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Pengertian Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk orang, hewan, benda, atau hal secara spesifik.
Bentuk kata ganti ini tergantung pada peran (subject, object, possessive), jumlah, orang ke-, dan gender
dari noun yang digantikan.

Contoh Kalimat Reported Speech :

- He said that he was not hungry at that time.

- She told me not to touch her computer.

- She wanted to know if I’d eaten her cake.

- He asked me who the winner was.

- He asked if he would receive the packet the following day.

- She said that she had to return the book two days earlier.

- He asked me if I had a little time.

- She wanted to know whether I had heard the news.

- He told that he had cleaned my room.

- She asked if she could go to the bathroom.

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