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ata centers are quick- introducing downtime into operations To better understand an equipment rack’s
ly evolving, thanks to that are expected to function 24x7. role in the data center, one must have a
initiatives that drive the good grasp of the industry terms associ-
adoption of green tech- Simply put, OEMs need to incorporate ated with equipment housings and racks.
nologies, reduced physical more resiliency into their offerings and
footprints, increased densities, and better adopt best practices that can ensure that Data Center Rack: A physical steel and
environmental controls, which in turn are equipment functions as intended. Also, as electronic framework that is designed to
changing the power-hungry monstrosi- OEMs increase equipment densities, they house servers, networking devices, cables
ties of yesteryear into islands of compute must also address the power and cooling and other computing equipment. The
efficiency. needs of the racks that they choose to physical structure provides equipment
incorporate into their solutions. There is placement and orchestration within a
However, orchestrating those various no denying the importance of equipment data center facility. Racks are usually pre-
technologies can be a significant chal- racks today, and how integrated, well-de- fabricated, offering slots for connecting
lenge. A challenge that may make it easier signed racks have become the founda- electrical, networking and internet cables,
to build the data center of tomorrow tion of a data center. Regardless of the and are built using a systematic design,
from the ground up as opposed to re-en- solution housed within a rack, that rack and are normally classified based on the
gineering existing data centers into some is expected to protect the equipment con- overall capacity or the number of bays.
semblance of ultra-efficiency. tained within and also be easily serviced Standard racks are usually referred to as
if the need arises. 19”, where the bays are divided into Rack
Naturally, many external factors will Units (RU or U), where the 1RU mea-
drive the decision to start new or rebuild. This white paper will explore the basic surement occupies 1.75” of vertical space.
Regardless of the path taken, there are premise of an equipment rack from the
specific technologies that will form the perspective of creating a reliable enclosure Data Center Enclosure / Cabinet: Basic
foundation of an efficient data center, that can properly power the equipment data center racks are normally an open
namely the racks that house the actual housed within, while also removing poten- framework, while a Data Center Enclo-
equipment and one cannot talk about tial power failures from the rack, yet still sure (or Cabinet) adds sides and doors to
racks, without talking about issues such create an environment where efficiency an open rack, thus enclosing the equip-
as power distribution units (PDUs), ser- and serviceability can be achieved. ment inside. Cabinets bring physical se-
viceability, and environmental controls.

Equipment racks are proving to be the

actual catalyst for introducing efficiency
into both old and new data centers. Mul-
tiple OEMs are preconfiguring compute
and storage solutions into racks, helping
to increase those efficiencies and leverage
high-density solutions, while also incor-
porating management controls, monitor-
ing systems, and expansion capabilities.
However, racks can (and do) fail, bring-
ing operations to a screeching halt and
Carling Technologies reserves the right to change these details at any time. This white paper is for information only
and complete research and specification developments is the sole responsibility of the reader. | Phone: (860) 793-9281 | Email:

curity to the equipment housed within via
locking mechanisms on the cabinet doors.
However, unlike open racks, cabinets must
incorporate cooling methods, since airflow
is blocked by the addition of panels and
doors to seal the rack. Cabinets may also
have more sensors, management controls,
and load data gathering capabilities.

Power Distribution Unit (PDU): A rack

housed electrical device that incorporates
multiple sources of integrated power
outputs. Each power output socket can
be connected to a computing or network-
ing device directly. A PDU is designed to ment, and data collection capabilities suppliers that focus on engineering and
manage and distribute large amounts of that can be analyzed to detect potential production, while also having the capabil-
electricity and normally have the ability failures, or shifting loads that may ities to optimize their PDUs’ performance
to be connected and accessed over the indicate other problems. will prove to be the choice for incorporat-
network or remotely and provide data and ing into data center racks that will meet
statistics on the power usage. As densities increase and component future needs as data centers continue to
miniaturization becomes more neces- evolve.
Circuit Breaker: Devices at the heart of sary, PDUs will also need to incorpo-
a PDU and are responsible for protecting rate better circuit protection technol- Section I:
IT equipment from damage due to power ogies. Circuit protection technologies,
spikes or other abnormal occurrences. especially in the form of circuit
The Symbiotic Relationship of
Breakers are often incorporated into trans- breakers are the most critical element PDUs and Circuit Protections
formers and offer the ability to collect data of any PDU. Selecting inferior circuit In their most basic form, PDUs do much
and measure power usage, as well as loads. breakers can lead to equipment dam- the same job as a power strip; the PDU
Breakers are the most important safety age, unreliability, and even dangerous gets current from a single source, and
device in a PDU and can be configured to situations, such as fires. As IT equip- then offers multiple connections that
bring additional protection to equipment. ment advances, it may become more can power multiple devices, such as
susceptible to power spikes, voltage computers, peripherals, and networking
Internet of Things (IoT): An ever-growing drops, harmonics, and other electrical gear. PDUs are usually incorporated into
network of physical objects that feature an factors that can cause damage. It is equipment racks and are designed to
IP address for internet connectivity, and critical for OEMs offering data center power rack-mounted equipment, such as
the communication that occurs between racks to consider the implications servers, switches, routers, appliances, and
these objects and other internet-enabled of “dirty” power on the equipment cooling fans. PDUs are found in data cen-
devices and systems. IoT devices can in- housed within the rack. Otherwise, ters, network closets, phone systems, and
clude sensors, controllers, security systems, warranty claims, service calls, and oth- other business or industrial environments
thermostats, appliances, and other devices, er SLA derived services may increase, where racked equipment is used.
which utilize embedded technology to reducing the reliability of deployed
communicate via TCP/IP protocols. systems and potentially damaging Beyond power distribution, PDUs also
customer relationships, while also can offer monitoring and management
PDUs have been a fundamental part of damaging reputations. While an enclo- features, as well as component service-
data center power distribution architec- ability. PDUs can also support metered,
sure is a physical system within itself,
ture for decades and are facing the same it must be designed to deal with the monitored, switched, and other con-
evolutionary demands placed upon the physical equipment housed inside, and nections, based upon the needs of the
re-engineering of data centers to introduce that means incorporating PDUs and equipment in the rack. Many PDUs come
increased reliability, improved efficiencies, circuitry protection that extends the in 1U or 2U form factors and can be
and increased densities. That means PDUs life of the equipment. added to racks and enclosures as needed.
themselves have to become more efficient, Some PDUs are designed to be further
more reliable, and take up less space while Although PDUs have been used in data integrated into an enclosure and may
generating less heat. What’s more, PDUs centers for decades, PDU designs and support hot-swappable circuit breakers
have to incorporate technologies that sup- manufacturing must adapt to needs or other capabilities beyond what a basic
port remote monitoring, remote manage- of state-of-the-art data centers. PDU PDU offers. | Phone: (860) 793-9281 | Email:

From the outset, PDUs are designed to of- rack of equipment down, or even current per outlet or measure spikes or
fer some form of circuit protection and of- worse, damage that equipment. That is even the quality of the power provided. In
fer different options for circuit control and where both quality and serviceability other words, PDUs can be complex pieces
protection. PDUs can incorporate basic come into play. Those selecting PDUs of equipment that are expected to protect
protection in the form of a simple circuit need to consider how the PDUs are other complex pieces of equipment, all
breaker, other PDUs offer metered type designed and built, what materials are stored within a challenging environment.
connections, where amp loads are metered used for the sockets, connections, and Making sure equipment is properly
to prevent overloads. Other PDU types mounting elements. The functional protected means selecting a PDU that can
include monitored or switched, where an temperature ranges, measured MTBF, operate under the expected conditions.
SNMP interface is offered for management, and warranty support. Serviceability Important criteria to look at includes:
while switched supports remote control of elements, such as hot swap breakers,
individual outlets on the PDU. Of course, ease of access to replacement parts, • Operational Environment: What are
there are other combinations that incorpo- monitoring, and the ability to perform the temperature ranges the PDU is
rate multiple features, such as auto-transfer preventative maintenance should also likely to encounter, what levels of hu-
capabilities, combined with monitoring be considered. The simple fact of the midity are expected. Better compo-
and metering. Picking a PDU for spe- matter is that enclosures can outlast nents have the ability to work under
cific needs means looking at the options the housed equipment, in other words, greater variations in temperature and
available and determining what makes the new devices such as servers or switches humidity.
most sense for the equipment housed in may be installed over time, replacing
the rack. other devices. The cabinet itself may • Ease of Service: Can the PDU be
not be changed, meaning that the reset? Does it support hot swaps of
PDUs are also in the middle of a battle PDUs chosen should offer a much components? Does it provide a by-
over currents, specifically AC or DC. AC longer life than typical data center pass capability, are replacement parts
has been the leading primary power source equipment. readily available? How long is the
for data centers, however much of the product life cycle? What guarantees
equipment actually runs on DC, meaning Section 2: are in place to ensure long-term parts
that AC has to be converted to DC inside What to Look for in Circuit availability?
the device itself, creating waste. A study
by the Electric Power Research Institute
Protection • Reliability: Has MTBF been tested?
Selecting circuit protection compo-
shows on average, DC improved efficiency What is the rated number of cycles
nents can be a complex task, there are
about 15.3 percent over AC systems at a on the components? How does the
many factors to consider when making
data center operated by Duke Power in device deal with dirty power sourc-
that choice. For the most part, PDUs
Charlotte, North Carolina. What’s more, es, load ramping, surges, and other
are all about circuit protection, and
interest in DC is growing because of al- power problems?
that means circuit breakers play a criti-
ternate energy technologies, such as solar
cal role. After all, PDUs are expected to
and wind. Currently, those technologies • Safety: What type of circuit pro-
stop surges and prevent overloads.
generate DC power, which is then convert- tection is in use? Are buttons and
ed to AC power to be fed into the primary controls protected from accidental
PDUs can also be designed to control
power lines, and then converted back to activation? Is there any method to
DC at the device level. Ultimately, keeping
everything in a data center on DC pow-
er can save at least three energy-wasting
conversions; at the UPS, at the PDU, and at
the power supply unit (PSU) on servers or
networking equipment.

Although PDUs can support many differ-

ent types of circuit protection, support AC
or DC environments, and even incorporate
advanced monitoring capabilities, while
also working with different power feeds,
one primary issue should still be consid-
ered when choosing a PDU -- quality.
PDUs are critical in the data center, and
a failure of a PDU can bring a complete | Phone: (860) 793-9281 | Email:

prevent accidental disconnects? How storage and routing devices, while delays should include Ultra-Short, Short,
are cables routed? Are there any sharp also facilitates load adjustments and Medium, and Long DC Switch only.
edges? Is there ground fault protec- maximum efficiency. In other cases,
tion? How well is the PDU secured to circuit breakers that are designed for Section 3:
the rack? high power density situations may be The Path to Customizable PDUs
required. Those breakers should come There is no doubt that data centers are
• Efficiency: Are increased densities in low profile form factors, use hydrau- evolving, both in what is expected from a
supported (1RU sizing)? What foot- lic-magnetic actuator mechanisms and service perspective and the physical orga-
print reduction options are available? support customizable trip delays, such nization of the equipment housed. Much
Are management and monitoring as Instantaneous, Ultra Short, Short, of that change has been driven by a quest
tools included? Are any types of power Medium, Long, Short Hi-Inrush, Me- for efficiency and the introduction of new
alarms available? Are hydraulic-mag- dium Hi-Inrush, and Long Hi-Inrush. technologies. Take for example the rise of
netic circuit breakers available? IoT, where all sorts of devices are being
Depending on the intended applica- deployed in the data center and across
Other features to consider include visu- tion of a PDU, circuit breaker designs the enterprise. Those devices include
al representation of PDU status, either may have a dramatic impact on the sensors, security systems, controllers and
by LEDs or clearly marked switches and suitability of that PDU. Take for exam- many other pieces of equipment and all
panels. Being able to determine the power ple cases where it is critical to prevent share internet connectivity in common.
status of an manual override of a breaker in an
enclosure at a glance is important in large overcurrent situation. That may mean In many cases, data centers are becoming
data centers, where staff has to quickly using a tandem pole circuit breaker, a conglomeration of IoT devices, and
locate potential equipment problems. which is designed with a common trip equipment racks may fall under that
linkage ensuring if one pole trips, the classification as time goes on. IoT, for the
Nevertheless, protecting connected devices tandem pole simultaneously trips. It’s most part, gathers data in real-time and
comes down to one undeniable fact, and also important that the breaker incor- reports to analytics platforms for analysis
that is the quality and type of circuit break- porates a trip-free mechanism, which to enhance decision making or trigger
er involved. Circuit breakers are the most is a safety feature making it impossible alerts based upon trends. As the impact
critical component of any PDU. Much like to manually hold the contacts closed of IoT grows, PDUs will most likely be-
any other technology, circuit breakers have during overcurrent or fault conditions. come part of the industrial IoT ecosys-
evolved and offer many different ancillary tem, reporting on elements such as pow-
features that mark design excellence. As Of course, PDUs designed for DC er usage, heat, status, and other elements.
IT equipment has become more sensitive environments require adequate circuit PDUs, if properly equipped, can become
to power variances, surges, and so forth, protection as well. DC powered sys- part of the industrial IoT ecosystem
circuit breakers must be up to the task and tems have different needs and normal- and help data centers better understand
properly integrated into a PDU. ly incorporate high DC voltages (up to power usage, especially in multi-tenant
600VDC), along with high amperages. environments or co-locations.
In some cases, that may mean select- Better circuit breakers for those envi-
ing circuit breakers that are compact in ronments employ hydraulic-magnetic The concepts of IoT fit squarely into
nature and designed to operate in con- mechanisms, along with permanent active management of PDUs, where
fined spaces. Those breakers should use magnets that can create strong mag- capabilities such as out-of-band and in-
hydraulic-magnetic circuit protection netic fields that are used by arc runners band monitoring are becoming critical
and when transformer enabled, be able to to better react to spikes and help to tools. In-band monitoring provides the
sense current down to a level of 1%. That cool the breaker as well. Those break- real-time ability to understand what
enables precise current monitoring and ers should also support multiple trip exactly is occurring with a PDU. Issues
reporting required for back billing of the delays, with DC instantaneous being a such as load, power quality, temperature,
actual power consumed by data center critical starting point. Other available and other derived information can be re-
ported in an active fashion to a manage-
ment console. Out-of-band monitoring
PDUs, if properly equipped, can become part of introduces the capability of diagnosing a
component that may not be functioning
the industrial IoT ecosystem and help data centers or sending commands to a device that
better understand power usage, especially in may be down. Both of those capabilities
multi-tenant environments or co-locations. lend themselves well to management of
large data centers, where PDUs have the | Phone: (860) 793-9281 | Email:

potential to become part of a managed Machine learning can further enrich maximize compute utilization by shifting
infrastructure. the data by discovering outliers and loads to active servers and shutting down
exceptions that could bring predictive underutilized systems. The key to accom-
Adding those capabilities to PDUs means analytics to bear. An important consid- plishing the outlined goals can be found
that PDUs must have the potential to be eration for data centers that are dealing in the form of customization, where the
customized and integrated into other with issues of scale. PDU vendor can offer the services and
systems. That is something that can usually support to make such things possible via
be achieved with APIs or other software The ability to scale on demand has APIs, custom programming, or pre-inte-
methods to integrate PDUs into other become a critical capability for service grated capabilities.
management systems. A whole ecosys- providers operating data centers.
tem of ITSM (I.T. System Management) Scaling up often means spinning up Section 4:
solutions exist on the market that supports additional compute resources, while Call to Action
integration via APIs. Here, those adopting scaling down means shutting down Implementing the best technology starts
PDUs that offer APIs, can create integra- underutilized resources. PDUs that can with identifying that technology. While
tion packages that support popular ITSM control power to individual servers or there are some clear-cut best practices
platforms, bringing additional value to the devices in a rack may have the poten- on how to identify the best technology,
data center racks and enclosures that are tial to make scaling a very efficient there are some less tangible examples that
being offered. process, by eliminated waste and shut- further outline the search for excellence:
ting down power to inactive machines,
Customization capabilities also fit well into while also participating in the pow- • Seek Value: Always remember to
the realm of big data, business intelligence er-up phase of increasing scale. consider the value offered by a PDU.
(BI), and automation systems, such as Although value may be somewhat of
RPA (Robotic Process Automation). The PDUs have the potential to become a judgment call, there are indicators
ability to feed data to those systems gives an important part of the adaptable that go beyond initial price. Exam-
operators the ability to derive insights from data center, where intelligence is used ples include support, feature set,
trends and supports the ideology of rela- to identify needs and then take part warranty, customization, availability,
tional data analysis from multiple sources. in boosting efficiencies. By compar- and of course, the relationship with
Automation technologies can be used to ing server utilization against power the vendor.
control PDUs or related power systems consumption, it is possible for PDUs to
based upon policies derived from insights. become part of the solution needed to • Validate Protection: One of the | Phone: (860) 793-9281 | Email:

most important capabilities of a PDU from monitoring to proactive Worldwide Headquarters
is its ability to protect equipment from maintenance, to outsourced man- Carling Technologies Inc.
damage. That means the PDU should agement of data center equipment, 60 Johnson Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062
incorporate circuit protection technol- or even the execution of service Phone: 860.793.9281
ogy, such as circuit breakers, that are contracts and SLAs. PDUs offer Email:
specifically designed to exceed the re- a path to building long-term Sales Offices:
quirements of the target environment relationships with customers and Northern Region:
and incorporate safety features and creating managed services that Southeast Region:
customizable options to meet the crite- can ease burdens on the custom- Midwest Region:
ria of the equipment to be protected. er, yet provide long-term service West Region:
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• Look to the Future: PDUs that fit the
bill today may not meet the require- Thank you for downloading and European Headquarters
ments of tomorrow. It is critical to reading this Carling Technologies Carling Technologies LTD
work with vendors that can provide white paper. For nearly a century we’ve 4 Airport Business Park, Exeter Airport,
some form of future proofing their been dedicated to serving the needs of Clyst Honiton, Exeter, Devon, EX5 2UL, UK
offerings. In other words, the ability our customers. During this time we’re Phone: Int + 44 1392.364422
to upgrade components, add new proud to have earned the trust and Email:
features, and have long term access to confidence of many of the world’s larg- Sales Offices:
replacement parts all fit well into the est commercial vehicle manufacturers. Germany:
concept of future proofing. We are honored and privileged as well France:
to have merited the business of many
• Seek Design Excellence: Design is a small and mid-size manufacturers. Asia-Pacific Headquarters
critical element of a good PDU. The In every instance, of course, it began Carling Technologies, Asia-Pacific LTD.,
devices should embrace intelligent de- with a contact, an inquiry, a conversa- Suite 1607, 16/F Tower 2, The Gateway,
sign and address common issues, such tion. If you have a need, a challenge, a Harbour City, 25 Canton Road,
as ease of service, protected switches, problem in search of a solution, or any Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
indicators, integration capabilities, situation with which our people and Phone: Int + 852-2737-2277
hot-swappable components, and better our products may be of assistance, we Email:
circuit protection. welcome the opportunity to serve you. Sales Offices:
For more information please visit our Shenzhen, China:
• Seek Additional Opportunities: website, email us or give us a call. Shanghai, China:
The ability to maintain a long-term Pune, India:
relationship with a customer is tanta- Kaohsiung, Taiwan:
mount to achieving ongoing revenue. Yokohama, Japan:
Look for opportunities to build ser-
vices around PDUs and racks, ranging

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