private trading portals.
Opening an account would require the following
KYC (Know Your Customer) norms of the service
 A bank account linked to the
demat/trading account – for easy transfer
of funds
 PAN card
 Photographs
 Proof pf address
Details of documents required may best be
checked with the (trading) portal provider
Choosing the trading portal provider
All trading portals have the same underlying
Essentially one may look for the following
 Commission rates charged by the portal
 Exposure (margin) permissible by the portal
Most portals permit 4 – 10 times exposure.
Check exact amount with the chosen provider.
 Ease of trading
Choose the portal best suited to your
When you have selected and installed your
trading portal, do ask your provider to
thoroughly explain the following
 How to place buy/sell orders – both with and
without margin
 Where to look for list of scripts available for
margin trade.
 How to see the market depth
 In market depth – look at the volume of buyers/
sellers. ATP (average traded price) – VERY
IMPORTANT , High price of day, low price of
day, CMP (current market price)
 Any shortcut buttons for quick buy/sell, square
Understanding the above would simplify trading
First stages of calculations

Alright, now we get down to serious

business. It is my sincere request to you
to go through all the chapters step by
step and avoid skipping pages.
It would be a good idea to completely
understand a chapter before moving onto
the next.
The best way would be to observe (on live
trading screen) the changes to script
price – based on what you learn.A weeks
observation – for each new topic – would
be ideal.
What we would be observing first is the
effect on script price due to change in
volume of buyers/sellers.
The volume of buyers/sellers may be seen
in the market depth (do ask your portal
provider to show you where)
You are NOT going to trade using the
contents of this chapter alone. This is a
step to the other stages.
Observing the changes in volumes of
This is based on the age old theory of
demand and supply. The more the
demand – the higher the price; the more
the supply – the lower the price.
Lets understand this with a few examples.
When we say – more the demand (of a
script) – it just means that more people
are wanting to buy the script.
Say 10000 people wish to buy, a particular
script, and there are say just 4000 – 5000
sellers, when the market opens.
After a period of time there are 20000
buyers and just 3000- 4000 sellers.
Obviously more people have opted to
buy this script and in the bargain pushing
the price higher.
Here we would observe the price move
The reverse would bring the price down.
Starting from the original 10000 buyers and
4000-5000 sellers at mrket open , we
observe that the buyers are 8000 and
sellers are 12000 (after a period of time).
Here now the supply (of the script)
greatly outnumbers the demand –
resulting in the price being brought down.
Observe these changes – for a few days
over many different scripts.
To summerise

 If buyers more than sellers and buyers

keep increasing than price will go up.

 If sellers more than buyers and sellers s
keep increasing than price will go down.

Having observed this for a period of time, a
few questions would cross your mind.
Q) True, script moved as expected, but
than turned round. How does one know
when to exit the trade?
Do remember, we are NOT trading just
understanding the concept.

START 10000 6000  

LATER 12000 6000 UPTREND

  13000 6200 UPTREND

  14000 6000 UPTREND

  13500 6300 TREND MAY REVERSE

  12000 8000 TREND CHANGING - EXIT

  10000 9000 TREND CHANGING

  9000 11000 SELL GENERATED

Reminder – we do not trade using just
these observations (though lots of people
do so), we will learn more.
These observations were just to
understand how volumes affect script
Mistakes Traders Make

 So, you observed the effect of volume

change on the price? Possibly you
cheated and actually traded using this
technique (Please DON’T)
 There are a few mistakes commonly
made by traders.
a) Believing market rumors
b) Heeding tips available on mass media
c) NOT exiting when in profits (greed)
d) Letting losses pile up (assuming script
will turn in your favor).
Lets confront these mistakes, but before
that one Important tip.
NEVER trade using emotions. Watch,
analyze, and then trade

 Market rumors-unless you have verified

the same yourself – do not believe in
rumors or “insider” tips
 Mass media tips – tips given by mass media
methods (tv, newspaper) will affect the script
as projected by the analyst simply because a
large number of traders follow the same.
However, most of theses media tips are given
by brokers – for whom, loyalties lie with their
paid clients.
 Also do realise that a broker earns commission
on trades – regardless of you being in profit or
 If at all you persist on following these (mass
media) tips – enter and exit quickly with profits.
Do not wait for targets or stoploss to trigger.
 c and d – Its your MONEY ! When in
profit – EXIT. A small profit is better than
any loss.

Only when you have attained a certain

level of perfection in your calculations,
should you take the risk of waiting for
targets to be reached.
It is worth mentioning here that a SL
(stoploss) should always be mantained.
Only and only a SL can keep you from
getting into large losses – we will talk
more on that later.
Making the pivot table

 Now we get down to real serious work

and calculations.
Lets learn how to make the pivot table –
the very foundation of your learning.
The pivot table – in a layman language – is
merely a table comprising of the Open,
High,Low,Close,volumes etc of scripts on
a particular trading day.
From the table, we are able to calculate the
support and resistance levels of any script.
Support level : the level (price) at which the script
has “support”. Going below this level will
generally result in the price falling further.
Resistance level : the level (price) at which the
script offers resistance. Going above this level
would generally result in further uptrend of the
Definations given above are in purely layman
language and in simple terms.
The very first step in creating the pivot
table is to download the bhav copy.
This is a report,published by the exchange,
at end of each trading session listing
various price levels of scripts (eg open,
High,Low, Close etc)
This may be downloaded by pasting the
following link into the address bar of your
 Or you may log onto
 On the right hand side you would have
Quick links.
 Under quicklinks look for “Market reports”
– click on “equity”.
 Download the bhavcopy in csv format
The page looks like this. We click on the Download file in csv format
In this box we will select “Open with” and click on OK
The bhavcopy will download automatically.
The box will look like
 Double click on the Xcel sheet will open
up a window asking if you wish to open
this file. Click on open.
 In our example we are downloading the
15Jun2012 file, which on complete
download looks like

In case you wish to use the same date report select the date
under “archives” in – quicklinks – market
report – archives follow
The link would take you to
Archives of Daily/Monthly reports (EQ) of the
NSE site.
Under Select report select Bhavcopy.
Date select the date required (15 Jun2012) –
if you wish to use the report we have used
in our example
We have columns named A,B,C …… And rows numbered 1,2,3,4…..
 Before moving onto our calculations we
would like to save the file as an excel
worksheet file. This may be done by
clicking on the “File” (on top right hand
li ck
C re
 Select “Save as”.
 I generally save in “Desktop” giving it a file
name as “copy” and Save as type
 Microsoft excel workbook.
Click on

Click on “Save” to save the file. For assistance call your

computer engineer
 Close the bhavcopy csv file.
 Open the “copy” file that we have saved
on desktop.
 Remember our columns are A,B,C D ….
 And rows are 1,2,3,4,…….
 When we wish to reach a particular point
(cell) on our table we will refer to it by
column row identification.
 Say we say A1 it refers to column A row
1 which is
The cell containing the word “SYMBOL”
Highlighted here in yellow

 Just to ensure that we have understood
lets identify the cell of H10.
 We choose column H and go down the
rows to no 10
In our case this here is as ……..
 Got that ? Great. We will use this column row
method to identify boxes.
 In our columns we have various headings such
as “SYMBOL”(A1), SERIES(B1),OPEN(C1) …
and so on.
 We will now be deleting the columns that we do
not require.
 The method explained here may differ slightly
from the one you may use – depending on the
excel software currently in use. Seek
assistance from your computer engineer if
Using the mouse we select and highlight
columns B and C

Columns B
and C
B and C columns are the ones with “SERIES”
and “OPEN” as heading.
By using the right click on the mouse we will
get a small window such as ..

We will delete

Click on the “delete”

 Our table now looks like

NOW B1 is “HIGH” and C1 is “LOW”

Similarly we delete columns E (last) and
F (prevclose) by highlighting and delete.
Our table now looks like this
Delete columns F (TOTTRDVAL) and
G(TIMESTAMP) so the table looks like
 Delete column G (ISIN) so table looks
We now have A1(SYMBOL),
In case your table does not look like this possibly
you have omitted to delete some columns.
Start again till you get it right.
For the 15Jun2012 report follow
Table after all deletions. We will now start our calculations
We will now be inserting formulas for ou
In excel all calculations start with a = sign.
There are two ways of typing the formula.
One by actually typing the formula and
other by moving the cursor to the “cells”
Lets say we wish to add cell B2 and C2
We may do so by
a) Typing the formula as =B2+C2
b) After the = move the cursor to B2, press
the + sign and move cursor to C2 and
hit the enter key.
Use the method you find easier to
Adding columns to pivot table
 We need to add a few columns to our pivot
 In cell G1 we enter “PIVOT” so that the table
looks like
We have added
“PIVOT” in the G1 cell
Similarly we add
“S1” in the H1 cell
“R1” in the I1 cell
“TOTAL” in the J1 cell
“SELL” in the K1 cell
“BUY” in the L1 cell and
“Y” in the M1 cell
So that we have a table looking like
We are now all set to enter the formulae
Note: in case some of the script names are
not visible or only partly visible, simply get
the cursor on the line between A and B.
The cursor will change shape. Press and
hold the left mouse key and drag to the
right to increase width of column.
Right - now to the formula. Lets Start
 Entering the first formula
 The first formula will be entered into the cell
G2 (Under “PIVOT”)

Remember in Excel all formulas start with the = key.
In the cell G2 we will insert the formula
No space between any figure.
B2 is the “HIGH” of script 20Microns
C2 is the “LOW” of script 20Microns
D2 is the “CLOSE” of script 20Microns
What we have done is added the HIGH,LOW,CLOSE and
divided the total by 3 to arrive at our “PIVOT” for
Note: 20Microns happens to be the first script in the list
and by default all formulas being entered for it. No
other reason. Later we will copy the formulas for all
If we bring the cursor to G2 the formula will
show up in the formula box.


We insert our formula in G2 or directly into fx box. I prefer

We have calculated the “PIVOT” for the
script 20Microns.
Lets move onto the cell H2 to calculate the
S1(support level) for this script.
In H2 the formula to be entered is
Or (pivot x 2) minus High.
Got it? The S1 would always be lower than
the “CLOSE”.
Lets move on to the next formula
The formula will now be entered in I2 under
the R1 column.
Formula is
Or (PIVOT * 2) minus “LOW”
The R1 would always be higher than the
We have now calculated the “PIVOT”, “S1”
and “R1” of the script 20Microns.
We have numerical figures under all three
figures in all
In the total column we will insert a formula
which will let us determine how many
shares we can buy with the investment
we have. We assume an investment of
Rs20000 for each script.
Say for this script (20Microns) which closed
at 86.9 we would be able to buy
20000/86.9 no of shares. And that is our
Finally we wish to determine how much
profit we may make if we sell or buy the
script. Just follow the steps shown, and
we will explain later.
Under SELL column or the K2 add the
J2 is the total no of shares
D2 is “CLOSE” price
H2 is Support(S1)
We assume that we sell at the “CLOSE”
price and exit at the “S1”.
We multiply this difference with the number
of shares we can buy (with Rs20000).
This gives us the profit we may earn if we
short sell this script.
Similarly w enter a formula for the buy in
L2 cell.
And that completes all our formulas !
Quick check

Cell Formula
G2 =(B2+C2+D2)/3
H2 =(G2*2)-B2
I2 =(G2*2)-C2
J2 =20000/D2
K2 =J2*(D2-H2)
L2 =J2*(I2-D2)
We will copy these formulas for all our scripts.
Lets start with the formula in cell G2.
Select G2 (The black outline lets you know
that you have selected cell G2)
Keep the control key (of you keypad) pressed
and hit the letter C.
The black border will appear as if ants are
moving round the border.
We have actually simply copied the formula
We will copy this formula right down the list for all
the scripts as follows…….
Keep the shift key (of your keyboard) pressed
and press the Page Down key (of your
Keep the page down key pressed till you reach
the end of the list. The complete column will
change colour.
Leave both keys and hit Enter (of your keyboard)
You will observe that the formula has been
copied for all the scripts.
Ask your computer software engineer for help if
Our Table now looks like this
Scroll down the list to ensure that the
formulae have been copied down to the
last script.
While scrolling you will notice that the top
line (containing headings of columns)
also scrolls up. Which means that when
we scroll to the lower part of the list we
are unable to see the heading line.
Lets “freeze” the top line.
Get your cursor to cell A2.
From the menu bar select Windows, and from
there select “Freeze Panes”
Now, if you scroll down the list, you will
notice that the headings line is “frozen”.

So much for the calculations. We now wish

to use these calculations to search for
our profits making scripts.
Using the pivot table

It is best to trade in those scripts that show

movement .
Also trade in those scripts that have
volumes.If you see your “TOTTRDQTY”
or “TOTAL TRADES” column you will
come across many scripts that trade in a
few thousands/hundreds. We do not
trade in such low volume scripts
We would also trade in those scripts that
have the potential to generate the
maximum profit for us.
In order to select such scripts we need to
first filter out the scripts we do not want.
Get your cursor to A1.
From Menu bar select DATA
Select “Filter” and then “Auto Filter”
Each heading now has a drop down arrow
as such
Drop down
Lets filter out all those scripts that have less
than 200000 volume.
Click on the drop down arrow of your
“TOTTRDQTY”. Should be column E.
Select “custom” which opens up a new
window (custom auto Filter) on your
In the first choice box select “is greater than or
equal to”
In the next box type 200000. Click on OK
Your pivot table now contains only those
scripts that have a “TOTTRDQTY” greater
than or equal to 200000 – as per our filtered

All above
Selecting scripts

We will now use our data to select scripts

which show promise of movement in next
days trade and will give us maximum
We will select up to four scripts.
Get your cursor to cell K3 (sell).

Click on data again
Click on sort
The Sort window will open up
Click on the descending option. This way those scripts giving us
maximum profit will appear on top row and be arranged in
descending order
Click OK to confirm and your rows will be arranged in
descending order of “sell” profit
Although the first row script is showing us a
profit of 4000, and scripts traded are
above 200000 (as selected earlier)we do
trade in this as the “Total Trades” is just
201 (column F).
Here we would look at those scripts that
have a column F greater than 10000.
As the script in second row (IFCI in this
case) has “Total Trades” as 24714 and a
profit of 3140.94
This is a script that we may select.
For all selected scripts we insert a “y” under
the “Y” column.

Type in “y” so we
know this is a
selected script
Similarly we could select scripts MASTEK and

3 scripts
We may simliarly select a few scripts under the
Get cursor to cell L3, click on data, sort. In the sort
box select buy and then “descending”
Notice – not much change in the script selection.
So we limit our self to the chosen 3 scripts.
Now we need to know the entry and exit price for these scripts.
We have selected 3 scripts that we wish to trade in on the
following trading day( in this case the 16Jun 2012).
Lets get rid of the rest.
Get the cursor and click on the drop down arrow of column “Y”.
Select y from the options listed.
This way only those scripts that we marked
with a “y” will be visible.
At any time we wish we can get the other
scripts back by clicking on the drop down
of column Y and selecting “all”.
We now have 3 scripts IFCI, MASTEK,
DCHL selected.
We will now determine the entry and exit
levels for these scripts
Buy or Sell?

The best part of Intraday trading is that we

stand to make profits regardless whether
market is moving up or down.
In all the chosen scripts we will determine
the buy and sell trigger and the targets.
Look at the columns “close” and “pivot”.
We will compare the prices of these two
We will initiate a buy if the script moves
above the higher of the two and initiate a
sell if when script moves below the lower
of the two (close and pivot)
IFCI the close is 37.25 and pivot is 36.9
Obviously “close” is the higher of the two.
We would initiate a buy above 37.25 with a
target of 42.75 (R1 column).
We could also initiate a sell if price falls
below 36.9 (lower of the two) with a target
of 31.4 (S1 column)
We would note this down as
Buy 37.30 target 42.75
Sell 36.8 target 31.4
Let do the same for the other two scripts.
Buy above the higher of the two with R1 as
target and sell below the lower of the two
with S1 as target.
Try it before moving onto the next slide.
Tried it?
Ok so compare your results with the next
Buy 105.6 target 112
Sell 102.26 target 95.73

Buy 33.35 target 35.26
Sell 33.08 target 31.16
Your answers matched? Great. You are a
quick learner !
No no no! You do not start trading now. We
still have some more learning to do.
Do remember, the market cannot be taken
for granted. To achieve exact targets at
all times need ideal conditions.
For instance – in our calculations – if buy
triggers, and the buyer volume keeps
increasing ( as discussed in earlier
slides) than target is very possible.
It would be necessary to keep a watch on
the volumes even when script triggers.
The calculations done so far was as a
premarket trade.
Which means we select the scripts, and
enter as per those calculations ONLY
and ONLY if the volumes support the
So what is the ideal time to trade? And
would the same calculations work?
Ideal time to enter trade

 The best time to enter is an hour to an

hour n a half after market opens.
 NSE opens for trade at 9.15am. Start
your trading around 10.15 – 10.30 a.m.
 You would also at this time recalculate
the pivot table for the scripts.
Only at this time you will replace the
“CLOSE price with the CMP (current
market price).
HIGH and LOW, would be as at that time.
This way you will be able to get new pivot,
S1 and R1 which will be more relevant.
The HIGH, LOW, and CMP can be seen in
the market depth window.
These recalculations maybe done at any
time during market hours to update the
pivot table, not only for your chosen
scripts, but also for any other script you
wish to enter during market hours
How to get the most out of your pivot table.
Pivot is an important value for us
Best to enter around an hour or so after
market opens.
A target (for beginners) of 0.75% and
SL(Stop Loss explained in next chapter)
of 0.5% is a safe bet
Stop Loss

As mentioned earlier – keeping a SL (Stop

Loss) is extremely important so as to
minimize your losses.
It is not necessary that once a script
triggers, it will move immediately in the
desired direction.
Say, the BUY triggers at Rs100 (for
example) and we have a target of 107
The script may move up to 101 – 102
levels, then move back to 99 – 98 levels
and so on.
One tends to panic when the script moves
below the entry level and at times exits ,
only to discover that the script had
ultimately reached target.
So we need to decide a price beyond
which, we can be reasonably sure that
the trend will reverse.
This price is referred to as Stop Loss.
Lets refer to our earlier chosen scripts to
decide our SL.
Buy 105.6 target 112
Sell 102.26 target 95.73

Buy 33.35 target 35.26
Sell 33.08 target 31.16
For the MASTEK buy, the SL would be
around 102.5 (just above the SELL
For MASTEK sell, the SL would be around
105 ( just below the BUY trigger).
When you enter a BUY, the SL would be
slightly above the SELL trigger, and
when you enter the SELL the SL would
be slightly below the BUY trigger.
However – and to use my pet phrase – “its
your money” , I would advice first time
traders and beginners , to book quick
profits and exit rather than wait for SL, as
a small profit is better than any loss.
So if, (as in our example) MASTEK (or any
chosen script) triggers its BUY at 105.6
and price goes up to 107, and shows a
tendency of slipping, or comes to 106.5,
Do not wait for SL to hit
Later, as you gain experience, than take
the risks of SL.
During market hours

We have already discussed as to how to

calculate the pivot table during market hours.
Click here to revise.
You may also at any time check the NSE site to
check which scripts are being traded the most
on that day.
This way you will be able to select more scripts,
after having done with your own chosen ones.
The Magic indicator

Uffffff ! We have the volumes to monitor,

the pivot table to make, the pivot table to
recalculate and even then not sure if the
script price is going to be moving
upwards or downwards.
No easy way to identify this?
Notice the ATP (Average Traded Price) or
the Weighted Average in the market
Some portals may have a different name
for this – check with your portal provider.
This is our magic indicator !
If the ATP is moving upwards – then price
too will follow the same direction
If ATP is moving downwards – then price
too will follow the same direction.
Lets come back to our previous example.
Buy 105.6 target 112
Sell 102.26 target 95.73
Assume the ATP is 102.70.
After some time it moves to 102.75,102.80
102.85 etc – YES the script is moving
Alternatively, if ATP moves
102.75, etc the movement
is downward
Watch this ATP and price movement for
various scripts to assure yourself of its
Regardless of movement of ATP, one
would not enter the script unless
For instance, (referring back to MASTEK),
The ATP is showing an upward trend, yet
we will not BUY before 105.6
Similarly , we will not sell before 102.26,
even though ATP moving downwards.
Both 105.6 and 102.26 are referred to as
triggers. Avoid trade when price is
between the triggers.
105.66 (BUY trigger)


102.26 (SELL trigger)

During Market Hours

Possibilities that may exist once market

has started.
You have the pivot table ready, the
calculations completed as per the latest
prices and are watching the ATP.
What now?
Depending on the price placement lets
decide strategy
 Price below pivot but above S1

Can buy above pivot, when price reaches

above pivot or sell below S1
(do observe the ATP – for “magic”
 Price above pivot but below R1

Can sell below pivot, when price reaches

below pivot or buy above R1
(do observe the ATP – for “magic”
And that , friends brings us to the end of
this study material.
Do observe all the trends for some time –
till you are confident that you have
understood the same, before trading.
With a little bit of discipline you will find it
quite simple.
Wish you all the best in your trades


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