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Background of Social Culture Novel "Ngulandara" in the book of Antologi Emas

Sumawuring ing Baluarti by Partini B

Shara Ocktaria Pusparani

NIM 15205241046


The aimed of this study was to describe the novel social culture of "Ngulandara" in the book
of Antologi Emas Sumawuring ing Baluarti by Partini B and the social condition of the
society as illustrated in the novel "Ngulandara".

This study used a sociological literary approach. The object study were the entire data
contained in the novel "Ngulandara" which relates to the cultural and social background. The
primary source of data in the novel "Ngulandara" in the book of Antologi Emas Sumawuring
ing Baluarti by Partini B. The secondary data in the form of statements from reference books,
articles, journals and the internet related to the history of Indonesian society. Techniques used
in this research were reading and recording. The validity of the data was obtained through
construct validity by analyzing the data in context and then connected with the theory and
reference, as well as data reliability test using the intrarater reliability test which is to look
and re-examine the novel to get consistent data. Furthermore data is analyzed by descriptive.

The research results show that there were seven classifications of socio-cultural data in the
"Ngulandara" novel, namely (a) religious system and religious ceremony, (b) social systems
and organizations of society, (c) knowledge systems, (d) language, (e) art (f) living livehood
system, and (g) systems and technologies. The data obtained can be related to the socio-
cultural conditions of the society that have occurred. The condition of the people who are the
birthplace of the "Ngulandara" novel include the Dutch Hindu colonial government system,
traditional vehicles such as the used darts, the Maurice Wolf shop in Semarang, the Dutch
language still used by the people and the famous puppet arts of the people. Based on this
research it can be concluded that writer writes "Ngulandara" novel by taking social theme of
Indonesian society about 1900an as social cultural background in novel "Ngulandara".

Keywords: social cultural background, novel "Adventure"

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