Importance of Cultural Sensitivity

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Importance of Cultural

Cultural Sensitivity refers to being aware of the fact that cultural similarities and differences

exist between people without assigning them a positive or negative, right or wrong value.

[ CITATION Mar14 \l 1033 ]

This essentially means that in our daily life, we come across experiences where cultural

differences are bound to exist. But we are supposed to see those differences as a positive

thing and maybe learn from it without considering one’s culture right or wrong.[ CITATION

Dis17 \l 1033 ]

We frequently face situations in our life and work environments where there is a dominant

and secondary culture. In the US, the majority believes that the European American is the

culture that is dominant whereas African American, Hispanic and Chinese are all secondary

cultures. Cultural Sensitivity implies that both groups must understand and respect each

other’s opinions, mindsets, and characteristics. This can be a challenge sometimes since

many people are really sensitive about their cultural values. [ CITATION Mar14 \l 1033 ]

Diversity is on the rise and increasingly diverse sets of people are seen living together in

communities especially the ones in metropolitan cities. It is not always possible to understand

each other’s backgrounds. Cultural Sensitivity never meant for someone to become an expert

in each culture’s values. It means that you should be eager to ask honest questions, seek

understanding, and where possible, demonstrate a sense of empathy instead of judging or

backbiting. It also means that one should do their homework beforehand especially if there is

a chance of interaction with someone of a different culture.

Multi-national corporations and other large offices now include cultural sensitivity in their

employee hiring and training processes. Many known publishing sites now hire teams from

diverse cultures to review the different cultural perspectives before a release takes place. Nike

has been consumer-centric to the extent that they’ve been customizing and advertising their

products according to a diverse customer base’s needs and demands. [ CITATION Dis17 \l

1033 ]

Diversity brings positive aspects to the workforce of a corporation. An employee base with

various cultural and ethnic backgrounds is the one that can reach out to a variety of world

communities and turn them into business clients. It is important to emphasize diversity and

cultural sensitivity in a company. This is not just for boosting a company’s sales and revenues

but for the operations to be diverse and smooth as well. Problem-solving can be easier if you

have a workforce with a diverse mindset.

Companies can incorporate diversity through the following distinct manners:

1. Communications Training

Effective communication is the number one challenge in a diverse environment. People

end up divided into clans with each one representing a culture or for e.g. someone might

make an inappropriate generalization to a fellow worker about how ‘his people’ are like,

thus causing discord. [ CITATION Fra19 \l 1033 ]

There could be differences in gestures that might be offensive in some cultures and

absolutely okay in others. The ‘personal space’ concept is different in every culture. In

some cultures, it is also okay to correct your boss but in others, it’s inappropriate and

causes problems for an employee.

In order to avoid such issues, companies can organize awareness sessions and distribute

employee handbooks with basic company culture information.

2. Team Building
Companies can have departments with employees from different cultures. This will give

the employees a reason to communicate with each other and make things work. This can

be challenging in the short run but efficient in the long run for sure. A team builder has to

be an effective communicator and should know how to tackle any cultural conflicts if

they arise. Also, it should be understood that one culture’s values aren’t automatically

correct if there is a cultural disagreement.

3. Flexibility

Employees should be trained to deal with cross-cultural matters and know when to be

flexible. Cultural sensitivity means to respect each other’s work and their important

festivals. If someone wants a holiday for thanksgiving or Christmas or maybe Eid, the

company should value the importance of that gathering for the employee’s wellbeing and

respect his/her decision.[ CITATION Fra19 \l 1033 ]

However, if that isn’t possible, the manager should bluntly state the reason which should

be genuine and not something general.

4. Sharing is Caring

In some corporations, the human resource departments ask a team member to share

stories and cultural issues of different nations and backgrounds. It could be in the form of

a presentation or a casual gathering on a weekend outside the office. HR encourages

employees to attend international food festivals and bond over food. [ CITATION

Raj15 \l 1033 ]
Chebium, R. (2015, 01 07). How to Create an Effective Cross-Cultural Training Program.
Retrieved from SHRM:
Discover Corps. (2017, 03 14). Culture Sensitivity Awareness. Retrieved from Discover
Dubbah, M. (2014, 08 07). What is Cultural Sensitivity? Retrieved from Red Shoe
Sherman, F. (2019, 03 11). Culture Sensitivity Skills in the Workplace. Retrieved from Chron:

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