Market Assassination 101

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Market Assassination 101

How your competition is killing your revenue with

a simple 7 step strategy
Table of Contents


Chapter 1 – Content Marketing with a Purpose

Chapter 2 – Don’t Sell Ice to Eskimo’s – Understand Your Customer Base

Chapter 3 – The Morning after your Mourning Period

Chapter 4 – Find Your Holy Trinity – Managing Your Mind, Soul and Body

Chapter 5 – Build Your Ark – Reach Out!

Chapter 6 – The The Test of Faith – Really Letting Go

Chapter 7 – Divine Your Altar – What Do You Really Want in a Relationship?

Chapter 8 – The Rebirth – Coming to Terms with the New You!


To begin with I would like to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“The Breakup Bible – How to Breakup without Breaking Down!”

The honest truth is, falling into a bad relationship or the wrong relationship, is a mistake
everyone makes at one point in their lives. For most people this mistake is just a learning
curve, one they look back on and laugh at, but for some people, it becomes a rut, a situation
that keeps getting worse without any escape route – and it is for those of you, that this book
has been produced. The Breakup Bible contains proven steps and strategies on how to
understand your needs in a relationship, and then through careful steps build and address
these, while simultaneously learning how to love yourself enough to assert yourself, by
admitting and telling your partner why ‘this’ isn’t working for you.

While some breakups may seem effortless no-brainers, others, are massively difficult to
even contemplate. These are the breakups we focus on here, the one’s that you secretly
want but can’t seem to admit to yourself or your partner; the one’s you know you need, but
are afraid will leave you broken, shattered or worse – alone. It is heartbreaking to realize,
how many people regularly leave themselves open to all forms of negativity, including
bullying and both physical and mental oppression just because they can’t fathom how they
could possibly survive or exist outside of this relationship they have used to define

Terrifying isn’t it?

This realization that this person I’m talking about, is you, that this person who went into
this relationship as a fully formed individual, is now a mere shadow of the person they used
to be. Suddenly everything feels impossible, or worse unavoidable.

But the good news is it’s not!

No matter how dependent you may have grown to be, or how perfect everyone else may
think you are as a couple – walking away is still an option. Sometimes it’s the only option,
and the only reason you don’t know that yet is because you haven’t let yourself
acknowledge it.

Which is why we are here for you, introducing ‘The Breakup Bible’ a clear, concise guide to
help you through not just your breakup, but those stormy waters of a post breakup.

Thanks again for downloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
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Chapter 1

Content Marketing with a Purpose

– The Difference between Good and Great Content

Bad ‘Content Marketing’ is like a wet, slobbery kiss.

It’s awkward, it’s unwanted and it’s makes you want to run like the wind in
the exact opposite direction.

Interestingly enough the problem most companies face isn’t ‘bad’ content
marketing. Because in all honesty, bad content marketing is pretty rare – I
mean there was that one time that Malaysia Airlines decided to run a ‘bucket
list’ (as in things you want to do before you die) competition, months after its
whole ‘two-flights-going-down-and-killing-all-onboard-passengers’ debacle.

Not the companies brightest move by a mile.

But, in all fairness, that was mostly a one-off thing.

You see, when it comes to content marketing, like we just said – examples
such as this are extremely rare. Most companies, including your own
probably have pretty decent content marketing teams.

And this is exactly why most companies find themselves drowning in


You see with a bad marketing team, or a bad marketing idea, companies are
forced to recognize that what they are trying to do isn’t working – which in
turn, forces them to move on.

That doesn’t happen with mediocre marketing.

Mediocre marketing teams stall company growth. They give organizations an

illusion of growth that prevents them from learning and growing 1.

It’s like having a bad boss, at a job that pays well. You hate your job, but the
cheque at the end of the week has made you complacent.

So, what is the solution? How does one cure mediocrity?

Well for starters let’s focus on the 6 major factors most content marketers
tend to overlook.

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Numero uno on our list is ‘Engagement’.

Now, the production of quality content, that both endears itself to audiences,
and engages with them is scarce. This is largely because it is unlikely that
you will be able to engage with a large group of people in a positive manner.
Simply put – not everyone in a specific area like the same thing.

People are different. If you want to be a great marketer, you need to accept

So, how do you deal with all these different takes on the same product or

Easy – you break them into groups.

Companies like Proctor & Gamble have famously launched campaigns such
as the ‘Home Made Easy’ and ‘Man of the House’ targeting working ‘Mom’s’
and ‘Dad’s’ respectively, which helped their target audiences feel more
included and acknowledged, even when they were just going to pick up
You see, while people do tend to have varied opinions on a wide range of
topics, people who go through the same experiences or have similar
backgrounds, tend to have similar mindsets.

For instance, someone who has lost a loved one o gun violence is more likely
to be pro-gun control, whereas someone who comes from a family of hunters
is more likely to dislike any restriction of access.

They key to engaging people, is to recognize and adapt to these differences,

and cater accordingly.

Which of course brings us to item number two, pioneering new content. The
thing about creating and pushing a new idea, is it’s risky and despite the fact
that all entrepreneurs are gamblers at heart when they start their
companies, when it comes to marketing strategy, everyone wants a sure

Unfortunately, in todays fast paced digital economy, even sure-shot

marketing concepts come with an expiry date. Keeping pace and being
innovative isn’t just something that keeps you ahead of the tide anymore,
it’s what keeps you relevant.

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