Formative Assessment 2 - United Nations PDF

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Worksheet (Activity)

Subject: History
Grade: 7( G )
Name: ramidu Roll: 23 Date: 4/20/2020

A.​ ​Write 3 different problems or issues that are problems within the world
today. If this problem or issue affects Bangladesh write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ in the
correct column. Come up with another country that this problem affects. In the
light of your answer write the causes and consequences of any one global issue
in the following table:
1.​ Global issue/Problem Affects Bangladesh Affects this country

__corona_________________ ___yes____ __all contries_____________

Yes/No (Name of country this affects)

2. Global issue/Problem Affects Bangladesh Affects this country

embola no africa
__________________ ___________ ____________
Yes/No (Name of country this affects)

3. Global issue/Problem Affects Bangladesh Affects this country

Overconsumption no africa

__________________ _____________ _______________

Yes/No (Name of country this affects)

Global issue/Problem ​Causes Affects/Consequences

Overconsumption resource use has reduction of resoures

outpaced the sustainable
Overpopulation too many people for the Overconsumption
planet to sustain
Acid rain. pollution death of plants ,and other
living things under the
range of acid rain

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