Class 4

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What are infallibilism and fallibilism?

the infabilism is a view proposes that is possible believe only in a preposition true.

Assertion is a linguistic act, ex.: I am saying right now.

Belief is when you take a propositional attitude of truth

Knowledge: in the traditional definition is that it is justified true belief.

Justification: evidence, or other support, for your belief.

You can have a false belief, but you cannot have false knowledge.

 What is the distinction between an assertion and a proposition?

 Assertion is something that I can to say, independently whereas it is real or not.

And, the other hand, proposition is an assert that indeed real, because that
assertion corresponding to elements at concrete reality.

 What is truth value?

 Truth value is the grade of veracity that assert has. There are three kinds of the
truth value: truth, false, indeterminate.

 When is a proposition true?

 The proposition is truth when the assert corresponding with elements of the
concrete and consensual reality.

 What is a justification?

 Justifications are asserts that constructing the knowledge, like opinions of experts.

 What is belief and propositional attitude?

 These two concepts conform the mode through someone constructing his own

 What is a Gettier case?

 This cases are kind of knowledge that might be wrong from their beliefs. Gettier
says: You can have a false belief, but you cannot have false knowledge.

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