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ENGLISH TEST (Unit 4 – On the Pulse 2)

1- Read the text and complete the blanks with phrases a-e

a. there are a lot of plant species

b. co-exist in the same environment
c. because its air is one of the purest in the word
d. it is in South America
e. they don´t like visitors in their area

The Amazon is the largest tropical rainforest in the world. (1) _____________________________. The Amazon River
is the longest in the continent. Only the Nile, a river in Egypt, is longer than the Amazon River.

The Amazon has an incredibly rich ecosystem – (2) _____________________________ and colourful birds live
among them. There aren´t any hunters in the area because it is dangerous to go into the forest on your own. There
are a lot of wild animals and there are also indigenous Amerindian tribes. These tribes don´t have any contact with
the external world. (3) ______________________________.

A great variety of mammals, reptiles and fish (4) _________________________. Some of the animals are very
dangerous, for example, electric eels, piranhas, poison dart frogs, jaguars and some snakes. Their bite is more
dangerous than a bullet! And the are a lot of insects, too! Many of them are poisonous.

This area is called ‘the lungs of the Earth’ (5) _______________________________. Do you want to visit this zone?
Contact a guide and follow their instructions.

2- Read the text again and correct the sentences

a) The Amazon is a tropical rainforest in Africa.

b) The Nile is the longest river un South America.
c) Indigenous Amerindian tribes don’t mind being in contact with people.
d) There aren’t any dangerous animals in the Amazon.
e) The air in the Amazon is polluted.

3- Write the words from the box in the correct column. Choose 5 words and write sentences.

country – mountain – water

– food – habitat – weather –
hunter – time – turtle – horn
– tree – reserve – snake –
fish – rubbish – tourist –
forest – snow – beach –

4- Choose the correct options.

a) There are any / many / much lakes in Chaco.

b) The south of Argentina is wonderful. There are some / any / a beautiful places to admire. You can have
some / a / any great time there.
c) There isn’t much / many / a lot of rain in the north of my country. And it’s very hot, too.
d) Cordoba is an Argentine province. There are any / some / a lot of visitors all the year round.

5- Complete with a, an, some, any, not much, not many, a lot of, how much, how many.
a) There isn’t ______________ snow in Puerto Rico. It is a hot country.
b) __________________ water is there in that region in the south? Everybody knows that there is
_______________ water there. ______________ expert said that ____________ animals are losing their
habitats there.
c) Fortunately, there are not _______________ endangered species in the rainforest in the north of the
country because hunting is illegal.
d) This is _______________ huge park. There are ________________ trees and insects here.
e) _______________ rhinos are there in that African reserve? ___________________, unfortunately.

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