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Total Marks: 10
NAME: ramidu SEC: G DATE: 21/04/2020
Maize is an important cereal crop in many ports of the world. An experiment was carried out on a farm to
find out how adding different amount of nitrate containing fertilizers affected the amount of grains that the
farmer got from his maize crop. The graph shows the result

1. What yield of grains did the farmer get if he did not add any fertilizers to the field?
(1)4 tonnes per hectare

2. How much fertilizers should the farmer add to the field to get a 50 % increase in yield? Show your
working. (2)40 kg

3. The farmer decided that there was no need to add more than about 60 kg of fertilizers per hectare.
Explain how the results of the experiment support his decision. (3)
it shows how much grain yield will come per the amount of fertilizer added

4. Explain why the yield of grain increases when nitrate containing fertilizers is added. (2)
because nitrate is the mineral needed for the making of grain in plants

5. Suggest why the results of the experiment might be different if it was repeated in a different place.
because the temperature,humidity of surrounding and minerals in si=oil might change

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